Hogwarts is doomed (a harry p...


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When Harry is sent to the dursleys, he is abandoned at age 3 and left by a roadside, where some interesting p... More

A/n and book stuff
chapter 1- the killing
Chapter 2-the abandonment
Chapter 3- The Decision
Chapter 5 - The Radio Demon
Chapter 6- The Removal
Chapter 7- A new home
Chapter 8 -Negotiations
Chapter 9- The Choosing.
Family Fun
The Meeting Of The Sins
Chapter 13-The Naming
The Locked Room Problem
La Lune
Cherri Bomb
Cousin Velvette
The Extermination

Chapter 4- The Adoption

2.3K 61 9





There were not many things that could shock Asmodeus, being an ancient ex-deity and an extremely powerful Sin, he had seen and experienced many many things. However, getting woken up from a perfectly nice dream by his god-niece opening a portal right in the middle of his bedroom and nearly giving him a heart attack was new, not least because she shouldn't have been able to portal into his mansion, Hell no-one should have been able to enter the building by any means without his explicit permission! Fucking Goetias, sneaking into places they shouldn't be able to...

When she had been born, he had been slightly conflicted on what to do, even though Stolas was his second cousin, they had never had a close relationship, he didn't tend to involve himself with people of lesser power than himself, mostly for personal reasons but also a tiny bit because of the snobbery he was surrounded by all the literal fucking time! He loathed it but also revelled in it enough to keep doing it. So he had been set to mostly ignore the little owl, it was a tactic that worked well with most people, her father included..

But all his plans went out the window when he met her in person for the first time when she was 4 months old, the sheer amount of demonic power she wielded was insane! He grudgingly admitted that her father was powerful, but this tiny girl had nearly as much demonic power as Stolas did and she wasn't even one yet! Of course it was wild, uncontrolled and hard to handle, fairly obvious as she was still a baby and had never been trained before. He decided then and there that he would train her when she came of age, and as much as he could beforehand, it would indeed be a shame if the girl with the potential to be one of Hell's greatest warriors was poorly trained in the arts of war and desire after all...

He broke out of his thoughts to study her, she looked slightly worried, yet masked it in enough confidence to almost fool him

"Via, How are you? Have you finally decided to learn the arts of romance and seduction? A rather .. odd hour to choose, but I can work with it"

"Uncle Asmodeus, it is literally 3 in the afternoon , just because you work on 'show schedule' doesn't mean the rest of us do, now does it? And anyway, no. I'm not here to seduce or to be seduced, I need a favour" she said seriously, worrying the Sin slightly as his quirky owl god-niece was rarely serious

"Whatever could you want from me? I'm only the deity of Lust after all, and seeing as you obviously have no interest in that...?"

"Don't fish for compliments uncle, it doesn't suit you. You know full well you're one of the most powerful Sins, after all who could resist lust? But no. I need you to pull rank with dad and his imp....Maybe one or two others as well."

For once, Asmodeus was stumped. He had no clue what he was meant to do, being rather unaccustomed to 'pulling rank' as she had said, so he queried

" what, exactly do you need me to do?"

"Ah.. well, here we have the tricky bit." She stated "you see, the imp my dad likes is in a bit of a situation, his employees have brought back a kid from the human realm-"

She could get no further over the sound of Asmodeus spluttering loudly, she braced herself for the obvious rant that must surely happen

"He-he did WHAT???? I- Words fail me." They obviously didn't as he continued " Do they have any idea- wait... an alive kid?? That shouldn't be possible unless- no. How on earth did they manage such a thing? Any mortal human brought to Hell should die before passing through the gateways or portals! (A/n I know in canon a kid is brought through alive but let's just pretend it didn't happen ) They didn't use any particular rituals to return did they?" He asked confusedly

" Not that I'm aware, no. Are there any ways for humans to come to hell? I didn't know that it shouldn't be possible "

"Well... one or two families possess the ability to come to Hell alive, however without proper training they couldn't do it much. Did you notice anything different about this kid? Like.. oh I don't know, darkness? Or any aura in particular?" Asmodeus said cautiously

Via obviously had noticed her uncle was hiding something but decided to play his game for the moment "nothing much no... he did have a rather silver aura, with a condensing of dark around his scar , which is quite rare, I've never seen a human have any type of aura full stop but apart from that-"

" Scar you say? What shape ?" Asmodeus said, trying and failing to sound casual

"Well.. if you must know, shaped rather like the Sowulo rune and located on his forehead."

"Power, strength, victory and courage " muttered Asmodeus under his breath " oh Stolas, what have you done...."

"What? What's wrong? How did dad screw up this time?"

"Via, this is important. Where did you father's friends find this kid and what sort of state was he in?" The Sin asked, deadly serious for once

"I- erm I'm not really sure... From what Millie said they found him traumatised in a wood, and I saw him, he's much too skinny for 3, and he was wearing an old t-shirt much too big for him. Why?" Via answered, confused as to why her uncle would be so interested in a human

"Oh no... No, no, no, no! what below earth am I going to do now?" He muttered before coming to a decision "Have I ever told you about something called magic?".....

20 minutes later

"So, you're telling me that humans, Humans!, have this weird stuff called 'magic', which is kind of like our powers and grimoire rituals but also different. These 'magical' humans have 2 sides, light and dark, and that a 1 year old baby somehow managed to defeat this really powerful 'dark lord' after much more powerful wizards have tried and failed. Now this baby's a very very famous hero, and the 'light lord' is probably a manipulative bitch but you're not sure because you never went too deep into 'wizarding Britain'. Oh! And you think that Harry, the boy who Blitz , Millie and Moxxie rescued, is also Harry Potter, this very famous boy hero. Because why the fuck not! Did I miss anything?" Via asked sarcastically

"No, not really, I think you've got all the essential bits" muttered Asmodeus, the sarcasm going over his head as usual "so, the problem is, he is very important to the human world and if this was any other scenario, I would insist that he be sent back to where he was found. However, if what you say is correct, he has been abused or at least neglegted, I find it hard to imagine anyone who knew of what he had done even considering neglecting him, so the only logical explanation is that he was left with non magical humans. Therefore he won't be missed if we keep him in Hell, I may be one of the 7 deadly Sins but even I would never leave an innocent child somewhere he was being abused. But" he warned, looking at his very excited niece "I will have to check the- Harry for evidence of abuse, as well as examining your father and this imp of his's memories to make absolutely sure" He laughed startled as Via hugged him so tight that he couldn't breathe "Yikes, ok,ok calm down "

"come on! we have to get back to dad before his head explodes from all the stressing, I'll open a portal real quick" she said hurriedly shoving the grimoire into his chest, already muttering the words to open a portal to her dad's location. The sparking red circle opened on the wall and she stepped through it motioning for the Sin to follow her.

When Stolas was this worried about something, not much could get him out of his head. Normally Blitz could but on this occasion that didn't work. However what did manage to stop him worrying, at least for a moment, was his daughter emerging through a very familiar portal, dragging the Deadly Sin of Lust behind her. "I-Octavia, did you steal my grimoire?" He said with an extremely confused look "and Why- HOW did you get Asmodeus of all people to come?"

Via smirked answering "oh don't worry, he just needs to look at Harry quickly,Loona have you got him?"

Now Stolas was completely befuddled, as was Blitz. The 2 shared a puzzled look as Asmodeus wafted past them and through the door to the reception, Stolas breaking the puzzled silence enquiring "How long have our daughters known each other??"

"Never mind that, how long has your daughter known a DEADLY FUCKING SIN!???" Blitz yelped, glaring at Stolas accusingly

"Oh.. Er, well... He's kind of her Godfather..." Stolas muttered, anxiety now completly gone and replaced with pure confusion.



Blitz's yelp carried through to the next room where Loona, Via, Millie and Asmodeus stood looking at the small boy curled up on the desk

"Via, Darling, did you have to utterly bemuse both of our parents?" Loona asked grinning

"well... No, but it was a lot of fun" Via laughed

"Yeah I know"smirked the Hellhound before turning to the task at hand. "Have you examined him enough yet?" she asked Asmodeus nervously, The Sin practically radiated power, which made her slightly worried but seeing how relaxed her bestie was around him she wasn't too worried.

Asmodeus inclined his head , murmuring "indeed I have" He had been unusually quiet after looking into Harry's head , provoking Via to ask "how bad was it?" He swallowed answering "Bad. Very very bad. There is no way in Hell that I'm letting him go back to those- those monsters, however if we do let him stay here we are going to have to be very careful for the first year or so, he has a lot of trauma for one so young and the last thing I want to do is bring that up again."

Nervously, Millie asked "Will he be allowed to stay with us?" Already suspecting the answer would be no

"If I was in charge, the answer would definetly be yes, he seems to like you a lot, however if we have any chance of persuading Lucy to let us keep him, he'll need to stay with someone more powerful, no offence meant Millie"

"none taken" she said slightly sadly, knowing that she couldn't keep Harry

"Well, that's perfect! You can keep him Uncle!" Via yelled excitedly with a grin

"I-WHAT? No! I can't look after a kid, I'm literally the deity of LUST! That is not the place for a kid to grow up!" Asmodeus protested

"Well I don't see any other Extremely P͟o͟w͟e͟r͟f͟u͟l͟ Sins lining up to take him, do you?" Via smiled

"Not exactly no.... But a child CAN'T grow up in Lust, are you mad? Do any of you know what Lust is??? It is no place for a child. Certainly NOT. I will not allow it!" The Sin said indignantly

Via went to argue further but to her surprise was interrupted by Loona, the usually loud Hell hound subdued for once

" Hell is not a place for children full stop. Beggers can't be choosers ,Lust is bad but all of Hell is bad! Your Ring is not as bad as it could be, unlike some others.. "

Blitz, listening from the doorway, remembered when he found Loona in a pound in Wrath.. She had clearly been abused and hurt, he presumed this was what she referred to 'My poor Loony' he thought sadly

Asmodeus was also taken aback by the sadness in her voice, he guessed she had experience of this and decided this was a battle he didn't have to win"All right, I'll take him"

"YAY! You won't regret this Uncle O, I promise" Via beamed ecstatically

"You know what? I don't think I will"

"Will we still be able to see him?" Millie asked

"Of course! I can't look after a kid by myself you know, I'm going to need help." Asmodeus smirked with laughter in his voice

"We'll help!" Via and Loona chorused before shouting "JINX! Knock on wood, burn your soul, slip though the cracks 54321gotohellanddontcomeback"

"Do I even want to ask?" Stolas said dryly, watching the 2 turn to each other and grin evilly before stating "No. Not at all. We've never met each other before in our lives."

"Oh!" Loona jerked as if she'd just remembered "apart from that time.."

"Of course! And there was that occasion when.."

"Oh yeah, how could I forget that..."

"and we did that thing then.. And then.. And then..."

"Not forgetting the one time when.. And then..."

"Oh and do you recall those.....

" Yeah! that was there wasn't it........

"You did that..."

"and you did those things....."

"oh and when..."

"oh obviously, that one goes without saying"

"But apart from those times" they said simultaneously"We've never met each other, ever."

Enjoying the looks on their parents faces they turned to Asmodeus and asked "what do you need us to do?"

"Well, before anything else happens, we need to remove the blocks on his magic. Normally one or 2 are put on little kids for protection but nowhere near the amount he has, there's some compulsions too, they need to be removed ASAP. " The Sin said seriously

"Which means... We need to visit Alastor."

. Sorry about the delay writing this, my great grandmother recently died and her funeral was yesterday so... Yeah. I didn't mean to write Via and Loona so like twins but it happened and there we are.



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