Different worlds

By ArrowArteMiss

693 68 50

As much as you might think, the gods are not omnipotent. Their biggest handicap, for example, is that they c... More

Writer Introduction to the book
1. The Beginning
2. We met at the market
3. Away from everyone's eyes
4. Asked to leave
5. A new departure
6. The city named Numea
7. The eclipse moths
8. A true friend?
9. Seers
10. Assassins
11. Someone is always watching
12. On the hunt
13. Liz
14. The calm before the storm
15. The unforgivable mistake
17. Nighmares
18. Ofsgard
19. Plots in the dwarf nation
20. Revieling discussions
21. Temur
22. Marriage of the lady
23. Whom really was your father?
24. Nobody is perfect
25. How to crash a party
26. Buds night out

16. Behind the bars

20 2 5
By ArrowArteMiss

POV: Aisha

I open my eyes and immediately squint so that I can get adjusted to the light in the room. I look around me, I was in a cell illuminated by a row of candles on the walls, on the dirty floor, to my right, was Kalatril knocked out cold.
I try getting up so that I can walk to him too help him but something accompanied by a metallic sound keeps me down on the dusty floor. I look at my feet and hands and frown. Shackles.
What the fuck had happened?

I try recalling my last memories and a shiver goes down my spine when I do. Did I really end the life of a man two sweet children called 'dad'? Not only that, I had displayed weakness in showing Kalatril my tears. What was he going to see in me now? Probably what I truly was, the scared little girl that had been saved by her dad at the cost of his life. I sigh, this wasn't the moment to take a trip down memory lane.

And look at my satchel that thankfully hadn't been taken away when suddenly my throat starts aching and I ask myself if it is because of my recalling of the past events or if it was the seer's touch had effected me more than I had feared. I was still thinking about the seer and trying to figure out why the heck it was there but understanding the current situation is way more important right now.

I look around the room again, we were obviously in some sort of cell or something, I could see no sunlight but I could clearly feel a draft, indicating that it was probably night time. I sigh, not out of anger but of relief. I don't know how Kalatril managed to get us capture but at least I knew a few details that could help us get out. I wonder how my ears and tail didn't pop out but right now wasn't the moment for me to question how strong Kalatril's magic was.
I still needed to know how exactly we got here though.
I turn my head to Kalatril's body slumped against the wall and call out his name. He doesn't budge the first time but when I shout loud and clear he bolted up awake, his head turning and looking around him, when his eyes laid on me, his face contorted into a small grimace.

-What happened?, I ask, trying my best to not show my shame of knowing that he had seen my face covered in tears and regret.

-We got captured, I think we are locked up in the city's noble's dungeons. I am sorry, I did my best to fight back but the army was well prepared, he answered lowering his head a bit.

-From the moment manage to escape, it'll be fine. And even if we don't make it out, I won't be able to kill you with my own hands anyway so chill.

For some reason my words don't seem comforting to Kalatril but I don't think too much about it.

I rack my brain for and idea, what could we do to escape?
Just as I am about to ask Kalatril if he had a pin, the sound of wheels and then of a key unlocking the door was heard and we both tense up.
A tall man with grayish hair came in with a deranged look, a small wheeled table pushed in front of him. I couldn't see what was on the trays placed on top of it but I could distinctly smell a certain kind of metal and leather.

The man stopped suddenly and turned towards us with his psychotic smile.

-What a pity that such young blood is locked up in here, but that isn't my fault, isn't it? You both should have thought twice before committing the crimes you did. So logically, it's okay for the army to punish you for your actions... with that, he lifted a wooden club from the table, nails had been screwed into some places, making me fill with worry, but there is a way for you to get beheaded once immediately at the Center without going through unneeded pain, answer the questions asked, truthfully, and without resistance and there will be a chance for you two. So, do you wish to cooperate?

I bite my lower lip. If it weren't for this shackles, I would try to knock him out, but since they were settled firmly on my wrists and heals, that wasn't an option. It might not be obvious for Kalatril that the army sparing us was a big fat lie since he was so naive, but I knew, the emperor's army was cruel and would behead a five year old child if that same child had stepped over the line.

Right now I didn't have a plan, I still needed to come up with one. Maybe if I could gain some time I'd figure out how to escape. Yeah, that's right, I needed to pretend that I was considering this lunatic's offer.

I raise an eyebrow and pretend to be thinking about it while I gave a glance towards Kalatril, hoping that he wasn't going to 'cooperate', but when I saw his resting face and a tint of doubt that I immediately recognize as fake, I realize one important detail that made the whole situation way more complicated than it should be. Kalatril could regenerate. If the army found out what his bones were made of, then it would be goodbye peaceful execution and hello eternity of torture. After all, humans were extremely greedy, if cutting apart a young man would provide them with an immense quantity of thraunt, then they would do it.

I bite my lip, this time, because I had just understood how critical the situation was.

I turn my head towards the man and ask:

-Could we talk with your master? So that we can get confirmation for what you said, I say, hoping that I don't sound too autoritive, one of the key things to remember whilst in front of the enemy is that you need to be underestimated, so that when you attack, they won't see it coming.

The smile that once covered the man's face got replaced by an annoyed face as soon as I formulated my request.

-Since when do miserable prisoners think they can ask things? I see no reason for me to call in the my master, his words were dark and I mentally facepalm my face, did I fuck this up?

Just as the man took a step forwards, I hear somebody else's steps outside a few meters away.

The door opens before the man can clash his club on my arms and a young man with ash colored hair all spiked up in different directions with the devil horns sigil on his forehead came in.

-You. Who gave you the order to interrogate the prisoners? I don't remember passing the message.

If this man was the one that decided if the interrogation should happen or not, then he must be important.
The man wiped off his arrogant look as soon as the young officer came in.

-Officer Edmond d-did, sir, answers the man with a shaking voice.

Officer Edmond? I turn towards Kalatril, that was the name of the officer's badge I had found on him.
Who exactly had he decided to screw with?

-Pray tell, is my second in command the one who's father hired you?

The question wasn't really one since a 'yes' didn't seem like a possible answer.

-N-No sir.

-Exactly. Now out!, his tone was sharp as he commanded his subordinate to leave.

-Yes sir!

The man didn't even take the time to replace his weapon upon the tray and scurried out of the room, as soon as did, the young man closed the door and sighed heavily whilst shuffling his hair.

-Leith Oak. I will be the one in charge of you during the following interrogation. First question. Are you chosen one's?

Kalatril opens his mouth to lie but I shut him up with a harsh glare. I was the one that could take care of this kind of situation the better.

-Yes we are. Now that you have confirmation, you can set us free.

Kalatril looks at me in shock but trusts me enough with this so doesn't interrupt.
'Leith', though, has a stern face   shown, but behind it was hidden some curiosity.

-I don't see why I should comply, he simply stated.

-Don't play dumb, we both know why you are really in this cell.

-I do not know what you are talking about.

-Oh, so we are doing this the hard way?, I ask.

I sigh exasperated and crack the bones of my neck making Kalatril cringe at the sound.

Seeing that Leith wasn't about to start talking again, I continue.

-It is conformal in the army to search the newly come prisoners as soon as they are put in their cells. My friend, other there, still has his two shirt boutons that could easily choke someone, and I, have a set of really good knives in that bag, I say whilst gesturing my satchel.
Interrogation is only proceeded after a day so that the prisoners are softened in reason of lack of food and water. Those that perform the questioning are never high ranked officers since no risks should be taken.
It's been in between 6 to 10 hours since we have been put in this cell judging by the fact that there is no light coming from the barred window behind me and the fact that I can't sleep more than nine hours consecutively.
However, you haven't sent a search team and you started the interrogation early, performed by, you, the one in charge of this legion. Doesn't sound in the least normal or explainable if you ask me.

I talk a pose to dramatize the moment a bit and see Leith's mask had already cracked a bit.

-Except, if you had a fair heart and had suspicion of us being messengers of the gods, sent on a mission to free the continent. Then, I guess you would try to interrogate us to have confirmation and then 'accidentally' drop the keys. After we'd escape, you could blame the search team and everything would be fine.

As I finish my long monologue, I look up at his face and smile as I notice a pearl of sweat on his forehead.

-Or, I just do things differently from the rest of the army and you've just given me valuable information, he said.

I sigh at his attempt of catching up his mistakes.

-Leith Oak. Son of Aragorn Oak and of Sandra Nightingale.  Fiancé of princess Helen. Has been practicing the art of battle and war since he was seven. Does everything by the book so that he can please his parents. Has had a female mustang for a long time and refuses to ride any other.
The chances that this is your 'way' of dealing with things is so slim that a mouse would starve on it.

It was concious that ash hair dude did not see this conversation coming but he quickly hid the expressions on his face and pull out a metal ring with keys of all different sizes.

-This doesn't mean anything, and if you even breath a word of these last few minutes to anyone, I swear I will hunt you down all the way into the afterlife, he said, while turning the keys in the locks of Kalatril's shackles.

-Whatever, I mumble, getting an angry glance from him.

He moves over to me, whilst Kalatril stretches and yawns, and frees me from the heavy chains that left red marks on my forearms.
I stand up and stomp my feet lightly to shake the previous uncomfortable feeling in my legs before picking up my satchel.
I check the inside to make sure the Mother tree branch was unarmed and am pleased to see that not a scratch had made its way on it.

-This is yours, isn't it?, I turn towards Leith so that I can answer his question but instead nothing leaves the borders of my lips as I notice my leather jacket.

My hand yanks towards it but ash hair dude pulls it back.

-Is that a yes?, a grin spreads on his face as he takes a step further from me.

I can see by his expression that he enjoys having me annoyed, maybe because I made him sound a bit dumb by exposing his plan, maybe because pissing people off was part of his personality.
Either one, I still felt like gashing his throat.

I restrain myself from killing him right there but my nails eventually turn into claws and I give a small snarl.

-Give. It. Back, I threaten him with my deep voice filled with anger and he purses his lips.

I spoke low so that Kalatril wouldn't be alerted. After a few seconds, Leith throws my jacket and I slide my arms in it,  nuzzling my face in it's sleeves, feeling calmed down at once.

Leith gives me a curious look and I decide to maintain eye contact, giving an internal giggle as soon as he looked away.

Kalatril comes towards us with his usual calm and relaxed face and Leith hands him over the keys, after showing him the use of them.

-Use this one to get out of the main gate, this one might come in handy if you...

I look around the room and reach towards the tray with the torture instruments, placing in my hand on a long knife.
If none of the instruments would be covered in at least a bit of blood, then idiotic ash hair dude might be suspected, and that would be horrible if suspicion went as far as interrogation. Not that I worried about Leith but if the army got out of him an explanation, then it would make the bounty on our heads even bigger, inciting more bounty hunters to come and look for us.

-Kalatril, look away and tap your nose with your hand, I instruct him.

He turns around to face me and lifts a brow.

-Why? What are you going to do?, he looks down at what I was holding on to and understands immediately, costing him a grunt.

-Wait, you are not actually going to-

Before Leith could finish, I turn my arm, head towards the place I was in when I woke up, sit, and without hesitation, cut my flesh in a way that blood would seep out of the wound. 
I clench my jaw as soon as the wave of pain hit and toss the knife on the floor before taking out a bandage from my bag and covering it up.

-You do realize that you are fucking crazy, right?, comments ash hair dude whilst displaying disgust across his face.

-Better safe than sorry, I reply, meaning each of my words.

-How is this safe!?, shouts Kalatril in a hushed tone.

I ignore him and get up after I am finished covering my wound and head towards the door before opening it.

-Three steps ahead of you in the crazy department, I answer, dismissing ash dude's question. Now go, we will get out after you.

Leith first seems hesitant leaving us here, without anything holding us into place but finally goes out and heads to the right.

I turn towards Kalatril and give him a smile.

-Ready for your first prison break?, I ask.

He nods and I open the metal door, spotting two guards down the hallway, I am sure they wouldn't mind us borrowing their armors, right?



Hello to you all! Sorry that I didn't update last week (there was a problem with my phone), so there is another chapter following this one!

As usual, a small feedback would be appreciated since this chapter was very long (I also had fun writing it) and hearing advice is encouraging.

Hope you have a good week!
I did since school finished!

(2679 words)

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