
By Ruhu95

21.6K 779 97

Two children looking for a home. One family looking for a daughter finds so much more. Aspects of this story... More



521 22 4
By Ruhu95

"What were you thinking, Silas?! I thought you were making friends! You are such a sweet boy. I can't believe it!You got in a fight? You shifted in school!?" Mom rants, and I don't know how to respond.

"Why don't you head in and make dinner, Charlie. I'll handle this." With a nod, mom heads inside, and dad leads me to the back yard.

"Did you start the fight?" He asks, and I shake my head. When I glance up at his face, I remember how my brothers always address dad when they are in trouble.

"No, sir."

"Did you finish it?"

"Yes, sir."

There is a long pause before dad speaks again. "You weren't running with friends in the woods."

It takes me a minute to realize he wants an answer to his statement. "No, sir."

"Scott also said he wants you to start training. I don't like starting you this young, but I'm not going to fight him on it. I'm guessing you're now top dog at school and will need to establish dominance... I don't like it, Si... you're still so new to our world... but I guess that's just the hand we've been dealt."

"So I'm not in trouble?" I ask hopefully. He chuckles.

"Shifting during school is still unacceptable. Fighting outside of training is unacceptable, though necessary at times... and you lied to us... your mom was so excited to hear you finally made some friends... just wait until she realizes you didn't trust us enough to tell the truth... anyway, that's not the point." He shakes his head before continuing. "If someone picks a fight with you, you need to be able to handle them without shifting. When pups shift and fight without supervision, they have the tendency to hurt each other. So, I want you to shift back and forth from wolf to human until dinner. Maybe then you will be able to discern when it is appropriate to shift... I'll stop you when your time is up. Get to it."

Shifting over and over again in a short time doesn't hurt, but it does take a lot of energy and concentration... it sucks! It's hard to focus when you are tired and you have to focus to shift. I hate it! It feels like an eternity before dad calls me in for dinner, and I collapse, exhausted.

"Come on, pup." Dad says, picking me up. "I got cha, son." He helps me dress and carries me inside, wiping my sweaty hair from my head. He sits at his place at the table, and I whine as he sets me in his lap.

"Not a baby." I yawn out, causing my brothers to laugh.

"Go over to your seat then." Dad shrugs, giving me the opportunity to leave his lap, but I whine too tired to move.

"It's alright, Si... pretty sure Pop has had to carry us all around at some point after we've been in trouble." Paul says, patting my head and then wiping his hand off when he realizes how sweaty I am.

"Like when I had to run laps around the territory." Jay says, just entering. He comes over for dinner at least twice a week. Monday and Thursday, everyone is here.

"Or doing push-ups for an hour!" Levi adds.

"Burpees! Dude, that's the worst!" Avery groans.

"You like using workouts as a punishment." I mumble, and they all laugh.

"It's good for you boys to get your energy out." Dad says, sliding my plate so I can eat while he takes a bite of his own food.

After a couple of bites, I feel better and make my way to my own chair.

"You okay, bub?" LeeLee asks in the language we share. We don't speak it often, but it's nice to have a more private conversation. As long as Jay isn't paying attention. Which he isn't.

"I'm good, LeeLee." I smile at her as I take another bite.

"Good, I didn't want to have to beat up your bullies for you... you're strong now, but I'll still protect you, bubby." She tells me with a hug.

"That's my job, Lee." I correct her. She may have had to help me out in the orphanage, but I'm healthy now. I'm the big brother, and I'm a wolf! It's my turn to take care of her!

"It's both our jobs!" She argues, and I nod.

"Okay, we'll protect each other." I agree.

"But I don't really need your help." Lee shrugs. "I had my class under control day one."

Little LeeLee is leading her classmates... why am I not surprised?

After dinner, I head straight to bed, not having the energy for much else.

"Wake up, pup!" Dad shocks me awake, and I groan.

"Come on, you can't miss today. It will make you look weak to the other pups, and they will be more likely to challenge you." He informs me before leaving. I guess he would know what it takes to lead a group of wolves. He is a Gamma.

"Dad, why are you taking me to school?" I ask as he leads me to his car instead of my brother's.

"I have to talk to the principal." He says, and I gulp.

"Don't worry. Scott handled it, but they still wanted the parents involved. You won't be in any more trouble as long as you don't shift in school again."

When we get to school, I am sent to class. Apparently, they don't need me when they talk to dad. I walk into the classroom, and every eye turns to me before quickly looking elsewhere. I see my usual seat is taken and sigh. I prefer to sit in the front, so I'm not distracted, but the only seat left is in the back.

It seems as though I am not very good at hiding my emotions as one of my bullies kicks the chair of the boy in my usual spot and growls "move." I watch as the boy scrambles to the back of the classroom. Before I can say anything, the teacher tells me to take a seat, so I do. I get nods of respect from my former tormentors as I sit down, making me a bit uncomfortable. This will definitely take some getting used to.

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