Death of Hope

By SKVokey

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[ATLAS GRANDEUR - Book One] Year 476 A.F.W. Morio, a young Morian from Mistwick sets out to become a Demonear... More

Notes (kinda important)
Ch. 1 - Woes of the Past
Ch. 2 | Shin Ceremony
Ch. 3 | Saxyo, Victis
Ch. 4 - Morian's Message
Ch. 5 | Behind the Conifers
Ch. 6 | A Dreadful Warning
Ch. 7 | Parting Gifts
Ch. 8 - Path to Wendigo
Ch. 9 | Into the Thick Snow
Ch. 10 | Tilted Hill
Ch. 11 - Then There Were More
Ch. 12 | Edge Silver Line
Ch. 13 | Beneath the Surface
Ch. 14 | Shortened Breath
Ch. 15 - End of the Line
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18 - Halls of Former Glory
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21 - Mist Above the Waters
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24 - The Statue of Darius
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 28 - Zenon's Rule
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31 - Menn kann kunst...
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34 - A noble gift, a bitter loss
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38 - You can always come home
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42 - The Other Side
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45 - Forth, Klakunhoi!
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48 - The Harm Lands
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52 - Those Who Saved Us
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56 - Ruins of Encea
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59 - The Cold, Dark, Twisted Heart
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62 - Go Home
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65 - Unearthly Echoes
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68 - Shortcut to Mount Aria
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71 - Grim Reminder
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74 - Three Forts
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77 - Death of Hope
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80 - Faraway Future
Ch. 81
Ch. 82

Ch. 27

9 3 1
By SKVokey

In the evening, Atomu came around to the Midcity bar, hesitantly waiting around the entrance, hearing sounds coming from the inside. Songs were sung, guitars were played and loud laughs echoed. He stepped up the staircase, seeing a bulky man taking two beers from the bartender.

"So you came by in the end," Ella said, turning her eyes towards Atomu, shaking a drink in between two smaller glasses. He sat down on one of the stools and put one hand on the table. "What job did ya do?"

"Physical... earned 164 Silver, but I haven't paid for an inn yet, so I won't be here for too long."

"Mhm, a shame. You seem like a very interesting guy, I can tell." she smiled, before handing more drinks to the customers and moving towards Atomu. "So..."

"Oh my, an interesting guy... please, Mrs Ella." Atomu shook his head.

"Well for one, you're a Paladian, and that's kinda rare. They're known to walk around Wendigo more than Magna, but here you are. At the same time, I do get that you're here for the test, after all."

"Oh, huh," Atomu muttered. "How could you tell I was a Paladian?"

"I can learn everything there is about a person if I just look them in the eyes, Atomu." she inched closer. Atomu gulped. "GAHA! Just kidding, just kidding, you immediately ate that up, though!"

"My..." Atomu looked to the side.

"In all honesty, I just saw how hairy your forearm was," she admitted, and Atomu immediately pulled the coat over his hand. She chuckled. "That was kind of a dead giveaway, all that dense body hair."

"Stop it..." Atomu muttered.

"It's cool, alright? I don't mean to judge you in any way. Just look at me, Atomu." she signalled, moving her hands around.

"That was the thing I wanted to ask about..." Atomu said. "Um... you're not from here, I'm... assuming."

"Yep. I'm from Harabara, a big, hot country, and from a small family in the middle of the oasis. You've heard, right?" she asked.

"Mhm, but, why did you move here?" Atomu continued. "I thought that the cold around here doesn't treat people that aren't Morians as well."

"One simple reason and I'll sound so poetic now, but..." she put her dark hand on Atomu's open palm. "Love."


"Not for you, dumbo!" she yelled out. "But, for a beautiful Morian woman that once came to Harabara. She was... no, she still is, to this day, an amazing Demonear, and... I instantly went over hills for her. I'm so glad that she returned this feeling..." she closed her eyes. "Then again, I moved to a place to spend time with her, but think about this. She goes out to all of Errarion to kill some stupid Demons! It's only been getting worse with each day... ah..." she sighed.

"I didn't know you... swung that way." Atomu muttered.

"What, you got a problem?" she squinted her eyes.

"N-No, of course not!" Atomu waved his hands around. "I'm not even sure how I feel about that..."

"Oh?" she chuckled. "Don't worry, not gonna beat you up." she smiled. "You Paladians just have things for the opposite gender, eh? Marriages only between men and women. That frustration must be building up, year by year. Not the same for Harans, though. Our people don't care, love who ya want."

Atomu nodded. "It's still not bad as for Erans, though."

"Agh, don't even get me started about those apples!"

"Apples?" Atomu raised an eyebrow.

"Haven't you heard? If people of Errarion were fruits, then Erans would be apples, the most basic and boring choice out there. Have some fun, and eat a mango! Assuming... you know what that is."

"I might want to ask my friend..." Atomu replied.

"Talking about eating, that leads to drinks, so..." she hid her hands behind the bar, pouring something into a glass.

"Oh. Oh no." Atomu uttered, and she stuck her tongue out, nodding her head. "I really should get going." he stood up.

"Drink it," Ella stated.

"I h-have to find Chyuuichi in Handulia, and get my stuff in the inn-"

"Drink. It." she put the glass, filled with an unknown beverage on the table in front of Atomu.

Atomu breathed in and out, before sitting back on the stool.


Morio sat down on one of the two stone stairs and rested his head against his hands, thinking.

His mind went back and forth, and couldn't focus on one thought. He stared emptily, as the water started freezing, right in front of his eyes. Then, a speck of white dust fell from the sky and shined against the ice.

Morio blinked. "Is it snowing?" he thought, looking up, before hearing a slight giggle. His heart was racing, and he immediately looked in the direction of the coming sound. Nothing was there.

He turned his head again, hearing a similar sound, but nothing there either.

Then, a song sounded, albeit quiet at first, then turned into a coherent melody, followed by a figure, emerging from the darkness.

Morio stood up, flabbergasted. "W-W-Witch..!" he muttered. "A witch."

Her eyes appeared, and then, her words became clear.

"From the clouded gaze, into a misty haze,
glows a bottle of foggy dust, reminding one,
what's to touch, what's to learn, what's to feel.
In between the trees, in the middle of the sky,
here comes she, here comes he, of the night,
the day, and light, among the stars, the flight.
In glory, and in might, comes a thought,
brings a fight, stops the chime, and pays a dime.
To the witches, and the wizards... from above."

"You're a witch..." Morio muttered, as she stepped down onto the ice, and carefully looked at him, beaming.

"You're not scared of me, are you? Some people call me divine, after all..." she shook her head.

"I'm... shocked." Morio moved back.

"My name is Idalia, and I was sent here to bear news from one of the Wise. Listen carefully, Morio." she continued, as the light behind her dimmed, revealing a shining white costume, and beautiful, silver hair. She inched closer.

"Magna is going to fall. You need to save it. Save hope." she said, putting her hand on his cheek, and the smile slowly faded from her face, turning into a distant frown.


"After the test ends, they will strike. They'll put all their power into one basket, and kill all its residents."

"Magna... but... but I can't save anyone. I'm not someone special, I'm just... Morio."

"Exactly. Morio Frisks. If you tread carefully, you can save... everyone." she looked him in the eyes.



Atomu crawled around on the ground, defeated, with his head over an opening in one of the bathrooms, serving as a toilet. His eyes were teary, and his teeth were a bit sharper than normal.

He closed his eyes, before coughing out...

"Blood..." Atomu thought, looking at a splurge of red liquid on his palm, and around the toilet. He breathed in, coughing out more before his body moved back.

Atomu lay on the ground and fainted.

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