The Runaway Cheat

Por Misspaperback04

72.9K 2.5K 592

I met a girl six years back. She was everything I thought I never wanted. But how incredibly wrong was I? But... Mais

Character Aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 16

1.1K 55 33
Por Misspaperback04

When darkness crawls in,
Even the brightest light falls dim.

Ridge Wright

Is it legal to kidnap someone from the middle of the city at daylight especially when you are not even from that country? Of course, fucking not.

But do I care? Also no.

I want my answers and there was no way she was going to give me if I asked nicely, so I am taking it in my ways. Finn was completely against it, but sometimes having a do-first-think-later brother pays well. I don't know what Ely said to that waiter for him to bring her to the back alley of the restaurant but he looked like he saw a ghost. And Marilyn was put inside the car even before she could understand what happened.

Finn is behind the wheels, Ely is beside him in passenger and I'm in the back with her. She was kicking her legs and hands everywhere but the SUV was big enough to handle her temper.

She was screaming, struggling to free her hands but all she was doing is hurting herself. So, when I uttered those three words, enough for her to recognise who just picked her up she went completely still and quiet in her place.

After reaching the underground garage of Ely's place I put her over my shoulder and entered the elevator along with them. She started kicking her legs and fighting to let her go again, but that's not happening anytime soon."Stay still, you can play all you want after we get inside." I say holding her lower body more firmly.

Finn was still having that frown over his face but I was too pissed to give a shit. "You know it's not safe, especially outside England. And she got the connection. It can go wrong in so many ways" he said.

"Oh, believe me, it is going exactly that way if you keep me alive!" She spit over my shoulders. But when nobody replied to her she spoke again, "You didn't just fucking kidnapped me, Ridge. I'll kill you asshole. Let me go!" This is probably the first time after six years I have seen her showing these many emotions.

"No," I replied bluntly, she ain't going anywhere until we are crystal clear about what exactly fucking happened 6 six years back.

"Don't worry Finn, Ridge may rule London but here? I'm enough." Ely replied with a smug smile. But all Finn did was shake his head and release a loud sign. The elevator door opens entering inside I went straight towards the drawing room. I put her on the sofa gently and remove the hood over her head. Her hair was all messed up and she looked like a lion cub with how much anger she was breathing.

I forward my hand towards her face but she moved away immediately. I grab her face and bring it towards mine, "stay still" I said before removing her hair from her face. They still smell like fucking coconut, and it was taking everything in me to not drop my head I her neck.

Revealing a face which was all red and flustered, her breath was heavy and the glare had gotten deeper. But instead of hating her, I was getting a fucking boner down there. I took a step back before it became obvious to others and especially her. Finn and Ely came and stood beside me staring at my captive.

"Are you going to keep gawking at me like that or say something? Why am I here in the first place?" She snapped at us.

First of all, why is she not scared?

"I want some answers and if you want to leave then answer them nicely," I said looking at her with a straight face not giving out any emotions.

"And if I don't, you kill me?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Her breathing has gone normal and her face is completely calm. Like dying isn't something terrifying.

"No, we won't. But Louize may, especially when your shareholders are so desperate to sell the company." I said.

"You wouldn't dare." The calmness shifted into anger and she sneered at me. Seems like I found the opening. I drag a chair and sit in front of her.

" I won't if you answer." But she didn't reply to anything and turned her eyes to some distance. "Why did you lie about your identity?"

"Because it's fun to pretend to be someone else." She replied with a smirk after a minute or so.

"Why did you leave?" I try again.

"I got bored," she said looking around like she is also bored to be here, "Oh, and yeah I ran out of money my papa gave me so I decided to come back." I was just a second away from slamming the chair on the wall.

"But according to the record your family is in Greece?" I asked, remembering the details Ely's PR brought. But at the mention of her family, something flickers in her eyes.

"Greece isn't my place. It's a great place for vacation but I need New York chaos. So I came directly here." She explained like she genuinely wanted me to believe.
She is lying.

"Just like Madrid isn't?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. But she didn't try to defend herself and went quiet. That's what she told me six years ago when I ask about her family.

"Ridge, just because my answers are not what you want doesn't mean they are lies." She said calmly. "I am sorry but whatever you are looking for isn't here. So please let me go."

Her voice was getting quiet and sadness wrap in her gaze. And it took everything in me to not run for her, to hold her in my embrace.

"It may not be what I want but it isn't the truth either. Speak the truth Marilyn and I'll let you go." My voice rang around as nobody speaks. "But if you think I'll let you go without knowing the truth, if you think I'll let you live in peace after you ruined my life you are extremely wrong." I whisper those words. And her gaze wets with tears ready to flow down."Ridge." Finn said as he signal me to calm down.

When she still didn't say anything, "You accepted his fucking ring!" Ely yelled at her which made her flinch. "Step back Ely," I growled at him.

"I know, I know but he was so happy, so excited. I didn't want to break his heart." She finally said looking at me like she was about to cry.

I drop into the floor to get close to her, " I would've...I would've survived that hurt Mara. I could accept all the rejection in the world if you stayed with me. But you left, you fucking ran away."

"I am sorry, so sorry. I got cold feet. And running away is what I know to do whenever I face any problem." Her words fell apart and she let out a sob.

"You should've said something. I was not going to force you into marriage if you were not ready. Do you really believe I am capable of doing that?" I am weak to my knees when it comes to her and it makes me feel defeated that I failed to show her that.

"I know Ridge, I get it. But we can change things from here. So please let me go." She said crying like she was in pain. I went to open her hands immediately but Finn put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turn my head around at him with a glare for daring to stop me.

But when he says, "She is manipulating you" with a glare towards Mara my brows shifted to a frown. Finn never acted like that but when I turned my face towards her, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

She was smiling, a smile I never saw on Mara's face but on Marilyn's.

"Did I break your little stone-cold heart Ridge?" She asked with a grin.

"You think it's funny? You think it's a fucking game for you?" Ely launch in her face screaming threats and warning but I sat still on my knees to see her smile.
Cold, empty and toxic.

"You are lucky, you are a woman or else I would've fucking killed you by now for what you did to him." Ely keeps on yelling.

But she was looking at me, "How does it feel Ridge? How does it feel to get manipulated, get played like you are some toy?" She asked, laughing aloud.

"Mara?" I pleaded with her name.

"Mara? She died years ago, more like I killed her. She was too naive to survive here. So she disappeared." She said, still grinning.

"What do you mean—" I started but words got lost in my mouth. "Marilyn, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?" I demanded.

"I am showing you the real Marilyn, Ridge. That the woman you are so desperately seeking within me is not fucking real. Do you understand?" she sounds so cold and empty. Her gaze is distant and there is no light but only void within them.

Like she is dead inside, like something within her is gone.

Fearing to lose her I try again, "What happened six years ago that made you this way?"

"Six years ago? I found a gorgeous toy, so I played with it for a while and threw it away." She replied with a pout.

Something is very wrong. Was this whole time I was really loving an imposter? Who played with my feeling because she could. "I am going to destroy you, Marilyn." My chill voicerangs around the walls.

"You won't." She replied. "What?" I asked, looking at the pair of cold eyes.

"You will not destroy me Ridge, you can't. Do you know why?" She asked revealing a smile which was anything but sweet, "because you are obsessed with me. You do not have the strength to see me sad. Right?" She asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"Ridge, I know you told me how your Mara was all about sweet, soft and gentle but this one? This one is a fucking nutcase. She is a damn manipulative psychopath!" Ely said, voice wrapping with horror and shock.

"I can't destroy you." I repeated her words in my mouth, "I can't see you sad." I said the words like I was forced to do it.

It was indeed all a lie.

"Yes, you can't. You will not dare to touch Louize, do you hear me?" She said to me and I nodded at her words like they meant the world to me.

"You can't hate me." She keeps on going, but I was already in the void feeling numb and aching at my chest. Pain and so much more pain.

"You need to stop talking," Ely screamed at her but she didn't even blink towards him, her eyes were only on me like I am all that mattered, but you are not, you never were.

"You love me Ridge, don't you?" she asked she would ever appreciate my feeling for her.
She won't.

"I said shut the fuck up," Ely screamed even louder but she still didn't remove her eyes from me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, Finn. "Stand up, you need to leave." He said to me but my body has gone all weak.

She never cared.

I stood up when I felt the pull of someone. I was dragged away from her but she was still looking at me with a wide smile like she wanted me to agree to whatever she said. And like that, I realize the bitter truth.

Mara was indeed dead.


Another chapter in one day 🤧🤧
If after reading this chapter you say ' what the fuck' 🤯 then don't worry you are not the only one.
Marilyn is a complex character and I do hope people will be patient enough to understand her.
Any way that's it.

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