Forget you (hidashi)

By karina02karin

7.2K 208 94

Hiro try to forget tadashi, but he always failed. Tadashi always stuck in his mind because hiro love him so m... More

Forget you
Part 1
Part 4
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Author's note

Part 9

461 13 6
By karina02karin

Karina :"yahooo~!!! Im back!!!!"

Hiro :"yea2 whatever."

Karina :"sorry guys for being late!!!! i need to finished my test and you know what? i fucking hate math..."

Hiro :"could you please stop your talking and get on to the story?"

Karina :"oh yea right. btw, enjoy~"

Hiro's POV

"Tadashi is here."


After 10 minutes of silence, the gang broke into a laugh. well, except me.

"Funky joke, bro!" fred said while clutching his stomach.

"Im not joking. i already checked his height, weight, blood type, DNA, and fingerprint. It's the same as tadashi." baymax stated.

"No no no, baymax, this is ryuuji. he's not tadashi. tadashi is already dead. understand? you must be mistaken."


"Dude, i think you must check your robot. i think he has a little damage on his system." wassabi look at me.

"A-ah, yeah...must have to...catch up on you guys later. bye!"

I grab baymax's hand and run away from there.



I kept running until i reached the cafe and went to my room to check on baymax.

"Hiro, i dont have any damage on my system."

I ignored baymax, plug a cable on him and start typing on my computer.

~15 minutes later~

"Baymax, i'm satisfied with my care."

Baymax blinked innocently and get on to his place.

After baymax gone, i rest my head, looking at the ceiling.

Wierd, i dont see any damage on baymax system. i even checked the whole place on baymax body, but i dont see any damage on him.

Does this mean what baymax said is true?

I started to laugh.

"You must be tired hiro..." i mumbled and flomped to the bed, trying to sleep. Tadashi is already dead, and that'

~the next day~

"Shoot..." I rubbed my forehead violently. That stupid headache is coming again.

"Hey,, you look so worn out dude. Are you sick?" Fred asked me.

"Im fine just a little...tired, maybe? Im not gonna join you guys today." i begin to walk passed fred who still looking at me.

"Uh, hiro!"

"What is it again, fred?"

Fred give me a small bag and i accepted it. it's like there's something inside.

"What is this?"

"A secret, bro. maybe this will help to cure your headache. dont open it until you got home!"

Fred whispered at me and run away. I ignored his suspicious act and continue walking.

I keep on walking while covered my forehead. it's all because of baymax shitty little talk and i cant FUCKING sleep last night!

Baymax word is still lingering in my ear.

I busy with my daydreaming. i dont realize that there is a lamp pole in front off me, until my head is knocked and i fell down.

"You little..." i kicked the lamp pole, but there is a 'crack' sound coming from my toe.


Ok, and i also dont realize that im in the one of the public places, street.

People begin looked at me and snickered. also, the conversation between a mother and her child.


"Yes, dear?"

"Why is that boy cursing over a lamp pole?"

"Oh, dont mind him, dear. maybe he knocked his head just now and lost conciousness. now let's go, dear. Im scared if that boy gonna come and harm you."

Why is this always happening to me?

~at the cafe~

"Ah, welcome home, strawberrypie!"

Aunt cass greeted me and the new nickname makes me want to throw up.

"Hey aunt closed today?"

"Yep! im too tired so i decide to closed the cafe. You know, last night? it's girls night~"

I rolled my eyes and walk upstairs.

"Wait, hiro!"

I turned back.

"What is it?"

"What is this?"

Aunt cass showed me a thing. a mushroom?

"A mushroom."

Aunt cass looked at the mushroom, and then looked at me.

"Sweetie, this is an orange..."


Ok, so that's an orange who looked like a mushroom.

Aunt cass sighed.

"Just as i expected. now rest, hiro. im gonna search some medicine for you."

I nodded and go to my room. I reached my room and lying on the bed.

"Oh yeah." i reached a small bag from fred and opened it.


"What the this?"

I read the text on that thing.

'Porn magazine + 1 uncensored porn CD for FREE!'



A porn magazine?

And a free uncensored porn CD?

I sighed and throw that disgusting magazine and CD from my bed. sorry, dude. but i have no interest in women.

Because im a gay who fall in love with his own nii-san.

Karina :"for the hundred time i apologize if the fanfic is laamee!!!!! SUMIMASEN DESHITA!!!!"

nii-san/onii-san = big brother

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