Jade Locust Among Gold Silk [...

By CallMeSencei

3.1K 96 63

{Since I, the creator am extremely burnt out and out of ideas, take an LMK self-insert} [NONE OF THESE PICTUR... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31/ Sequel
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note

Chapter 30

48 1 0
By CallMeSencei

Step Out Into The Light


My grip tightened as I hug myself, the entire interaction with Blue has left me with to many feelings and more issues...

I didn't want a reminder of everything, my old phone is enough...

And now, MK has returned without Nezha, and Monkey King has been possessed and Mei is gone...

"I'm not going to lie, kid. I mean, if the Lady Bone Demon has Monkey King, Mei, and the Samadhi Fire, I don't know. I'm not really feeling much confidence here."
Pigsy said.

"Yeah. That's why we're going to formulate a plan. I'm open to suggestions. What do we got?" MK looked to all of us.

"Uh, die with dignity?"
Tang said.

"What kind of plan is that!?"
Pigsy barked at the scholar, I shook my head gently as my nails dug into my scarred skin.

"I don't know. It's just- aren't we back where we were when Mei and Monkey King flew off into the sky?"
Tang asked.

"What? No. It's nothing like that. Cause now we've got a Red Son! We didn't have a Red Son before." MK said as he gestured to the fire demon standing beside me, I could feel his eyes on me, but they weren't filled with annoyance or his usual.

But I didn't have the will to meet his gaze, I haven't said anything since I came back, no surprise that no one really noticed I left...

"Oh yeah, he's a real game changer."
Pisgy huffed.

"Wha- hey!"
RedSon hissed as his hair sparked in anger before I gave his back a small pat, easily getting his attention again.

"We're just doing the same thing over and over again. I'm losing my mind over here!"
Pigsy said.

My antennas immediately noticed the drifting of magic behind me and Red, I was quick to grab the demon despite his protest as I pulled him away.

"I hope I'm not interrupting. But if you're making a plan to defeat the Lady Bone Demon, I know a guy who might be able to help."

I stiffened as Red shrieked, the sight of Macaque wasn't totally welcome at the moment, but he suddenly pulled out the Mayor.

"...This bitch-!?"
I hissed as Mayor gave me a smug smile, of course I immediately kick the shit out of him.


"All my Lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain, until the Monkey King and his companions got in the way. Fate, however, has gifted her a second chance! With the Monkey King under her control, there's no stopping—

I clocked him in the face before Red pulled me back, while I was practically foaming out the mouth.

"S-Sen-!! Stop it! That's the seventh time you've attacked him-!"

"Lemme at em!! Lemme at that mutha fucka-!! Bitch ass hoe bagged bitch!! Do you know how much- bullshit that fucker gave me!?
All the-

"Sen's right! Cuz if I hear the word Destiny one more time-!!" Pigsy said as he grabbed the mayor by the collar of his shirt.

"Pigsy, put the prisoner down! And Sen! No execution yet!" Tang said but I only snapped my jaws at him.

"Monkey King beat her before, so we can too!"
MK said surely.

"I don't really see how. Now that she has Wukong and the Dragon Girl."
RedSon said, his arms still wrapped around my torso as he inched me away from the prisoner.

"All right, bozo. You're going to tell us how Sun Wukong stopped the Lady Bone Demon last time or else!" Tang said as he grabbed Mayor by the collar and shook em, making both me and Pigsy proud.

"Get his ass Tang!!"

"That information won't help you now. My Lady has corrected the one mistake in her previous plan!" The bitch said, I immediately started going off again.

"Oh yea!? Let's see your bitch of a lady fix the mistakes I'm boutta make on yo corpse!!"

"Okay...and what was that mistake?"
MK asked.

"The mistake of extending her compassion only to the mortal realm."

"Uh-huh. I see. And where is this 'mortal realm' you speak of?" MK asked stupidly.

"We're in it ya moron."
Red said as he poked the brunette, causing his face to shrink.

And so, Mayor bitch guy, explained a whole bunch of lore about Lady Bitch Demon and jack I don't care about.

"My Lady's power is too great for you to best. Your friend will surrender the Fire. My Lady's victory is assured!"

I gave him a stank eye, a heavy stank eye, but Macaques voice quickly grabbed my attention.

"She didn't look so hot last time I saw her."
We all looked over and saw the dark furred simian tied up besides Mayor.

"Nu-huh. You're in time-out, so you don't get to chime in. Sandy, spin him!"
MK said.

"Sorry, Mr. Maquack."
Sandy said as he grabbed Macaque by the head and spun him around till his back faced us.

"Come on, kid. You must have seen it. She might be stronger than ever, but she's spread too thin. The mech, the crystal, and now Monkey King? I bet you anything that keeping him suppressed is using every ounce of strength she's got."
Macaque said.

"Hmm, meaning she's much weaker...if we seize the opportunity then our chances of victory are much better."
I spoke, Red began to think as well, all attention seem to be on us.

"Correct but, how weak are we talking? No matter how weak she could be..."

"She's still Lady Bone Demon, and she's proven to be quite cunning and destiny seems to truly be on her side. She was able to take over Monkey Kings mind and now that she's completely pushed to her vessels limits...
If we corner her the chances are high that she'll simply kill us."
I said.

Everyone now seemed to take my words to heart, this entire situation was growing more and more difficult and risky by the minute.

"So this all means we can't make any mistakes, this isn't a 'learn from your mistakes' situation, it's more of a 'Mistakes are fatal' situation."

RedSon nodded, as Pisgy spoke up,
"Whoa ho ho. We're really going to listen to Macaque? For all we know, he's still working for her. He could be luring us into a trap."

I gave him a smug smirk,
"Well shit, why didn't you say so?"
I asked before walking over and spinning Macaque to face me.

He immediately grew annoyed at the mere sight of me, but I closed my eyes as the energy stretched into my palm.

"What are you..?"

I opened my eyes and snicker at the sight of Macaques face, his eyes slightly dilated at the sight of the glowing lavender in my palm, I rubbed his head and allowed the energy to sink in.

"Don't worry I didn't poison you or anything, it's a simple tether spell, I'll always be aware of your location and health, if you get hurt then I do too."

"Definitely not creepy."
He murmured but his ears immediately perked at the sound of my giggle, I gave him a calm look.

"Yea I know, but better be safe than sorry. We don't need our warrior turning on us."
I smiled before standing up, watching as Tang turned towards MK.

"MK, from the moment you picked up the Monkey King's staff, their stories became our stories. It's our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome. If we do this, we do it together. That's Monkie Kid 101."

I cheered as I grabbed MK and ruffled his hair playfully.

"All right, so what's the plan, monkey man?"
Sandy asked before we got to planing.

"Well, if the Lady Bone Demon needs her mech to use the Samadhi Fire, then all we got to do is destroy that mech before she gets the chance!"
MK said.

"That's your big plan?!"
RedSon sparked.

"Let him finish!"
Tang said.

"I-I was just checking we were all on the same page. As you were, Noodle Boy."
RedSon said.

"We break into the Bone Demon's mech, get Mei out of there, and then we smash the mech into tiny little bits before that terrifying demon knows what's hit her!"

"And what about Wukong? LBD might be weak but believe me, Sun is far from it."
I said.

"Then we'll fight monkey vs monkey! This monkey!" MK said as he pointed to the tied up Macaque.

"Look, I brought you the Lady Bone Demon's lapdog, but I'm not up for being a hero, kid."

"We don't need you to beat him. We just got to keep him busy. As long as he's under her control, the mech's vulnerable. We can do this. You can do this."
MK said.


"Hey, if it's that bad to think about, then let's say this is your chance to beat his ass without any consequences, just you and him."
I said.

"Nice speech, nice offer. But that's not gonna-
"Stop it." I said.


"I said stop. Stop recoiling, stop blocking off from every chance at redemption given to you, if this worlds fucked then your fucked as well!
Besides, you've already helped us, even after all you've done, and all the mixed intentions you've helped us now!
That shows me that you can help, so come on out of the darkness and into the light with us."

MK muttered, the way Sen was speaking...it had an undertone of understanding but also slight frustration...but she sounded desperate to be heard.

MK and Mei never knew much about this teen, but they knew she was a great person from a not so great life.

Seeing her care like this, made him realize they were most certainly gonna win this battle.

"I'm not a hero, kid."

"Pah! Who said we wanted a hero?
I'd like to see the warrior in the stories you told us, so, come out of the shadows warrior."

Macaque took a moment, his eyes slightly wide with surprise before he smirked, a shadow portal appearing below him.

"Alright Doll, you win."
He said, dipping into the shadows and reappearing without the rope around him, this made MK jump back but not me.

"What? You could have freed yourself this whole time?" Pigsy questioned.

"What can I say? I'm dramatic."

. . .

"Remind me again how we're gonna destroy this thing?" Pigsy asked as the van skidded off, followed by me, Spitfire and Yuku who opted to fly alongside me.

"Macaque will keep Sun Wukong busy."
Red said.

"We break in and find Mei!"
Sandy said.

"Then we use MK's staff to smash that mech to bits." Tang said but MK looked at him with confusion.

"Huh? But the staffs gone."

"No. It's not. Bone Demon's keeping it at the top of the tower. But I don't see how an old stick is going to be of any help."
Macaque said.

"That's easy. We'll give her the old Monkey Mech finishing blow. MK always uses his staff to do that." Sandy said.

"Even if it's just a big old stick, maybe it'll give you the power you need now to finish her."
Tang followed up.

"This whole crazy adventure started with the staff, so it makes sense that we should use it to end it." Pigsy finished.

I pulled up my goggles and called out to them,
"Nezha is trapped in the ice somewhere, I'll find him and after that, Macaque I'll meet you at the mech!"

Macaque nodded, as MK gave us all a grateful smile, "Okay. I'm glad you guys said that, 'cause I'm not going to lie, I really felt super incomplete without it."

Finally the mech came into view, Spitfire revved as she immediately switched into mode 2 for me, Yuku quickly flying ahead.


"Help me out Yuku!"
I said, the dragon like insect buzzed over head as it began to survey the icy terrain, as Spitfire hovered lowly so we don't miss anything.

"Nezha! Gimme a signal bud! Nezha!"

I suddenly felt a pang of energy that was still slightly new to me, I closed my eyes and saw the last bits of a pink energy left in the air and headed in that direction.

"Yuku, spell check!"
I ordered, Yuku immediately went forth and buzzed frantically, darting downward as Spitfire quickly moved fourth.

I said as I hopped off of Spitfire and down to the frozen lotus Prince, luckily his head was still free of the cold encase.

I laid my hand on his forehead, he was still warm but extremely weak,
"Don't worry!"

I twirled my scythe to my front and pulled back, filling the metal with magic before hitting the base of the ice.


Over and over, but the ice turns out to be much tougher then I'd like, I grit my teeth as a battle rages above between Macaque and Sun.

'...Come on bud! Hold on a lil longer.'

I pulled my blade back as I relaxed and closed my eyes, sending as much disposable energy into the blade.

I look back at the blade and smirk at my work, the metal is glowing with demonic energy, energy I'm grateful to have.

"Nice! Now, let's get you out of here. Back up you two!" I ordered and Yuku and Spitfire move back.


With one well calculated slice the ice exploded, leaving my scythe and even me steaming with power and heat, I quickly scooped up Nezha and dropped him onto Spitfire.

I gave her headlight a pat,
"Take him back to the library."

She let out a low rev, easily conveying her disliking of leaving me on my own,
I snicker at the sound.

"I know, but we don't have much time and Nezha needs rest. Can I please, trust you to take him back to the library safely?"

She paused before revving, blinking her headlights before hovering off with immense speed.

My smile faltered immediately as Yuku zoomed up the mech, not missing a beat I follow in his wake.



The brunette smiles as I pulled myself up, Yuku immediately flew over and purred as he nuzzled his face happily.

"Glad your okay! Is Macaque good?"
I asked as I looked towards the flurry of battle above, MK gave me an unsure look before we both looked up at the ice bitch herself.

"Ah, So Beelzebubs kin come now.
Your arrival couldn't have been better, it's so wonderful to finally meet my ace."

"Ace my ass bitch, after all the shit you've done!? I'll damned if I follow under your reign! What's with demons and twisting up shit and thinking it's right! This isn't destiny this is tyranny!"

But LBD was unbothered by my words nor my glare as she smiled at us both,
"No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny."

"MK: I don't know if all this happened because it was destined to. But I have to believe that I found the staff so I could use it for good: To help people. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm going to take my staff and protect! This! World!" MK spoke grabbing onto the staff and attempting to pull it out.

Keyword: attempt.

"Come on!"
He huffed as the staff stuck frozen to the mech, I even tried to help but it was futile.

"Oh, sweet child. Can't you see? Sun Wukong couldn't best me. What can you hope to accomplish when he has failed?"

My antennae's twitched as I felt the strange mixture of warm and cold energy rush over, I turned just in time to see Sun throw Macaque our way and immediately caught him, sliding on my heels as he went painfully limp in my grasp.

"S-Shit! Macaque."
I shook at the mere sight of the possessed simian approaching us, each step making my skin crawl as I gripped Macaque tightly.

"Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor."

I grit my teeth as my back pressed against MK's, using one arm to keep Macaque close as I used the other pull out my scythe again.

"If you really believe that destiny can't be changed, you wouldn't be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained!"
MK said, we watched as LBD skin cracked a bit, a true sign of the pressure the vessel was under.

I tripped over my own feet as TMK reached for MK, my eyes widened before he grabbed his staff and shuddered, the sun shining down on us oh so conveniently.

"Thanks for not giving up on me, bud."
He said.


"Monkey King..."
I murmured, Sun flinched a bit before looking down at me and relaxing, he grabbed my arm and pulls me up.

"Nice to seeya Springs!"
He said playfully, I blushed a bit before smiling a few specks of tears coming to my eyes, but the sound of Macaque's low growls easily drew my attention.

"Oh your up."
I said before letting him go, letting the darker simian to disappear in his shadow, but I only smiled as he went.

'...Heh, till we cross paths again, Warrior...'

"Time for the hero stuff!"
Sun said before he and MK finally got the staff from the icy chamber it was stuck in,
He shivered lightly.

"Ugh...I can still feel her crawling underneath my skin!" He whined, I giggle at his silly attitude before scratching him behind the ears, he seemed stunned for a moment but didn't get to register the feeling as I pulled back and hugged him with MK.

"I'm so glad your okay."
I whispered into his neck.

"Uh, guys? Now that Wukong's not under her control." Macaque said as he appeared again, my eyes widen in realization.

"Oh SHI-
We all winced at the sudden gust of wind.

"Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians!"

LBD suddenly rid herself of the host she once had, a young girl falling from the demoness as a few souls spurred out as well, Macaque and I quickly caught her without hesitation.

We slid against the ground with the girl secure in our grasp, both of us making eye contact for a slim moment, but all 3 of us looked up as LBD bursted with energy.

"If the Dragon Girl will not give me the Samadhi Fire willingly, then I will rip it from her!"

Suddenly the mech shook, throwing us all off the head and sending us plummeting downward, even though Yuku could literally fly, the insect retreated into my arms for safety as Macaque held onto the girl.

As we grew closer I was just about to transform into my swarm form before I was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled close, I look up to see Sun holding me protectively as we landed.

He blinked before we both blushed,
"Heh, sorry! Force of habit."
He said but I only blinked.

I flushed but the moment quickly ended as we looked at the mech.

"You're right, MK. If you had never found that staff, none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy to the end."

MK stood up before walking up to the huge mech, "Kid-

Monkey King stopped Pigsy from going after the brunette.

"Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King, no Monkie Kid! Nothing!"

But as she used the Samadhi Fire against us, we weren't even singed by the blazes as the Monkey Mech was formed.


"That's my boy!"
"Yea MK!! Beat her ass!!!"

"No. No! I will not be stopped by a foul, insignificant creature! You would allow this world to continue to fester and rot, the eternal misery of countless souls because of your sentimentally for mortal pleasures?!"

"You can't judge things by their worst qualities!"

"This world might not be perfect but it's still worth fighting for!"

"Yeah! Sometimes it's that little bit of char that makes for a more flavorful meat, even if it is a bit tangy."

Mo meowed atop of Sandy's shoulder as our auras began to glow upon the circle,
"You said it, Mo. The world may be full of darkness but to let the light shine, all we need to do is stand together!"

Macaque and Wukong shared a look before the peach furred monkey looked at me,
I nodded before we all pulled out a small pocket of our power and put it into the circle.

"The perfect world is what we make it. So as long as I have my friends by my side, this world! Is! Perfect!"
MK said.

"A child's notion! I will not indulge it!"

We all see a green fire dart down the bone mech and into the monkey mech, I smirked as my antennas sense Mei.

"Hah! Mei did it!!"

"Let's end this!"
Monkey King said as he suddenly grabbed my hand, I blushed a bit but stayed focused.

"Here! Comes!"


"No! You will not take my destiny from me!"


The mechs staff shattered LBD's barrier and a bright flash of light floods the place,
Free anyone and everyone.


I blinked a few times, before looking over to see...

"Lady Bone Demon..."

"Tell me. If you had the chance...would you go back home?" She asked me, her black hair now waving in the light like she was.


I pulled out my old phone and stared at the screen, the background of me and my family, my past self staring back at me with a smile.

"...We've never gotten to know each other, I feel like you'd be an amazing person if we hadn't been on different sides."

I said.

I checked all the voicemails and messages, a year had now passed...somehow...an entire year had passed since my death...

I looked up at the woman, she spoke naught so I took her silence as I pressed the last voicemail I had from my mom...

"Hello...I-..*sniff* I know I shouldn't keep doing this but I-! I-...I can't do it anymore god...why do I keep calling you when I know you can't respond to me...? I just want my baby back..."

'...I-Im here mama...I'm okay mama...'

"Why-...Why god why? She was perfect, she was my pride and joy! I loved her! I love you Sen...I just want you to come back home...but I know you can't...I know your up there in a better place with your grandma and grandpa...having a good time..."

"But I can't help but talk to this damn phone...like I'm talking to my precious baby..."


"If you need to cry then do so, I understand this must be painful..."

With those words I felt my heart shatter, my knees buckled as I hugged the phone, clutching it between my fingers with a sense of sorrow and hatred.

"T-Today...my baby would've been 20...20 years old..she would've been a big girl if you just gave her a chance lord..."

'I-...I am a big girl now ma...I'm grown up-...don't worry, I'm okay...'

Suddenly her whimpers turned to full blown cries before she hung up, I blinked but didn't wipe my dripping tears as I stared down at the phone longingly.

I saw the chance to return the message, I knew I'd never see her again, she'd never see me again, but even if it'll be strange...

This feels right...


"H-Hello...Hi mama...It's me, Sen?
I-I know this isn't the call you'd expect after a year...but I just wanted to say..."

"I'm-..I'm okay...I am in a better place, surrounding by so many amazing people...that I love with all my heart...I hope maybe one day..."

I looked up to LBD,
"That Destiny will bring us together again..."

I pressed the hang up and stared at the phone, allowing a few tears to drip onto the screen as it turned off, then...

I let go of home, watched as the pieces of memories and bits of phone fall to the white grounds after crushing it with my own hands.

"...I Love You...Mama..."


"A hearty meal rich in macro-nutrients is just what the body needs to refuel after battle."
Sandy said as we all dug into our noodles, I sat between the roots of a tree as I ate mine in a somber silence, a comforting moment.

I felt relieved...
"Couldn't have said it better myself."
Nezha said as Spitfire revved beside him, she's taken quite the liking to the lotus prince.

I watch as the 2 simians and successor squabble a bit before Macaque disappears into his shadow portal, what I didn't expect was for him to appear near me.

My antennas perked,
"Ah, I had a feeling you'd have something to say..." I said calmly as I looked up.

"Thought I'd come thank you. Y'know for uh- watching my back an all that-
"Your welcome, no need to explain what I did.
And don't worry, I've already removed the renter so you won't have to worry about annoying me anymore."

Surprisingly, Macaque hopped off the branch and by the shadowed roots of the tree to avoid everyone else as he sat beside me.

"So, what's your favorite color?"
He asked suddenly, I blinked in surprise at such an odd question but once I look over I simply see him avoiding my gaze with a reddened face.

I took a moment before smiling softly.

"Heh, Blue, Green, oh! And this Teal looking color."


"MK! Order up!"
Pisgy barked, me and MK exchanged a look before...

"Rock, paper, scissors!"
"Rock, paper, scissors!"
We both went.

"Hah! Rock beats scissors! Your loss MK!"
I cheered as I stole a dumpling from Tangs plate, "Wha- Sen!"

"Darn it! On it boss!"
MK said before taking the bag of noodles and also stealing a dumpling from Tang.

"What?! H-Hey!"
Tang whined.

. . .

'The curious thing about legends is the way we continue to be moved by the same stories.'
Tang began to narrate.

Sen is seen in the midst of Lantern City, handing a few wads of cash to a merchant before receiving a few scrolls and books in return.

She waved before hopping into Spitfire and driving off, Yuku peaked from her hood and trilled in excitement.

'We're comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption. At times, the path of the hero might seem unclear and the story's chaotic and directionless.'

'Sometimes it may seem as though we've ended up back where we began but it's clear to see how much we've grown on the journey.'

Sen stops in a field where RedSon and Macaque were waiting.

'For although the story is over, there's always room on the shelf for another.'

The day went by filled with random facts and learning, watching Macaque be dramatic and Reds outburst, it made her smile fondly.

'The End. Pretty good. I think that's pretty good.'

'Yep! Perfect end to this chapter Tang!'
Sen reassured.


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