Hop-On Hop-Off

By chitrakshi06

136 28 142

DOROTHEA ZELDA is an aspiring writer who spends most of her time creating fictitious worlds as she struggles... More

Cast, playlist & dedication.


6 3 18
By chitrakshi06

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." 

I rushed towards Felix's side who was lying on the cold hard floor, clutching his stomach with an agonised expression on his face as a groan escaped his mouth, "Ah ugh." 

I cringed at the scene before me, ignoring the slow tendrils of guilt creeping inside me. "Here, let me help you," I offered my hand to Felix who still gave me a pained look before engulfing my entire arm in order to get up.

The only difference was that I hadn't anticipated the amount of weight my poor arm would be made to carry and soon my feet ended up betraying me and I slipped on the tiles and then-


I fell on top of Felix, knocking his breath away and saving myself from any severe injury because of the human pillow beneath me. I cursed myself mentally at my clumsiness. 

"I'm convinced you're out here to break my ribs and heart," he wheezed as I took in the position we were put through.

I was lying on top of fucking Felix Carter. 

In the middle of a grocery store aisle.

If embarrassment was a walking person then I'd surely be the one for it. 

I was so close to a breakdown but when my conscience provided that it'd be very bad idea and even more humiliating, I decided I did not need an icing on top of my mortification cake. 

 So, I gathered as much confidence one could equip in a situation like mine and said, "Well you know what they say, the fastest way to a man's heart is through the fourth and fifth ribs."

Felix's eyes widened in alarm and I let out a snort before we heard another pair of footsteps nearing us. 


Oh my God.


"We're lucky the security cameras back in that aisle were working or else I surely would've been fired from there."

I raised an unimpressed brow at the huge and very muscly form walking beside me, "And what about me?"

He squinted his eyes in thought before replying, "You probably could've gotten banned from entering any of their outlets in the city."

I blew a raspberry dramatically, "It's not like I'm ever gonna return to that particular store again."

Felix glanced at me, smirking, "Touché." 

After our unpredictable fall, the last thing we probably needed was the store manager walking in that aisle himself because of the commotion he heard. From then on, it was a total panic stricken situation as we got off each other and explained in short-breathed sentences how what he saw wasn't what it seemed like but doubt lingered on the manager's face. That was when Felix used the security cameras card and we both got off without any accusation. 

And now that I was aware of the situation being handled and both of us getting out of it with no trouble lurking for us, I allowed the guilt to slowly consume me from inside out. 

I almost got him fired.

I gulped hard as my mind spiraled into the never ending consequences we- he- could've been put through all because of my stupidity and rash decisions.

But just when I opened my mouth to say something, Felix beat me to it, "What were you listening to anyway, that got you so hyped up that you ended up dancing like a kangaroo in a literal isolated vegetable aisle?"

The sun was almost ready to make it's departure and the orangish-yellowish hues with a hint of midnight blue highlighted his expression in an almost dream-like imagination which only reddened my cheeks further after I caught him smirking at me. I didn't know what caused my face to turn scarlet, his words or his face.

I huffed annoyingly. Why was I suddenly thinking about Felix in that way?

Clearing my throat, I focused on my footfalls along the cobbled stones as we made our way through- wait where were we even going? I made a mental note to ask him that after answering his question. 

"You can hardly blame me. It is a reaction Taylor Swift incites from everyone when they hear her songs." 

"Oh? Is that so?" 

Goosebumps skittered on my entire body at that goddamn accent.

I ignored, albeit difficultly, how inhumanly my very human anatomy was behaving whenever it was in Felix's proximity, "Yep, especially Anti-Hero. That shit gives a reality check."

Felix hummed, "It's me, Hi! I'm the problem, it's me."

A gasp tore free from me in sheer astonishment before I faced him, now back-walking with my hands tucked in my coat's pockets. 

"At tea-time, everybody agrees.

Just as I lost myself into the song for a second time that day, Felix called me back to reality, "Careful, or else you'd end up on top of me again."

The elderly couple who were in the midst of walking by us, paused before their amused gazes and even more amused expressions continued ahead.

My jaw hung in shock. Felix just chuckled as though he intended to rile me up.

I rolled my eyes in feigned annoyance as I took my place by his side once again, "If you're done traumatising civilians, mind telling me where are we even going?"

It ought to be past six p.m. by now.

His reply didn't come instantly, "Wherever our feet lead us to."

I frowned, "Poetic, but I'd rather not end up beyond Prague by midnight."

Felix chuckled again.

My stomach rumbled and a groan escaped me as I realised I had forgotten to get the groceries for which I was out of my house in the first place. 

At my whine, Felix gave me a concerned look, his face long sobered up from any lingering humour. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I grunted, "I forgot to buy groceries because of the incident back in the store and the haste to get out of there. Oh God, now all the stores would be closed. I'm gonna die starving."

But he just continued to laugh at my revelation. 

"You can get them early morning tomorrow, Thea." He replied to my answering glare.

"That's easy for you to say and difficult for someone like me who is so not an early riser."

"Well, you can try to be once for the sake of your poor hunger. As for tonight, follow me. I bet you don't know about this diner."

And as Felix went into depth about the dishes and drinks said diner served, I couldn't help but wonder how my initial depressing and self-loathing day suddenly turned into something totally unexpected. 

The worst part was, I wasn't able to decide whether it was for the best or worst.



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