The Dark Side of Hell

By HeSaidForever

800 30 22

Zoe was a witch. She was--until she broke a couple of rules. Now she's stuck in a jail called Pancrea, where... More

Jace °
Jail Mates
Tree's of Wisdom

The Dark Side of Hell

324 6 2
By HeSaidForever

People say when terrible things happen, they happen pretty quickly. Well let me be the first to tell you that it's not at all what happens.

Hours? Days? Hell, years? I'm not exactly sure. I thought I was dead. I thought I was in hell. Time wasn't that important to me.

I remember when I was little, parents used to use Pancrea as a type of blackmail. "If you don't do your homework, I'll have to send you to Pancrea!" They didn't of course. But kids were scared enough of Pancrea to do their homework. Suprisingly, no one knows how many members of the Force are in Pancrea. One? One hundred? One thousand? None?

I remember learning about Pancrea, the land of disobediance and nothingness. A blank dimension used to keep in dangerous witches and wizards. They had no idea.

1. Do not murder a human.

2. Do not murder a witch or wizard, unless in defense.

3. Do not use witchcraft or wizardry in the Dark Forces.

4. Do not commit adultery to your fellow Forces.

5. Do not use witchcraft or wizardry on humans.

6. Do not use any Recalled spells.

7. Do not be disrespectful to Teachers.

8. The Wise Ones are your Elders. Accept this.

9. Do not forget of Pancrea.

10. Follow the rules of the Forces of Witches and Wizards.

Such simple rules. Disobey one, such hard consequences. I broke rules five and six. Do not use witchcraft or wizardry on humans. Load of shit. Wise Ones do it everyday. Do not use and Recalled spells. More shit. Wise Ones Recall them so they can be the only ones to use them.

It started with Jason. I totally and utterly blame Jason. Who I miss; but hate. Who I love; but never want to see again.

Jason was my boyfriend. Keyword? Was. My older sister, Kendall, got pregnant.

With his baby.

I don't know how long he was cheating on me, but I got mad.

Kendall's the mistake of the family. 100% human. No one knows what happened, and somehow my parents forgot to tell her we're three of the Forces.

I can sometimes read minds, when the thoughts are strong enough. I could read Jasons, basically screaming that he had only used her for sex. He was going to break up with her.

So I used a Recalled spell. I Bound Kendall and her baby to Jason.

Kendalls not going anywhere anytime soon.

So thats how I got sent here.

To Pancrea.

So welcome to Pancrea.

Population: Two.

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