The Journey of the Illusory S...

By PulgaSenpai

827 202 2

Warning - Blood scenes In a fantasy world filled with magic and dangers, our protagonist, a young swordsman n... More

Chapter 1: The Swordsman's Promise
Chapter 2: Destiny's Threads
Chapter 3: The Deserted City: Dark Tunnels and Treacherous Confrontations
Chapter 4: The Fiery Battle
Chapter 5 : The city - Excalibur
Chapter 7 - Emerald Cave
Chapter 8 - The Night City
Chapter 9 - BERE
Chapter 10: The Battle of Illusions
Chapter 11 - Goodbyes
Chapter 12 - Mizugameza
Chapter 13 - Wisdom Pages
Chapter 14 - Aquarius
Chapter 15 - Dream
Chapter 16 - Past
Chapter 17 - Hi
Chapter 18 - Sacrifice
Chapter 19 - The Funeral
Chapter 20 - Kingdom of the Elves
Chapter 21 - The Mask of Hikari
Chapter 22 - The King's Festival
Chapter 23 - The Final Journey
Chapter 24 - The Demon King
Chapter 25 - The Rebirth
Thank you

Chapter 6 - Future Plans

30 18 0
By PulgaSenpai

The morning arrived the next day with a gentle tranquility that enveloped every corner. The first rays of sunlight painted the sky with shades of pink and orange, announcing the arrival of a new day, and for that city, it was a morning they had yearned for, where peace reigned and fear had vanished.

The self-proclaimed heroes of the people woke up, finding themselves disheveled and with clothes stained with alcohol. They were all leaning against a wall of a humble tavern. The atmosphere exuded a characteristic aroma of aged wood and past laughter.

As they opened their eyes and yawned, they felt the effects of the previous night reflected in their sleepy expressions. The disheveled hair and faces covered with traces of adventure and nighttime fun evidenced the stories lived during that carefree celebration.

With slow movements, the heroes stood up, dusted off the imaginary dust from their clothes, and exchanged tired yet satisfied smiles. The memories of shared laughter, clumsy dances, and enthusiastically told stories filled their minds.

The night of celebration had been a moment of relaxation and renewal, a necessary break from their struggles and challenges for their goals.

"Well, where do we go now?" Hiro said with a groggy voice.

Hikari replied, "Well, I don't know about you, but I urgently need a bath and to clean my clothes." King chimed in, saying, "Me too. After all, this smooth fur doesn't maintain itself. But of course, someone like you, Hiro, who can't even talk to a woman, probably doesn't remember to take a bath," and he let out a light laugh.

Hiro rolled his eyes, turned around, raised his hand, and said, "The last thing I need is to put up with a talking squirrel in the morning. I'll go find Arthur to ask for a means of transportation. Meanwhile, take the opportunity to wash yourselves and make sure you don't drown, tree rat."

King raised his fists and said, "Watch your words, you peasant. I am the royal guard of Princess Hikari. Do you want to have a fight?"

Hikari covered her mouth, suppressing laughter, and said, "Calm down, gentlemen. The day has only just begun. Let's go, King. See you soon, Hiro."

Hiro decides to start searching in the castle, so he headed towards it, passing through streets now filled with life. The citizens, with warm smiles on their faces, greeted him with enthusiasm. "Good morning, sir hero!" echoed the greetings along the way. The air was filled with a contagious atmosphere, revealing the joy and fun that the previous night had brought.

As he passed by the animated people, Hiro felt the warmth of the community around him. Friendly words were exchanged, and laughter filled the air. "Last night was memorable, wasn't it?" the people joked, expressing their gratitude for the hero and reliving enjoyable moments.

This newfound energy permeating the streets brought a sense of renewal and hope to the city. Hiro felt motivated by this positive atmosphere. "So this is how my father felt?" he wondered to himself. "Father, wherever you are, I will find you and bring you back," Hiro thought as his eyes shimmered with intense determination, reflecting the courage that propelled him in his relentless quest. Furrowed eyebrows expressed fierce concentration, while lines of determination marked his face.

However, Hiro arrived at the castle without even realizing it and asked the guard standing there at the castle's entrance, "Is King Arthur here?"

The guard was perplexed as his eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed, and he said, "The future King? But wasn't he with you?" He continued, saying, "The last time I saw him was yesterday at the tavern where you all were."

Hiro, even more astonished than the guard, said, "Are you serious? To be honest, I don't remember much, and the more I try to remember, the more pain I feel in my head..."

Hiro continued, "Apparently, I'll have to go back to the tavern... See you later, sir."

Before Hiro left, the guard said, "If you see him, tell him to come back. We have urgent matters to attend to."

Hiro nodded in agreement and set off, retracing his steps along the same path. However, something had changed in him. His once confident and upright posture gave way to a downtrodden figure. His shoulders slouched, and his arms hung almost lifelessly by his sides.

Those who observed him from afar could sense the depressive aura surrounding him.

Meanwhile, for Hikari and King, things were different. After separating from Hiro, they arrived at a place called "Wash"

"King, this place seems to be suitable for us to clean ourselves," Hikari said.

King replied with a laugh, "If this isn't the place, then no place is, ahaha!"

Upon entering, a middle-aged woman greeted them with a wide smile, saying, "Welcome to Wash, where while you wash, we wash your belongings."

Upon hearing those words, Hikari grabbed the woman's hand and said, "Please arrange a space for two," while King happily jumped on Hikari's shoulder and shouted, "NICE! NICE!"

She raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, well, it's not every day we see a talking animal. It seems you've formed a bond, how lovely."

King began tapping his foot on Hikari's shoulder after being called an animal and said, "Listen, madam, just because you saved us from the dirt doesn't mean you can treat me like that! I am a future King, my name is King!" He crossed his arms and looked away.

The lady let out a laugh with a wide smile and said, "Very well, Your Majesty, my apologies. Follow me."

Upon arriving at one of the bathing areas, the lady said, "Leave your clothes here. As soon as you enter the bathing area, I will collect them and return them to you clean before you leave. Don't worry."

Hikari did as instructed and left her clothes there, entering the bath with King. Both of them could relax and cleanse themselves completely.

While in the bath, King asked Hikari, "Princess, don't you think it's time to tell Hiro? After all, he's not that foolish, and he must have noticed something."

Hikari replied, "I don't want to involve him... not yet..." as she let her body slide until only her eyes were above the water.

King responded, ending the conversation, "Alright... but sooner or later, it will be inevitable."

Feeling completely renewed after being cleansed, King and Hikari thanked the lady once again and left the establishment after nearly an hour of use.

As soon as they walked out the door, they came face to face with none other than Arthur, who greeted them, "Well, well, if it isn't my brave drinking companions. I see you're already clean and fresh, while I, a future king, am all dirty."

Hikari and King started laughing and were surprised by how casually Arthur, a future king, interacted with them.

"Hello, Arthur. Good morning," said Hikari and King.

Hikari added, "Weren't you with Hiro?"

Arthur scratched the back of his head, blushing, and said, "With Hiro? No. I just woke up in the tavern's restroom... how embarrassing."

King, teasingly, said, "What a fine King you're going to be, haha."

Meanwhile, Hiro managed to reach the tavern where he woke up after twice the time and saw Hikari, King, and Arthur talking.

As he approached them, he was greeted with a provocative comment from King, "Look who arrived, the useless one who had only one task and still couldn't manage to do it. What a surprise!"

"King, if you don't shut up, I'll kill you," Hiro said with a hungry look, causing King to hide in Hikari's hair.

Seeing Hiro's frustration, Arthur put his hand on Hiro's back and pushed him into the establishment, saying, "Wash up," and told Hikari, "Take this opportunity to explore the city; we'll meet up with you later."

As Hiro sat in the bath, he let out a loud "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.".

Arthur quickly looked at Hiro with wide eyes, but Hiro soon completed his statement, saying, "That's what I needed...".

"Arthur needed a favor," Hiro said with a more assertive tone.

Without hesitation, Arthur replied, "Anything within my reach."

Hiro gave a slight smile and said, "I need a cart with a horse for my journey. I haven't spoken to Hikari yet, but I'm going to find out more about the Signs of Light."

Arthur started laughing, and Hiro became confused. "Why are you laughing?" Hiro asked.

"Oh, nothing. I thought it would be something more extravagant, and it's just a cart. Of course, I'll give you a cart, and I'll also send supplies and some other things that might be useful to you," Arthur said, laughing but with a focused look that left no doubt.

Hiro thanked him, and they took the rest of the time to relax and clean themselves in the bath.

Leaving the establishment much later than when they entered, they noticed that Hikari and King were already waiting for them.

"The maidens have finished," King said, crossing his arms.

Hiro, now refreshed and relaxed, responded to King, teasingly, "Be patient; one day you'll be as handsome as me.".

Arthur, seeing the tension rise, interrupted and said, "Go in this direction to the gate and wait there; I'll join you shortly.".

After reaching the gate, the three sat down and chatted while waiting for Arthur. Hiro took the opportunity to share his plans for the future. "I'm going after the Signs of Light. I asked Arthur for a cart so we wouldn't have to walk. I don't force you to come with me, but I want to make it clear that I intend to go."

King exchanged glances with Hikari, and although they didn't say anything, the message was clear between them that the truth would come out sooner or later.

Hikari responded to Hiro, "We're going with you, but why are you going after them?".

King added, "Of course, we're going with you. After all, we can't leave a peasant alone.".

Hiro thanked them both and replied with eager and focused eyes, "They're the only ones who know about my father, and I can't let them do as they please with cities like this!"

Hikari's eyes sparkled upon hearing those words. "Right, we'll help!" she said with a soft voice and a smile from ear to ear.

Meanwhile, in the distance, the sound of a horse could be heard, and it was Arthur commanding the cart and waving to them.

"Here you have Hiro, the cart with everything and anything you might need. Once again, thank you for what you did for our city. I'm sorry you can't stay longer, but I won't hold you here. Here's a magical letter that connects directly to this city. Just write on it, and I'll receive the message in my letter as well. If you ever need help, don't hesitate!" said Arthur.

The three of them thank Arthur with a bow and say, "Thank you, Arthur. I'm sure you'll be a great King."

And so, the self-proclaimed heroes left the city, with Hiro leading the way, driving the cart while Hikari and King stayed by their side. Their gazes were fixed on the vastness of the unknown that stretched before them, like an invitation to a new journey.

The wind blew gently, rustling their clothes and carrying away the remnants of the city they left behind. Amidst the silence of the road, only the hooves of the horses could be heard, marking the rhythm of their departure.

The determination displayed on their faces revealed their courage and unwavering desire to explore uncharted territories.

What awaits them in the world of Nebula? And what secret are Hikari and King hiding?

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