Transformers Prime: The Decep...

By SV9010

25.2K 722 95

After the death of Enigma, the Deceptions have stopped at nothing to get revenge on the Autobot that killed h... More

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1 Aftermath
Chapter 2 What happened?
Chapter 4 United
Chapter 5 Discovery
Chapter 6 Retrieved
Chapter 7 The Fall of a Hero and the Rise of a Legend
Chapter 8 Returning home
Chapter 9 The End of the War
Chapter 10 Wake up Prank... Again!
Chapter 11 The Oath
Chapter 12 The Surprise
Chapter 13 New Bonds
Chapter 14 Reunion
Chapter 15 The Renewal of Sparkmates
Chapter 16 Wreckers
Chapter 17 Dinobots and Autobot reunion
Chapter 18 The End?

Chapter 3 The 'Talk' with the Murders

1.6K 43 4
By SV9010

Starscream POV

After our encounter with the Autobots, along with me and my trine almost terminating Optimus Prime, the Autobots wanted to meet up with us for something. Only a small group was going, which was Megatron, myself, Predaking, Dreadwing, and Skyquake. My mates and some other cons wished to go with us, in hopes of killing one of the Autobots, but only a limited number of cons were coming, per Autobot request.

Right now, I was fuming that we were meeting with them and I wasn't the only one, Thundercracker and Skywarp felt the exact same way. "I don't get why we're doing this in the first place. They killed Enigma and acted clueless when we told them. When they already fragging know why we're still fighting!" Skywarp screamed and Thundercracker nodded as we all made our way to the flight deck.

There, I saw many cons begging to go and meet up with the Autobots, but the others were adamant to not let them go since they wanted to kill an Autobot as well. The three of us went up to Dreadwing and Skyquake, and they both looked angry at who we were meeting. Although I don't think angry is even a word the Decepticons can use as to how we feel about the Autobots after Enigma's death.

Almost everyday, every con was either furious, depressed, quiet, or thirsting for revenge... mostly that last one, but all of us haven't been happy or smiled since she died.

"Commander and Elite Trine, how are you all doing?" Dreadwing greeted us, as did Skyquake with a nod, and I started speaking since I knew they weren't in a 'talking mood' with the mission I have.

"Well, as anyone can be, with meeting those... things soon." Dreadwing nodded and Skyquake just growled, leaving us to go talk with some of the other troops. "Apologize for my brother, he hasn't been in the best of moods since... the message we were given about the meet-up."

I nodded and felt Thundercracker and Skywarp spark's filled with hatred.

'TC, Warp, why don't you talk with Skyquake and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.'

I spoke and heard Thundercracker say, 'Yes, sorry Screamer.'

'Yeah, sorry. Were just-' I interrupted Skywarp and said, 'I know, but we must be patient and we will get our revenge in due time.' I turned and nodded at them, to which they nodded back at me, and left to go and deal with the Skyquake.

"I am guessing they went to keep my brother in check?" Dreadwing asked and I nodded as he just sighed. "I still can't believe that Lord Megatron agreed to this meeting with the Autobots. Why would he even want to, after promising revenge for all of us after Enigma's death!" He shouted the last part and squeezed his servo tightly into a fist, but calmed down when we heard loud clanking steps.

I turn around and see Megatron, with the scariest faceplate expression I have ever seen, and believe me when I say this: that was terrifying! I could hear some of the other troops shake a bit by Megatron's expression, but all tried to hide it the best they could as he spoke.

"Decepticons who were chosen to come, transform and fly!" He shouted and I looked back at the troops and saw Thundercracker and Skywarp nod at me, and I nodded back at them as I leaped off the edge and transformed into my jet mode, but not with the grace of a Seeker from Vos, but with someone who was out for bleeding energon.

The flight there took some time, but there was very little conversation between each other since we were all so focused on getting revenge. Eventually I saw the Autobots and was ready to launch both my missiles, but Megatron spoke to us through our comm links.

'NO, do not attack. We listen and then attack.' I growled at the order, but obeyed and each of us dov down to meet the Autobots.

The first was, obviously, Megatron landing hard, shaking the ground with him. The next was me and I landed quietly next to Megatron, but raised my missiles at them, just in case they would try anything. Both Dreadwing and Skyquake landed behind me, but could still be seen, with blasters aimed directly at the Autobots. Finally, Predaking landed in front of all of us, but not changing into his bi-pedal form and remaining in his predacon form. He roared loudly at the Autobots and now I could see who was there.

Optimus was there, that was no surprise, along with all the other Autobots. However, that medic was there holding four hu- were those the children and Agent?!?! Yep, they brought them back and their human ally to this and their Agent with them as well... again.

My immediate thoughts was that we were lied to and that this was a trap, but Megatron put his servos up and I reluctantly put my missiles down, as did Dreadwing and Skyquake with their swords and blasters.

Megatron started to speak to Predaking and said, "Predaking, stand down!" Predaking growled, but obeyed and moved back to me, which I put a servo on his snout and he calmed down.

Megatron stepped forward and Prime did as well, without his face mask on. Optimus started speaking to us, but I was just waiting for him to make a mistake so I could dig my claws into his spark and rip it out of his lifeless body.

"Megatron, Decepticons, I want to thank you for meeting with us today. Special Agent Fowler has joined us as well, along with the human children to shed more light on the situation."

"'Shed light on the situation?' What is there to tell!" Megatron screamed and Optimus gestured to Ratchet, to which he came towards Optimus and handed a data pad. Optimus walked to us and I started to raise my missiles to him, but he wasn't fazed and was understanding.

He handed the data pad to Megatron and said, "Please, read this to everyone and then comm us when you tell everyone about what you have learned." Megatron just glared at Optimus, but quickly read over the data pad that he was given. I was still confused as to what Prime's game was, but kept my missiles down and the others followed. When we heard Megatron gasp and shake, we started to wonder what he was reading.

"W-what this... cannot be." Megatron said in a hush and quiet voice, one that was only spoken when a situation was truly shocking for the old gladiator.

"Master, what is it?" I asked and he handed me the data pad, which I carefully grabbed and looked over, but its contents... sickened me to my spark.

As I read it, I realized it was a report, from eight months ago... on the day Enigma was killed. The first part showed a video recording of Optimus Prime, in the Autobot base the entire morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

However, what sickened me the most was the second part of the report. The second part was about a branch of the military that went rogue and was researching Cybertronian. I remembered rescuing Breakdown from them and their name, M.E.C.H, led by their leader Silas. In my opinion, he was even more insane than Airachnid was before Enigma came onto the ship, but as I read on, it got more and more detailed of some of the things they were doing to humans.

Normally this stuff wouldn't bother me as much, but when I read it, I imagined Enigma, my mate, going through these 'experiments.' I then realized why they had shown us this information, Optimus wasn't there... he didn't kill her... M.E.C.H. did.

I couldn't even read more because I puked out Energon in disgust and fell on my knees and servos. Someone grabbed the data pad and I saw Megatron kneel beside me as I continued puking. I felt tears well up in my eyes and heard something hit the ground, hard.

Once I was done puking, I saw Dreadwing's sword on the ground, along with Skyquake's blasters. I looked back and saw Predaking reading it... and then immediately grabbed it in his mouth and flew away with the data pad, most likely bringing it back to the ship to tell the others of this discovery.

However I got a glimpse of his eyes and they were full of much emotion, but the two that I could see the most were rage and sadness. I started to try and stand, with the help of Dreadwing and Skyquake, but I just looked at the Autobots and their human acquaintances.

I still felt sick, but needed to confirm this with them and started to walk up to them, with Megatron following me. I quickly made sure I had no expression on my faceplate and started to speak, but it came out a bit as a stutter.

"I- How accurate is this information you have given? And also, do you know their whereabouts?" Optimus looked surprised at how I changed my emotions from sparkbroken, to full on serious and emotionless.

I have been doing this ever since she died, where I am depressed at one moment and working harder just a few minutes later. This probably isn't the best way to deal with my emotions, but it was the only effective way I could grieve a bit and help my mates, the other commanders/ soldiers, and even Megatron get through each day. Megatron then started to speak in a stern, but still shocked voice.

"Answer my second-in-command Prime. How accurate is all of this and where are they?" Optimus sighed and nodded towards the Agent, which he stepped forwards and started talking.

"Eight months ago we got an unusual signal from one of M.E.C.H.'s old labs, but my superiors ignored it. These signals were still being sent out every month without being checked, but I decided to check it out." He continued to talk about his superiors not liking the matter, but as he said it 'they can kiss my American behind for all I care for,' which didn't make sense in my processor, but I didn't question it.

"Anyways, when I checked out the signal, it wasn't a signal at all, but a code." I got intrigued by this and Megatron seemed to as well because he said,

"What was the code?" The Agent just scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly a bit before saying, "That's the thing... we don't know, but we know one thing... It's Cybertronian."

This caught my attention, but something was still off about this. "If it was just a code, why didn't Optimus just decode it and figure out what it was?" I said and then Optimus said, "That was why we wanted to talk to Enigma, the first and biggest reason was so we could end the war, but also because she was one of your best decoders and we figured if this was a serious matter, then it could be a way to put our differences aside and work together. Also, I have tried to decode it, along with Rafael, but the code will not be altered, deleted, or infused with anything. It was almost as if... the code is alive and trying to communicate."

This took me by surprise, another metal life form on this backwater planet... trying to communicate with us. I see why the Autobots wanted Enigma's help, but something still was off.

"Wait, what does any of this have to do with Enigma? You stated in your message that this meeting had information on Enigma." I said and the medic, Ratchet, then spoke up.

"That is because we think we found something worth listening to about that day." He handed me another data pad, but this one was just a video log about something. I handed it to Megatron and he played it, with me, Dreadwing, and Skyquake listening to it.

"Entry number: 005, we finally finished the replica and it looks just like the leader. We have also finished the entire body for our new project, but still need the right person, someone who is undyingly loyal to a cause... there is one candidate in mind, but we would have to injure her to the point where the Decepticons would believe she's dead. Either way, the project will commence and we will have our weapon."

When the message ended, I was beyond furious with this group, and to think that I helped them in the past for my own pride! Guilt made its way into my spark, but quickly pushed aside with Dreadwing speaking.

"Does this have everything about their logs, and did they mention Enigma's name?"

Optimus said, "While her name isn't mentioned, we all know they are talking about her, even if they don't mention her name." I heard a growl and knew it was Dreadwing, but I had no more strength to talk or even fight for that matter.

I just stayed silent, until Megatron said, "Starscream, did you hear me?" I shook my helm and looked at him, saying, "Apologize Master, I must've spaced out. Could you say that again?"

"Optimus and I had decided to work together to find out what is going on and if there is any other information from this code. I want you to investigate these places, along with others, and have Soundwave try and decode this code and see why it was created. We will also be getting help from the Autobots as well on this code and what M.E.C.H.'s plans are."

"Why do they want to figure out Enigma's killers?" I asked and Megatron replied, "While she wasn't their ally, she was always friendly and showed them mercy. I see no reason as to not let more support to find M.E.C.H. go to waste. I wish to know what your thoughts are on this matter." I thought for a moment if anything seemed off, but then something clicked in my processor.

"Could I see the log again?" Megatron handed me the log and I sped up the recording to a specific part and was nervous for the results. My spark was beating, but I played the recording again.

"-but we would have to injure her to the point where the Decepticons would believe she's dead-" I stopped the recording after playing it and everyone looked at me confused.

"Starscream, what is your point?" Megatron said, with Bulkhead saying, "Yeah, why play the log when we know what it said."

"Just... listen again to his wording." I said and played the recording again. "-but we would have to injure her to the point where the Decepticons would believe she's dead-"

At that moment, everyone seemed to understand what I was saying, but Miko and Bulkhead. "What? What does it mean?" Miko said and I walked up to them and said, "It means that Enigma... is alive." 

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