The Walking Dead: No Turning...

By cosmicbananas

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Journey through The Walking Dead telltale franchise with a twist!!! You are a character who grows up and "eve... More

All You Should Know
Shout Outs
Chapter 1: The Outbreak Begins ✅
Chapter 2: Clementine ✅
Chapter 3: The Greenes Farm
Chapter 4: The Drugstore
Chapter 5: A New Day
Chapter 6: I Miss Them
Chapter 7: Drugstore Overrun
Chapter 8: The Motor Inn
Chapter 9: The Woods
Chapter 10: Starved for Help
Chapter 11: The Brothers
Chapter 12: The St. John Dairy
Chapter 13: Close Your Eyes
Chapter 14: Dinner Time
Chapter 15: The Meat Locker
Chapter 16: Lee vs. Andy
Chapter 17: Back to the Drugstore
Chapter 18: Disagreement
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Losing Everything
Chapter 21: Stop The Train
Chapter 22: Chuck's Advice
Chapter 23: Omid and Christa
Chapter 24: Savannah
Chapter 25: Manor Search
Chapter 26: Molly
Chapter 27: Around Every Corner
Chapter 28: The Shadow
Chapter 29: Crawford Planning
Chapter 30: Crawford ( Part 1 )
Chapter 31: Crawford ( Part 2 )
Chapter 32: Crawford ( Part 3 )
Chapter 33: Lee's Bite
Chapter 34: Cut it Off
Chapter 35: No Time Left
Chapter 36: The Marsh House
Chapter 37: The End of Lee Everett
Chapter 38: All That Remains
Chapter 39: The Camp
Chapter 40: The Shed
Chapter 41: Dreams
Chapter 42: Family Argument
Chapter 43: Pete and Nick
Chapter 44: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 45: On The Move
Chapter 46: An Old Friend
Chapter 47: A House Divided
Chapter 48: Howe's
Chapter 49: Duty Calls
Chapter 50: In Harms Way ( Part 1 )
Chapter 51: In Harms Way ( Part 2 )
Chapter 52: In Harms Way ( Part 3 )
Chapter 53: Escaping Howe's
Chapter 54: Lost Friendship
Chapter 55: Amid The Ruins
Chapter 56: Trailer Park
Chapter 57: Forgiveness
Chapter 58: Alvin Junior
Chapter 59: Russian Ambush
Chapter 60: Calm and Quiet Night
Chapter 61: The Frozen Lake
Chapter 62: Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 63: No Going Back
Chapter 64: Safe and Sound
Chapter 65: Two Sides
Chapter 66: Suicidal
Chapter 67: Guests
Chapter 68: Assault on Wellington
Chapter 69: Insane
Chapter 70: On Alert
Chapter 71: The New Frontier
Chapter 72: The Final Showdown ( Part 1 )
Chapter 73: The Final Showdown ( Part 2 )
Chapter 74: The Final Showdown ( Part 3 )
Chapter 75: Javier Garcia
Chapter 76: Prescott
Chapter 77: Back Together
Chapter 78: The Junkyard
Chapter 79: Ties That Bind
Chapter 80: On The Road
Chapter 81: Jesus
Chapter 82: Manipulation
Chapter 83: Crazy
Chapter 84: Richmond
Chapter 85: The Reunion Nobody Wanted
Chapter 86: Fault
Chapter 87: Above The Law
Chapter 88: Kill or be Killed
Chapter 89: Deserved
Chapter 90: Thicker Than Water
Chapter 91: From The Gallows ( Part 1 )
Chapter 92: From The Gallows ( Part 2 )
Chapter 93: From The Gallows ( Part 3 )
Q&A: Questions
Q&A: Answers
Chapter 94: Done Running
Chapter 95: Ericson's
Chapter 96: Game of War
Chapter 97: Colours
Chapter 98: Hunting & Fishing
Chapter 99: Outside The Safe Zone
Chapter 100: Confrontation
Chapter 101: Suffer the Children
C̴h̷a̵p̸t̵e̴r̷ ̶1̸0̷2̵:̶ ̶O̷l̷d̶ ̵W̴o̵u̷n̷d̴s̷
Chapter 103: Lilly
Chapter 104: Aggression or Depression?
Chapter 105: Comfort
Bad News
Chapter 107: Confession

Chapter 106: How Do You Think I Feel?!

443 12 7
By cosmicbananas

Clem's POV: ( About Two Weeks Later )

My eyes open to the sound of a baby crying. I jolt up from the bed and realise that both (Y/n) and AJ are missing.

Me: (Y/n)? AJ? Where are you both?

I get out of the bed and leave the dorm, once I do so... a horse moves in front of me as a tint of red surrounds the atmosphere. The horse stops, looking down another hallway before turning to me and making a neigh noise. It turns back to the hallway and starts moving down. I begin to follow the horse, I turn the corner it went down and hear a baby AJ crying.

Me: AJ?

I then hear distant gunshots as a room that looks fiery inside it is lit up ahead. I turn my head to see the horse lying down on the brink of death. I begin going towards the door as the sound of gunshots and crying grow louder.

Me: AJ!

I then open the door slowly, and as I step into the red light... I wake up panting. I look to my right to see (Y/n) sleeping, I turn to my left to see AJ crouched on top of the bedside table.

AJ: You were having a nightmare. Same one you used to have all the time. About what happened at the ranch.

Me: *panting* I'll be okay. Just give me a minute. *noticing AJ playing with something in his hands* Hey. What do you have there?

I then notice that AJ is playing with a pocket knife, he also just shrugs as an answer to my question.

Me: Did you have a bad dream, too? You've been having them a lot lately.

AJ: ...I feel safer like this. Not sleeping. I wanna stay up forever. I probably could. Like, eighteen days. If I tried hard.

Me: I don't know about that. I've never met anyone who could go more than a few days without sleep. Even (Y/n) can't.

AJ: Then I'll be the first. If we were in danger, then I would.

AJ then shouts in pain, holding his abdomen. I get up from the bed.

Me: Here, let me help you back to bed.

AJ: No.

I then slowly, and reluctantly sit back down on the bed.

AJ: You don't have to keep checking up on me. You and (Y/n) always say, be tough. So I am. You both say, be strong. And I will. And brave, all the time.

Me: You and (Y/n) are the toughest boys I know. Probably the toughest in the whole world.

AJ: (Y/n) can handle a lot of injuries like it's nothing, so he's very strong. And you're also tough. *smiles* Tougher than me.

Me: Well, no one's as tough as me and (Y/n).

AJ chuckles, then takes a deep breath.

AJ: I'm sorry you and (Y/n) had to do all the hard work. To a-tone me. And (Y/n) got hurt because of... *shakes his head and jumps down from the bedside table* I'm gonna help you both some more. So you don't have to do everything.

Me: Where are you going?

AJ: On patrol.

Me: ...patrol.

AJ: *shows his knife* For danger. Bad people. Monsters.

Me: What if you stayed here instead? If you go back to sleep, I'll stay awake and make sure no more bad dreams come.

AJ: You can't do that. You're not magic.

Me: How do you know? Maybe I have magic and never told you.

AJ: *chuckles* No, you don't. *walks over to his bed and frowns*

Me: What is it?

AJ: Can I... could I maybe sleep in you and (Y/n)'s bed? Like I did when I was little?

Me: Yeah. Come on up.

AJ: I'm not scared. Just tired.

Me: Makes sense to me. *I then notice the knife still in his hand* Think you need that?

AJ puts the knife on the bed table and rests with me and (Y/n). Before we sleep, I ask him something.

Me: AJ?

AJ: What?

Me: You're still little.

AJ: Yeah, I know.


(Y/n)'s POV:

I woke up extremely early, I saw Clementine and AJ in the bed with me. But, I just can't feel anything. I decide to go out to the yard and watch the sunrise. The peaceful air brewing against my skin, along with the orangey sky.

???: (Y/n)?

I jump at the sound and turn to see Sapphire, with a confused look on her face. Her look changed after I jumped.

Sapphire: *giggles* Someones jumpy! What's got you up so early, huh?

Me: Could say the same for you.

Sapphire: I'm always up early, probably because I'm usually the first one to go to sleep. And you? You've always been the last to wake up so I thought you would sleep in again.

Me: Couldn't.

Sapphire: Why not? Something in your mind?

Me: What's it to you?

Sapphire looks surprised for a bit, looking at the ground and sighing.

Sapphire: We're friends, aren't we?

Me: Since when?

Sapphire: Uh, since you got here.

Me: I don't remember ever agreeing to be your friend.

Sapphire: Then let's be friends now. Better late than never, right?

Me: ...No. Sorry.

Sapphire: Huh? Why not?

Me: I don't want anyone else to befriend me. I'm sick and tired of living a life of pure misery.

Sapphire: ...Ah, I see. You're afraid of us dying.

Me: Of course I am! Who isn't! Simply being near me is a curse! You were all living fine until we came along, and I know more of you are going to die because that's how it always is! I barely even cry anymore! I was a massive crybaby when I was a kid because of all the death I saw, and because of that I'm used to it!

Sapphire remains silent, staring at me as strong wind passes by again. A leaf that fell from a tree landing on her hair as she takes it off.

Me: I'm a raging, murderous, psychopath! Do you know how many people I've killed for my own selfish reasons! I'm the same... as Lilly. The same person who killed my sister.

Sapphire crunches the leaf in her hand and marches over to me, slapping me with extreme strength that I didn't even expect out of her. She also had this... look of anger.

Sapphire: Fuck off! You think you're the only one who's going through pure torment?! We've all lost someone!

Me: My cat was chopped in half in front of me by a bunch of cannibals and served as food! Have you been through something like that! I lost two father figures, and my sister too! I was even tortured at one point!

Sapphire: So you think continuously thinking about all of that is going to make it better?! I'm sorry for everything you've been through but you are the one who controls how you feel!

Me: I wish I could! You don't know how I feel?!

Sapphire: Oh, really?! Do you know how I feel about your stupid and pointless temper tantrum right now?!

Me: Pointless?! The same person who killed my sister is back and might kill you all! That's how this started and then you decided to change the subject!

Sapphire: You were the one to change the subject, and would you say all this to Clementine?!

Me: Don't bring her up! I'm done here!

I turn away to leave, only for Sapphire to hug me. My eyes widen, as she begins to tear up. This was a quick turn of events. She was really pissed off just a few seconds ago.

Sapphire: You're making progress... did you ever talk to anyone about what was on your mind?

Me: ...No. This was... the first time...

Sapphire: And it felt good, didn't it? Felt good to tell someone how you feel? Your pain? Your sorrow? Your regrets? Your fears? Tell me, when was the last time you felt sad that someone died?

Me: Few years back. Kenny, was the last person I cried about losing. The last time I felt empathy for someone.

She then releases me from the hug.

Sapphire: I see. Well, I say to hell with the past. All that matters is the present. Am I right, friend?

She smiles, eyes still teary. This girl... her smile, tears, and words reminds me of my sister. Am I finally feeling emotions for someone other than Clementine and AJ again?

Sapphire: As your friend, I'm going to help you every step of the way. I will cry with you, laugh with you, kill walkers with you, and even die with you. Because after all, the reason life is so special is because it won't last forever. Imagine a world where death didn't exist. May sound fun at first but it will get tiring when you can do literally anything. Since we don't last forever, we value time. And, everyone who you lost. I know they smile at the thought of you. After all, you're a person. Not a psychopath.

I then fall to my knees, tears dropping from my face as Sapphire leans down to hug me again.

Sapphire: Let it all out.

She hugs like my sister too... I look behind her and see the sun finish rising. I smile in the caring arms of a girl who cares.

Sapphire: You're in love with Clementine as well, aren't you?

Me: Huh?!

Sapphire: Don't worry. I have a wonderful plan to find out if she likes you back or not. Then, that will prove you're a normal human.

My smile grows even bigger.

The sunrise, is so beautiful. Like life.


A lot of people have woken up by now. Including Clementine and AJ, who have both stepped out. I walked over to them as AJ yawns.

Me: *smiling* Morning.

Clem: Morning, you are up early. You also seem to be in a good mood.

Me: Yep. I'm in prime condition right now!

Clementine just giggles, before regaining herself and turning to AJ.

Clem: You ready to work today, kiddo?

AJ: Bad dreams always make me more tired.

Me: Oh, so that's why you were sleeping with us.

AJ: Yeah. But I slept better with the both of you.

Me: Nice to hear that. You're always welcome, Alvie.

AJ: Alvie?

Me: Hey, isn't it your turn to be lookout?

AJ: Oh, yeah.

He then looks over to the lookout tower to see Tenn waving at him, AJ smiles and walks over. Clementine turning to me.

Clem: Did something happen? Because you seem different right now.

Me: Huh? Oh! Just loving my time with you!

Clem: W-wait. What?

Louis: *to Violet* I have other stuff I need to do.

Violet: What stuff?

Louis: Nothing, it's just... It's important.

Violet: Goddammit, Louis, take this seriously, for once in your life!

Me and Clem begin walking over to them.

Louis: I've been taking this seriously for fucking days! Almost two weeks!

Violet: So has everyone. Get over yourself!

Louis then walks off.

Violet: *walking over to us* Hey.

Clem: I thought Lilly and Abel would show up days ago. I wonder why they're holding off.

Me: Knowing Lilly, probably being a coward.

Violet: Maybe. Though all I wanted was more time to prepare, but now this waiting sucks, and everyone's on edge.

Clem: Need our help?

Violet: Yeah, actually. Could you check on everyone, and make sure they're doing shit right?

Clem: Sure, we're on it.

Violet: Thanks. I should go board up the back hallway, since Louis isn't gonna do it.

She then walks off, me and Clem begin moving before someone comes from behind us.

Sapphire: (Y/n)~

She hugs me from behind, Clementine looking at us strangely.

Clem: Sapphire, what are you doing?

Sapphire: Hugging!

Clem: But why (Y/n)?

Sapphire: Because, he's my friend!


Me: So, what're you planning with me and Clementine?

Sapphire: Simple! Give her a rival, I'll act clingy with you to fuel her jealousy. This will cause her to want to act quick, before I steal you away.

Me: Huh?

Sapphire: Rivalries help people push their limits. Well in this case, making a move quicker. Trust me, just let me do the work.


Sapphire: Why, Clem? Is there a problem?

Clem: You're just... you're still hugging him you know.

I'm just frozen in shock. I knew she was going to do something like this but it still surprised me.

Sapphire: Oops! *stops hugging me* My bad, it just feels good hugging him. Say, (Y/n)?

Me: Y-yes?

Sapphire: Would you like to help me with something?

Clem: Umm, Sapphire, me and him were going to check on everyone else. So, sorry. But he can't.

Sapphire: You can do it by yourself though, can't you?

Clem: No! I need— I mean, we can both check on people to get it done faster a-and you need to go back to whatever you were doing.

Sapphire: Okay, okay, sorry. Bye, (Y/n)~

She then walks off, leaving me dumbfounded, I turn to Clementine who is looking at me with an annoyed face.

Clem: What was that about?

Me: I don't know!

She was definitely jealous. I'm not as dense as I used to be. She really does like me.

Clem: Well, let's just check on the others.

Me: I'll check on Mitch, you check on Louis.

Clem: Okay.

We then both go our separate ways.

Author's POV: ( New POV I'd like to try )

(Y/n) walks over to Mitch, who's working on the bomb.

(Y/n): So, what are you doing? If you don't mind.

Mitch: Mm, test. Gotta see if the bomb will go off.

(Y/n): Excuse me? Here?

Mitch: Chill out, man. This little thing won't kill anybody. Just gotta see if it'll light.

(Y/n): Well, it goddamn better. That "little thing" is one of the biggest parts of our plan. You remember it, don't you? If they get in, you'll need to set the bomb off while Clem and I distract them.

Mitch: Expect the unexpected.

(Y/n): Guess so.

Mitch: I read that on one of those stupid inspirational posters. School used to have them everywhere. Soon as things went to shit, I tore them all down. *gets up from his seat to light the bomb* Stupid shit. *requests help* Ugh, could you? My hand's all fucked up from messing with it all day.

(Y/n) then takes the lighter and begins to light up the bomb, a spark being fused. Better duck.

Mitch: Stand back.

(Y/n) and Mitch back up as the bomb... doesn't detonate.

Mitch: Fucking shit. If it doesn't work...

(Y/n): You'll get it soon, just keep trying.

Mitch: It's not like I got all the time in the world to play scientist and figure this shit out! I'll figure it out. I just need more time. Alone time. To think.

(Y/n): Okay, going away now.

Mitch: *smiling* Thanks, though. For helping.

(Y/n): Not a problem.

We then cut over to Clementine, whom approaches a rare Louis with a bow. Who misses a target. He goes to shoot another arrow, only to miss again. He sucks and really should stick to his best friend Chairles.

Louis: Ugh, shit.

Clem: What's going on?

Louis: In a few weeks, or days, or hours, the raiders will be here, burn down our place, and steal or kill us. And then it won't matter how much I sucked at this.

He admitted it!!!! 😱

Clem: The raiders aren't gonna burn anything or steal anybody. We'll stop it.

Louis: You sound like Marlon. I mean, not about fighting, but, when he was trying to cheer us all up. *goes for another shot at the bow* For years I sat around making stupid jokes, playing stupid games, while my best friend was left with all the responsibility. *shoots and misses, seriously where is Chairles* All the tough calls. *misses again like an absolute bozo* All the sleepless nights. *finally hits the target, YAY!!* And, eventually, a bullet in the head. *lowers his bow* And I didn't do a damn thing about it. And then when you tried to tell us what he was really like, and AJ shot him, I blamed you. You, (Y/n), and AJ. If I could take it back, I would. I knew that the day you got back. I still do.

Clem: AJ killed him. I didn't stop it.

Louis: He was my best friend. Almost like my brother, but the things he did? They were fucked up. I'll never be glad he died. But I understand why AJ thought it was the right thing to do. *offers Clem a turn with the bow* Here. You take it.

Clem: Are you sure? I mean, it's Marlon's.

Louis: Yeah, it was. And he used it to defend the school, before... before he stopped. Go ahead, try it. *gives it to Clem and points at the target hanging from the tree* In that direction, please. And just so you know, I'm totally laughing out loud when you miss.

Clementine then tries it out, basically hitting all arrows. And proving Louis has stormtrooper aim.

Louis: Damn. Remind me to never piss you off while I'm standing at a moderate distance with a big red circle painted on my chest. You wanna come back and practice more, just let me know. Okay?

Clem: Sounds good.

Louis: And Clem? Thank you. For all of it.

Violet then goes out of the school, both (Y/n) and Clementine approaching her.

Violet: Back hallway's secure. How is everyone?

Clem: Louis is ready.

(Y/n): Mitch also... I think.

Violet: Really?

Clem: Really. The school is defended, and everyone's eager to get the fight over with.

Just then, behind them the school doors open to Aasim and Willy arguing.

Willy: Because you're boring and your idea is stupid! Oh, I'm being stupid? You're the one who can't think straight. If you could hear yourself—

Violet: Guys! What the fuck?

Everyone else comes over to the yell fest.

Willy: Violet told us to work on the traps together, but Aasim won't listen to anything I say!

Louis: That doesn't mean you have to scream at each other.

Sapphire: Yeah, just chill out.

Aasim: Stay out of this. I have an idea for duffel bags filled with bricks. We drop them on the raiders, if they get to the admin building. Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic swinging log to take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid.

Clem: Aasim is right. We should use his bricks trap. It sounds more practical.

Willy: Mine's practical, too!

Aasim: No, it isn't. It's exactly the kind of thing a child would think up. Especially a child who has no idea what he's up against.

Willy then punches Aasim straight in his family jewels. Did anyone else feel that?

Violet: What the shit?!

Sapphire: Willy!

Willy, realising what he did. Runs off.

Louis: Dude, you okay?

Aasim: Yeah. Fine, shit! *walks off*

Violet: Christ, we'll all kill each other before the raiders even get a fuckin' chance.

Louis: Right, what we need is something to break the tension.

Everyone then all walks over to where the groin victim sat at.

Louis: Hey, buddy, how's it hanging?

Aasim: Dude, fuck off.

Everyone then takes a seat.

Louis: Sulking in the corner isn't gonna help us fight off the raiders. Or turn that frown upside down.

Aasim: You get more annoying every day.

Louis: Regardless, I've come up with a plan to make everybody feel better. And that plan is a game.

AJ: *to Tenn* Come on, we gotta play.

Tenn: Okay, I'm coming.

Violet: *as Louis is shuffling cards* Uh, we haven't played a game in weeks, since that night with Marlon.

Louis: *to Aasim* I mean, if you wanna go ask Ruby to come play, I don't mind waiting.

Aasim: Shut up, dude! I swear to God.

Violet: You've got a crush on Ruby?

AJ: What're we playing?

Louis: Truth or Dare!

Sapphire: Then, why are we using cards? Those aren't used in Truth or Dare.

Louis: You do in this version. Everyone draws. Highest card gets to ask. Lowest card has to answer.

Everyone then passes the cards to each other, all of them flipping the cards to see what they got. Violet won. And Clem lost.

Violet: *chuckles* This should be good. Let's see. Truth. Marry-Fuck-Kill.

Tenn: Vi.

Violet: Fine. Marry-Flip-Kill. (Y/n), Aasim, or Ruby.

(Y/n): Wait... me?!

Yes you.

Violet: Yes.

Sapphire: Hehe.

Violet and Sapphire share a look like they planned this.

Clem: Oh, my God.

Louis: You gotta answer. Them's the rules.

Clem: Mm. Let's see. I would marry... (Y-y/n).

(Y/n) tries to say something, but couldn't.

Louis: Aww, look at the two of them. They're both too flustered to even think.

Clem: C-can we move on.

Louis: *scoffs* Fine.

Clem: Then I would, um, Flip...

Louis: Flip, flip, flip, flip...

AJ: Flip, flip, flip, flip!

(Y/n): Flip! Flip!


Sapphire: FLIP!!!

(Y/n): Sapphire! My ears!

Clem: Aasim.

Violet: Oh, wow. That's, wow. Now that's awkward.

Louis: I don't think you're his type. He's into redheads.

Aasim: Dude! Shut up.

Louis: So that means you're killing...

Tenn: This is amazing.

(Y/n): This is incredible. Not amazing.

Violet: Ruby! Wow, poor Ruby.

Louis: Poor, kind-hearted Ruby. Aasim would happily marry you.

Aasim: Dammit, Louis.

Louis: This is great. We're laughing, we're bonding. It's a nice break from thinking about homicidal assholes sneaking into our homes to kidnap us.

Violet: Not if you bring it up.

Louis: Onto round two.

Everyone draws a card again.

Clem: I win!

Louis: And poor Aasim loses.

Clem: Definitely a dare.

Sapphire: Ooh, juicy.

Aasim: Okay, do your worst.

Clem: You have to ask Ruby... for a kiss.

Aasim: Seriously?!

(Y/n): *laughing* Yes!

Louis: Yes, indeed. This is the most legitimate of dares.

Aasim then gets up and walks over to Ruby, who is by herself. Everyone watches as Ruby slaps Aasim. Mans having a bad day. They all laugh. Aasim comes back in shame and sits back down.

Louis: Well, I think we all learned something about our good friend Aasim today. Mainly that he has no romantic charm whatsoever.

Aasim: Shut up.

Louis: Look sharp, y'all, it's time for round three!

Everyone draws. Louis wins, and all you readers lose. HAHA!

Louis: I got it. We've been pretty hard on poor Aasim here, teasing him about sweet Ruby. Seems only fair we mercilessly tease someone else about unrequited love. So, (Y/n). Anyone here you like-like?

Violet: Seriously? "Like-like?" What are you, six?

Louis: Seven, thank you.

(Y/n): Umm, I guess so...

Clem: Oh...

Louis: Oh, who is it?

(Y/n): That wasn't the question!

Louis: Okay, okay. Let's move on then.

Cards are drawn again.

Sapphire: Aasim has the highest card, and lowest is... Tennessee.

Aasim: What's something you've never told anyone, because you were afraid they'd make fun of you?

Louis: You got this.

Tenn: I, umm... I think... I think walkers won't always be around. They'll go away, someday. 'Cause the world goes in cycles, right? Ice age, stone age, um, some other ages. So it's like that. This age'll end, and another one will start.

Clem: An age without walkers. Like it used to be.

(Y/n): ...Yeah, if only there was a cure. *sighs*

Tenn: Everything will get better.

Clem: That's... really beautiful. I never thought of it that way.

Tenn: *notices AJ feeling a bit sad* What's wrong, AJ?

AJ: I... I just don't know what it's like. All of you do, but I don't. I don't remember a time before monsters.

Louis: You know what, little dude? It's okay that you don't. Believe me, the world before this one was pretty shitty. *AJ smiles* And that feels like a good place to call it.

Violet: We should finish up our work, anyway. It's getting dark. *Ruby approaches, as everyone scatters* You're on lookout?

Ruby: Yep. Clementine's got it after me.

AJ: Can I come?

Ruby: Of course you can, little guy.

AJ looks at Clementine and (Y/n) for permission, who both nod. In the distance, Aasim approaches Willy.

Aasim: Hey.

Willy: Hey.

Aasim: You maybe wanna help me with the brick trap?

Willy: Yeah, I got some ideas.

Aasim: Cool. I'm sure they'll help.

Willy: *getting up* Sorry I punched you.

Aasim: It's okay. It was a pretty good punch.

They both enter the school, Violet then gets up.

Violet: I think I might assist them. Can someone maybe go to the bell tower to check on the defences?

(Y/n): I can. Might also be a good spot to have some alone time.

Violet: Okay, cool.

Sapphire: Louis?

Louis: I'm on piano duty.

Sapphire: Really?

Louis: What? I gotta get in some practice before one of you decides to chop it into firewood.

Everyone then goes their separate ways, leaving Clementine and Sapphire alone. 🍿

Sapphire: *to Clem* So, you going up with (Y/n)?

Clem: What? He said he wanted some alone time.

Sapphire: So what? Does that mean you won't go with him?

Clem: I want to respect his privacy.

Sapphire: Okay, you do you. I'm going to see him.

Clem: Wait, what?

Sapphire: *smirking devilishly* Can I let you in on a little secret, Clementine? I may or may not have a little crush on (Y/n)~

She in fact... does not. But you can all see what she's trying to do here.

Sapphire: And I thought visiting him up on the tower, stargazing would be the best, romantic setting to confess my feelings to him! I mean, maybe he has a crush on me. Remember, during the game he said he did like someone here so maybe it's me. Don't you agree, Cl—

Clementine began leaving, making her way to the tower (Y/n) went to. Sapphire smirking to herself smugly.

Sapphire: Now (Y/n). You're about to be the happiest you've ever been since before the apocalypse. Good luck!!

(Y/n)'s POV:

I make my way to the bell tower, with thoughts running in my head. What Tenn said got me thinking. How did that guy get his hands on that cure exactly? And why shouldn't I trust my mother even though she's long gone?

I'm back. Just know I'll be prioritising my health first, so I'm not sure how often I'll upload.

Might be days, weeks, months, or years.

But I really enjoyed writing this chapter and it made me feel really happy! And I hope you all were happy reading it.

And I'd like your opinions on the Author POV. Which will basically be the 3rd Person POV but with jokes thrown in. It won't be used in serious situations however.

Words: 4512

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