My Lost Soul

By RealMadao

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On a different Earth, a nuclear accident in the midst of WW3 spreads radiation throughout the world, leaving... More

Chapter 1 - Fury
Chapter 2 - Relations
Chapter 3 - A Close Kept Fire
Chapter 4 - But a Distant Truth
Chapter 5 - 30 Minutes
Chapter 6 - A Wish
Chapter 7 - Eye of The Tiger
Chapter 8 - The Man of Truth
Chapter 9 - The Concealed Injustice
Chapter 10 - Spade Mask
Chapter 11 - A Conversation
Chapter 12 - You Are Special
Chapter 13 - Chameleon and Snake
Chapter 14 - Wish I Could Understand
Chapter 15 - New Allies, New Mysteries
Chapter 16 - A Leap in the Dark
Chapter 17 - Your Shadow
Chapter 18 - Conquer Your fEAR
Chapter 19 - Heroic Flames
Chapter 20 - Fate's Hands
Chapter 21 - Old, Red Spider Lily
Chapter 22 - Love the White Noise!
Chapter 23 - JanuEri in April
Chapter 24 - Way of the World
Chapter 25 - The Playroom
Chapter 26 - High Value
Chapter 27 - Artificial Blood
Chapter 28 - Protecting
Chapter 29 - Operation Ghostbusters?
Chapter 30 - Unknown Love
Chapter 31 - Hunter's Hunt
Chapter 32 - War Machines
Chapter 34 - Glees Turner
Chapter 35 - Councilman Dillemma
Chapter 36 - Alcatrat
Chapter 37 - The Best of Three
Chapter 38 - The Third Sky
Chapter 39 - "Lans"
Chapter 40 - Two Sides to Every Coin
Chapter 41 - How It Came to Be
Chapter 42 - The Black Stained Curtain
Chapter 43 - A Fitting Grave
Chapter 44 - What is. . . Happening?
Chapter 45 - Thank You, My Soul
Chapter 46 - Omega's Curse
Chapter 47 - Assessing Damages
Chapter 48 - Our Realities
Chapter 49 - Soul is Alive
Chapter 50 - Asura's Ego

Chapter 33 - Yonai

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By RealMadao

What do I want to do. I don't get it. I mean, I don't even know myself. Who I am now might not be me when I get my real feelings back. What if it doesn't matter what I want to do? Omega stared down at his shoes and shook his head, No, that's not what he wants me to think about... 

What do I want to do right now? Well I want to get my feelings back, but what does that really mean? It's not something I can just do, and does it really require me to do this whole "coup d'état" thing? Do I not need to be here? Do I... do they..?

"Ay, Omega. You're fading out man." Enjō rubbed his shoulder. "The trains comin'." Omega looked back, Oh, I forgot.

"Count your hours, kids. If those three don't come out with that thing in cuffs, it's up to us to beat it down. And by us, I mean you two."

"Nuh-uh, you are not gonna chicken out like that!"

Omega zoned out again, looking past Enjō and Uyama and into the subway crowd.

It's really easy to tell how many Artificials are here. They always wear long sleeves hoodies, but ironically, also thin shorts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Omega stopped counting when he saw one of the Artificial's face. Her eyes darted in all directions, she constantly pulled her hoodie further over her head, even though it wouldn't go any further. He looked around at another one's face. His face looked pale and numb. The hood of his jacket was loose over his head, revealing red lashes around his neck. He must be tired, maybe trying to run away. Will I end up like that?

Omega saw the young Artificial wince in pain as he stood against the wall.

Should I help them? No, I can't. There's no way I can. What can I do? I'm just a-

Omega felt his arm get snatched as he returned to the real world. Loud sounds, beeps, rails, clanking shoes— his ears felt assaulted as they adjusted.

"The train's here. Get ready guys." Uyama warned.

The train slowed down to a stop, and it felt as if time slowed down when the doors opened. The "thing"floated past the crowd of people surging out. Immediately, Enjō's heat flared beside Omega.

"They aren't coming out." Uyama turned to the exit, "We'll have to catch them at the next station, in whatever condition they'll be."

"We can still get to the train from here. If we beat it fast, we can get to them in time." Enjō's eyes narrowed as the "thing" floated through the crowd.

"Enjō, we can't get the people involved in this-" Uyama turned back to Omega.

"He's already gone." Omega pointed to Enjō, running through the people as he threw his coat back.
"Urgh, that idiot!" Uyama's nostrils flared. He glanced back at Omega, then back at the thing. "C'mon!"

Uyama grabbed Omega again and ran off to follow Enjō.

Enjō rubbed his arms vigorously against the palms of his hands before scraping them off, releasing sparks and dark flames from his palm. He rushed the thing and grabbed it with one arm, swinging his other to connect in its face. As the thing was knocked back, its cloak scattered as it tried to pat the flames away from its face.
As Enjō went for another flaming punch, Omega reached his hand over to the wall, squeezing his palm hard. A piece of it crushed itself down to a spear, Omega flung it at the thing's head, piercing it straight through.

"Since when could you do that?!" Uyama yelled as they ran through the crowd, the people grunting as they were pushed out of the way.
"I've been practicing on my own time." Omega answered as he picked up his pace.

"Good shit, Omega! This'll be quick!" Enjō snickered while the thing got up, removing the spear from its head. He brought his hands together, conjuring a beating flame between his palms. He brought his hands closer together, focusing and tightening his stance. Enjō molded the fire into a cone in his hand, releasing the concentrated flame in the thing's face.

It groaned, tried to put its hand in front of its face to keep the fire away, but it melted right through.

"Hey! There's still people in here!" Uyama yelled as he caught up to him.
Enjō looked around and saw the crowd run away from him. "Ooh, sorry bout that..." The flame from his hands dissipated. "Not a problem anymore tho-"

Enjō's body folded as he was sent flying into the wall. Omega's eyes darted to the destroyed concrete. What just-
His eyes set back to the thing. It's body was steaming all over, as peels of its shiny skin melted off. From beneath its dark cloak, it grew white, thin legs, along with skinny arms. It's head turned sleek and long, adorned with a hat on its head.

Shots rang out beside Omega. Uyama ran behind Omega towards Enjō, shooting at it. It flinched at each impact, shaking in place.

What is... this is different than before, how is this happening? Omega thought as his mind scattered.

"You do not have the liberty for idling around, little Omega."
His heart stopped as he looked up at the towering "thing".

"Furthermore, I advise you stop calling me a "thing", it is insulting. I am-I am...Yonai." A human face popped out of its blank canvas of a head. "Yes, that will do nicely."
Hunter raised it's fist above Omega, "Let us see then, will you remain idle?"

Omega grit his teeth. He wouldn't allow himself to be scared by this creature. He thrusted his hands in front of him, his veins popping up, Move the wind!

A huge gust of wind blew around Omega, sending Yonai crashing into the roof.

"That was close, bro! Don't scare me like that." Enjō ran up to Omega, with Uyama tailing behind.

Omega's eyebrow furrowed, "How-how are you alright? I could barely even see you get hit."

Enjō chuckled, "Uh-ha, pfft, it just caught me off-guard. You know, it didn't even hurt all that much." Enjō rubbed his nape.

Uyama groaned with his hands on his knees, "You're lucky you didn't break anything, pay attention next ti-"

"Yo that doesn't even count! Did you see that hit me?"

"Look, if you-"

"Rhetorical question dummy!" Enjō chafed his arms again, sparking a fire in his hands.

Yonai twitched as it fell down to the concrete. It wiped its clothes of debris and stood up to face the three.

"Noman Station is now departing. Noman Station is now departing." An announcement voiced from the speaker.

"Damn it," Uyama looked back at the closing doors. "I guess we got some more time with this thing."

"Um, I think fighting it head on is reckless, Enjō. I have an idea, if you'll allow me." Omega looked up at Uyama.

Uyama furrowed his brow and nodded, "I'm liking the sound of that. Just, uh-don't end up in the wall."

Omega leaned into Enjō's ear and whispered.

"Good stuff, master tactician." Enjō grinned and readied himself.

Omega balled up his sweaty hands and dashed at Yonai.
"That is quite the change in demeanor, young Omega. Unfortunately for you, that does not change much—"

Yonai was swept up off the ground in the midst of Omega charging at him. A slab of concrete wrapped around its ankle and pinned it to the ground.

"Now!" Omega yelled, pulling another concrete spear from the wall andhurling it at Yonai's chest. A burst of black blood gushed out.
Enjō appeared beside Omega, his hands burning intense.

"What'cha gonna do—" Enjō leapt on top of Yonai's gushing body, "When you can't move?!"
He pummeled it furiously, a grin spreading across his face. With each punch, Yonai helplessly melted into the ground. Enjō didn't stop. With a painful yell, he quickened his barrage of fire. Yonai tried to escape, but even its leg had already melted. Reduced to a pile of black liquid, Enjō stopped. He heaved and his hands trembled. He bit down on his lip as he opened his palms at Yonai, who was trying to escape as a puddle of ectoplasm. A steady flame incinerated what was left of it, leaving only ashes of its cloak and hat.

The subway grew silent as the flames blew away. His body tremors as he collapsed on his back in front of Omega.
His heart still beating heavy, Omega looked down at battle-worn Enjō. In spite of his awe, now that the fire was gone, he saw how truly injured he was. His hands were now charcoal black, compared to his usually brown complexion.

Omega looked back at Uyama, who rolled his eyes and walked over.

In a tone of urgency, he whispered, "He's seriously hurt. He burned himself, it's—it's really bad, Uyama."

Uyama kneeled down to feel Enjō's unconscious hands, pulling it back at the scorching heat. "Mm, shit." He sucked on his finger before lifting him up by the head, "Yeah, this isn't too uncommon. He'll recover." He looked at Omega and snorted, "Probably. Now help me get him up, we're catching that train."

"No hospital?!"

"Nuh-uh! Now hurry up, damn it!"

As Omega lifted him up onto Uyama's back, he thought to himself, looking into Enjō's unconscious eyes.

That was...that was sort of scary...

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