The Silent Desire

By VelvetX03

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It all begins on the rooftop. A day later Kushida Kikyo is expelled and Ayanokoji starts questioning things h... More

Chapter I - A Sudden Epiphany
Chapter III - Lifting the Curtains
Chapter IV - Fractured Mind
Chapter V - Textbook of Friendship
Chapter VI - Whimpers of A Fool
Chapter VII - The Silence of Love
Chapter VIII - Back to The Roots
Chapter IX - One Less Stain
Chapter X - Turn of The Tide
Chapter XI - A Long Day

Chapter II - Actions and Consequences

2.9K 138 92
By VelvetX03

Humans are said to be rational beings. We can analyze complex situations, and use our memory, and experience of the past to either replicate or avoid certain actions or in some cases, mistakes. That's right, if there is one important distinction between us and animals, is the ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

If one looks at how many ecosystems work, one will find that many of the same species of animals or plants have different subspecies or variations inside of them. For example, why do we have Arctic, Desert, and European species of rabbits? Why did evolution lead to the subdivision of what we call a "common rabbit" to many different species of rabbits?

The Answer is simple - adaptability. It's not the most intelligent, strongest, quickest, or someone with other specific superior abilities that survives, but rather the one who can adapt. This is how I survived the white room as well. If you looked at my scores, you would have found that I was never at the top, instead, I built my way to the top.

In the same way, evolution deemed that for a rabbit to adapt to certain climates and natural conditions, it must therefore adapt its own body and senses to maximize the chances of survival.

Natural-born geniuses and prodigies were irrelevant in a place that wanted to create an artificial genius from mediocre abilities. It did not matter how smarter or stronger someone was compared to me. Instead, what mattered was my ability to adapt and consistently improve over and over, trial by trial. This is how I defeated Yuki at swimming and this is why Shiro in the end lost as well.

They never pushed themselves to the full potential of their abilities. Yuki was a weak-minded individual who put unnecessary attention to irrelevant things such as friendship in a place designed for individual battles. She did not lose the fight with the white room, but instead, she lost a fight with herself.

Yuki sabotaged her ability to progress by attaching her mind to me, or rather an idea of friendship with me. The moment it happened was not important, but rather how would Yuki react to such an important implication.

She decided to let the cancer grow until at one point she was devoured by it, her mind was lost to a sea of abyss where the only shining light was the delusional fabrication of a person called Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Yuki lost because she could not adapt.

Shiro lost because he decided that he had lost. I remember him saying that he wanted to drop out because he had achieved his full potential and there was no further progress in sight for him. To this day, I still cannot stop myself from questioning his words.

'Is it possible that Shiro achieved the maximum output possible from his mind and body? Is there even such a number, or a line that once a person reaches, they cannot cross no matter what? If so, have I also reached a point where I cannot further improve myself?'

I don't know, maybe I will find such a limit in the future, or maybe I will not. In the grand scheme of things, it does not matter. Shiro was the second-best of the 4th generation. At some point, his desire to become better, and his ability to progress plateaued, most likely not because he reached the so-called theoretical peak of his abilities, but rather because he did not want to adapt further. Before dropping out, Shiro expressed his desire of living in the outside world and experiencing many things I have the opportunity of witnessing now.

What if such desire in Shiro never appeared? Did he experience such desire because he could not improve further or was it the opposite, did he not improve his abilities further, because he experienced a desire for freedom in the first place?

It was a question I could not answer and it irked me. Rarely did I find myself not being able to answer a simple question. Even in the case of emotions, I was able to understand and manipulate them. I only had difficulties understanding my feelings and expressing them. But now was a case where I genuinely could not understand and answer a problem in front of me.

An unintended sigh escaped from my lips. The dead silence of the classroom caused by Chabashira-sensei's previous proclamation had the undesired effect of making my sigh clearly audible and most of my classmates shifted their attention to me.

'A troublesome situation. I don't want your attention right now, please kindly go back to ignoring me just as you all have done for the past month and a half.

As if my thoughts were loudly broadcasted to the classroom, soon most of the students shifted their attention back to Chabashira-sensei, clearly awaiting her explanation. Unfortunately, the word most, in this case, did not include a certain cold-hearted seatmate of mine, whose gaze became even more penetrating. She was undoubtedly awaiting clarification of the current situation from me, but unfortunately for her, I had no desire of satiating her curiosity.

'Horikita, you always act like a petulant child when people initiate any kind of conversation with you. Looking down on us from your self-constructed pedestal and expecting others for some alien reason to kiss the mere ground you walk on - this is hypocritical, selfish, and most importantly foolish. Your horrible attitude and superiority complex have hindered most innate talents or abilities you possess.

Demanding an answer from me as if I am some kind of personal dog of yours.

Ridiculing, annoying, and insulting my personality, my core values, and my identity as a whole.

Trying to use me for your selfish and pathetic goals without consideration of my personal beliefs on the topic.

Refusing to accept my denial of helping you in reaching class A, as if you could not care less about my thoughts. No, in the moment of demanding me to be your pawn, you clearly showed that asking me for your help was a farce. You expected me to agree just because you, Horikita Suzune dared to grace a mediocre and puny individual like me with your godly presence.

I will kindly reply to your request with two beautiful words the presence of Sudo, Yamauchi, and Ike had kindly bestowed upon my average mind - Fuck off.

Seeing the refusal to accept her unworded demands in my eyes, Horikita slightly glared at me, but before she could question my sudden uncooperativeness, the dead silence of the classroom cracked under Ike's sudden inquiry:

"Chae-san-sensei, wha-wha-t do you me-mean, ho-how could Kikyo-chan be ex-ex-pelled?"

Ike stumbled over his words, one look at him was enough to read his emotions as an open book - denial, shock, and even a hint of fear were plastered on his face. He could not, no he did not want to believe the words spoken by Chabashira-sensei was truth.

"Haha, I did not know you could joke Sensei. With your expression, you always looked like a thorny ice princess. Who would have thought there was a hidden humorous side in you?"

Yamauchi's downright indifferent statement amassed both disgust and dissatisfaction from my classmates; his insensitive nature could hardly be called desirable after all. Although it would be a lie to say that Yamauchi's opinion was unaccepted by the classroom. It seemed that the sudden proclamation turned gears in many of my classmates' minds. They agreed - Chabashira-sensei was surely joking.

Apart from Horikita, there was only one person who for even one second did not believe that sensei's words were a lie. His expression was turning gloomier and gloomier and his composure was assuredly cracking under the pressure. The final blow to the dwindling sanity of Hirata was delivered by Chabashira-sensei herself.

"I assure you, this is no joke. Do any of you think I would waste time amusing you fools? There is no such possibility. Kushida Kikyou has been expelled and the decision is final".

Immediately, the classroom went into pandemonium. Nosy exclamations such as "not possible", "how did this happen", "I don't believe it", and "it can't be" were filling the classroom, creating utter chaos and cacophony of sounds. I found it all irritating.

"Silence! At least maintain some form of decorum, this is a classroom, not a midnight club".

Chabashira-sensei's harsh tone and provocative words had an immediate effect in finally silencing the classroom. Although such a term could only be used to describe the outward appearance of class D. Inwards, I was sure that my classmates were still trying to process sensei's unbelievable claims. They would come terms to with it eventually. Human minds could not dwell on one negative topic forever.

Hirata with a somber expression and restless tone questioned Chabashira-sensei - "Sensei, would you mind telling us why Kushida was expelled?"

I had to applaud Hirata, not only he had good academic, physical, and social skills, but he could also keep himself moderately composed under pressure. Unlike most of the class, Hirata had skipped four of the five stages of grief and immediately went to acceptance.

"Indeed I can. Kushida threatened a student by claiming that she would lie about being raped by the aforementioned student. There was both audio and video evidence of this. The student who was blackmailed sent the footage to us - teachers. Usually, higher authorities decide the fate of the students in this school, but this time both the faculty and the student council deemed that keeping Kushida Kikyou in this school was not possible. She was expelled for attempted blackmail and for having an unstable mental condition".

"R-Rape?" - mumbled Karuizawa. For most, it would not be perceivable, but for my trained eyes the slight trembling of her body, widened eyes, and the distraught expression plastered on her pretty face was an unmistakable sight. To say Karuiazawa was distraught would be an understatement, terrified would be an objectively better assessment of her current mental state.

'Hirata and Karuizawa, both of you are not what you seem to be. I really hope I don't have another Kushida situation to deal with, that would be extremely tiring to deal with.'

"No way, Kikyou-chan would never do that. This is impossible, she was set up. I can't believe this. I demand to see the video".

Ike's eloquent "speech" while rather crude, was agreed upon by my classmates. Reconciling the image of the angel facade Kushdia held in the classroom with a devil threatening a student with a false claim of rape was naturally not something easily possible for the class.

"I have to agree with you, Ike. Sensei, Kushida-san would never have done or even thought such a horrible thing. Surely, she was set up. Maybe the video was completely faked or it could have been missing important information, therefore making out Kushida to be the villain".

I don't think I have heard Shinohara speaking so fervently before, even my classmates were a little surprised by Shinohara's bold words. Ike and Shinohara being the first spark, soon, a sudden inferno started blazing in support of Kushida. Yamauchi, Hondo, and Ike were the most prominent supporters of her. Inogashira and Mori were in tow, not falling behind.

"Ike-kun and Shinohara-san are right, there is no way Kushida-san would have done something so horrible".

"Yes, Kushida-san is an angel".

"Show me that asshole, I will beat the shit out of him".

"I want the school to compensate me with points for making such a mistake." - Yamauchi's bold demand was discarded as quickly as it was worded. Even in this chaotic situation, Yamauchi was still trying to find a way to gain something for himself. Truly, a mind of such a genius was incomprehensible for an average person like me.

"Let us watch the video sensei, we can at least make a proper judgment after witnessing the situation with our own eyes".

Not surprisingly, it was Hirata's objective demand that silenced the classroom but also sparked the faint hope of overturning the current unfortunate predicament.

Chabashira-sensei turned her attention to Hirata and was just about to speak her mind, only to be interrupted by Koenji's boisterous voice.

"This unsightly behavior has truly dragged down my almost non-existent evaluation of you harem-boy even further. And I am not only speaking about you but the whole class. Did you not hear sensei's words or have your defective minds decided to ignore the clearly stated implications behind them?"

Koenji's tone was harsh, and his words even harsher. Considering the current situation in the classroom, his presence was even more annoying to my classmates than usual. Before Hirata could formulate a reply, in his stead, angered Karuizawa retorted - "What are you even talking about you weirdo? Your words make like, no sense at all".

Karuizawa finally recovering from her, let's call it - traumatic episode, quickly gathered her hot-headed gyaru persona and briskly called out Koenji's way of speaking.

But Koenji did not seem to be bothered; considering his widening smile at her response, it would seem that he found the whole situation amusing. What an enigma, he would be a headache or two to deal with down the line.

"Be thankful that I even graced you with not only my sight but with my opinions as well cow-girl. Try to not get blinded while basking in the vicinity of my perfect existence". - Koenji not only managed to make his words sound even weirder but he also insulted one of the most popular girls in class without batting an eye.

Karuizawa's cheeks flared red and I could only sigh in preparation for the barrages of insults that would follow in Koenji's direction. Thankfully Chabashira-sensei stopped this pointless tug-of-war before it could escalate.

"Enough Koenji, stop insulting your classmates". Koenji did not seem to care about sensei's words and continued staring in the mirror while combing his hair. He was once again gone in Koenji-land, ignoring everything and everyone around him.

"As for your demands for seeing the video evidence, it is unfortunate but that is not possible. This is what Koenji was implying before. The student asked for their anonymity and besides, are all of you so dumb that you think you can question the student council's and faculty's decision? Get this through your stupid skulls - Kushida is expelled, and the evidence was proven to be real.

This is the consequence of her actions, nothing more, nothing less. I would advise you to continue preparing for your midterms if you do not wish to share the same fate as her. This is not the first and it will likely not be the last time a classmate of yours is expelled. Be careful, that is all for today".

I was closely observing the sudden mood change in the classroom. Just as quickly as Ike and Shinohara gathered the last remnants of hope, sensei also dashed them and grounded them to the dust.

Hirata's eyes were blank, his dark expression was a sight to see, completely different from the usual happy and welcoming smile he showed to the classroom. Karuizawa was looking at him nervously and whispering something, but Hirata seemed to not hear it or if he did, he found the words unimportant enough to ignore. I also observed his hands clenching harder once Chabashira-sensei mentioned more possibility of expulsions.

'I see, this is how it is. Today was definitely an interesting day. I observed and learned many new things about my classmates that I could not have before. Their thought processes, actions, and reactions, I found all of it fascinating.'

I shifted my gaze slightly to Horikita and found a thoughtful expression on her face. At first impression, she seemed as composed as ever, but the slight widening of her eyes still could not hide that she, like the whole class, found this whole situation stupefying.

Quickly I looked away from her and shifted my gaze to Chabashira-sensei who was about to leave the classroom. I slightly increased the volume of my voice and inquired a question that would utterly silence the classroom for the second time that day:

"Sensei, how many points does it cost to change the sitting arrangement in the classroom?"

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