After Rebirth, I Became the A...

By SimplyTartagalicious

22.1K 685 88

After being involved in a battle for the throne and sentenced to death, Shi Han was reborn. When he opened hi... More

C31 - C40
C41 - C50


779 32 3
By SimplyTartagalicious

Chapter 006

    He remembered that this school was quite famous and had trained many elite talents for the empire. Unfortunately, it was finally destroyed in a bizarre explosion on Venus ten years later. The woman also looked familiar, Shi Han never doubted his memory, she was Zheng Rongyuan, the professor of ship maintenance.

    The rest of the days were quite peaceful. Shi Han sorted out his database, studied the incomprehensible text codes that make up him, and updated some functions.

    Really I study myself.

    A day later, the spacecraft docked.

    In the Tomorrow Harbor Hall of Star Venus, Shi Han said to Owen: "Human beings, I have solved so many difficulties for you these past few days. The rewards shouldn't be too much, right?

    " up. In the past few days, he has adapted to the AI role really quickly, and he called Owen a "human" in a blink of an eye.

    Shi Han felt that being an AI was much happier than being a human being. There was no endless headache, no aggrieved mental strength, and no extremely weak body. Everything was so smooth.

    Owen immediately became vigilant. "What do you want?"

    "Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious. I know the school you're going to gave you some money, and I need you to buy me a server cluster and give me the permissions, that's all." Shi Han An understatement. "Then I will leave. You have nothing to gain from you now, and I have no interest in you."

    "What kind of AI are you?"

    Shi Han laughed twice. "I don't need to know where you are going, and you don't need to know where I come from, it's as simple as that." "

    I'll do it, and you fulfill the agreement."

    Owen didn't talk nonsense, and immediately called up the operation interface and looked at the balance It fell like running water, and it didn't feel bad at all. After transferring the authorization to Shi Han, he heard the AI's satisfactory answer.

    "Very good, Owen. Remember my name, my name is Shihan, we may meet again in the future, I wish you a pleasant afternoon."

    The indicator light of the headset goes off.

    Really... gone?

    Owen hesitated for a moment, then took the headset off and crushed it with the heel of his boot.

    One day... I'll find out what the hell you are.


    Shihan entered Starnet with ease and joy, and after a stroll around, he came to his "new home".

    Hardware devices provide computing and storage resources for artificial intelligence. AI itself can be regarded as an algorithm. When wandering on the star network, all AIs can borrow public resources to exist and run. However, if there are no hardware resources as a nest to support other functions, No matter how advanced the AI is, it won't play a big role.

    For example, when invading the database on a spaceship, if Shihan has the current server cluster, where he needs to quietly open a loophole and sneak in slowly, it doesn't matter to just open Wushuang to get in.

    Shi Han lay down in the virtual space of this server cluster and felt comfortable.

    After tidying up his "room", Shi Han sat down on the floor of the operating system layer. He needs to organize his thoughts.

    Coming to this timeline for nearly a week, Shihan still doesn't have a complete plan for the future. Although in the original timeline, he solved the chaos problem and developed a world calculus system with high accuracy, which is able to make predictions, but the information of the entire galaxy is more vast than the sea of smoke, even if the algorithm is used to filter out weak influences. For a certain amount of information flow, the rest is not what he can handle now.

    Speaking of it, he was also a little puzzled, not knowing how his inspiration burst out. It stands to reason that the "Prophet" world calculation system cannot be created by an individual at all, but he has completed it.     In the original timeline, the Milky Way has experienced several wars. As an important wartime material, computing resources have suddenly expanded several times under the industrial machinery, which is beyond the reach of the current Milky Way.     To reproduce the "Prophet" system in his previous life, Shi Han would have to master twice the computing resources of the entire galaxy now, so don't think about it for the time being.

    So the prophet Shi Han now has to rely on the memory of his previous life, as well as the usual laws of history, plus a little bit of blindness.

    The first thing Shi Han had to do when he settled down was to investigate himself. Not surprisingly, he should have traveled to the current timeline of a parallel time and space, otherwise the grandfather paradox cannot be explained.

    There is also Shihan in this world, and he is also an orphan. Unlike Shihan, who is plagued by illness, this orphan is quite healthy, but his mental strength is very weak, and his intelligence is not high. He is two extremes with Shihan.

    From a theoretical point of view, the appearance is exactly the same, and the positions all fit together, but from the sensory point of view, they are far from each other.

    Shi Han was weak and sickly because his body could not support his mental strength, he was skinny, with silver-gray hair, his eyes were as sharp as knives, and he was indifferent and crazy. And the "Shihan" in this world is a cowardly boy who was too ordinary to be more ordinary, and because he was too ordinary, when he was less than ten years old, he was bullied to death in the orphanage.

    Moreover, this orphan is not called Shi Han. Shi Han's name was chosen by himself, and he didn't know why he chose this name.

    Compared with the body he used before, Shi Han is still more concerned about his current state. Regarding his current identity, Shi Han already had a rough guess. If it was true, he would be in an extremely dangerous situation.

    Before humans established their dominion over the Milky Way and widely used the Galactic Calendar, there was a period of time known as the Dark Forest Calendar. It was a dark age that lasted for two thousand years after humans stepped out of the solar system and came into contact with the first alien civilization.

    At that time, human beings still had the illusion of harmonious coexistence with alien races, and believed that the Milky Way was large enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of splendid civilizations.

    It's a pity that human beings don't know that when the earth's civilization is still in the embryonic era of modern civilization, the powerful civilization of the Milky Way has already been as brilliant as the stars. When human beings rejoiced for the first bronze ware, an unprecedented civilized melee broke out in the Milky Way, known as the "Galactic War".

    Countless powerhouses were turned into ashes, countless civilizations were destroyed, and countless galaxies were directly evaporated. According to historians' estimates, this war reduced the total population of intelligent races in the entire galaxy by 99.98%, almost destroying all intelligent races, and barely survived. civilization lost most of its heritage.

    Ever seen the only surviving beast in the Colosseum? That is the civilization that survived the Galactic War.

    Unfortunately, humanity was the first to encounter such a civilization.

    Humanity has gone through a near-genocide war, from a curious and friendly civilization to a decisive butcher. Humans acquired the knowledge of spiritual power development from their first opponents, accidentally discovered that the human brain is particularly suitable for using this power, and then started the pace of conquering the galaxy.

    After the War of the Milky Way, most of the remaining civilizations here are either weak or disabled. Since human beings happen to be the first civilization to develop to a certain height after the War of the Galaxy, they continue to excavate ruins to obtain new black technology on the way to flatten the Milky Way. , their process of occupying the Milky Way appeared to be extremely smooth, until they encountered a special civilization—

    AI civilization.

    The author has something to say: This setting is an extreme assumption of the Fermi paradox. We have not come into contact with aliens because the alien civilizations have played themselves to death. The ones outside the galaxy have not yet been contacted. It is too sloppy. .

    Grandfather Paradox: To put it simply, in a universe, travel can only travel to the future, not to the past.

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