I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

38.9K 1K 206

A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
New World Disturbance
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Operation Leviathan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance

Attitude Survey Results

1K 27 6
By KageNishi


"Budgetary Explosion"


Thank you for taking a look at my work. I have been struggling with the story's structure lately, but I'm trying to make it work. This chapter will be a story revolving around the main character. If you have any requests for a story like this, please let me know in the comments.

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January 21, 1771

Department of Land Administration, Petit Trianon

Well, there were too many things to do during the New Year, so I couldn't really rest. Anyway, Happy New Year. I have become King Louis XVI of France, succeeding Louis XV and turning from Auguste to Louis XVI. Becoming a king four years earlier than in original history, I finally managed to finish the transition work that I had been doing since the New Year's holiday.

First, let me introduce some major changes: the power balance at the Palace of Versailles.

When I was reincarnated, there were two major factions: Adélaïde's faction and Madame du Barry's faction. However, due to Adélaïde's failure and the assassination of Madame du Barry, most of the people belonging to Adélaïde's faction were either assigned to low-ranking positions or exiled, while the bureaucrats and officials of the Palace who belonged to Madame du Barry's faction were successfully integrated into the Dauphin's faction.

Furthermore, with the Duke's Gold incident, a large part of the anti-reformist aristocrats have been eliminated, strengthening the public's support base. The trials are still ongoing, but there is a high possibility that the duke and others will face capital punishment. However, the clergy... especially the Catholic Church, opposes and questions the reforms, so we will try to persuade them as much as possible, but we have no intention of stopping the tax reforms.

Even in the original history, the clergy and nobility, the First and Second Estates, were notorious for resisting taxation policies. Moreover, when I tried to promote the cultivation of potatoes throughout France, they refused to change their stance on growing potatoes in the manors, claiming that they could not confirm the safety of the potatoes.

I presented them with scientific data compiled by Antoine-Augustin Parmentier, an agronomist and researcher at the University of Paris who is trying to popularize potatoes in France, and tried to get them to actually eat potato dishes (including the fried potato chips I made), they said, "This is not food mentioned in the Bible, and it may cause syphilis, so we will not plant it!" I was not only angry but also dumbfounded at their response...

Syphilis is still a disease without a specific cure in this era, but it is a disease that is mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse or blood infection during battles. However, in this era, it was believed that vegetables and fruits brought from the New World, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and corn, were also responsible for bringing diseases. I am not as lenient as the historical Louis XVI, so be prepared......!

Their countdown to destiny is getting closer every moment.

'Well, regarding syphilis, it is widely believed that Columbus and his crew brought it back to Europe through sexual intercourse with the native people... but it's not wise to associate everything with religion.'

Potato cultivation has begun among the clergy who are attending as reformists. They are mainly Protestants rather than Catholics, though. But even among the Catholic clergy, there are open-minded individuals who willingly engage in cultivation on their lands, which is much appreciated. Although they belong to different denominations, those who support the reforms are actively helping with the changes. We must make efforts to repay their support and dedication.

And... to promote the tax reforms, I have appointed Jacques Necker as the Minister of Finance, but due to my becoming king, I promoted him to the position of Controller-General of Finances. It marks the birth of the first minister from the Third Estate in the Kingdom of France. I will incorporate capable individuals into executive positions regardless of their social status. That's my stance.

By the way, many French literary, mathematical, and scientific scholars from the 18th to the 19th century have made significant contributions to human history, with their theorems and equations still being utilized in modern times. People like Simon Laplace, who excelled in integration, and Gaspard Monge, among others. It's truly remarkable. In a way, France during this era is exceptionally strong in the field of science, almost as if there's a science cheat correction.

That's why I invite them to the French Academy of Sciences and have increased the research budget for literature, mathematics, science, agriculture, and medicine, which are essential to the foundation of the country, by more than double each. The extra research funding is covered by the funds confiscated from the House of Orléans. With this, we should be able to cover research expenses for the next 15 years or so. We must make effective use of the money. We mustn't hoard it!

On January 18, the day after I announced the doubling of research funding on January 17, scholars belonging to the Academy of Sciences visited the Palace of Versailles, seeking an audience with me. I was curious about the reason, but it turned out that they were crying and expressing their gratitude. Until then, under the rule of Louis XV, they didn't receive much budget and their funds were often allocated to military expenses and the like.

"Your Majesty, you understand the importance of science!"

"With this, we can secure the necessary personnel and resources for research!"

"Thank you so, so much!!! Your Majesty!!!"

"Well, it's a given. The development of science and technology leads to the development of the country. Everyone, work hard and strive in your research!"

"""As you wish!!! You have our eternal gratitude!!!"""

...They were overjoyed.

If I skimped on research funding, it would make it difficult for researchers to carry out their work. I won't do stupid things like the Japanese Ministry of Finance, cutting research funding and failing to allocate funds properly even for basic research!

We must not be left behind, as the Industrial Revolution has already begun. Industry becomes increasingly reliant on science and technology, and individuals who can handle such technologies become highly valued. Therefore, we must foster the development of people who can oversee the industry in the future. That's why we have allocated a massive budget for basic research in science and technology.

Don't miss the wave of change in this era!

Research requires funding, but in return, I want people to conduct various research and learn from it. Research doesn't always guarantee success, but the accumulation of failures paves the way to success. If results were achieved in a single attempt, no one would struggle. That's why I want people to conduct abundant research.

For that purpose, research and reforms are necessary...

By implementing reforms such as the decree of tolerance towards Jews and the abolition of serfdom, I have gained a favorable understanding from the people regarding reforms. This morning, major newspapers in France were filled with headlines and comments praising me.

"His Majesty the King intends to appoint capable individuals as ministers, even if they are from the Third Estate."

"The University of Paris is recruiting numerous mathematics researchers. Those who can handle mathematics are encouraged to take the entrance exam."

"This is the sign that France will emerge from its economic slump and enter a period of growth."

It's truly appreciated that newspapers can convey the voice of the people in this way. Research on steam engines imported from England is also being conducted at the University of Paris. If all goes well, by mid-year, we should have secured a licensing agreement, and experimental operations in coal mines and elsewhere will begin. Once that happens, we can further develop the industry. Amidst the progress of reforms in a favorable manner, today I am visiting the Department of Land Administration to hear the aggregated results of a survey on the awareness of nobles, clergy, and members of the Third Estate throughout France.



"You Feel Consciousness, Right?"


"Your Majesty, here are the tally results."

"Oh, show me."

The employee of the Department of Land Administration presented a survey on the awareness of reforms in various regions, written on thick, large sheets of paper. Officially, the department is set up as an institution responsible for conducting national censuses and managing population statistics. It's a staggering 300 pages long. It seems that they have effectively utilized that setup.

The survey was conducted in major cities and provincial towns throughout France, targeting approximately 10.000 people nationwide. Shortly after the establishment of the Department of Land Administration, they dispatched staff members to conduct the survey over a period of about six months. This survey was conducted based on statistical judgments, considering that the population of France during this era was approximately 25 million people.

Although this data is something I used for my work... Statistically, if you want a high level of accuracy, having data from 10.000 people is considered quite precise. If you allow for some margin of error, around 400 people would be sufficient. However, since this was the first-ever awareness survey conducted, it was produced under the supervision of Marquis de Condorcet. He was really enthusiastic about it, so the survey was made with great effort. Indeed, Marquis de Condorcet.

"Survey of Awareness Regarding Bourbon Reforms, 1771 Edition"

The survey was conducted in the fairest possible manner, employing public officials, to ensure impartiality. It aimed to gauge the understanding and opinions of the nobility, clergy, and citizens regarding the announcement and implementation of the reforms. The first question was, "Do you understand the content of the reforms?"

Considering that the Bourbon reforms delved into large-scale and social class-related matters, it appears that there is significant public interest. A total of 9.715 people, equivalent to 97 percent of the overall respondents, answered that they understood the reforms.

Whoa, the results are more impressive than I expected. Personally, I thought it would be around 70 to 80 percent, but given the nature of the reforms, the level of public interest is quite high. That also means that the reforms are considered indispensable.

When asked, "Are you in favor or against the reforms?" 8.509 people, or 85 percent, responded in favor. The most in favor of the reform were, in order, citizens, nobles, and clergy. The obligation to pay taxes associated with agricultural reforms was most positively received by the citizen class, who own land and serfs such as estates. Previously, it had been decided that the nobility and clergy were exempt from paying taxes. However, the attitude of making it mandatory to pay taxes through the reforms has been quite favorably perceived.

The opposing responses were evenly split between the clergy and nobility, with 400 individuals from each group expressing opposition. Their reasons for opposition include dissatisfaction with being treated as business entities and concerns that the serfs would demand improved treatment and potentially incite riots. A small number of citizens also responded with opposition, fearing riots and internal conflicts.

The possibility of riots and internal conflicts... It's not nonexistent; it's there... If they were to occur, they would likely be spontaneous actions by anti-reformist factions. I decided to summon Josef Hauser, the official advisor to the Department of Land Administration, to discuss the possibility of riots.

"It seems that there are even people among the citizens who oppose the reforms... They are a minority, but they all seem to fear riots and rebellions resulting from the turmoil caused by the reforms. What do you think, Monsieur Josef?"

"I believe there is that possibility. After all, many of the nobility and clergy have accumulated financial resources. Although explicit opposition to the reforms has subsided after the incident with the Duke of Orléans, there are still some who harbor dissatisfaction beneath the surface."

"But then again, it would be quite a hassle to hand them over to the gendarmerie like with the Duke of Orléans, considering the additional crimes and material evidence... And I suppose they are even more cautious in provincial towns?"

"Yes, especially in the western region of France, there are many individuals openly expressing opposition to the reforms. This area is also known for its strong adherence to the Catholic faith. It has been reported that speeches and performances highlighting the drawbacks of the reforms are frequently given, particularly by the clergy."

So they are conducting a negative campaign against the reforms. We need to be cautious.

Western France...

I'm starting to feel uneasy about it.

During the French Revolution, the supporters of the monarchy... the royalists, rebelled against the unjust acts of violence and increased taxation by the revolutionary factions. I think it was called the War in the Vendée. It happened three years after the revolution, and I believe it took place in the western region... Oh no, if we leave this as it is, it might turn into the opposite version of the War in the Vendée, not with royalists, but with religious wars!!!!

Oh no, if I stay silent and leave it as it is, it could lead to a deterioration of relations with the Papal States, which is the center of Catholicism located in Italy. Although the modern internet society jokes about the weakness of the Italian military, that evaluation is mainly based on the period from modern times to World War II. Before that, during the early modern period, various states existed and Italy had its own power as a small country... However, the Italian peninsula today is like Japan's Sengoku period, with a number of republics in various parts of the country.

In addition, apart from our France, Austria, and Spain are also heavily involved in Italy, so it could potentially escalate into a European war. I beg you, please stop the Anti-French Alliance. Hmm, this is a significant issue. We need to quickly devise a plan of action.

"For dealing with the Papal States, would it be prudent to seek the Pope's understanding in exchange for economic support and technological assistance?"

"I think that would be a good idea. The clergy in the west will obey the Pope's order if it is given."

"Alright, then select someone to deliver a letter to the Pope immediately. Also, don't forget to dispatch spies in case the western region erupts. It would be troublesome if the clergy were to incite rebellion. If there are already signs of danger upon their dispatch, we'll authorize assassination."

"Understood. We will dispatch Anthony and Jeanne."

We must also plan for quelling any rebellion. And if a rebellion seems imminent, we will grant permission to assassinate the ringleaders. Engaging in such dark tasks can be challenging, but as the king, I cannot irresponsibly delegate them to others.

As the final authority, I, Louis XVI, bear the ultimate responsibility! As a monarch, it is my duty to bear the political responsibilities. In my future rule as the king, there may be times when I must carry out such ruthless actions. However, I must not hesitate. If I hesitate, I will be framed and end up like in the original timeline, executed by the guillotine. Before it comes to that, I must nip dangerous threats in the bud.

However, such actions should be limited to situations of high risk. If carried out excessively, it would be an abuse of power and no different from a dictatorship. While being aware of such matters, I decided to continue reading the results of the consciousness survey.






Regarding Louise Marie, who appears in the story, if she were to divorce her husband Philippe II, I do not know how her name would be changed. Therefore, for now, she remains as Louise Marie on a provisional basis. Please understand.

Also, thank you for the 3 million views.



The time is just past 13:00. I had a light lunch with a couple of sandwiches and immediately resumed work...

Ugh, I'm getting tired!!!

Not only is the work stagnating more than expected, but sleepiness has also come over me, dammit! It has happened a few times before, but it seems that when I keep looking at words in the same posture, I get sleepy. The words seem to be moving around here and there. Oh no, this is a sign of dozing off.

"Crap, I'm starting to feel drowsy... Maybe I should have some coffee. Can someone make me some coffee?"

"Shall I make it for you, sir?"

"Thank you. I'll leave it to you, Elsa."

"Yes, Your Majesty! Right away."

Madame Louise Marie, also known as Elsa, is the one who is helping with brewing the coffee right away. Huh, why is she here when the House of Orléans is on the verge of condemnation?

Well, you see... She is related to the Princesse de Lamballe. Due to various circumstances, she sought refuge with her family temporarily, but she needs to testify in court, so she ended up working here under the protection of the Department of Land Administration.

Princesse de Lamballe was the wife of Louis Alexandre, the eldest son of Louise Marie's father, the Duke of Penthièvre. However, Louis Alexandre fell ill and passed away at a young age, leaving the Princesse de Lamballe a widow. Nevertheless, it seems that they had a connection, and she provided advice on how to treat her husband, Philippe II.

Then, with the Duke's Gold incident, rumors started circulating that Louise Marie, being associated with the House of Orléans, might be targeted. There were rumors suggesting that she was the one who plotted against the Duke. While I think it's a malicious prank, we have become cautious due to the Red Rain incident before.

The Duke of Penthièvre requested that Louise Marie be entrusted to the most secure office of the Department of Land Administration in case of any unforeseen circumstances. This was because an attempted arson incident occurred at the Château de Rambouillet.

Fortunately, it was just a commotion, but there were reports of a suspicious man entering the castle. If anything were to happen to Louise Marie, it would be a major problem. So, until the trial is over, she will be concealed here at Petit Trianon.

To maintain her anonymity, she has changed her hairstyle and uses the alias "Elsa Antoine" until the end of the trial. There is also a body double who resembles her in appearance and face living as Madame Louise Marie at the Château de Rambouillet. Although she is a body double, she has consented to take on that role. This kind of thing cannot be made public, so it cannot be recorded as an official document. Only the higher-ups of the Department of Land Administration and myself, the king, are aware of this. No one else knows.

And so, Madame Louise Marie brewed the coffee for me. It's freshly made, piping-hot coffee. The aroma of crushed coffee beans permeates the air.

"Thank you for waiting. Here's your coffee. Would you like some milk and sugar?"

"No, I'm fine. I prefer to drink it black. Sometimes, when I want to change the taste, I add milk. But when I drink it with Antoinette, it's with milk."

"Oh, I see! Queen Antoinette also drinks milk coffee?"

"No, it seems she doesn't like the bitterness of coffee. So Antoinette drinks her favorite chocolate with milk and sugar."

"Chocolate, you say. I see... Well then, if you need another drink, please let me know."

"Thank you."

Actually, we do have dedicated staff, but you know...

The Department of Land Administration deals with a lot of classified information due to the nature of the organization. While it's not that we suspect the dedicated water and meal providers, we have implemented a system where we prepare our own food and beverages to prevent information leaks. In the modern era, even the United States Department of Defense (the Pentagon) conducts careful checks on food and beverages brought into their facilities by vendors to prevent the introduction of eavesdropping devices or spyware-laden USBs, for example. It's because there have been infamous cases of Russian and Chinese spies conducting espionage activities among civilians.

Therefore, at Petit Trianon, we generally have a self-service system for food and beverages. Even I, as the king, am not an exception. Near Petit Trianon, there is a Royal Farm Experimental Field currently under construction, where we are already leading in cultivating experimental crops such as potatoes and carrots for use in cooking.

Still, I'm used to staring at documents, but it can be quite tiring to sit for long hours while reading text. Even though I used to work on administrative accounting tasks while facing a computer in my previous life, the computer was loaded with calculation tools and software for creating graphical charts, so the information was visualized.

But in this era, we don't have such convenient tools. The result reports are handwritten without any charts. So, I have to manually calculate the aggregated data and recreate them as pie charts... It's quite draining.

I use a compass to draw circles and then transfer the results onto the pie charts. Why am I doing such a cumbersome task? It's to explain things clearly to the citizens. Well... I've come to realize that the literacy rate is not very high during this era.

It was generally considered sufficient if about one out of three people could read. Reading and writing? It was okay as long as you could communicate orally without needing to read such things!!! That's how it has been. It's said that advanced countries achieved a literacy rate of over 90% only in the early 20th century, so during this era, we need to make the information not only textual but also visually comprehensible!!!

Most likely, the results of the awareness survey have also been distorted and exaggerated as they have been passed from person to person. That's why we have to publicly disclose the aggregated results of the consciousness survey for the citizens.

The quickest way is to present them with illustrations. Illustrations are easier to understand. Even if someone can't read, they can generally grasp the meaning through illustrations. Then, if the publishers properly convey the statistical results, the citizens should understand. And so, while working on the pie charts, I thought it would be better to include easy-to-understand illustrations for the citizens. But that ended up consuming even more time.


And it's noon, so this is my first post.



"Curry Soup"


The main character has changed...



Today, I feel like punching myself for getting carried away earlier and even drawing a plan. Petit Trianon has also become quite chilly. I've been burning a lot of firewood in the fireplace to make it really warm, but it's still cold!!!

It's soooo cooooooold!

It seems that the average temperature was colder than the modern day, and since it is said to have been the Little Ice Age, the cold is just too much. I've already had four cups of hot coffee, brewed in the cup I'm holding in my left hand.

"Ugh... This time of year really gets extremely cold... Monsieur Hauser, what's the temperature outside?"

"The thermometer shows about minus 6 degrees."

"That low!? If I were working outside in this, I would get frostbite... Ugh, the cold is quite hard on the body."

Seriously, it's better not to underestimate winters in this era.

After all, Versailles was supposed to be located on the 49th parallel north... so it's even further north than Sapporo in Hokkaido... Since the average temperature is around 5 degrees in January, this time of year is really tough for me, who relied heavily on modern heating appliances. Even with the fire in the fireplace and being wrapped in a blanket, it's still cold!

Huh, I wish I had a villa in the southern part around Nice, even just during winter... Nice is a resort town that's cool in summer and warm in winter! But well... Currently, it belongs to the Kingdom of Sardinia on the Italian peninsula. It's been a rather strategic place and has suffered from many wars, so it's a sad place... I think it became part of French territory around the 19th century.

Ah, I'm too hungry and too cold to concentrate on work! The task I should be doing now is compiling the survey results for the general public! I have to send them to each newspaper tomorrow! If I don't meet the deadline, they'll say the king is irresponsible! I really need to get myself together! This is just unacceptable!

I should have been satisfied with a simple graph, but I ended up adding illustrations, and now it feels completely irrelevant! Thanks to that, while drawing the illustrations, I spilled ink at the very end and ruined a whole meticulously crafted sheet of paper. The culprit is right here (pointing at myself).

Where did the good atmosphere I had just a moment ago go, damn it!!! I made a huge blunder!!! And on top of that, I wasted time obsessing over the layout. It's beyond foolish!

I've also burdened the staff unnecessarily. Honestly... I'm such an idiot.

'I need to get things moving properly, or else it will burden the staff... Everyone, I'm really sorry!!!'

Fortunately, it was limited to just one sheet of damage. For the parts that haven't spilled ink, you can simply copy them. Just transcribing it as it is, this job will be finished in another hour. But will it really be done in that hour? I have a feeling that it won't. It feels like I've come to a standstill just one step away.

You see, when I continue working for a long time, I encounter this mysterious mood. When working for extended hours, suddenly my mind becomes elevated, as if in a high state... It's like a manic state in bipolar disorder. To put it in an easy-to-understand way, it's a feeling where emotions suddenly escalate and words flow like "Bwaahhh!!!" when writing. However, when this booster wears off, it's similar to the phenomenon where the pen doesn't move at all, like an elderly driver driving slowly.

Could it be burnout syndrome?

Ah... There are aspects that seem to fit.

Even before reincarnation, there were times when I couldn't fully immerse myself in work, and I had a period when I took psychiatric medication for stability. Yeah, this might be three minutes before burning out. This won't do! Let's do something bold for a change, also as a way to refresh the atmosphere!

Maybe I should make a warm dish to boost myself and the staff for one last push. It's also for my own sake. Once I finish the last 10%, it will be complete, but the resources needed to write that 10% are steadily dwindling. Let's take a break and have dinner for now, also as a way to catch our breath. Antoinette has already had dinner at the palace, though.

Today is a day for Antoinette to concentrate on studying. I fully understand that she's helping with the reforms, and above all, her effort is truly admirable. However, she expressed a desire to learn more about various things, so she should be studying with an economics teacher now.

'Antoinette is also working hard. I need to work hard too...!'

I roused myself and got up from my seat, then headed to the kitchen set up in Petit Trianon, deciding to make a rough winter dish, a man's style. I'll use curry powder imported all the way from India as the main ingredient. As expected of an Indian product... The spice flavor is authentic!!!

First, I pour water into a pot and toss in potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped with a knife, and heat them on the stove. Once I think they're cooked through, I add an appropriate amount of curry powder. I also throw in a small amount of bacon for good measure and let it simmer.




Alright, it's done simmering in 45 minutes. Completed. It's my special curry soup.

It's a curry soup without any particular excitement. Hahaha...

...What am I doing?

I hear Monsieur Hauser's voice from behind.

"...ty, Your Majesty!"

"Hmm? Ah, I was making it for everyone... I'm about to serve it in bowls..."

"Are you feeling a bit tired? We can handle the rest of the work, so you can take a break..."

"No, the mistake in creating that graph was also my responsibility... So, I should take care of it myself... It's fine."

"I see... But please don't push yourself too hard! You've become the King, after all..."

"Yes, thank you. Now, let's eat together before the soup gets cold."

Oh no... It seems like recently I've been appearing to be pushing myself too hard to everyone.

Mistakes are increasing to the point where I notice them myself, so what should I do? Even though it should be a warm curry soup, I feel like I can't taste the flavor when I drink it.

Afterward, with the help of other staff members, I manage to complete the national survey results for public release, just barely before 22:00.



"I Need Antoinette's Lap Pillow to Restore My MP"

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Today, Lord Auguste is working at the Department of Land Administration until late at night. As his wife, I have been studying in my room and writing a letter to my mother until Lord Auguste returns. Studying is not easy. There have been even more difficult topics and philosophical problems than before.

For example, there was a question asking for the merits and demerits of François Quesnay's proposed "physiocracy." It refers to an economic policy that emphasizes profits from agriculture. It aims to revitalize the economy by liberalizing the buying and selling of crops and bringing a large quantity of agricultural products to the market.

Lord Auguste explained this to me last autumn. However, he expressed a negative view of physiocracy and stated that he would not implement such an economic policy based on it even if he became king.

"Physiocracy? Well... It's like a gamble in a way, so personally, I wouldn't want to do it even if I become king. The disadvantages outweigh the merits when it comes to liberalizing crops..."

"Is that so? From what I've heard, if the economy is liberalized, wouldn't it increase the benefits for farmers?"

"Yes, certainly, if we are blessed with good weather and have a bountiful harvest, a lot of ingredients will circulate in the market, and commerce can be revitalized. But Antoinette, what do you think will happen to the market if it keeps raining or if the temperature doesn't rise even in summer, resulting in a poor harvest?"

"If there are fewer crops available... Ah, could it be that prices will skyrocket!?"

"Exactly. Even if we liberalize, if agricultural products become scarce and their prices become unaffordable for the common people, riots would occur, and the economic policy centered around that would collapse. Agriculture is a delicate matter... If we slack off even a little, crops won't grow. That's why there are merits, but the demerits are too significant."

"I see... I understand it well!"

Lord Auguste mentioned that crops are easily influenced by the climate. The merits and demerits of physiocracy are as follows: in years of abundant harvest, there will be significant profits in the market; however, in years of poor harvest, it will have a major impact. With this, I was able to answer one of the questions.

Lord Auguste also mentioned that instead of adopting heavy agriculture-based policy, he will promote industrial policies utilizing steam engines, which are expected to grow in the future. While studying, he explains things with easy-to-understand examples. He is truly someone I want to be by the side of.

I also wrote about this in a letter to my mother. It seems that my mother also trusts Lord Auguste, which is more than anything else!

Oh, Lord Auguste... It's already past 10 o'clock today. Wouldn't you please come back soon? I can't help but eagerly await your return. Petit Trianon is right there, but I'm currently involved in important meetings and document preparations. I must not disturb the atmosphere if I were to go. If I were to go, it would be better to do so after things have settled down.

Knock, knock, knock

I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.

Three knocks.

Finally, finally, it seems that Lord Auguste has returned!

As Lord Auguste entered the room, he immediately apologized to me.

"I'm home, Antoinette! Sorry for being late!"

"Welcome back, Lord Auguste!!! No, it is the duty of a wife to wait for her husband's return!"

"Thank you!!! But on days like today, when I'm late, you don't have to push yourself!"

While reproaching Lord Auguste not to push himself too hard, he thanked me and praised me! And already, the room is filled with a very pleasant aroma of essential oils. I had asked Princesse de Lamballe to have it sent from Paris to help alleviate Lord Auguste's fatigue! As Lord Auguste entered the room filled with the warm air from the fireplace and the pleasant scent of essential oils, he immediately noticed the change in the room!

"Ooh, it smells nice!!! Is this aromatic oil?"

"That's right! It's said to have a rejuvenating effect on fatigue!"

"I see... Yeah, when you're surrounded by a nice scent, it makes you feel good, right? It's like instantly arriving at a summer resort as soon as you enter the room... It's refreshing, and my spirits are lifted!!!"

Saying that, Lord Auguste made a triumphant pose. I'm glad he's happy above all else!

Then he said, "What would you like to do tonight, Antoinette...?"

"Well... Tonight, I want the two of us to sleep peacefully together."

"That's right, it's about time to sleep. Then let's sleep together in bed again."


Sleeping together with Lord Auguste in bed. Just that alone makes me happy! Being able to be with someone who understands me so well... It's more enjoyable than anything else. And just sleeping together makes me happy. Furthermore, today I was able to see an unexpected side of Lord Auguste!

"Oh, by the way... I have a small request for today. Can I ask you?"

"Yes! Please tell me anything!"

"It's just for a little while, but... Can I ask for a knee pillow?"

"A knee pillow...?"

"Yes, yes. In a sitting position on the bed... I want to lie sideways and rest my head on your knee while sleeping... Is that okay?"

"Well, it's fine!"

It was a somewhat childish request, so I couldn't help but giggle a little! But as I provided the knee pillow, I noticed that Lord Auguste looked rather lonely. Perhaps he had never been spoiled like this by his mother. I received a lot of love from my mother, father, and the people in the palace while growing up. I was not good at studying and always caused trouble...



"...Is it okay if I lean on you?"

"Yes, of course!"

"...Thank you."

I stroked Lord Auguste's head. Even though he has a childish side... I still love him like that. The only time Lord Auguste can be pampered is when it is just the two of us. If I can be of any help to him, please rely on me as much as you want.

However, recently it seems that work has been long and difficult for Lord Auguste, so it might be good to listen to his concerns a little. Perhaps he's pushing himself too hard.

Since I'm here with Lord Auguste, let's work together to change France. For that, I still need to study more. Just a little more, I will acquire the fundamental knowledge and then assist Lord Auguste!

While stroking Lord Auguste's head, I enjoyed the exclusive time between the two of us.


I still think it's better to talk about the chemistry, so that's good...




★ ☆ ☆

January 29, 1771

Schönbrunn Palace, Austria

Maria Theresa, the Archduchess of Austria and a wise ruler, had been concerned about her daughter Marie Antoinette, who became the queen at the end of last year. And for good reason. Her daughter, who became the queen of an allied country, was only 15 years old. Naturally, she would be considered young due to her age.

When the assassination attempt on the late King Louis XV occurred just one month after the marriage, Maria Theresa hurriedly confirmed with her subordinates whether Antoinette was injured. Fortunately, Antoinette was unharmed, and her fiancé, Dauphin Louis Auguste, escaped with minor injuries, ensuring their safety.

Nevertheless, as a parent and as the monarch of an allied country, Maria Theresa was concerned about the political situation in France.

...However, the political turmoil in France settled much quicker than Maria Theresa had anticipated. The reason was that the young 15-year-old Dauphin had been entrusted with the authority of acting as the king on behalf of Louis XV, and he displayed his latent political skills admirably.

He actively engaged in public relations activities by employing newspapers and public figures to provide clear explanations for the citizens, as well as continuously updated specific measures and improvements concerning the allied monarch. On the domestic front, he issued a decree of tolerance towards Jews and implemented policies for the liberation of serfs. Additionally, he captured the anti-reformist nobles and ordered the cultivation of potatoes, which is widespread in the Kingdom of Prussia, among other things...

Auguste's actions, as observed by Maria Theresa, demonstrated a level of skill that surpassed her expectations in a positive sense.

'I wonder if it's really only the Dauphin who is doing all this? Is it not someone else taking the lead? I'm pleased to see that things are stabilizing. It's written in Antoinette's letters, but just to be sure, I must summon Count Argenteau to the homeland and confirm...'

On September 30th, Maria Theresa called upon Count Argenteau, the Austrian ambassador to France, to verify the facts.

He was still 15 years old—No, at this time, Auguste had turned 16. Nevertheless, could someone so young, at the age of 16, possess such remarkable skills?

Count Argenteau, who was summoned by the doubtful Maria Theresa, went to Schönbrunn Palace on October 7th to explain the situation to her.

"It seems that the Dauphin himself is actively engaged in domestic affairs in France... But is he really doing it all by himself?"

"Yes, I have witnessed it myself. Under the leadership of Dauphin Louis Auguste, we are carrying out domestic reforms. Lady Antoinette is also assisting him."

"That child!? By the way, do you know what kind of assistance she is providing?"

"At present, she is involved in various tasks such as designing the planned washrooms and bathhouses within the Palace of Versailles, as well as establishing salons. Recently, she has taken the initiative to study economics. She has invited renowned scholars from France to study together with Dauphin Auguste."

Upon hearing Count Argenteau's words, Maria Theresa was greatly shocked. That spirited girl was supporting Auguste, who was diligently preparing for reforms in France, despite her position as the Dauphine! Furthermore, she was studying diligently as well... And not only statecraft but also economics, it seems.

Afterward, Maria Theresa learned various things through the exchange of letters with Antoinette. For example, the fact that the Dauphin himself scouted talents and assembled a diverse range of personnel regardless of social status or class. In an era where social status held significant influence, he appointed commoners and individuals of Jewish origin as finance ministers and aides. Maria Theresa was already considered a progressive figure at that time, but she was astonished by the bold methods employed by Auguste.

'To incorporate not only commoners but also Jewish individuals for the sake of reforms... It's quite daring, even considering the need for economic recovery...'

The results were already starting to show, with talents and funds flowing into France from dispersed Jewish communities across European countries. Not just Jewish individuals, even investors were making investments in France due to their expectations of Auguste, the future king. France's economy was expected to further flourish.

And today, a letter arrived from France, sent by Antoinette. For Maria Theresa, it was already something to look forward to, wondering what it contained.

"What is written in it?"

As she opened the letter, she found that it was about Auguste, who had become the king. Antoinette was always infatuated with Auguste, but this time, the contents expressed her concern for him.

. . .

Dear Mother,

Greetings. I hope this letter finds you well. It has been quite cold outside recently. Over the past few days, I have been enjoying warm onion soup and pumpkin stew. I eat them together with Lord Auguste. However, I've become worried about his condition lately. He has been handling reform matters to improve people's lives...

Recently, Lord Auguste has been working tirelessly, taking only one day off even after the new year. I have suggested to him and those around him to take some rest, but he is deeply committed to the reforms, wanting to shape them into something better. And when we sleep together, I've noticed that Lord Auguste quietly shed tears, trying not to be noticed by me.

I also assist Lord Auguste, but even so, it is difficult for me to witness his moments of struggle. But the reforms continue to progress, and he is spending time persuading the clergy as well. Could I please ask for advice from you, Mother, for Lord Auguste? I humbly request your support.

Marie Antoinette

. . .

As Maria Theresa read the letter, her hands trembled. The contents revealed that Auguste was currently working on reform matters and attending meetings, without taking more than one day off during the New Year. A young king, only 16 years old, striving to change the country even at the cost of wearing down his own body. Reading the letter, it resembled the sense of urgency she had experienced in the past. Theresa couldn't help but cover her eyes at his determination.

"He is pushing himself too hard, all alone..."

Theresa understood that the king had a tendency to shoulder many things on his own. At the same time, she decided to write letters to both Antoinette and Auguste. In these letters, she would remind Antoinette to support her husband as she had done before, and caution Auguste not to push himself too hard in the reforms, drawing from her own experiences.

'If Antoinette is writing this much, she must be putting significant effort into the reforms... But pushing too hard and collapsing would be detrimental to everyone!'

Two hours later, Theresa finished writing the letters and urgently instructed her subordinate to deliver them to the Palace of Versailles.

"I need you to deliver these letters to the Palace of Versailles as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Following the orders of the Archduchess, her subordinate hurriedly set off to deliver the letters to the Palace of Versailles, bypassing several towns. The express delivery reached the palace on the morning of February 1st.



"Don't Wake Up My Companion, He Is Tired to the Verge of Death."


Thanks to your support, we have risen to second place in the quarterly ranking of the history genre!

Thank you very much.

☆ ☆ ☆

February 1, 1771

Palace of Versailles, France

Recently, there are times when I can't sleep, but I'm managing somehow as Louis XVI. There are times when I intensely long for my past life. I wonder how the VR game market is doing, or how the sales of new games have turned out, or whether my workplace is functioning properly without me, and so on... Occasionally, I feel a nostalgic longing for that life, and tears well up.

Living surrounded by all these electrical appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, induction cooktops, microwaves, televisions, computers, smartphones... It's a world of difference in terms of convenience compared to the 18th-century world here. I can take out food from the refrigerator whenever I want and just press a button on the microwave to heat it up. News from around the world flows in real-time on the internet, and I can enjoy playing games while casually checking that information on the side with the TV turned on...

To people from the 18th century, it might seem like a world of magic. For someone like me who came from that world, living here is also innovative, and since my beloved Antoinette is here, I feel motivated to keep going. I need to work harder to live happily with her...

"Well then... I've had raisin bread and hot milk for breakfast, so let's give it our all today..."

"Your Majesty! Count Argenteau, the Austrian ambassador, is requesting an audience."

Just as I was thinking about giving my best today, this happened. The guard reported that Count Argenteau, the Austrian ambassador, is seeking an audience with me. If the Austrian ambassador is requesting an audience, does that mean something has happened? I hope it's not something like a war.

"Very well. If he seeks an audience, let's meet right away. Show him in."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As the guard opened the door, Count Argenteau, dressed in brown attire, entered. He is someone who often gives advice to Antoinette and also works as a watchful presence to ensure that there are no conflicts between the Kingdom of France and Austria. In other words, he is checking whether Antoinette and I are getting along well. Count Argenteau bowed to me and then handed me something.

"This is... a letter?"

"Yes, it was delivered to me earlier by a messenger as an urgent delivery. I have been instructed to deliver it directly to His Majesty Louis XVI."

"For me... but is there also a letter for Antoinette?"

"Yes, indeed. It is strongly recommended that both of you read it together."

"I see... understood. Thank you for bringing the letter, Count Argenteau."

"Oh no, I apologize for interrupting your elegant breakfast."

"It's alright. I've already had breakfast, so it's fine. We'll definitely read the letter together when Antoinette returns."

"Very well, then. Please do take a look at the letter. I kindly request that of you."

With those words, Count Argenteau bowed and exited the room. He had brought a letter from the Archduchess. There was a letter for both Antoinette and me. It's quite thick... I wonder if it contains a lot of pages? Perhaps it includes information related to military alliances or something...?

Now, as for what Antoinette is doing at the moment, she's enjoying her morning bath. Yes, a morning bath.

In the 21st century, you can take a bath whenever you want, but in this era, you don't simply turn a faucet and have water come out. You have to fetch water from a well, heat it, and then pour it into the bathtub. It's quite labor-intensive, and taking a bath in the morning is limited to wealthy households. By the way, Antoinette prefers long baths. She's probably about 15 minutes away from finishing.

Speaking of baths, I recently renovated the bathtub and installed a more spacious and easy-to-clean drain. Personally, I like bathing in an open-air bath with a relaxing atmosphere and the scent of hinoki cypress. Even so, with the larger bathtub and the improved drainage and cleaning process, it has become much more convenient. This time of year makes me crave a bath, and if there's an opportunity to bathe with Antoinette someday, I'd love to do it in a scenic location.

I feel time passing as I space out. Before I knew it, Antoinette finished her bath and returned. She must have dried her hair with a towel since there are still water droplets at the tips. After everything was clean and tidy, I showed her the letter as well.

"I apologize for the wait, Lord Auguste. Oh? What is that letter?"

"It's from your mother. Count Argenteau brought it earlier. Apparently, we're supposed to read it together..."

"From Mother...?"

"Yes, this one is for you, and this one is for me. Shall we open them and read them together?"

"Yes! Ah, I'll bring a letter opener right away!"

"Oh, sorry... I didn't prepare a letter opener... I didn't think ahead."

"No worries, Lord Auguste. You're fine! Now, let's open them together!"

Using a letter opener, we proceeded to read the letters. Antoinette's letter contained advice from her mother regarding her husband, while mine contained advice pertaining to my role as king.

. . .

To His Majesty the King, Louis Auguste,

Greetings. I am Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria. My daughter is always grateful for your care. This may be the first time I am sending a letter to you.

First and foremost, it seems that you are diligently fulfilling your duties as king. Rumors of the reforms led by you, our ally, have spread to our country. I truly admire your ability to recruit and utilize talented individuals regardless of their social status, class, or race.

To personally take charge as king and fulfill your responsibilities is commendable. However, it also places a great burden on your mind and body. If the burden becomes too great, eventually it will become unbearable and you may break. Especially when undertaking reforms that aim to change the entire country, the burden on you will undoubtedly be substantial.

While it is important for a king to work, it is also your duty to rest properly. During my youth, I myself spared no effort and led from the front, but as a consequence, even now I occasionally suffer from headaches and such. Youth is a time when one believes they can do anything and easily engages in reckless behavior. However, if you push yourself too hard in your youth, the consequences often rebound years later.

Therefore, I implore you to take a rest and never push yourself beyond your limits, making the management of your health a top priority. Please make sure to rest your body at least one day a week. Also, I would like to express my gratitude for always being with my daughter. Since marrying you, my daughter has grown significantly. Every time I hear reports of her growth, I feel grateful that I married her off to you. I hope that the friendship between our two countries will continue in the future. And please take care of my daughter.

Maria Theresa

. . .


Oooh, as expected of someone renowned as an Archduchess, her advice is spot-on...

And she really admonished me for pulling all-nighters. Perhaps I am indeed working too much...

Antoinette also nodded several times while reading the letter...

Come to think of it... It means that the head of an allied country is genuinely concerned about me, right? No, no, it's not good to make Archduchess Maria Theresa worry.


I should consider taking a break. Today and tomorrow happen to have no major plans... I'll take the Archduchess' advice to heart and make it a point to have at least one day of rest every week from now on.


"Yes, what is it?"

"...How about taking a break from work today and going to Paris or something?"

"!!! A-are you serious!?"

"Yes, it's also written here... That taking a break is a king's responsibility. I received advice from my mother as well. I'll accept the suggestion and take today and tomorrow off. There are no urgent official duties. I plan to rest and explore Paris... Is that alright?"

"Ohhh!!! Of course! Resting is important! Lord Auguste, let's go shopping together!!!"

"Oh, that sounds great! Let me inform the guards right away that I'll be taking the day off..."

Indeed, I have been working too hard lately. It seems I must ensure to take proper breaks. It wouldn't be funny if I collapsed from overwork while implementing work reforms. Taking Archduchess Maria Theresa's advice to heart, I decided to take a two-day vacation.


The protagonist finally enters the city of Paris more than half a year after his reincarnation.

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