Substitute Child (Ross Lynch)

By Writing_Babe

63.8K 1.9K 488

Five months have passed since the birth of Olivia Riley Lynch. Skylar and Ross are happily engaged and they a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

3.5K 124 24
By Writing_Babe

Should I give you guys another cute chapter without any Ben drama? I think I should! And there might be a little time skip. But only a month.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I felt my entire body relax. We were done. We were actually done planning the wedding, and we still had two more months. Since it wasn't going to be a huge wedding, and it wasn't going to be fancy like others, we were able to plan everything out early.

I had never been so happy to be done with something.

"Now we wait." Ross declared, a smile on his face. "Just two more months and I'll be able to call you Mrs. Lynch."

My heart instantly began to pound and butterflies erupted in my stomach. "I can't wait." I leaned over and pecked his lips softly.

Olivia, who was sitting between us clapped her hands together and started giggling. I smiled as Ross laughed and picked her up, causing her to giggle even more. "Are you excited, Olivia? Mommy and Daddy are getting married."


My body froze, and I looked at Ross who had Olivia mid-air, his eyes wide. "D-did she-did-talk-" I made no sense as I talked, but could you blame me?

My daughter just talked!

"She said dada." Ross whispered, his voice filled with awe. "Oh, my God, she said dada." He slowly lowered her form and placed her on his lap.

"She did." I confirmed, happy tears springing to my eyes. "Can you say mama, Liv? Huh?"

"Dada!" She slapped her hands on Ross' thigh, and he kissed her head. I noticed the layer of tears in his eyes, but didn't say anything. I knew he was happy and emotional at this moment.

"She's growing up way too fast." He commented quietly, resting his chin on her head. "She'll be one next month. She can't turn one, not yet."

"I know, it's crazy." I inched closer to Ross and squished into his side, stroking Olivia's face with the back of my hand. She looked at me and smiled, her two bottom teeth showing. "Stop growing up so fast, baby."

She made a gurgling noise and crawled onto the other side of the couch. Sensing that she wanted to get down, I picked her up and set her down in front of her toys that were in the living room. She immediately began to play, all her attention on her toys.

I made myself comfortable on Ross' lap, my back against his chest. "Now I know why my parents cried when I turned thirteen." I murmured. Ross wrapped his arms around my stomach, lacing our fingers together. "The day she becomes a teenager will be the day I lose my mind."

"And when she starts dating, you might as well lock me in the closet. I will not be able to handle that."

"Yeah, you'll probably scare off all her boyfriends."

He laughed. "Well, if none of them are good for her, then yeah, I will. I want her to find a guy that will treat her right. Not one that will play her like a fiddle."

"Hopefully she'll find a guy like you, Ross. You're the sweetest and most caring guy I have ever met. And I'm not just saying that because you've been my best friend my entire life. I'm saying it because it's the truth."

I closed my eyes in content when I felt his lips on my temple. "And hopefully when our son that we haven't had yet grows up, he'll find a girl like you. You've made me the happiest man alive, and I can only hope that it'll happen for him."

The thought of having a son brought a smile to my face, and I could only imagine that Ross had the same smile.

"How long do you want to wait before we start trying for that boy?" I turned myself in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. My fingers tangled themselves in his blonde locks, the locks that I could play with all day.

"Are you serious?" The shock was evident in his voice, and I couldn't help but laugh softly. "You actually want to try and have a boy? Like, soon?"

"Well, since the new semester already started, I don't think it would be smart to try now. But, since it's our last semester before we graduate, trying after wouldn't be such a bad idea."

Ross' grin widened even more, and I could feel it when he pressed his lips to mine. Excitement and happiness was basically radiating off him, and I felt all those emotions in this kiss. I never thought he would be this happy with my offer, but I was glad with his reaction.

I had been thinking about it for a couple of weeks, and the thought of having another baby, but this time with Ross brought a smile to my face every time. Olivia was his child, yes, but this next baby would be all his. Ben wouldn't be attached in any way, and I wouldn't have to worry about him popping up out of nowhere.

If only we didn't have that problem now.

"Now I really want this semester to be over." Ross murmured, pecking my lips repeatedly.

"It will be." I assured him. "But instead of focusing on baby making, focus on the wedding. We may have finished planning, but we still have to wait two months."

"Uh, there is one thing we didn't plan."

"What?" I could have sworn we finished planning everything.

Ross smiled. "The honeymoon, dork."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Ross, we can't go on a honeymoon when we have classes. And what about Olivia? We wouldn't be able to take her."

"We can if we go on a weekend. And my parents would watch Olivia." He paused. "Oh, and please don't get mad, but I already planned a honeymoon for us."

My jaw dropped in shock and Ross braced himself for a hit, his hands covering his face. "Did I just hear you right?"

He slowly lowered his hands and nodded. "Before you say anything, let me explain everything, alright?" I nodded, wanting to give him the chance to explain. "I felt a bit guilty that my parents were paying for the entire wedding and I was paying for nothing, so I decided to plan a nice honeymoon for you. I was able to rent a beach house for the weekend of our wedding, and my parents already agreed to watch Olivia. And before you ask how I afforded it, I got a raise at work and have been putting aside half my paycheck each week. I just wanted to do something special for you without my parents help. Are you mad?"

"Mad?" I whispered in disbelief. "How could I be mad when I have the most amazing fiancé in the world? I can't believe you did that."

He shrugged, as if he hadn't just told me the most amazing news. "Like I said, I just wanted to do something special for you. This year has been so stressful, and I just wanted to give you a stress free weekend. You deserve it."


"Happy birthday, princess!" Olivia laughed as Ross threw her up in the air, a gigantic smile on his face. "You're a year old, Liv. One year old."

"One!" She shrieked, giggling as Ross peppered her face with kisses. "One, dada!"

"Yeah, you're one." I told her, kissing her chubby cheek. "We should leave now or else we'll be stuck in traffic." I looked at Ross, who nodded.

Although I told her no, Rydel wanted everyone over for Olivia's birthday. With Nicky being only three months old, I wasn't sure how she had the energy to host a small get together. When Olivia was three months old, I tried to sleep as much as possible when she slept. I didn't know how Rydel did it.

We left the apartment and arrived at Rydel and Ellington's about twenty minutes later. The first thing I noticed was a few 'Happy Birthday' balloons outside, and I shook my head at my best friend. She was so amazing.

We walked slowly towards the front door, since Ross was holding both Olivia's hands, her little form balanced at his feet. She loved it when Ross did this, so he tried to do it often.

The second we walked in the house, 'happy birthday's' were heard and Olivia was taken away from Ross. I laughed as he pouted, and patted his chest lightly.

"Wow, a year." Rydel commented, handing me a glass of water. "That's insane." We both took a seat at the table, and different desserts were placed, making my mouth slightly water.

"I know." I shook my head and sipped my water. My eyes caught sight of Olivia being thrown in the air by Riker, and I made a note that all the Lynch's liked to do that.

I turned my attention back to Rydel who was smiling at Ellington, Nicky in his arms. Despite the bags under her eyes, I had never seen her happier. "You're gonna have ten kids, aren't you?"

She looked at me, wide eyed. "Ten? No, definitely not." She let out a laugh. "But I definitely want more."

"Me, too."

Surprise covered her face. "Really?"

I nodded. "Ross and I were actually talking about it last month. Um, we actually agreed that we would start trying after graduation."

A smile covered her face and I knew she was resisting the urge to squeal. "Wow, I really didn't expect that. You guys really want to try that soon?"

"I don't think it would be that bad. We would be out of school, so no stressing about homework and tests, and we would be married. Yes, Olivia was a handful, but we had so much stress in our lives. I think once we graduate the stress will disappear and all that'll be left is happiness."

She let out a whistle and giggled. "That was probably the most cliche thing you have ever said, but I get what you're saying."

I stole a cookie and took a bite, savoring the taste. "Do you think it's too soon to start trying?" I couldn't help but ask, my bottom lip between my teeth.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. Olivia will be over a year old, the same age all of us were when each of us were born. And by the time the second baby is born, she'll be two. Besides, you may not get pregnant right away. It could take months before it happens. Sorry for being a downer, by the way."

I laughed and finished off my cookie. "You're fine. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't in over my head. I mean, there have been parents who have had kids just months after having the first one."

"Exactly, so a year difference is fine. Seriously, Sky, don't let the difference affect your choice."

I nodded, grateful to have her as a best friend.

A little while later, Matthew arrived, but I frowned when I saw that he was by himself. I hugged him tight, then asked him where Kelly and Cooper were.

"Cooper's sick and Kelly stayed with him." He answered.

Aw, poor Cooper. "You could have stayed with him, too, Matt. I know you hate leaving when Cooper's sick."

He shook his head and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I didn't want to miss seeing my niece on her first birthday. And I haven't seen you in a while, missy."

"I know. The wedding just took over our lives, and we're back in school, so it's been hectic."

"Well, if you need help, you know where to find me."

I smiled up at my brother and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"Sky, come here!" I looked over at Stormie who was waving me over, a camera in her hand. I smiled, knowing exactly what she wanted. I hurried over towards her, where Ross was holding Olivia, tickling her stomach while she squirmed and giggled.

"Picture time and then cake, sound good?"

"Cake!" Olivia clapped her hands excitedly, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

Ross and I placed our lips on Olivia's cheeks, smiling against her skin and trying not to laugh as she giggled. When I saw the flash go off, signaling that Stormie took the picture, I didn't pull away.

And neither did Ross.

Okay, how cute was this chapter? I was honestly squealing on the inside as I wrote it. Comment your favorite parts and don't forget to vote! Do you think we can reach 30 votes? That would be awesome!

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