My Naughty Little Affair

By rosegoddess92

2.2M 24.2K 2.7K

Rosamund had found out her boyfreind had cheated on her with her best friend and was only dating her to use h... More

My Naughty Little Affair Ch1 part 1
My Naughty Little Affair Ch1 part2
My Naughty Little Affair Ch 1 part3
My naughty little affair ch 2
My naughty little affair ch 3
my naughty little affair ch 4
my naughty little affair ch 4 part 2
my naughty little affair ch4 part 3 + ch 5 part 1
my naughty little affair ch 5 part 2
my naughty little affair Ch 5 part 3
my naughty little affair chapter ch 6 part 1
my naughty little affair Chapter 6 part 2
ch 7 part 2
mnla - chapter 7 part 3
MNLA chapter 8
MNLA ch 8 part 2
mnla chapter 9 part 1 unedited
mnla ch 9 part 2 unedited
mnla chapter 10 part 1
ch 10 part 2 unedited
ch 10 part 3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 part 1
Chapter 12 part 2
Chapter 12 part 3
Whats going on?

MNLA - chapter 7

78.2K 1K 120
By rosegoddess92

AN: K well yay here’s the new upload and it’s kind of a filler that needed to happen sry I can’t write things longer I wish I could do them longer as well but I just don’t have the time to. I would also to thank all my new fans so….

 THANK YOU!!   :)

Now down to a little business some people are confused with the characters so I changed Ro’s cousin’s name to Eva. I will change it later on in the previous chapter when I edit everything.

Rosamund AKA. Ro = main character

Caelan AKA Cael = Ro’s husband she married accidentally

Marielle AKA Elle = Caelan’s fiancée who has NOT married Caelan

Evangeline AKA Eve =Ro’s cousin

Brian = Ro’s ex-boyfriend who cheated on her

Jade = Ro’s ex best friend who slept with Brian

Eric = Caelan’s PA (personal assistant)

Cameron AKA cam = Ro’s child hood friend also Katy’s twin brother

 Kaitlynn AKA Katy = Ro’s best friend since they were toddlers and Cam’s twin sister

And that should be all the characters at the moment I apologize for any confusion, I had no intention of that.



Ro's pov

Back at Eve's place

'Screw Caelan! Oh wait you already did!' My conscience screamed at me. Man I've fucked this up pretty bad. The first time I do anything exhilarating I end up knocked up and married.

I actually don't even where to begin to act slutty at all; Caelan has been the first and only person I've ever slept with.

....maybe i can just buy slutty clothes and it'll come to me?

You know what I'm going to have a girl’s day. I deserve a girl’s day, maybe I'll even let Eve give me another make over I can totally see myself as a red head... Nah to bold. Besides I kind of like my blonde hair.

"Eve! I want to go shopping and get a makeover today."

"What? Ugh I don't want to go though."

"Well i remember a little someone telling someone else's jackass husband that there pregnant, so if that little somebody ever wants to keep their sticky situations a secret; I suggest they take me shopping." I smiled oh so sweetly.

"Well I have no idea who you could possibly be talking about because this little somebody is taking you shopping, but not because you threatened me but because I'll only take you if you go visit grams this weekend."

"You tricked me!"

"How did I trick you? You’re the one who wanted to go shopping in the first place, besides if you don't tell her what is going on then I will and you won't like it if I do."

"That’s not fair! You’re just as bad with all your partying!"

"perhaps but at least I didn't get myself married and pregnant all in one night to the most sought after bachelor of all time!"

"I didn't mean.... Wait what's this about being most sought after bachelor?"

She gave me a look that said 'are you serious?'

"Your joking right?"

"Umm no?"

"Sometimes I wonder if you live under a rock."

"I do not live under a rock!"

"Really? Then how could you not notice your husband all over the magazines and TV!"

I give a non-chapels shrug, "never had an interest in gossip besides I never even saw his face until he came looking for me to get the divorce."

"Seriously? How could you have slept with someone and not see their face once?"

"Well honestly I didn't really care and that morning I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could."

"What virgin doesn't want to know who they lost their cherry to?!"

"Ooh ooh I know this. Pick me. Pick me. "I said while jumping up and waving my hand in the air.

"Hardy har har your so funny."

"whatever just take me shopping... Please?"

"Ugh fine but you at least need to grams about getting married, you don't need to tell her about being pregnant till you’re ready."


"Great," a smile spread out across her face and she starts shooing me towards the door to leave; "besides I've been dying to give you another make over since those horrid glasses were finally broken."

"Hey! They weren't that bad!" I protested as I hopped into the passenger side of her car.

"Hun I know how they meant to you considering who their from and all, but they made you look horrid and kind of frumpy."

"Nothing good ever came from taking off those glasses they had a lot of value to me."

"I get that they had value but I also think they were your escape and your running." she gave me a glance from the corner of her eye.

"And what exactly am o running from a wise one." I gave her a smirk knowing I got her there.

"I'm not really sure yet can't put my finger on it yet but when I do I'll you know. But for now we're here." says while pull up in a parking spot close to the mall entrance.

We continued to talk about nothing in particular, but when we had reached a la vie en rose Eve squealed beside me and started to drag me along with her. She immediately dropped my hand when appearing at the first rack of lingerie.

"We’re going to make that husband of yours forget all about the divorce and his...."

"His fiancée?"

"Yeah that." she nodded her head solemnly.

"So if Caelan is so famous you must know quite a bit about him. What’s the deal with his fiancée and him?"

"Well from what the magazines are saying no one really even hundred percent sure if the two were dating for sure until he proposed to her a few weeks ago."

"Oh really... Huh."

"Huh what?"

I gave her a small smile "nothing."

She rolled her eyes and shoved a few under garments in my hand to go try on.

After a few minutes of getting the bra on I called put to Eve, "umm I think I'll need a bigger size Eva."

"What do you mean you need a bigger size we always shop together I think I know your si..." she says while opening the curtain, "Damn! Holy craps look at those things their huge!"

"Thanks." I reply drily.

"What the heck were you wearing to get here?"

"Umm a sports bra but even that felt a bit tight."

She was silent and looking at me with envy.

"... Um are you staring at my breasts?"

"Yeah I wish mine are that big. You definitely get your hubby's attention I can tell you that for sure."

"Oh brother," I rolled my eyes at her, "i think a miracle would have to happen before my "hubby" as you put it notices me."

"Okay I'll be right back with other sizes." she left giving me one last envious look and the shopping process was restarted.

Later on after shopping

Ugh I'm so exhausted. I don't think I'll be shopping for a while. We ended up getting plenty of clothing, lingerie, etc. we had also gotten my hair more styled with more blonde shade highlights to complement my features. As well as get a few contacts, but I had insisted in getting my grandfather’s glasses fixed too. We had argued in the store for at least fifteen minutes and had agreed that I would only wear the glasses at home.

I had originally planned to get clothes to make me appear more slutty but I had felt completely uncomfortable in everything I had tried on and Eve was really was really disappointed i was going to take that approach out of anger, but he just makes me so angry with all his arrogance. In the end we settled on stuff that had made me feel more confident in myself above all else and that I am no longer a push over that will believe the whisper of a happily ever after.

I went to bed with the belief and confidence that i can take on the world. Only to wake up hours later to find Caelan and my face plastered all over the television.




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