By BiskyJean14

118K 3.5K 152

Synopsis Mia finds out that her boss, Mateo Dela Cruz is sterile and could no longer have an heir to his mult... More

Chapter 1 - The News
Chapter 2 - The Boss
Chapter 3 - The Secretary
Chapter 4 - The Guest
Chapter 5 - The Episode
Chapter 6 - The Day-Off
Chapter 7 - The New Friend
Chapter 8 - The Blueberry Cheesecake
Chapter 9 - The Cake Thief
Chapter 10 - The Delivery
Chapter 11 - The Midnight Snack
Chapter 12 - The Confrontation
Chapter 13 - The Deal
Chapter 14 - The Return
Chapter 15 - The Trip To Barcelona
Chapter 16 - The Party and the Acceptance
Chapter 17 - The Stowaway
Chapter 18 - The Package
Chapter 19 - The Kiss and Cry
Chapter 20 - The Arrival
Chapter 21 - The Arrival 2
Chapter 22 - The Ride
Chapter 23 - The Arrival 3
Chapter 24 - The Arrival 4
Chapter 25 - The Rejected
Chapter 26 - The Siblings
Chapter 27 - The Results
Chapter 28 - The Canopy Bed
Chapter 29 - The Shower
Chapter 30 - The Shop
Chapter 31 - The Surprise
Chapter 32 - The Rink
Chapter 33 - The Dance
Chapter 34 - The Love


3.5K 80 11
By BiskyJean14


THE NIGHT is really pretty. Stars shining so bright that it's as if the whole galaxy is infront of her, illuminating the night sky despite the moon's absence.

Jack squirmed in her arms. He is looking so adorable in his mini three piece suit. He's like a cute little gentlemen.

He was looking at her with his beautiful amethyst eyes and making little baby gurgles that she wished she could understand.

After her and Mateo's wedding dance in the reception, in a place where she has no idea of, because only Mateo knows the name of the place, she saw a little hill not so far away from the venue and carried Jack along with her.

She already asked for Mateo's permission and he said that he will follow her in a while as he was still busy with some of their guests.

Mateo really did plan almost everything, as he did receive a number of help from others.

He remembered that she prefers simple things, and so he kept the details from their wedding up to the reception. Everything he did for her today was all very heart-pounding and heart-warming that she thinks that this memory will forever be embedded in her heart and in her mind, for the rest of her life.

Jack made some gurgling sounds again which made Mia turn her attention to him.

"You like the night sky too, do you Jack?" She cooed him.

Awwww...she can't really get enough of this cuteness.

He did his cute baby sounds as an answer.

Mia could not take it anymore and showered Jack with kisses all over his face which made Jack release adorable baby giggles.

Her kisses suddenly stopped when she felt an arm wrap around her waist. Then she smelt his husband's familiar scent beside her.

Husband... the thought of him finally being her husband brings tingles and warmth inside her being.

She looked up to see her husband's handsome face smiling back at her and welcomed her with a passionate kiss on her lips.

He was carrying baby Daniel on his other arm and is only wearing the inner shirt of his three piece suit from earlier.

"Hey..." Mateo greeted.

"Hey..." She replied back. "Hey baby Daniel...did you miss mommy?" She said as she cooed baby Daniel on his arms.

"He sure did." Mateo answered for baby Daniel.

"So...what's with the commotion earlier?" She asked in curiosity. She turned her head towards the venue where their reception was held. The circular patio was illuminated with warm small strings of little light bulbs wrapped around the cylindrical pillars of the patio as decorations.

It was somewhat far away from where they are but it seems like everyone is having a good time.

A few minutes earlier, after she reached the hill, she heard some guests gasping and shouting. She was about to come back to the reception to check what it as all about when the commotion turned into weird cheers.

So she just let it off since it looks like everything was fine.

"That Tsukidiot chased your friend out of nowhere earlier."

"Really? What happened exactly? I did sort of notice Viane's un-comfortableness since the start of the reception."

"Well, it looks like your friend hated mine to the core because she immediately started running away after you left. She probably wanted to leave earlier but she wanted to be there for you..." He said. "You know, I also noticed Tsukishima's annoying stares at her. Then when she saw him glance in another direction for a few seconds, she took that chance and excused herself to me, to leave the venue. Then when Tsukishima saw her leaving, he ran towards her and the two of them created a chase scene at the reception."

"So that's what happened." She chuckled at her brother's reaction. She wished that she could've seen it.

"Awww... Too bad I was not there. That would have been a really good scene to remember for our wedding."

Mateo smirked. "Don't worry, everything was caught on camera."

When he said that, Mia remembered that he did hire a videographer to film everything...from their wedding, up to their reception.

"I can't wait to see it."

"I'll show it to you when we get home." He said and Mateo kisses her forehead and kissed Jack too, then his attention suddenly went to the night sky. He sighs and slowly breathes in a big whiff of air.

"Mia...do you still remember that night?" Mateo suddenly said out of nowhere while his eyes are focused in the dark sparkling sky.

"Hmmm...remember what?"

"The night on my parent's wedding anniversary, when we were both at the balcony. The night was like this too. So many stars."

Mia remembers that night. It was when she decided to finally give up on Mateo and finally start moving on.

"Yeah...I remember it clearly."

Suddenly, a cool night breeze passed by them, making her now let-down hair, blown a little. The wind was a little bit cold that it made her shiver. But Mateo's hand warmed her when he rubbed his palm on her bare shoulder.

"When you said that you can see yourself with your baby, pointing out to the shooting stars in the night sky...only the two of you...it felt painful imagining that I wasn't there with you in that picture."

Mia looked into Mateo's expression. Pain was evident in it upon remembering that memory.

She didn't expect that he was hurt by that moment because she had always thought that he was inlove with Sydney, which turned out to be untrue.

"For a few seconds there, I told myself that I wished that you were telling the truth, that I was the father of your baby. But then, I chose to believe my ego... I chose to believe what I already know. That there was no hope that I was ever going to be a father." He sighed and then looks at her. "It's a good thing that we have people around us that makes us realize what our mistakes are. If it weren't for them, I probably would be drowning in regret 'till now."

She gave him a warm smile. "You're right. We're lucky enough to have that kind of family."

Mateo returned her smile. And suddenly, a shooting star came pass them.

Mia gasped. "Shooting star! Hurry make a wish!"

She closed her eyes and set out her wish... 'A future with lots of love for all of us.'

She opens her eyes and saw Mateo with still closed eyes.

"So what did you wish for?" She tried to ask. "Oh wait...don't tell me...or it wouldn't come true."

"Don't worry, I didn't wish for something fancy...But if that's what you want, then I'll keep it a secret."

"I wonder if babies also make wishes." She thought.

She looks at Jack and noticed that he was already sound asleep in her arms. She also glanced on Daniel and it seemed that he was the same.

"I bet they did."

"Yeah right...Like...more milk please..." She bluffed with a silly facial expression.

Her boss burst laughing. His laugh was contagious that she could not help herself but join in the laughter as well.

"I bet they wished for a little sister."

Mia stopped laughing and face Mateo with a stern expression. "Haha" She laughed sarcastically. "Yeah right...as if you can easily make another one."

"I'm a sharp shooter remember. We did make this two. You said it yourself, there was a five percent possibility." He said, raising his eyebrows up and down teasingly. Then he leaned in whispered huskily on her ear. "We can always have a trial and error."

She glares at him and smacks his lips a little with her palm.

Her nose flared because she felt her face heat up because of that.

He just chuckled because of her reaction and she just shook her head.

"Seriously sweetie, I want a baby girl."

"Sir! The babies aren't even a year old!"

"Then next year, then." He teases her again.


Mateo laughed again.

And their first night together as husband and wife continued with her boss teasing her with every chance he gets. And she would just play along with him while their 'hard to wake up babies' sleep peacefully in each other's arm.

The night sky, shining above them, so beautifully and the stars watching the start of their new life together. 

Hello...Author here! 

Thank you so much for reading HHS1:MDC. I appreciate the time you spent reading this story and I hope you had fun. 

I'm so sorry for the typos, spelling and grammatical errors you've encountered while reading this story, can't help myself about those. Especially in the pronounce. Sorry you had to bear with them.

Anyways...thanks again for reading!

See you in my next story!

Sending lots of love,


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