How I Met My Princess

By littlemissgotham

1.1K 31 7

Niall Horan fanfiction. Title basically says it all. More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Goodbye
Chapter 11: The Mean Girl
Chapter 12: The Best Thing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Filler
Hanging Out With 5 Seconds Of Summer
I Miss You
Lazy Day
Ex - Boyfriend
Welcome Back
It's Time!!!??

4 Months - The Date

20 1 0
By littlemissgotham

Hope you enjoy the date. This chapter might be sort. I hope not but don't be shocked if it is. Because the thing I have planned, I want to put in the next chapter.

FYI I changed my mind I might have the drama at Chapter 30 then end at maybe 32 or 35. I know its a little late for drama. BUT I might do a second book with more drama.

Nialls POV

I decided to take Megan site seeing first. That way I can also look to see where to take her. We went so many places, we even took a walk in the park. I realized this was the place. Also there was a hotel near by. Now I know what you are thinking. We won't do that until she is ready. If she is ready a week from now it'd be fine. It'll be fine if she don't want to do, it'd be even better if she does. I just don't want to force her or anything.

We're done as of right now. I need to get Greg's help with everything. I leave Megan with me mum while I go upstairs and ask Greg. "Hey Greg can you do me a favour?" "Sure little brother." "Well I want to do something for our anniversary but I don't know what." It took him a while to answer, since he was thinking. "Well do you have anything in mind?" I did take her sightseeing today and I thought the park was a good idea.

"Why don't you just have a picnic?" That's the best idea, "Do you really think it could work?" "Of course." So that's what I was gonna do. I thanked Greg and walked downstairs. I saw Meg and mum looking through old pictures. I then realized it was my baby book "Mum! What are you doing with me baby book?" "Oh it's okay babe she was just showing me your baby pictures." Megan said smiling, I couldn't help but smile, I can not be mad at her.

1 week later

Megan's POV

Today is officially the day of our 4 months. I went put shopping with his mum and bought him a new watch. I was saving up my money. Niall was out with Greg he didn't tell me where they were going. It obviously had something to do with our date. I've pretty much figured him out already. I love him so much, I can not believe still that I am dating Niall Horan. I had made sure that I had his present ready, I would give it to him during or after our date. After about 2 to 3 hours I got a text from Niall:

From Niall: Hey babe get ready for our date, I'll see you in and hour and a half. Remember you don't need to try too hard, you always look perfect. FYI Bring an extra change of clothes.

To Niall: Love you too and okay I'll see you soon. Nialler! xx :) ;)

Well that's unusual I can't wait to see what he has planned. I pick out what I want to wear, I then take a shower, get dressed, do my hair and make up. Now I am ready to go and waiting for my Niall, so glad I can call him that. I then get a call from him. "Hey babe come outside I am waiting for you." So that's what I do. I see that Greg is inside now. I walk out and see Niall in his care, I looked so perfect he must've gotten ready somewhere else. The drive is taken in silence, with the sound of music playing and Niall holding my hand. We finally make it to the park it's the same place we went a week ago. Except there is something different, a picnic basket with a blanket underneath it. "Open up the bag he tells me." I do and I what I see is halirous. "Really Niall, McDonalds? Gosh I love you so much." I say laughing and then I kiss him. We start eating talking about whatever.

First it starts with the tour, then a name and songs for the new album; he wanted to name it four I thought it was interesting. He also talks about our future together, talks about what I want to be when I get older. I thought it was the perfect time to give him my present, he opens it up. "Wow Meg you really didn't have to do this." "I know but I wanted to. There were stars in the sky and we layed back to look at them, I was cuddling with Niall he is so beautiful. I started staring and he must've noticed, "What are you staring at?" "You." "Because you're perfect and I love you more than anything." "I'm not perfect at all, I'm always the one in the band who no one ever liked. Until I changed everything." I saw a tear run down his face.

"Now don't you start hating yourself I love you too much. Just remember you are perfect to me and I'm never letting you go." I snuggle up closer to him, he is truly mine and I'm never letting him go. I kiss his cheek and we sit there a little while longer. "So you ready to go?" "Go where?" "To the hotel I got, I just wanted us to be alone. I even got some movies for us to watch." And that's what we did, we left and headed to our room to stay.

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