You are my Sunshine

By imposslblegirl

1.8K 84 23

Josh and Elizabeth were together for eight years. They were the perfect couple, everyone knew one day they wo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Two

102 6 1
By imposslblegirl

Okay, I'm probably the biggest loser on the planet but I'm so happy that I have twelve reads on my story. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read it!

*Elizabeth's point of view*

Sitting in the back seat of the taxi, I was on the last page of my book.

No matter where I was, what I was doing, I always found a way to read. Books were my closest friends, and I don't care if that makes me sound like a dork!

"Here's your stop, ma'am".

"Just a second I'm almost done"!

The cabbie laughed but didn't argue with me. Maybe he loved reading too?

"Done", I breathed and smiled. The ending of the book was always the best, no matter how happy or sad it was.

I got out of the cab and paid the driver, collecting my small bags. I was defiantly travelling light this time, not bringing hardly anything with me but a handful of clothes and art supplies. And of course my books, which came with me where ever I went.

Once inside the hotel I checked into my room and began unpacking my weeks worth of stuff. Once that was done I decided it would be a good idea to call someone who lived in the city and tell them I was here. Looking through my phone, I realized how long it had been since I talked to anyone. My entire family probably wondered where I was. Maybe I should call my brother and let him know I'm okay.

The phone only rang once before he picked up.

"Elizabeth? Is it really you"?

I bit my lip, maybe it wasn't a good idea to give him a heart attack. "Yeah, it is. Sorry I disappeared for so long, I just had some uh-". What was I supposed to tell him? I couldn't let him know how messed up I was. He would think I'm insane.

"I got a job offer, in Ontario. I'm a dance teacher now".

I heard him sigh, he sounded upset.

"That's great news, Ellie. Where are you now? It's been four years since I've talked to my little sister".

"Um, I'm actually in Vancouver for the week. I'm kind of supplying, I guess, at a dance studio for the week".

"That's great! Can I see you"?

This time I sighed, I didn't really want to go out, in case he still lived here. But I didn't really have a choice, and I did want to see my brother again.

"Okay, meet me at the coffee shop by the High School in ten minutes"?

"See you then; Bye".

I hung up the phone and threw at my pillow. Now I only had ten minutes to get ready before I had to return to the place where all the memories remained.

Fifteen minutes later, I stood in a cozy little coffee shop around the corner from my old high school. I placed my order and went to sit at a table near the window so I could people watch.


I turned towards the door to see my brother, shaking off his umbrella. Always count on Vancouver to have the worst weather.

"Hi, Devon"; I said as he engulfed me in a hug, squeezing me so tight I might have exploded. "Do you want something to drink"?

"I'll get something later. Gosh, Ellie; it's been so long! What's new with you? We've missed you a lot".

I shrugged, stirring sugar into my coffee. "Not that much, I got a job offer as a dance teacher in Ontario, I've been living and working there for 4 years, and I'm filling in here in Vancouver for another dance teacher while she's off sick this week".

He nodded. "I see. How are things outside of work. How about you and Josh"?

I nearly choked on my coffee. Instead, it sprayed all over the table out of my mouth.

"Um, we broke up. A while ago actually. After that I just wanted to get out of Vancouver, start over, and forget".


We sat in silence for a little while longer. It was heartbreaking, because I couldn't tell Devon the truth about why I really left; but if I did he would only worry about me. "How are things with Michelle"? I asked about his wife of five years. At least it took the focus off of me.

He grinned; "things are great with Michelle and I. Michelle's actually 7 months pregnant with our second kid".

"Devon, that's great news. I'll have to come by and visit sometime this week".

We talked for a little while longer, and around my third cup of coffee I got up to use the bathroom. I was walking back to our table when I saw him.

It was his eyes, I would recognize them anywhere. Those icy blue eyes that made my stomach do flips. I knew I shouldn't have come here, bad bad bad mistake.

"Um, Devon; it was great seeing you again, but I have to go. Maybe we can talk another time"? I said hurriedly as I threw on my coat. I needed to get out of this coffee house and I needed out fast.

He stood up, obviously confused by my sudden urgency. "Of course' it was great to see you too. Maybe you could stop by the house for dinner sometime".

I rushed over and kissed him on the cheek. "Sounds like a plan".

I gave him a light smile before rushing towards the door. Before I could make it outside, I bumped straight into some guys chest.

"Sorry", I mumbled as I tried to move past the guy. I didn't want to make eye contact, too afraid to see Josh standing over me.

"It's fine". The guy said. Oh great. Standing not two feet away was Matt, one of my best friends through high school. I was sure he would recognize me, but all he did was smile and walk away. He was probably here with Josh, but there was no way I would stick around to find out.

First disaster, sort of averted.

I'm sorry the ending's so terrible but I wanted to put out a longer chapter after the crappy short one yesterday. Please vote/ comment and let me know what you think! xxx

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