By BiskyJean14

118K 3.5K 152

Synopsis Mia finds out that her boss, Mateo Dela Cruz is sterile and could no longer have an heir to his mult... More

Chapter 1 - The News
Chapter 2 - The Boss
Chapter 3 - The Secretary
Chapter 4 - The Guest
Chapter 5 - The Episode
Chapter 6 - The Day-Off
Chapter 7 - The New Friend
Chapter 8 - The Blueberry Cheesecake
Chapter 9 - The Cake Thief
Chapter 10 - The Delivery
Chapter 11 - The Midnight Snack
Chapter 12 - The Confrontation
Chapter 13 - The Deal
Chapter 14 - The Return
Chapter 15 - The Trip To Barcelona
Chapter 16 - The Party and the Acceptance
Chapter 17 - The Stowaway
Chapter 18 - The Package
Chapter 19 - The Kiss and Cry
Chapter 20 - The Arrival
Chapter 21 - The Arrival 2
Chapter 22 - The Ride
Chapter 23 - The Arrival 3
Chapter 24 - The Arrival 4
Chapter 25 - The Rejected
Chapter 26 - The Siblings
Chapter 27 - The Results
Chapter 28 - The Canopy Bed
Chapter 29 - The Shower
Chapter 31 - The Surprise
Chapter 32 - The Rink
Chapter 33 - The Dance
Chapter 34 - The Love

Chapter 30 - The Shop

2.4K 54 2
By BiskyJean14


MIA TOOK a sip of her strawberry-cappuccino frappe made by her favourite coffee shop, of course, TEEWS Cafe.

It has been two months since everything was settled in Barcelona. Everything was great so far that the truth finally came out about the twin's identity giving Mateo the clarity he had always been searching for.

And to her surprise, ever since that day, Mateo has been a hands-on father to their children, giving almost everything he could. Like literally. He's been buying a lot of 'unnecessary' stuffs for Jack and Daniel. If she didn't scold him to stop, he wouldn't have stopped.

And thank goodness that he did because her head was about to explode because of the prices of the 'stuffs' that he has been buying.

She and Mateo decided to go back to New York because Mateo has still some work left to do since his unexpected leave, and also for the fact that Tsukishima's secretary, which was Mateo's secretary for the time being, was left with all the work and that guy definitely needs a break.

She has discovered that Christian was a much more effective secretary than she is which explains why Tsukishima was so laid-off as a CEO. But Mateo said that she was still the best for him.

Of course, Aunt Luciana was crying when they had to leave and Uncle Matthew consoled her to make her feel better. Aunt Luciana was so upset that it almost made her want to stay, but unfortunately, they just can't extend their stay. But they promised that they would be back for special occasions and that made Aunt Luciana feel better.

She heard a baby gurgle and she looked down on the stroller beside her to see the twins playing with their own drools in a very adorable way.

Mia chuckled and she took a baby napkin to wipe off Jack's drools.

She couldn't help but admire her babies' cuteness in their matching outfits. Jack is wearing a mint green onesie pajama covered with cat paw prints while Daniel wore a baby blue onesie pajama with paw prints.

Jack stared at her, as she finished wiping him, with the amethyst eyes he got from his uncle from their Russian side of the family.

She was cooing at her sons when she heard the bell of the shop ring signalling a person entering the shop. She glanced at the door and hoped that it was the person she has been waiting for and thankfully, it was.

She waved at Viane who was currently searching where she is. It got her attention and Viane walked towards their table located near the glass wall of the café.

"Mia!" Viane exclaimed in excitement. "It's been so long." She said when she reached their table and greeted her with a kiss on the cheeks.

"Yeah, it's so good to see you again."

They both took their seats and Viane ordered called on the attention of a waitress to get her order.

"So where are the little ones?"

"Right here." Mia gestured the stroller beside her where the twins are both comfortably seated while observing the people around the café, waving their arms around in their own loveable ways.

"Oh my gosh, Mia! There are so adorable!" Viane said and she squatted on to level with the twins.

"Hi babies, I'm your Aunt Viane. It's nice to finally meet you."

Viane shakes Jack's tiny hand but he wasn't paying attention to her. The two are still busy roaming their eyes around the café.

"This is Jack and this is Daniel." Mia introduced her twins.

"Awww...and they're wearing matching outfits. Did you get their names from Jack Daniels?"

"Yeah...is it too obvious?"

"Kinda." Viane said as she played with the kids' fingers.

Then Jack finally paid her some attention while Daniel minded his own business of observing other people.

But then, Mia noticed Viane's body tensed when Jack stared at her.

And she has an idea on why Viane was shocked.

"Mia, why are their eyes like that? Does Mateo have the same eyes?"

Viane already knows that Mateo is the father of her babies when she sent her a picture of all four of them once. As per requested by Viane herself when the twins was two already two months old.

"No...they're the same with my brother's."

Viane slowly looked at her and stood up.

"Brother? I thought you were an orphan?"

"Come sit, I'll explain everything." She said gesturing the seat in front of her across the table.

Mia started explaining everything to Viane on how and when she found out about her identity, on how she is the long lost daughter of the Ricci's and Viane's ex-boyfriend's long lost little sister.

"Y-you're Tsukishima's sister?" Viane asked still dazed with the information she discovered.

Mia smiled and nodded like she was guilty as charged.

Viane's eyes widened more in shock and she blinked a few time. She is probably trying to process everything.

"Yeah, the first time I saw him, I felt something but I immediately disregarded it. Then after a while, we became close friends and he started to be over protective of me. Tsukishima helped me in many ways you know."

"A-re you serious? That Tsukishima?! T-that...t-that...Ugh!" She saw Viane's hand clench around her coffee.

Mia was not surprised on Viane's sudden change of tone. Although, it didn't really suit her angelic doll face.

"Hey Viane, do you still really loathe my brother? Can't you forgive him already?"

Viane just sighed and looked down at her coffee. "I'm sorry Mia, but for me, what he did is unforgivable. You might find me unreasonable, but that's the way it is for me."

"But Viane, did you ever consider that my brother still loves you?"

Viane just stared at her like she was telling a joke to her. Her mouth hanged open a little and her eyes blinked fast like she couldn't believe what she is saying.

"Love me?" She scoffed. Then she laughed so hard like it the most amusing thing she has ever heard. But there was a hint of bitterness in her laugh. "Tsukishima never loved me. He was the one who told me himself. Mia, he is already in love with someone else. That is why that stupid bet was created. So there's no way in hell that that guy is inlove with me. You must've heard it wrong Mia. And please, don't ever mention that guy again. I am planning to leave my life peacefully without the intervention of any sort of opposite living organisms called 'Tsukishima.' Viane quoted in a really bitter tone and crossed her arms and slumps her back on the chair afterwards.

"Believe me, I know what I heard... actually he was pla---"

Mia paused on her tracks. She knows that she needs to tell Viane about Tsukishima's plan, but she is not sure herself is he is going to continue with it. That kidnapping Viane was probably meant as a joke all along. Besides, she doesn't want to scare Viane in any way. But maybe she could warn her a little.

'Gosh Tsuki, just what on earth did you put yourself into?'

"He was? He was what Mia?"

"Uhm, nothing. Just always be careful on your ways home. Do you still feel there was someone stalking you?"

"Viane shook her head a little. "Not anymore actually, it has stopped three months ago."

So Mia's thought was possibly right. That Tsukishima is the one stalking her friend because Tsukishima also went to Barcelona three months ago. Geez, if he weren't her brother, he would've filed a case on him a long time ago.

"That's great then. But please still be careful on your way okay." Mia asked concerned.

"Yeah, thanks for worrying." Viane said. "So... how are things between you and Mateo?" She said as she added some cream oh her coffee.

"It's fine. He's been a great father to the twins." She answered. "Actually, he's too great that I'm afraid that the twins are going to get spoiled."

Viane laughed a little. "I bet his family is showering them with lots of toys."

Mia sighed. "Not just toys actually. When they first laughed in front of everybody, Aunt Luciana got so excited that she bought them an island each."

"What?! An island? Just because they laughed? You're kidding right?"

"Nope, I'm not." She remembered how she reacted when she discovered what Aunt Luciana did that time. Her head was spinning upon knowing how much the islands cost.

"Wow, an island for a laugh. Tsk, tsk, billionaires." Viane shook her head.

"I know right? But I told them to stop with their fancy gift giving."

"You mean you scolded them."

"Uhh---...yeah I did. Well, anyway, they said that they are gonna stop or should I say 'postpone' the gift giving until the boys are big enough to appreciate gifts."

Viane just laughed at what she said.

Yeah, it's not just Mateo who are spoiling the twins, but everyone in his family. And don't forget her side of the family.

She is thankful though for the affection they are giving her children, but sometimes, it is also a bit of a headache for her, especially when she sees the price tags.

"Okay, so enough about the kids. How about 'you' and 'Mateo'?" Viane asked eagerly.

She paused. She was not sure how she would answer Viane's hotseat question.

"Uhm... we're doing great too. Everything is okay now that Mateo is no longer in question about the twins."

"Mia... I am asking about the progress in your relationship...as a couple."

Mia suddenly felt her cheeks heated up when she remembered the 'progress' they had. Especially in bed.

But of course, she is not going to tell Viane about that.

"Actually, he started on courting me. But we're not dating."

"Huh? But why? You have kids already? All that's missing now is a wedding."

"But Mateo haven't proposed, yet."

"Oh... so he stopped proposing?"

"Actually, it was Aunt Luciana who told him to stop proposing. She said that not until he proves that he's worthy for me." She chuckled when she remembered how Aunt Luciana scolded Mateo when he still continued proposing to her in a few days after she gave birth. "It's the other way around right? Aunt Luciana is being overprotective to me than to Mateo. It's a good thing that he didn't mind though."

"Oh...so you never said yes to any of his marriage proposals?"

Mia shook her head. "I don't want to until everything is clear about the babies' identities."

"But now that everything has been cleared, why don't you say yes already?"

"Because he didn't propose after that anymore."

"What? How come? Oh right...Aunt Luciana." Viane said after remembering what she had said earlier. "So until now, there is no status between the two of you."

"We're parents of these two little cuties." She said glancing over to where the twins are.

"You have a point there." Viane said, taking a sip from her coffee before settling it gently back on the table. "You mentioned something about courtship. Tell me about that...I'm curious."


She started her story of Mateo's weird way of courting her, which was initiated by Aunt Luciana.

That time when Mateo fetch her bathwater from the recently built well Aunt Luciana built in their garden when in fact, their house is filled with expensive faucets. But Aunt Luciana said that she had always wanted to see her son do that for the girl he loves. Mia's cheeks heated up when she heard that.

But despite doing it everything, fetching the water from the well every day, which was of course, sterilized, he never heard him complain. He would always smile at her while his whole body is covered with sweat, not to mention that he looked hot whenever he flexes his muscled when he retrieves the bucket of water from the well.

Yeah, she is secretly spying her whenever he does that.

There were also a lot of other romantic gestures that Mateo did for her like flowers and chocolates. But her favourite was when that one time that he surprised her with a serenade.

She had just finished putting the twins to sleep when she heard a strumming of a guitar coming from outside.

She goes onto the balcony of her room and leaned down to see where the music was coming from. She looks down, and there was Mateo holding out a pink rose in his right hand while a microphone on the other.

Her room was on the third floor so he probably really needed the microphone to speak to her.

Surprisingly, Tsukishima and Luke were with him. Tsukishima was the one strumming the guitar while Luke is carrying a tambourine, which made her laugh. Her boss was standing on a speaker box as he started to sing her a song.

"Obvious" by Taylor Trensch

(from "Dear Evan Hansen" soundtrack)

When we know something is true

Beyond question or doubt

There's no particular point

In pointing it out

Blue is the color of sky

'Cause mothers all worry

And old people die

A phone rings, a bee stings

It's something you don't need to hear

It's just clear

She laughed a little upon hearing Mateo sing for the first time. He had a decent singing voice alright.

Why go stating the obvious?

It's so painfully obvious

How could you miss

Something that's this plain to see?

When it's glaring, and staring

Right at you

So obviously

He had a nice vocal quality but he did miss a few notes here and there.

But the more he sings, the louder her heart beat gets.

She leaned on the balustrade, propping her arms on the railing and enjoyed Mateo's sing as the cool calming breeze blew in the clear night sky. The moon is at its fullest and the stars shone along with it.

When you get bored you draw stars

On the cuffs of your jeans

You still fill out the quizzes you find

In those teen magazines

And you dance like nobody's there

Awkward and perfect

You don't even care

Something courageous, amazing, contagious

And kind

All combined

She can't help but blush every time Mateo's eyes meet hers. She could clearly see them. The love in his eyes.

Why go stating the obvious?

It's so painfully obvious

How could you miss

Something that's this plain to see?

When it's glaring, and staring

Right at you

So obviously

Sometimes the words

We tend to withhold

But they're exactly the words

Someone needs to be told

But oh, thinking they know

We never say "I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you"

'Cause why go

Stating the obvious

It's so painfully obvious

How could you miss

Something that's this plain to see?

When it's glaring, and staring right at you

So obviously

The song finished with her and Mateo looking deeply into each other's eyes. He was holding out the rose towards where she is.

And even though she couldn't clearly see his face that much because of the distance of where she is right now and that he currently down there, she could still see the movement of his lips as he mouthed the words he never missed on saying everyday.

'I love you.'

She smiled and mouthed 'I love you too' to him.

After that, he immediately rushed upstairs to where she is, leaving Tsuki and Luke to the clean-up duty.

When Mateo saw her, he walked in long strides to get to her and kissed her fervently that led to another night of steamy night.

Viane eyes are full of romantic excitement when she finished her flashback.

She shrieked a little in order to avoid attention. "That's so romantic, except for the part that that idiot is involved." She said referring to her brother.

Mia just chuckled and the two of them talked for a while, while enjoying their orders when Viane suddenly chokes on her drink while staring outside the glass wall that was beside them.

She puts down her drink and called for her attention.

"Mia, isn't that Mateo?" She said and pointed out at the two people walking down the sidewalk across the street of the café.

Mia's eyes widened when Viane's recognition was right. It is Mateo, along with...Sydney?

A lot of questions started ringing inside her head. A pang of pain was suddenly felt in her heart but she quickly removed it as Mateo has already proven that he loves her. He is telling her 'I love you' everyday and he has been doing a lot of sweet things to her these past two months. She could definitely feel his love for her.

However, Mia wondered why Mateo did not propose to her anymore. It's not she was really expecting him to. Because she made it clear that he wanted him to be a father to the twins first.

But sometimes, it would still slip into her mind what would it be like to be Mateo's wife.

Although, that doesn't explain why he is with Sydney and why are they walking together towards a jewellery shop.

"Did you see that Mia?"

Mia still couldn't believe her eyes... She is still confused despite convincing herself several times. A few more confusing questions exploded inside her head.

"Mia?" Viane tried to take her attention again.

She finally gathered her thoughts and was able to face Viane.

"Should we follow them?" Viane asked her.

"I-I don't know..." She answered. She wanted to go and find out why Mateo and Sydney are together. But Mateo made it clear to her that he has no feelings for her.

But still...

"Come on Mia..." Viane stood up and took a hold of her hand to urge her to stand up.

"B-but, what about the twins? I just can't take them with me."

"Of course you can. It's already afternoon and they needed a stroll too. Besides, we're going to see what their father's up to."

Mia bit her lip. It will be really weird to spy on Mateo. But she is also really curious.

She sighed and stood up. They paid for their orders and took the twin's stroller and and they went out of the café, leaving the bell ringing as they left.

They carefully crossed the street and made it to the other side of the road. They followed the path that Mateo and Sydney took to the jewellery shop.

Following Mateo felt nostalgic. She chuckled when she remembered that this was one of her hobbies back in college, observing and stalking Mateo, but not the bad sort of stalking. She would just follow him during their baseball practice and to some of his activities.

"What's so funny?" Viane asked all of a sudden as they get closer to the store.

"Nothing... I just remembered something."

"Oh...okay... we're here."

They arrive at the shop and they looked through the glass window. She settled the stroller beside her and made sure that the twins are comfortable.

"Look, there's Mateo."Viane pointed out to the person going inside the huge jewellery shop.

"Come on, let's go inside. They're going on the elevator." Viane told her.

"Do we really have to? I don't really want butt in to Mateo's every business."

"Of course you have too. He's the father of your babies. Duh."

Mia laughed. She's never seen this side of Viane before. She could be too nosy sometimes, but it's kind of cute. Like a little kid who wants to explore something.

"Fine, but we'll just take a peek okay. They should not see us."

Viane sighed and took a hold of her wrist. "Fine. We'll just take a little peek on what they are up to. Then we'll leave."

She nodded and they rode the elevator to follow Mateo.

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