Misaka 10000 (Toaru fanfictio...

By MZ-Games-77

27.1K 1.2K 996

sleep, wake up, eat 3 meals of the day, school, gaming, watching anime, and sleep late. The monotonous patter... More

Chapter 1: The Starting Line
Chapter 2: Says Misaka-10000
Chapter 4: Die 10,000 times
Chapter 5: Reborn
Chapter 6: Plan A
Chapter 7: Paradox
Chapter 8: The New Life
Chapter 9: Mage and Esper
Chapter 10: Aleister
Chapter 11: Laura
Chapter 12: Nameless
Chapter 13: Accelerator's little sister?
Chapter 14: Evolution?
Chapter 15: A certain number 4
Chapter 16: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 17: A Normal Day
Chapter 18: Level 5
Chapter 19: New chapter
Chapter 20: The Daihaseisai
Chapter 21: Shokuhou Misaki
Chapter 22: The Shift
Chapter 23: Revenge
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: It has begun
Chapter 26: World War III
Chapter 27: Level 5 Batlle
Chapter 28: Trouble
Chapter 29: The Conflict

Chapter 3: Misaka mikoto

1.4K 54 40
By MZ-Games-77

Kneeling on the cold floor of a dimly lit hallway, away from prying eyes, Misaka-10k savored each bite of her cup of instant noodles.

"This is the best food in the world, says Misaka as she takes a bite from her instant noodles"

With her parents no longer suspecting her absence for the next two days, Misaka-10k pondered her next move. 

It was already noon, and she had yet to make any preparations. However that was obvious, her opponent was the top-ranked Level 5 esper in the academy city. 

If defeating him were that easy, he would have been taken down long ago. If he were to lose, it would likely be at the hands of another Level 5 esper. That seemed to be the only plausible scenario for his defeat.

She took another bite of her instant noodles, savoring the flavor as her thoughts wandered.

Despite the urgency to come up with a plan quickly, her mind couldn't help but be curious about the clone experiment. There were many gaps in her understanding of the subject that troubled her.

"They use the Testament machine to Transfer language, motor skills, and ethical data to their brain. However, they probably wouldn't be able to transform something as complex as emotions. I don't think they fully comprehend human emotions and consciousness to accomplish that. This would explain our robotic way of speaking—explains Misaka as she takes another bite of her instant noodles."

"However, they didn't subject me to the same modifications. It's likely because I already demonstrated the capability for communication and language skills. But they didn't provide me with any combat abilities, and yet they still let me out to face stronger espers. It's clear that they don't see much value in us, but the fact that they let me participate is the problem—explains Misaka as she takes another bite from her instant noodles"

The Testament machine is a device that can transmit data electrically through all five senses, forcefully implanting itself into the clone's brain. This means they have the ability to control and manipulate the clones' thoughts and actions, including issuing strict orders.

such as carrying out suicidal missions without hesitation and without any self-preservation instincts.

"And also the order to not leak any information about the experiment, says misaka"

That's the problem. They didn't subject her to the Testament machine, which means she isn't bound by any orders.

"I know for a fact that they don't want the details of the experiment to be revealed. That's why they ordered me to avoid getting too involved with people. However, it seems they don't care that much—explains Misaka as she takes another bite from her instant noodles"

Shouldn't they be concerned if the higher officials of Academy City found out about something like this? That was the question occupying her mind. If they didn't care, it could only mean one thing.

"The higher officials of Academy City are also involved in the experiment—concludes Misaka as she finishes her last bite of instant noodles."

fixating her gaze on the empty cup of noodles, she lost in thought for a moment, until a single question pierced through her preoccupation, shattering it.

In a state of shock, she stood with wide eyes, "I don't lack the emotion or self-worth like the other clones, so why am I speaking like them?—wonders misaka as take her leave from the hallway"

"Ah! Misaka-san!" a voice called from the end of the hallway.

"And what about my sudden liking for Gekota—"

"Oi! Misaka-san, behind you!" the voice called out urgently, growing louder.

"Could it be possible that there's a connection between all the clones?—"

"Don't ignore me like that," the girl's long black hair flowed behind her as she tried to approach.

"Wait, aren't all the clones ranked between 2 and 3 in electromaster abilities? Maybe they form a big network, exploiting similarities in their brain waves to share emotions and experiences—says Misaka in curiosity as she takes the first turn out from the hallway"

"M-I-S-A-K-A-san!" the girl called out, hoping to finally catch up, only to find Misaka nowhere in sight.

"Huh? Where did she go?"

Unbeknownst to the girl, Misaka had quickly slipped into another hallway just one building to the left. 

"I considered the possibility of encountering someone who knows the original, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon, whispers misaka as she hides"

After a few minutes, ensuring that the girl had walked away, Misaka cautiously continued her journey down the hallway, making her way toward the next street.

"I need to seriously think about a plan to save my Nick, but first, let's go back to my old home. I can think calmly about my next move there, says misaka as she starts her long journey to the West"

The sun beamed, casting a bright glow on the bustling crowds as Misaka walked toward her "Home."

Her old house was a student dorm located in school district 7, a 45-minute walk away. It was situated in the same district as Tokiwadai Girls' Dormitory and School, so she had to be cautious throughout the trip.

Finally, after what felt like a long journey through the bustling city, Misaka arrived at her destination—a seventh-floor apartment building.

"The curse was broken, it seems. I wonder what happened that night, says misaka"

"Oh, Ojou-san, do you have a moment?"

just as she was about to open the gate to the stairs, a voice called out to her, causing her to pause. turned her attention towards the voice, only to find a peculiar-looking man approaching her

a shoulder-length red hair styled on either side. He wears a black priest robe and has a silver ring on each of his ten fingers, earrings on both ears and a barcode tattoo under his right eye.

"what is it? asks Misaka as she wonders what a weird-looking guy doing here"

"Hmmm, what a unique way of talking you have"

Misaka simply tilted her head to the side

"Oh, by the way, have you happened to see a little girl around here?"

"He he he, kiddy-kitty. Whether you say it forwards or backwards, it's still kiddy-kitty, says misaka"


"Oh, sorry, I lose focus sometimes. What were you saying?"

"...A little girl, about 14 or 15 years old, with thigh-length silver hair and large green eyes. She's often seen wearing her Church uniform. Have you seen her around?"

Misaka placed a finger on her chin, deep in thought, only to shake her head a few seconds later. "Misaka didn't see, says misaka as she tries to remember and failed"

The man leaned in closer, locking eyes with her. "Are you sure? That girl is really important to me, and I have to find her. Just try harder," his voice grew tense.

Misaka shook her head once more, her face didn't hold any change from her usual dead expression, "Misaka confirms she didn't see anything like that in her short lifespan, says misaka as she wondered if the man before her is a pedophilia "

"...Well, if you say so. also, I'll act as if I didn't hear the last part. Sorry for the hassle," he sighed, shaking his head as he turned around and walked away.

Misaka kept her eyes on him until he was out of sight. 

"it was different this time. And his question was different too. Usually, they ask about a certain boy with spiky black hair, sighed misaka as she open the gate"

She used to find so many gangs around her dorm building waiting for a certain boy, or asking about him.

Even though she didn't know the boy they ask for, she would send them away with false information, or trick them into thinking the police is coming.

Climbing the stairs, she put a foot on the sixth floor, where her apartment was located. Standing in front of the door, she effortlessly opened it without needing a key. After all, she had left it unlocked that night.

the reason was simple. She was too lazy to lock the door every time she went on a short trip, which was a pain in the ass

Stepping inside, the familiar air filled her lungs. Though it had only been one night, it felt as if she had been away for years. Setting her doll and bag aside, she sat down at the edge of the bed, taking a moment to catch her breath.

Glancing around the room, she hesitated on where to begin. "First, let's choose the area for the fight, says misaka as she stands to get the map of the city"

Spreading the map on the table, she started analyzing the best location

"From what I read on the internet, it seems his power is limited to reversing the direction of any attack he is exposed to, whether it's physical or in the form of energy. That means engaging him in close combat would be suicidal. I need a wide open place, offering multiple hiding spots and cover, says misaka as she tries to choose the best option available"

As her eyes roamed over the map, they stopped at a particular spot in the upper-left area, District 17.

"Railway cargo storage and organization...switchyard, whispers Misaka" 

The switchyard is a large area located within the district and used as a transit bus garage, wherein many trains are serviced and where they are kept. It is an area about as large as the demesne of an ordinary school.

"A large area? Check. Hiding spots and cover? Check. Misaka has found the perfect spot, says misaka as she became happy about her find"

Marking the spot on the map, she closed it and set it aside, replacing it with a blank white paper and a pen in her hand.

"Now comes the tough part, figuring out a plan to defeat the most powerful person in Academy City without getting Misaka killed, says misaka as she starts jotting down her thoughts."

"First, I need to know more about my opponent. He can reverse attacks, but what if he doesn't realize he's being attacked in the first place? He's still human, which means he relies on his five senses and needs to breathe. So, if I create distractions with fake attacks and then launch a surprise assault targeting one of his senses, it might work. But something is bothering me, says misaka"

"Would it really be that simple? I mean, surely someone would have thought of such a basic plan before me. A surprise attack would be the obvious approach against someone like him, yet he remains at the top, wonders Misaka"

"Either he has a countermeasure for such scenarios, or his esper abilities are more complex than a mere reversal, says misaka as she Scratching the back of her head"

Lying back and staring at the ceiling, "How can I defeat someone I don't even fully understand? sighs Misaka in defeat"

Fixing her gaze on the ceiling, she became aware of the subtle hum of the air conditioner. The strange stillness in the room enveloped her, lulling her into a state of drowsiness. Slowly, her eyes grew heavy, and she succumbed to sleep.

Part 2

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm red glow through the curtains, Misaka stirred from her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dimming light that bathed the room.

Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "6:30 PM... I've wasted five hours, says misaka while she yawned"

Sitting at the edge of the bed, she took a moment to gather her thoughts. "I seem to have hit a dead end, bemoans misaka"

Pushing herself up from the bed, she stretched her limbs and took a deep breath, "I need to head to the switchyard. Along the way, I'll ponder my plan further, say misaka as she grabs her bag, ready to leave"

Glancing at the marked spot on the map, confirming her destination as the railway switchyard in District 17, Misaka closed the door behind her and stepped out into the evening.

Her footsteps echoed softly against the concrete as she made her way through the bustling sidewalks. The towering buildings surrounded her, their glass exteriors reflecting the crimson hues of the sky like shimmering mirrors.

Misaka was headed towards the nearby Bus stop. Though she had avoided taking the bus on her way back to the dorm to minimize the chance of encountering someone who knew the original, the distance to District 17 made it impossible to walk the entire way. Reluctantly, she had to take the risk this time.

It didn't take her long to arrive at the designated place. From a distance, she could already spot the bus stop. However...

"Onee...sama... Onee-sama?"

There she was, visible in the distance—an exact replica of her own body, the only difference being that she wasn't wearing goggles like her.

Finding a hidden spot behind a streetlight, Misaka observed as the girl assisted some young children in boarding the bus.

"She's definitely the original... I can somehow feel it. But why did I call her that? And why do I have these mixed emotions upon seeing her? says misaka in confusion" 

As the children boarded the bus, the original suddenly turned her gaze towards Misaka-10k's hiding spot.

"...!" The unexpected turn of her head caused Misaka-10k to instinctively kneel down, seeking shelter behind a nearby bench, hoping to evade her sight.

"She knows I'm here. Does she know about our existence? What would she do if she found out? I have to get away, she misaka as she tries to run away"

"...This feeling again, a very similar power as mine...it was like my very own power was emitted, and washed over me from the outside in..." Taking her first steps running, the original followed the trail of that familiar power.

"she following me, says misaka as she tries to run faster"

Turning down random paths and darting through alleys, she desperately tried to lose her pursuer. But no matter how hard she tried, the original Misaka remained on her trail.

As she made a sudden turn into a small garden, Misaka-10k's senses tingled.

"This feeling... another clone is around, says misaka as she spots another familiar figure under a tree"

The figure turned toward her, "Serial number 9999 greeting the following sister, how are you doing, says misaka as she tries to be polite in the hope she would get some help from the other Misaka to save the little kitty on the tree"

"...Little kitty? repeats misaka in confusion"

"Little kitty, says misaka as she pointed her finger toward the kitty on the tree"

Looking up, Misaka-10k spotted a small black cat clinging to a tree branch, struggling to maintain its balance.

"I should help the little kitty—No! now is not the time. I need to keep running... wait why should I run. would she hurt me if she found out, and also, there is another clone right here, which means she would know anyway, So there's no point in running"

"Ah, Onee-sama, says misaka as she finally meets her Onee-sama and is about to ask her to save the kitty"

"...!" Startled at the other clone's words, Misaka-10000 slowly turned around. 

their paths finally intersect, and it was so earlier than she thought.


(A/N): I am back again!!

I lied... well i was planning to upload a chapter in the other work before working on this one

however, I got stuck at the word 1388. 

so I thought, why don't I write a few words in these words as already what to write, and end up writing the whole chapter

also, the reason this chapter is shorter than usual:

I am planning to write the whole thing until the fight between 10k and Accelator, so it would be more fun to read,

also, I assumed that the index arc happen on the same day as the day Misaka discover the clones  for the first time, that would be logical, but I miss up something in the timeline

the serial number of clones that meet Miska for the first time was 9982 not 9999

but I had to change that, so the timeline would work as it should do

anyway, that is what i had for today, the next chapter would be soon, see ya later

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