Love is eternal - Damon Salva...

Von lovemyfilms

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"You're the key Georgia, I know you don't realise it but your everything to him" Georgia Gilbert wasn't cons... Mehr

Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: Night of the Comet
Chapter 3: Friday Night Bites
Chapter 4: Family Ties
Chapter 5: Your UnDead to Me
Chapter 6: Lost Girls
Chapter 7: Haunted
Chapter 8: 162 Candles
Chapter 10: The Turning Point
Chapter 11: Bloodlines
Chapter 12: Unpleasantville
Chapter 13: Children of the Damned
Chapter 14: Fool Me Once
Chapter 15: A Few Good Men
Chapter 16: There goes the neighborhood
Chapter 17: Let the right one in

Chapter 9: History Repeating

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Von lovemyfilms

'Have you even talked to Bonnie?' I ask Caroline as Elena we walk towards the entrance
'No I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move'
'Be the Bigger Person' Elena adds
'Impossible in her presence'
'Why are ou so pissed at her, anyway?' Elena asks confused
'She's a thief. That's why' Caroline snaps
'She gave Bonnie her necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's matter of principle' I continue to fill my sister inn
'All right.Well, I tried. I'm officially out of it'
'Good. Where's Stefan?' Caroline moves on quickly causing Elena to look at me and I shrug. I din't know what I could say. We could really say his brother killed his best friend now could we.
'He's avoiding me' Elena finally answers and it seems like Caroline didn't notice
'Its complicated. We'll see you later' Elena says before grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the scene.
'Ow! What the hell Elena!'
'Have you heard from Bonnie?'
'No why?' I ask confused
Elena gives me a look and purses her lips
'Elena, what did Bonnie tell you?'
Elena contemplated it for a moment before she whispers to me
'Bonnie's a witch'
'What?!' I whisper shout back to her
'Yeah, she raised feathers up into the hair from my pillow, they were flying around my bedroom'
'Wow....' I gasp. What other magical creatures were real? We already had vampires, witches what's next, werewolves?
'Yeah, it's crazy, our best friend'
'YOUR best friend' I correct her


Elena and I head inside at the sound of the bell and as I check my schedule I see history. I slightly smile as I can't wait for Stefan to grill the history teacher again.
As I enter the room I see Elena sitting in her usual seat but I furrow my eyebrows when I see Bonnie's empty chair. I take my seat and after a moment a random man walks into the classroom and starts to write something on the board. Then the second bell goes and Bonnie comes rushing in looking incredibly flustered. She sits behind Elena and I and we both turn to face her
'Are you alright?' I mouth and I'm assuming Elena did too but Bonnie just nods
'Good Morning everyone' the teacher says grabbing everyone's attention.
'Alrighty. I'm Alaric Saltzman. It's mouthful.I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however,was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grand-father I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronouce"Alarac" but it's ..."Alaric", okay. So you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher'

Time Skip

'Ok that's it for this lesson, make sure you complete your homework' Mr Saltzman says as we pack up our stuff and head for the door.
'Oh Miss Gilbert'
Elena and I turn around to face him
'Oh sorry ummm, Georgia Gilbert'
I look back at Elena who waves goodbye, I had no idea what this teacher wanted me to talk to her about.
'Hello Ms Gilbert just give me a minute to get your file' he says and I see him pull my file out of a draw.
'So, your old teacher says your ok at school but you do have a problem with that mouth of yours'
'I don't know what your talking about' I say acting dumb
'Very funny because according to your file you've had a pretty hard time since your parents deaths, talking back to teachers, having this idea that you can do whatever you like that sort of thing'
'And why are you telling me this' I say rudely
'I believe that your just having a hard time adjusting and that's totally normal and as your new teacher I think I should give you the chance to turn yourself around a little, you have good grades for the most part so I want to see if your willing to change your attitude, I can help you do that if you want' he tells me and I couldn't help but feel a little comforted but I quickly shoved it down
'What makes you think I want to change'
'Because you were a different student when your parents were around, from what Ms Gold has told me. She also says you were looking at colleges in New York is that correct?' He asks and I reluctantly nod my head
'What for?'
'My artworks' I mumble
'Why so far?, there are plenty of really good art schools closer to Mystic Falls' he says
I clench my jaw as I look at my new history teacher, this was getting way to personal for me and Ms Gold betrayed me after promising our sessions were confidential
'That's not your business Mr Alarac, if your THAT interested in a 17 year old's life, firstly are you sure that your not a creep and second, why don't you go take Ms Golds job since you have no problem asking for a students information that's legally confidential' I snap purposely saying his name wrong before giving him a fake smile and then heading out of the classroom without another word. He had no right to say those things to me. I wasn't going to have him treat me that way.

I push open the doors and find Elena talking to.....Stefan? My eyes widen and I start to walk towards them but seeing Elena's face I stop walking. They looked like they were in the middle of a pretty intense conversation and I probably shouldn't interrupt them. So instead I turn on my heel and head towards the courtyard and low and behold there was Damon opening the car door for Bonnie who looked positively terrified. Bonnie was my lift home so I head over to the car.

'Well hello little-'
'Shut up and leave my friend alone' I snap at Damon as he notices me approaching the car
'Oh your feisty today, what happened someone rub you the wrong way because I know all about that' Damon steps in front of me blocking my path to Bonnie's car
'It's none of your business' I say and try to push past him but instead Damon grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him.
'Ok what happened Georgia'
I freeze. Damon never used my actual name like ever and I didn't really know how to respond. I open my mouth but nothing comes out as I stare at Damon's eyes that now had a humanity look to them.

(Some gif's will have Elena in them but imagine it as Georgia since they are twins)

The sound of a door opening brings me back into the reality and I give Damon a small scowl. He was still the guy that killed Lexi.

'As I said, it's none of your business' I then push past him and march over to Bonnie's car and jump into the passengers seat.
'Hey, are you ok?'
I look over to see Bonnie looking at me
'Yeah why?'
'You got in the car with a scowl on your face, did someone piss you off'
'No, it's fine' I say. A moment later we hear Elena jump into the backseat and Bonnie reverses out of the car park. Once she's out my eyes almost fall out of my head when I see Damon still standing in the spot I left him in, but now he was watching Bonnie's car with a look on his face of both annoyance and sadness.
'He's bad news, guys. He really scared me' Bonnie recalls her encounter with Damon to us about he basically threatened her for the necklace back.
'You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible' I tell Bonnie
'I'm trying. He just keeps showing up'
I understand that
'I don't want you to be alone. You're sleeping at our place tonight. We can make a whole night out of it' Elena says and I agree
'Yeah that always seems to make you feel better'
Suddenly Bonnie turns the wheel sending us off the road and onto the dirt
'Where are you going?' Elena asks
Bonnie slams on the breaks jerking Elena and I forward in our seats. Bonnie then undoes her seatbelt and opens the door.

'Bonnie!' I call out to her as she walks around the front of the car and then she throws something towards the long grass. She then jumps back into the car.
'Are you okay?' I ask Bonnie after a moment of silence
'Now I am. All my problems were because of that thing. Can't believe I didn't do that sooner'
'What's your Grams gonna say?' Elena asks
'Grams isn't the one being haunted by a hundred and fifty-years-old ghost, is she?'
'Okay, then' I agree as Bonnie heads back onto the road
'Elena' I interrupt my sister turning to the back to give her a look.

Once we reach our house I send Stefan a text and a moment later he knocked on the door.
'Thanks for coming. I wouldn't have had Georgia call if it wasn't important' Elena says
'I know that' Stefan says and Elena and I step out onto the porch
'He threatened her, Stefan' Elena tells him
'What would Damon want with Bonnie?'
'She has this necklace. Caroline got it from Damon, and she gave it Bonnie, and now Damon wants it back. He's tormenting her' I say
'Over a necklace' Elena says but I put my hand up
'It's not just any necklace. It has to do with Bonnie's heritage. It belonged to one of her ancestors who lived here during the civil war. When you and Damon lived here...' I realise and Stefan nods
'Her name was Emily. She was Katherine's handmaid and a witch'
'You know? About Bonnie?' Elena asks surprised
'The first night that you invited me over for dinner, I made the connection'
' Damon knows, and...for some reason he wants that necklace' I make the connection
'What does it look like?'
'It' antique iron setting with...'
'With an amber crystal. I know it. It belonged to Katherine. Emily gave it to her, which means that...'
'What?' Elena asks
'I don't know, but I'm gonna find it out. Let me talk to Damon'
'Will he tell you?' I question
'Cause no offense Stefan, Damon doesn't really trust-'
'I'll get it out of him' Stefan tells me before turning around and vamp speeding away.

Time Skip

Caroline arrived about 15 minutes ago and so far we had been unpacking our food in absolute silence. Elena was giving Caroline the 'talk to Bonnie' look.
'I'm sorry. There. I said it. If you want the ugly-ass necklace, keep it. It's yours' Caroline apologies and I almost laugh about the way she said it.
'Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?' Bonnie bits her lip
'You threw it away?!'
'I know it sounds crazy but the necklace was giving me nightmares. I had to get rid of it'
'You could have just given it back to me' Caroline snaps
'Why? So you could give it back to Damon?' I snap back
'Screw Damon. Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?' she changes the subject
'Mine's in my bag' Bonnie mumbles and I roll my eyes. Caroline was the queen at creating tension
'So Elena. How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is a permanent thing?'
'I don't know Caroline' Elena says
'Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?'
There is was. Caroline loosing it
'Caroline!' Bonnie and Elena yell
'I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear'
'It's true. I watched her throw it into a field' Elena says then Caroline looks at me.
'It's true Caroline'
'Then explain it. If you roped in Georgia then you should be able to explain'
'Emily' Bonnie's says
'Who's Emily?'
'The ghost' I yell her
'The ghost has a name now?'
'Caroline, please' Elena says
'I wonder why she won't leave me alone' Bonnie wonders aloud to Elena and I widen my eyes as they ignore Caroline and I once again
'What is going on? Why am I not a part of this conversation? You guys do this to me all the time, well except Georgia'
'That's not true' Elena says and I chuckle
'Yes it is. Give it up Elena' I support Caroline
'Georgia's right. I can't talk to you. You don't listen' Bonnie says to Caroline
'That's not true'
'I'm a witch' Bonnie tells her but Caroline rolls her eyes
'And don't we all know it?' She says sarcastically
'See? That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it' Bonnie groans turning around and marching out of the room. Caroline turns to face Elena and I
'I listen.When do I not listen?'

Third Person POV

The Salvatore brothers stand in front of the dartboard with their drinks in their hands. Stefan takes a shot and gets a bullseye
'Lucky shot' Damon says
'More like a carefully honed skill over many decades' Stefan replies causing Damon to playfully roll his eyes
'You're beating me'
'Yeah. It's because I'm better than you' Stefan says simply
'I'm onto you. Reverse psychology. It's a little transparent, but I admire the effort'
'You prefer the brooding forehead?' Stefan says furrowing his brows in the typical Stefan fashion
'Seriously, what game do you think you're playing?' Damon asks
'That's funny question considering the fact that I have been asking you that for month. It's frustrating isn't it?' Stefan replies
'Touché. But seriously Stefan what's your plan, even Georgia was being mean to me today'
'Isn't she always, she hates you Damon'
'Well....yes but it wasn't that fun this time' Damon says after a moment of hesitation. He couldn't admit to Stefan he got worried about the Gilbert twin. Not while he was trying to get information out of him.

Georgia's POV

'Bonnie. Look it's just not me. I don't believe in the...But if you do, then...Okay. I'm in. That's all it takes for me to jump onboard, because I consider you to be my best friend. And I'm saying this knowing that Elena and Georgia are in the kitchen listening to my every word. I didn't know how this was for you, but I'm listening now. Georgia, Elena, you can come in now. We're done. '
Elena and I walk into the room and Caroline sighs
'There is just way too much drama in this room. So what do you guys wanna do? I have an idea. Why don't we have a séance?'
'I don't think that's a good idea' Bonnie says
'Are you sure Caroline?' I ask
'Come on. Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do'
Caroline then goes and grabs some candles and we head up to my room. We place them in front of us and join hands. We close our eyes and sit in silence for a moment

'What are we doing?' I ask super confused
'I don't know' Elena says causing Caroline to shush us
'Be quiet and concentrate. Close your eyes. Now take a deep breathe. Bonnie Call to her'
We all take a deep breath in and Bonnie speaks
'Emily you there?'
'Really? "Emily you there?" That's all you got? Come on.
'Fine. Jeez. Emily I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen' Bonnie tries again and after a moment the flames grow bigger, then return to normal as a cool breeze suddenly passes through the room...but all the doors were closed.
'Did that just...'
'Yeah. It just happened' I gasp
'It's just air conditioning' Bonnie makes up a nervous excuse
'Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her. Emily if you're among us, show us another sign' Caroline tries again but nothing happens
'See? It's not working'


The Windows suddenly fly open
'I can't I'm done. Get the light. Please get the light on' Bonnie suddenly starts yelling and pleading
'Hold on. I got it' Elena says once she turns on the light I gasp
'You guys, the necklace, it's gone'
Third Person POV

'What do you want with Katherine's crystal' Stefan asks Damon as they stand on the football field together
'How do you know about that?'
'Come on. You knew Elena would tell me'
'How do you know it was Katherine's?'
'Emily gave it to her on her last night. I was with her, and you weren't. I was the last one to see her. Now, what do you want with Katherine's crystal?' Stefan says
'She didn't tell you?'
'We had other things on our mind'
'I could rip your heart out and not think twice about it' Damon snaps at Stefan's sexual comment.
'I've heard that before' Stefan says and Damon studies him for a moment before smirking
'I have a bigger surprise Stefan. I'm gonna bring her back'

Georgia's POV

'Fun's over, Caroline. You made a point, and I get it. Now give it back' Elena says to Caroline
'What? I didn't take it'
Suddenly I feel a presence behind me and I turn around but I see nothing
'What Georgie? What happened?' Elena asks me but I shrug
'I don't know. Nothing. Jeremy are you home?' I call out hoping it was just my brother but as I look out into the hallway I don't hear a response
'Guys...' Bonnie suddenly exclaims and we all turn to see her heading into the bathroom. We head over to the door and she picks up the necklace. How did it get over there?


The door slams shut and Bonnie immediately starts screaming
'You guys open the door. Help me!'
'What's going on, Bonnie'
'Bonnie!' the rest of us scream banging on the door
'Try the other door. I'll check the hallway' Elena tells me and I run around the other way but the door on that side is locked to. The lights start to flicker as her screams get louder.
'Bonnie! Bonnie! Unlock the door!' Caroline yells but she just keeps screaming
'Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!' Elena yells
'Open the door Bonnie!' I yell out to her as everything goes silent on the other side
The door finally opens suddenly and we see Bonnie standing in the middle of the room
'What happened? Are you okay?'
'I'm fine' Bonnie says simply and I raise an eyebrow at her, she sounded like someone was attacking her two seconds ago.
'Unbelievable. You were totally faking it' Caroline assume super annoyed
'Caroline. Come on' Elena tries to reason with her
'No, you scared the hell out of me'
'Yeah, Bonnie that wasn't cool' I say cautiously because Bonnie did make me feel a bit uneasy.
'Bonnie?' Elena asks as she comes out of the bathroom
'I'm fine. Everything's fine'
'I can't believe I fell for it' Caroline complains as we leave the bedroom
'Are you okay?' Elena continues to ask Bonnie
'I must go' Bonnie says plainly heading straight for the stairs. Ok this was really getting creepy now
'If she's leaving. I'm leaving'
'You guys can't leave' Elena protests
'I can. I've had enough freaky fake witch stuff for one night'
'Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here?'
'Where are you going?' I ask Bonnie
'Back to where it all began'
'Bonnie! Bonnie!' Elena calls out to our friend as it registers in my brain. Back to where it all began. Oh My God
'Emily!' I call out and Bonnie, well clearly now Emily turns around to face me
'I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed'
'Wait!' Elena calls out to her but I just run down the stairs after her, grabbing my jacket on the way.
'Emily!' I call out to her throwing open the door and almost getting knocked down by Jeremy in the process
'What the hell?'
'Sorry Jere, excuse me' I say pushing past him and running after Emily.

Third Person POV

'What's wrong?' Stefan answers his call to Elena
'It's Bonnie' Elena says barely being able to control herself
'What happened?'
'Emily is possessing her. She said something'
'What did she say?'
'She said "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed" And then she just left. Georgia ran after her' Elena recalls
'Where do you think she went?' Stefan asks
'I don't know' Elena says but then she realises
'Fell's church, by the old cemetery that's where she took Bonnie in her dreams. We have to help her, Stefan' Elena pleads and Damon quickly vamp speeds away as he hears the words Fell's Church
'Just stay there. I'm gonna go find her' Stefan says hanging up.

Georgia's POV

'EMILY! EMILY!' I yell out into the woods. I lost sight of her and now I didn't know where she was but I have to know what she wants.
Suddenly I hear a crack, almost like it came from a tree quickly followed by a groan.
'Oh my god, Bonnie!' I gasp running in that direction but I was surprised when I found Damon against a tree with a piece of tree bark impaling him.
'Damon!' I find myself calling out and running towards him. He groans in pain and I grab onto his shoulders.
'What are you doing?' Damon groans
'Hold still' I say and I pull his shoulders towards me sliding him off the stake and onto the ground. Damon falls down in a fit of groans and moans
'It hurts. This is why I feed on people'
I turn around to see Stefan had arrived I'm about to respond when Emily speaks for me
'Hello Emily' Stefan replies
'These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil'
'What do you mean evil?' I ask Emily
'Emily. I swear to God I'll make you regret this' Damon says darkly as he stands up next to me
'I won't let you unleash them into this world' Emily tells Damon and I look between her and Damon
'Them? Who is them?' I ask
'What part of the story did you leave out Damon?' Stefan adds
'What does it matter?' Damon breathes
'Emily, tell me what you did' Stefan asks
'To save her, I had to save them'
'You saved everyone in the church?'
'Ok what do you mean? What's going on?' I ask, still super confused
'With ones comes all'
'I don't care about that. I just want Katherine'
Katherine. Damon and Stefan's ex. Was she alive?
'I knew I shouldn't have believed a single word that comes out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge' Stefan seems to realise
'The two aren't mutually exclusive' Damon says
'Damon, you can't do this, whatever this is' I try to help Stefan but Damon turns and gives me a look
'Why not? You don't understand Georgia. They killed 27 people, and they called it a war battle. They deserve whatever they get'
'27 Vampires, Damon. They were vampires'
'What?!' I gasp looking at Damon
'You can't just bring them back' Stefan continues
'This town deserves this'
'You're blaming innocent people for something that happened 145 years ago. Your blaming Elena, your blaming, Georgia' Stefan says pointing to me and I give him a look. How would I stop Damon.
'There is nothing innocent about these people, and don't think for a second it won't happen again. They already know too much, and they'll burn your little grand witch right next to us when they find out. Trust me and you know very well that the Gilbert's are FAR from innocent' Damon says giving me an evil look
'Things are different now' Emily tells me
'Don't do this' Damon pleads with her
'I can't free them. I won't. Incendia!' Emily demands. Fire suddenly appears all around her causing me to step backwards
'No! No please' Damon pleads and I don't think I've ever seen him this intense
'Bonnie!' Elena's voice suddenly appears as she arrives on the scene.
'No!' Damon screams as Emily throws the necklace in the fire destroying it. After that the fire dies down and I turn around to see Damon eyes flickering with anger. Once the fire is gone it's as if something collides with Bonnie and she gasps before looking around in confusion. She was back. Suddenly though Damon vamp speeds forward and feeds on her. 
'Damon!' I scream and he stops to look at me giving Stefan the chance the grab him and throw him off her. Bonnie falls to the floor unconscious and I fall to my knees as Stefan checks on her
'She's alive, but barely. I can save her' Stefan says before biting into his wrist and forcing his blood down Bonnie'a throat.
'Her neck, it's healing' Elena gasps and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Then I got overtaken with anger.
'HOW DARE YOU! IT WASN'T BONNIE, IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY AND YET YOU STILL KILL, I DON'T KMOW WHY I EVER TRUSTED YOU' I scream at Damon before going to help Bonnie up off the ground. Elena and Stefan have their jaws open but i scowl at them.

'Katherine never compelled me'
We all turn around to face Damon but he was more talking to Stefan
'I knew everything every step of the way. It was real for me' he continues before giving me a quick look
'I'll leave now' he finishes
'I don't understand, Elena, Georgia, what happened to me.He attacked me,and...his face was like...'
'How do you feel? Are you okay?' I ask her
'I'm fine. It's just this blood. I don't...' Bonnie looks a tad scared as her eyes land on Stefan
'I'm not gonna hurt you' Stefan says
'What's going on?'
'We'll explain everything.Okay? Let's just get out of here. Look at me. Trust me. He's not going to hurt you. Come on. Come on' Elena reassures Bonnie and nods to me. I put my arm over her and help her into the car frustrated, scared but I couldn't help a small pit of guilt I felt for yelling at Damon slip in.

Third Person POV

No one didn't shed a tear that night. Georgia and Elena couldn't help the tears as they told Bonnie everything about Stefan, Damon and why they didn't tell her. Once Bonnie left the Gilbert's and the Salvatore's reflected. Elena cries into her pillow over Stefan leaving, she had never felt this way for anyone and now he was gone for good. Stefan stared at his empty diary pages before throwing them across the room, running his hands over his face as tears began to fall. Georgia sat on her bed staring at her notebook on vampires and all the drawings she had made, specifically the one of Damon's eyes which brought tears down her cheeks. Damon hadn't left his spot in the woods, his sadness over Katherine overtaking him but what Georgia said to him was what caused the tears to flow down his face.

Damn that was emotional, I just read through it with a song from the show and I got a bit emotional 😂
Georgia lost it on Damon though, was it justified? Or did Damon not deserve it, lemme know what u think but I'm really enjoying writing this story and I hope u guys are enjoying it cause now it's actually getting good with the actual plot starting.


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