Stuck in the middle

By secretsunfoldx

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Scarlet styles grew up with her twin brother Harry, and they have been inseparable ever since they were born... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2

chapter 3

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By secretsunfoldx

I step outside to get some fresh air and was relived as I felt the cold breeze hit my face.
I started walking down the path when someone shouts on me to stop, I turn to see louis and the Irish boy who helped me out the taxi standing outside the house, louis was holding a cigarette and the other boy had his phone in his hand staring at me.
"Come here" louis shouted over.
I huff and walk over to the boys wondering what they could possibly want. I just stared at the boys waiting for one of them to say whatever thy were going to say.
"That sounded pretty intense" louis finally spoke.
"You heard all that" I said sounding embarrassed that the boys could hear our entire conversation.
"Yeh our walls are quite thin" the Irish boy laughed.
I smiled slightly then looked down at my hands not knowing what to say, I don't know these boys, so I don't really want to tell them anything about my life or what's going on in it.
"I'm Niall by the way" the Irish boy said.
"Nice to finally know you name, Niall" I said looking up at him.  
"And I'm lo-"
"Louis, yeh I know I heard harry say your name earlier".

"You want one" louis asked holding a small box.
I looked down and saw the cigarette box Infront of my face, I haven't smoked in so long, I started smoking when I ran away, I used them as a stress relief, to pull that weight off my shoulders on whether running away was a good idea or not.
"sure" I said taking one out the box, I light it up and began to smoke, I felt the stress slowly lift off my shoulders and it felt great.
"Long time since you smoked?" louis asked.
"Eh... yeh about a year"
Louis was about to say something, but the front door opened and the boy that I bumped into peeked his head through.
"Harry wanted me to tell you that you have to stay the night as he doesn't want you near that boy that hurt you" he said.
"Oh, that's Zayn by the way" Niall said butting in
"Okay well thank you Zayn" I say with a small smile.
"oh, and you will have to top and tail with Niall as me and Liam share a bunk bed and harry and louis have their own rooms so management wont let you sleep in there rooms as there is no one else there to make sure nothing will happen" Zayn said
"Okaaayy, wow, you need new management" I laugh "first of all, harry is my bother so the fact that they think something would happen is extremely weird, I mean he's my twin brother like what the fuck, and secondly, I just met louis and after everything that has happened tonight nothing like that would remotely go through my mind".
All three off the boys began laughing and I couldn't help but join them, after everything that had happened tonight, I would never had thought I would be laughing but here I was.
"Trust me scarlet we all want new management" Niall said through his laughter.

Zayn went back in the house to go to bed and me louis and Niall stayed up a little bit longer talking and laughing about the most random stuff but it was getting last, so we all decided to call it a night and head to bed.
I climbed into the end of nails bed, and he go in at the top end.
"I hope this isn't to weird for you" he said.
"Nah its fine, me and harry used to always sleep in the same bed when we were younger, I used to have the fear off being alone in the dark".
"Can you guys shut up, its one in the morning and were trying to sleep" Liam said.
"Right sorry" I laughed.

The boys eventually got to sleep but I was stuck wide awake, it was pitch black in the room and I couldn't help but be scared, I had a feeling that someone was lurking in the darkness, and all I need right now was my brother, so I quietly got of bed and walked to harries room.
I knocked on the door knowing that he would probably be asleep so he wouldn't answer, it had been a couple of seconds and he still hadn't answered so I stared to walk away when I heard a shout.
"Come in"
I took a deep breath and opened the door, as I looked in, I saw that harry had a lamp on next to his bed and he was sitting on his phone.
"hey" I said quietly.
"Scarlet? Eh you can't be here" he said in his deep voice.
"Yeh, I know, Zayn told me, and I know you don't want to see me but" my voice began to break, and I looked down, playing with my hands "I- I can't sleep".
"It still haunts you doesn't it" harry said.
I just nodded my head.
"Same with me" he chuckles "look I'm still mad at you, but my baby sister and I will always protect you" he pauses "you can sleep in here if you want".
"Thank you Haz".
I climb into the bed and lie there for a moment.
"By the way I'm only 1 minute and 34 seconds younger so don't ever call me baby sister again".
"Shut up" harry laughs.
I laugh along with him then shut my eyes, in this moment this was the safest I had ever felt in two years, being by the side of my brother, I can finally get a good night sleep.

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