A Broken Queen

By gdhalkari

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Hy Guys ! This is another Mahabharat time travel story . ____________________________________________________... More

Introduction of characters
Life scenarios in Kaliyuga
Life scenarios in Dwaparyuga
New characters
New characters part 2
Oh ! Now I can relate that , why she is so rude !!
Love letter
Brihanlala , Karnika, Arjun and Karn
Everything at once
Who is there?
Your face is very expressive Rajkumariji!
Great ! You are back on being that old Vedika!
Thank you so much for singing song in my praise , Rajkumari Agni!
Guru Parshuram
childhood friend
Fire borns
Guru dakshina
Good news fof Karn fans
Illusion master
Mission : " Save Dhrupad! Save Panchal !"
Unexpected tribal encounter
Are you two trying to give heart attack ?
Unexpected rivals
The battle begins!
Double Tornado Trap : The power of Mathura
End of Rivalry
Stop it Karn !....She is just an arrogant brat and that's all
No dinner !! .... I am going to die today !!
She accepted it so easily ! .... Miracle!
Special Kaliyuga dish😈
Your eyes remind me of someone precious.
Itni Mithas !
Sapphire getting roasted !!
Invisible Saree!?... WTF!!
Kaliyugians rocked ,everyone shocked!!
Pairs for Dandiya!
Cockroach !!πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸͺ³πŸͺ³
What about.... serving me ?
From which direction did sun rise today ?
Who is she ?
Jail for 5 days .... No food , no water !!!
Truth !
Arjun ? .. Vrushali?.. Karn? .. Shruti? .. Pratyush?
Plan !!
Just a game !
Only Agni can do such deed !
I cant even think of killing my own sister !!
Agni will soon extinguish ..
You are not some bride !...
Oh, You are from Hastinapur !.... I see!
I am in love !!
I love you too...
Story continues...
Golden boy with golden heart...
Why Karn ?...
I will go back to Kaliyuga....
Would you like to be our fashion designer?!...
I was blackmailed
You passed...
Vedika is also going to come!..
I am too good for this world ,..
Bhagwan Parshuram's curse
Vedika v/s Anshika
Mamashri ...
Who is the guy in my dreams?
Radhika's cousins
Why Abhay ?
Two newcomers
I want to resign..
resigning, went wrong !.
The end
confusion ?
New story for Hp and mahabharat fans

Guru Dronacharya

646 43 7
By gdhalkari

Author's POV

At that night , when a beautiful friendship started at one corner of the palace , on the corner Maharaj,  Maharani., Rajguru and Rajmata Asti were gathered in discussion hall at midnight . Rajguru and Rajmata had a tensed look on their faces , King and Queen weren't able to understand what's the matter.

" Rajguruji and Mata , why did you called us here at midnight ?" Maharaj asked while rubbing his eyes in half  sleep. Maharani was yawning.

" Your throne is in danger Maharaj!" Rajguru said worriedly, pacing up and down.

" WHAT??" King and Queen asked in confusion, now fully awake from the half slumber.

" Yes Putra, Rajguru is right , their is a big threat to your throne." Rajmata Asti said worriedly.

" What or who is threat to my throne ?" Maharaj asked in confusion.Maharani also flashed them Inquisitive look.

" Agni." Rajguru and Rajmata said in unison. Maharaj looked at them like they have gone bonkers. But they were dead serious , making him laugh.

" Agni ?....that foolish girl and unfortunately my sister ..... but how can she be threat to my throne?" Maharaj laughed. But as he saw Rajguru and his mother dead serious , he stopped laughing. 

" She got a curse as well as a boon , even before she was born!" Rajmata said making Maharaj and Maharani to cock their brow to tell them more about this.

Rajguru and Rajmata told them everything till Chandra and Chandni were sent to Kaliyuga.

" After both of them were sent to Kaliyuga,  Maa Durga asked  Chandradev to apologize to Maharaj Kans."


" Chandradev apologize Kans , now !" Maa Durga ordered. Chandradev was going to apologize but stopped when he saw a careless smirk playing on his lips , as if he didn't care about his daughter being cursed.

" What happened Kans ?....Aren't you sad or furious at me for cursing your daughter?" Chandradev asked cocking a brow. Kans just laughed.

" Well, Chandradev , I couldn't care less. If you would have cursed my son Darshan then I might have been furious but you cursed a child which is not even born ...and that too girl child. As everyone knows girls are useless so I don't care much about that child being alive or dead. " Kans said while smirking carelessly.  Chandradev's eyes widened and he immediately glanced at Maa Durga , she was burning in rage. Of course she was angry as she couldn't bear women being disrespected.

" KANS!!!" Durga Maa shouted in Rage , making Kans stumble and fall down.



" Don't worry Maharaj,  I don't think something like that will happen.  Because , even a thought of a women ruling a kingdom is ridiculous.  And if such thing exists,  I don't think people will accept the fact of a female ruling over them. " Queen voiced her opinion. 

" No Maharaniji , it's possible . If it is Maa Durga's boon then any thing is possible." Vyomacharya said shivering. Everyone became tensed. But then a thought came to cunning queen's mind.

" Vyomacharyaji,  but the boon will only come into play if Agni got support of right people , what if we do something that will snatch away every one's support from her , including her own mother and Mahamantri.  What if we do something that will make her alone ?" Quen said with a smirk .

" Brilliant Maharani,  Maa Durga's boon have a condition and we will not let that condition get fulfilled!" Rajguru laughed.

" But how we will do that ?" Maharaj and Rajmata asked in unison . Queen and Rajguru went into thoughts.

-----Time skip------

Pratyush's POV

" VEDIKA !, GET OUT OF THE ROOM FAST , WE HAVE TO LEAVE , ITS ALREADY 10:00AM ." Rajkumar Chandra shouted. Rajmata Prapti said that it's not her responsibility to wake up her daughter from sleep and she appointed me to help Rajkumar Chandra and Krishna to wake Rajkumari up . Why I am trapped in this ? 

There was no answer from Rajkumari's room. Rajkumar Chandra was continuously hitting the door , while Rajkumar Krishna was lazily leaning on the wall while yawning , he also got up quite late. I am damn sure , yesterday night , he didn't slept properly and I think it's the same reason why Rajkumari is not up yet.

" ENOUGH !, I AM COMING IN !" Rajkumar Chandra shouted.  W-What ? .... How can we go into Rajkumari's room like that ..... What if she is changing her clothes or something.......

" Wait Rajkumar!...." I tried to stop him but he already opened the door and dashed inside. Should I go ?

" You can also come Mahamantriji,  I don't think, Agni will have any problem in seeing your face in morning. " Rajkumar Krishna said with a smirk and went inside lazily. What does that suppose to mean ?

I peeked from the door inside the room and saw ,Rajkumar Chandra pulling the blanket in which Rajkumari is wrapped, and Rajkumar Krishna was sat on one of the chairs, it was sure that he fell asleep on the chair.

I went inside and shaked Rajkumar Krishna and he opened his eyes a bit , smiled at me lazily before closing it again. I rolled my eyes and went over to Rajkumar Chandra.


" No you are not Sirius , you are Shravan and now get lost, I want to sleep...." Rajkumari fired back in muffled voice . I didn't thought our Rajkumari will be so lazy ! 
I couldn't help but chuckle at the expression on Rajkumar Chandra's face. He snapped his head in my direction and I immediately made  extreme serious face. He smirked in my direction. 

" Vedika look Mahamantriji is here , do you want Mahamantriji to think you are lazy ?" Rajkumar Chandra asked while smirking in my direction. I narrowed my eyes at him. Why will Rajkumari will even care about what I think about her ?

" Don't lie Shravan , why will he even care to come here .... in room of a useless girl . Now please go aur meri corodo ki nind kharab mat Karo!!" Rajkumari answered back vaguely. Useless ? ..... Why she is thinking like that?

I saw Rajkumar Chandra rolling his eyes and then looked at Rajkumar Krishna for help , only to see him passed out on the chair.

" KANHA BHAI !!.... WAKE UP !" Rajkumar Krishna literally jumped from his chair in horror and looked at Rajkumar Chandra while breathing heavily.

" What the hell happened?" He asked in horror.

" Wake Vedika up or I will throw her in lake !" Rakumar Chandra ordered.

" I don't know how do it, ask Mahamantriji for help ." Rajkumar Krishna snapped back. Why me?

" Yes Mahamantriji,  Mamashri says that you are good at everything,  now it's your job to wake her up!" Rajkumar Chandra ordered. I nodded with uncertainty.  Well , I didnt say I am good at waking up someone from their sleep. Hey Mahadev,  why are you putting me in trouble?

" Come on Mahamantriji you can do it !" Rajkumar Krishna beamed.  I rolled my eyes. He is encouraging me like I am going for some battle.

Agni's POV

Shravan , Madhav,  what do you think ?.... You will act like Mahamantriji is here and I will get trap in it ?..... Never !

I felt myself getting shaked slowly.
" Rajkumariji , wake up .... it's late. You have to leave for Guru Dronacharya's ashram. " I heard Mahamantriji's calm voice. What do you think Shravan?... I forgot that you could do mimicry of anyone. I will not fall in your trap. Sorry , but now it's time for you to go to hospital.

I threw the blanket covering me , aside . Without even looking , I threw a punch with supersonic speed,  at the person beside me.

But my punch never reached that person's face , It was blocked in air.

My eyes widened when I saw I threw punch at Mahamantriji.  But the reason of my eyes getting wide was that Mahamantriji literally caught my fist before reaching him. As far as I know , anyone till now didn't even see my punch coming in their direction,  because of my speed. And this man literally beat my speed and not only that he stopped my fist before it hit him.

I immediately pulled my hand out of his grasp.
" I-I a-am sorry Mahamantriji,  I didn't knew it was really you .... I thought Shravan is just messing with me. " I tried to explain.  Mahamantriji's eyebrows were raised in amusement.

" Really  Vedika,  that means you wanted to kill me by your punch that I couldn't even see before Mahamantriji caught your fist." Shravan said in disbelief.  Madhav snorted.

" Really Rajkumariji,  I am amused by your speed . I don't think I have seen anyone this fast , before." Mahamantriji complimented.  I felt my cheeks getting warm , as if they are heating up .... What the hell is happening to me ? ... I hope he just didn't see anything creepy on my face .

" Woah....I didn't knew , colour of your earrings changes Rajkumariji.  Before it was yellowish red and now it is bright pink .... what does that mean?" Mahamantriji said looking at my earrings.  I swear , I will kill these earrings one day .

From the corner of my eyes , I saw Shravan and Madhav smirking at me. Shit !... they know what does change in colour of these earrings symbolize!

I shot both of them a look saying ,' tell him a thing about these earrings and prepare for facing my wrath'. Both of them nodded immediately. 

" I think we should pet Agni get ready,.... so , shall we leave ?" Madhav saved me. Mahamantriji and Shravan nodded and made their way outside the room. Shravan and Madhav flashed me a smirk before leaving , causing me to roll my eyes.

----Time skip-‐--

" I will miss you so much Agni , come back soon ." Mohini smiled while hugging me. Me, Shravan and Madhav were leaving. Maa, Mohini , Mahamantriji and surprisingly other Rajmata, Rajguru, Maharaj and Maharani came for our vidai.

" I will miss you too, Mohini ." I said while patting her back gently. 

I went to Mahamantriji and joined my hands infront of him.
" See you soon Mahamantriji!" I said . I don't know why I was feeling so sad. But still, I forced  a smile.

" See you soon Rajkumariji." He said smiling.  I don't think he is feeling sad .... why should he even care ?
I nodded.

I went over to the unexpected people came to bid a goodbye to us.

" See you soon Maharaj and Rajmata!" I said joining my hands. I didn't care to join my hands infront of the Rajguru,  because I don't really want to and for Maharani,  I don't know,  but she gives me most negative vibes , just looking into her eyes, send shivers down my spine (in bad way).

Maharaj and Rajmata just nodded. I don't think they want to see me again .

" If you want to come to Mathura again then wear some systematic clothes. We don't want to see you in such clothes." Maharani said , looking at me in disgust, though no one asked her. I looked at Shravan , he mouthed me, ' Ignore her'.

Vedika's outfit

Shravan's outfit

" Sorry Maharaniji , but I don't think anyone asked for your opinion about my clothes. You are wearing the clothes you like and I am wearing the clothes in which I feel comfortable.  So , with all respect , I don't need your opinion. " I said coldly.  I could say she was furious but I couldn't care less.

At last I went over to my mother and touched her feet.
She hugged me so tightly as if her life depends on it.

" Maa ... Are you planning to kill me ?" I joked in reply to the bone crushing hug. Maa pulled away from hug a hit me lightly while chocking a laugh. She was trying,  not to cry.

" Please be back soon , Agni . I dont know how many more days I will survive without seeing your face" Maa said while giving a sad smile. I saw , Madhav and Shravan talking with Mahamantriji.

I cupped Maa's face gently in my hands and smiled at her, trying not to show my vulnerability by crying.

" I will come back soon Maa. And you have Mohini and Mahamantriji as well . So there is no need to be sad , right ?" I asked her . She nodded sadly.

" Seen you soon, Maa." I bid her goodbye for a last time and mounted on my horse.

" Hope to see you soon Mamishri!" Madhav and Shravan said in unison and mounted on horse.

Maa,Mohini and Mahamantriji waved at us.

----Time skip‐----

We are heading towards,  some Guru Dronacharya's ashram,on our horses.

" Madhav ..." I didn't even got chance to ask further because Shravan started coughing crazily.

"  What the hell happened?" I and Madhav asked in unison.

" When did you started calling him Madhav  ?.... Before that , I thought you hated him ? .... Why a sudden  change ?" Shravan asked in confusion. Me and Madhav exchanged smirks.

" We are best friends Shravan !" I said while grinning. 

" WHAT ?... WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN ?" Shravan's jaw dropped. 

" Yesterday night" Madhav said with a ludicrous grin and I laughed at weird face made by Shravan.

" Agni, you were asking me something.....go on!" Madhav said.

" I just want to ask you about Maharani Samiksha....I don't know why but that lady scares me a bit . " I asked.

" Well.... me too. " Shravan piped in. Madhav's eyes darkened.

" Agni , Please stay away from that woman.....she is the most dangerous person there." Madhav answered,  not looking at us. Me and Shravan gulped.

" W-What do you mean...dangerous?" I asked.

" Yes, you will figure it out soon. " Madhav said looking at me. Well, why can't he directly tell me , why that woman is dangerous. ....but no ! , he have to keep everything suspense , so that I should spend my whole life in getting answer to that question.  Anyways,  I will not get scared from her ... Infact , I will be the one to scare her.

-----Time skip----

I looked at Google map in my mobile and saw that we were near hastinapur.  I don't have any wish to go to hastinapur!

" Why are we heading towards Hastinapur?" Shravan asked in confusion.

" No we are heading towards Gurugram  , and it is near hastinapur. " Madhav answered and we nodded.

After riding for a while . I suddenly saw three arrows coming in our direction. The arrows were aimed at my , shravan's and Madhav's face respectively. Before that arrows could strike our faces, all three of us caught those arrows in mid-air.

" What was that?" Suravan asked.

" Trap !" Madhav said looking in every direction, but all we could was trees.

But ,then suddenly the earth started shaking and a man erupted out from the Earth, making me and Shravan look at that person up and down , in awe.
He wore all orange from top to bottom , with the necklace of rudraksh in his neck.

"Guru Dronacharya. " Madhav smiled at the person who was glaring at three of us .

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