SCP Foundation: Site 87

By thedovie

132 0 74

Basically my OCs in an SCP universe. More

Chapter II - SCP-173
Chapter III - Panic
Chapter IV - Con X
Chapter V - Insurgent

Chapter I - Introduction

47 0 7
By thedovie

3rd person something i think idk idc

Another day began at the location known as Site-87. No inhabitant of the site (besides the O5 council) had seen sunlight in years. Each employee at the site was known as the best of the best, as this specific site was made to hold the most dangerous of the anomalies such as SCP-173 or SCP-096.

Unfortunately, that made Site-87 a prime target for the Chaos Insurgency to attack, forcing the site to drastically increase the power of its combatants.

The site director, Angel, was known to be one of the best directors seen in 46 years, and a personal favorite of the O5 Council member known as Dove.

Dove was possibly one of the most ruthless O5 members, an extremely high bar to meet. O5s were known to be cold and heartless, but Dove exceeded the expectations of all Foundation employees. Even some of the Class-Ds were shocked at just how vile Dove could be.

No matter for Luka, though. He had one job, and that was to listen to his superiors. Whether they asked him to talk to the most dangerous of SCPs, or throw someone in as a sacrifice, he had to do it.

He was devastated that his brother, Parker, was sent to the Foundation to be used as a Class-D. He knew the day he would be forced to test on his own brother was coming, but he didn't want to imagine it. A part of his heart shattered each and every time he saw his brother in the CDC, covered in bandages, bruises, and cuts. He felt joy when he watched his brother mumble while doing janitorial work, as he knew that meant his brother got to live another day.

What really worried him was the way his brother and the O5 Council member talked to each other. There would not be a single sentence where Parker did not curse, and Dove did not treat Parker as if he was nothing more than a pest. Since Dove was around often (for obvious reasons), there was constant conflict between the two.

He dreaded the day Dove decided he wasn't worth the trouble and Parker was killed. She could only listen to the Site Director for so long.

No time to dwell on his life and everyone around him, he had work to do.

He reluctantly got out of bed and began his morning routine. He brushed his teeth, took a quick shower, combed his hair, packed a few of his necessities, and left his chambers to begin his day.

Lucky for him, the CDC was right next to the ScD's chambers/laboratory. He could pay a visit to his brother for a few moments before heading off to breakfast.

He scanned his ID on the gate and stepped into Briefing Room B, knocking lightly on the second gate separating the briefing room from the CDC.

Parker instinctively sent a chilling glare towards the gate but relaxed upon realizing who it was.

He walked up to the gate, fighting back a smile as he watched his brother flash a smile of his own in delight.

"Parker! How are you?"
Luka beamed, pressing his body against the gate to get a better look.

"I mean, I'm as good as you can get in a fuckin' dump like this. Everyone fuckin' sucks, man."
Parker scoffed, but cleared his throat after he realized how he was speaking.

Luka tilted his head to one side.
"Why are you talking like that?"

"Sorry. It's something I've had to get used to ever since I came here. Everyone kinda talks like an asshole and if you don't, they beat you up. See that guy over there?"
Parker pointed to a relatively small guy hiding in the corner, fighting back tears.

Luka nodded sympathetically.

"Yeah, him." Parker continued. "He tried to.. I dunno.. make 'friends' here. If you can see from here, he's got about 6 different bruises on his face and at least a dozen more on his body, not to mention the cuts from people who pocket the plastic knives."

Luka stared at the man, who was now sniffling quietly, unable to continue fighting back tears.

"Do you want me to get someone to help him out?" Luka asked, visibly concerned for the man.

Parker shook his head. "Bad idea. Once he gets back, someone's gonna call him a pussy or something and he'll suffer something worse."

Luka just nodded. It hurt to watch his own brother be forced to deal with these kind of people, but he had no choice. The Foundation does what the Foundation wants.

"Oye, Fitch! You gonna come back an' eat yo' shit or am I gonna finish it for ya?" A tall, muscular man shouted at Parker.

"Touch any of my shit, an' I'm gonna introduce you to a whole world of fuckin' pain, dickhead." Parker growled, then turned back to Luka.

"I'll see you later, brother. Have a nice breakfast." Parker smiled.

"Don't get into any fights, okay?"

"Did you just call me a dickhead, you fuckin' piece of shit?" The same man yelled, standing up.

"Looks like I'm about to. Keep yourself safe, alright?" Parker smirked and turned back to the man, rolling up his sleeves as he walked towards him.

Luka turned around before he could witness the fight, and prayed something would stop it.

As if on cue, an SD burst into the room carrying a loaded gun. Luka recognized him as one of his friends, Alex.

"Alright CDs! Break it up before one of you lands in the infirmary!"
Alex stormed in and began walking towards the two.

The tall man immediately dropped Parker and returning to his seat while cursing. Parker snorted and returned to his.

"Thank you. Now pull this again and I swear O5 will be here to see you. Got it?"
Alex spoke in a forced tone, and the CDs nodded. He turned around and returned alongside Luka.

"Hello, Dr. Fitch. What brings you here?"
Alex smiled, resting his gun in his arms.

"No need for formalities Alex. I was just stopping to check in on the CDs. I'm leaving now." Luka sighed in relief knowing a friend had helped stop his brother from getting hurt.

Alex laughed softly. "Alright, may I escort you to the cafeteria then, Doc- Luka?"


The two left the briefing room, Luka waving to Parker before they closed the door, and started their trip to the cafeteria, chatting the whole way.


Luka arrived at the cafeteria, waving goodbye to Alex as he left to join the other SDs at his table. He looked around for somewhere to sit, and turned around to—

"Luka!! There you are! Oh my god I was looking for you EVERYWHERE!!"
Hazel grabbed him and hugged him from behind, giggling.

Luka yelped but laughed after realizing it was just Hazel. Hazel Williams, or Dr. Williams was another scientist at the site, and Luka's best friend. He often ended up running tests with her accompanying him due to her lack of clearance. Luka was an L4, meaning he had access to all areas of the site, including Con X. Hazel was an early L3, meaning she could not access anything Con X or lower without authorization. He didn't mind at all, her company was much appreciated.

"Hey Hazel. Did you get us a table?"
Luka looked around the cafe, which was slowly filling up.

"Of course I did. We're not sitting on the floor, you clown!"
Hazel shoved Luka playfully.

"Hey, that's no way to speak to your superior, Williams."
Luka snickered.

"Mhm, but you're also my best friend, so I'm going to call you a twink!"
Hazel giggled, grabbing Luka's arm before he could respond.

A twink?! Oh I'm gonna get her.


The two took a seat on the cafe table, which had space for about 6 more.

"Really?" Luka groaned. "You grabbed the biggest table in the whole cafeteria?!"

"Look, all the small ones were taken! Plus, we can invite a few people like—" She paused to turn around. "The Site Director! Angel! Over here!"

Luka froze as the SiD approached their table, smiling as if this was not an issue at all.

"Hello Williams, Fitch. Are you asking me to join you?"
Angel grinned, not bothered by the difference in authority.

Luka stammered. "If it isn't too much of a—"

"Yes!! Come sit down, we can talk for a while!"
Hazel giggled, furiously patting the seat next to her.

Angel placed down her food and took a seat directly where Hazel had wanted her to, unwrapping her fork and getting into conversation with Hazel.

Luka watched in awe as Hazel effortlessly talked to her superior as if she were another one of her friends.

Perhaps she was.

"—And I like totally wanted to say something but she literally walked away before I had the chance to rizz her up—"
Hazel was interrupted by another person.

"Hazel, we know damn well you have the rizz of a mosquito. Oh and hello again Dr. Fitch— oh! Director Angel! Do you.. mind if I join you?"
Alex spoke, his cheeks becoming redder the more he saw Angel.

"Not at all. Take a seat, Security."
Angel motioned to the seat in front of her and next to Luka.

Alex took his seat and also began unwrapping his utensils. He stared at Angel fondly before realizing how weird he must look and began talking with Angel.

Hazel and Luka watched for a minute before Hazel leaned towards Luka.

"Dude, Alex has it so bad for the SiD. You think he's got a shot?" Hazel whispered to Luka.

"Nah. With how obviously down bad he is, he's gonna fumble so badly. Who's even that down bad anyway? I can't relate." Luka snickered before picking up his coffee.

Hazel raised an eyebrow and leaned back in her seat, clearing her throat.

"So, how's things with Lincoln, Luka?" She said in a louder than normal voice, smirking.

Luka nearly spit out the sip of coffee he just drank and coughed slightly, his face becoming slowly red. Angel and Alex turned to hear the conversation.

"Lincoln?" Angel asked. "Farrell? As in the MTF?"

Alex tilted his head before letting out an 'oh' of realization, causing Luka to turn even redder.

"Did you guys need something? I heard my name." A voice called.

It was Lincoln, who happened to be at a table a couple feet away along with Aiden.

"Ah, nothing- Farrell! Nothing at all."
Luka laughed awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact.

Lincoln shrugged and turned back around to Aiden, who was stuck with a permanent annoyed expression.

Luka stared at Lincoln for a few moments, watching as the man passionately talked about something he couldn't make out to the stoic man listening. He enjoyed watching Lincoln's facial expressions change with every hand motion he made to emphasize his little story. It was honestly kind of sweet, and he couldn't help but smile.

He turned back around slowly to see the 3 others staring at him in shock, besides Hazel, who was grinning.

Luka asked.

Alex started laughing quietly, Angel joining along.

"Dude, I didn't know you had the hots for Farrell!"
Alex shoved Luka lightly.

Luka reddened.
"I do not!"

"Mmm, sure you don't." Angel giggled. "I'll keep this in mind for the future when I need an MTF to escort you."

Luka buried his face in his hands.
"Am I that obvious?"

"Yeah, but it's okay!! I'm sure he'll pick up on it eventually." Hazel patted his shoulder.

Luka groaned before processing her words, to which he jumped.

"What?! No! I can't let him find out! He's gonna—"

Luka was cut off by two people approaching the table with their food in their hands.

"Heya! I was wondering if we could join you four? Company'd be nice!"
Lincoln smiled innocently.

"Oh so I'm not 'company', asshat?"
Aiden kicked Lincoln's leg lightly.

"Ow! I guess, but you also suck dick! Literally." Lincoln retorted.

"Farrell, Red, would you two like to sit today?"
Angel rolled her eyes playfully.

"Right! Sorry Director."
They each took a seat on the now semi-full table.

"So what were you guys talking about? I heard my name mentioned so I'm obviously curious."
Lincoln asked, oblivious to the reddening Luka.

"Oh!" Hazel giggled. "We were just talking about how Lu-"

"Nothing. It is not important as of this moment. Right, Hazel?"
Luka glared at Hazel, daring her to say a word.

Hazel nodded furiously as Angel and Alex snickered and Lincoln raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, don't tell me."
Lincoln scoffed.

The 6 ended up chatting for around 25 minutes about various topics like work, home lives, assholes in their specific fields, O5s, etc before a timer went off on Luka's watch.

"Oh, that's breakfast over."
Luka stopped the timer and shut off his watch.

"Ah, that reminds me!" Angel grabbed a piece of paper from her bag. "Fitch, I want you to lead a small trip with several CDs to SCP-173 for janitorial work. It's making another mess. I want Williams to accompany him and Farrell to be their personal guard. Take Alex with you as well plus a few other SDs. RRT Red, be ready to show up in case of an emergency."

"Oh sick!"
Lincoln beamed, causing Luka to giggle.

"Alright. Hope everything goes well. I'm hoping for at the most 2 CD casualties, but hopefully nothing more." Angel grabbed her tray. "I'll be on comms if needed."

The others walked away one by one, Lincoln saying a quick 'bye' to Luka before running off to get ready, leaving just Luka and Hazel at the table.

"Well, you ready Dr. Fitch?" Hazel asked.

"As ready as one can be, Dr. Williams."


word count: 2309

and that's chapter 1!
i couldn't really think of a good name for the chapter soo

oh also important to know, none of the relationships have been established yet. so no hazel x dove, angel x parker, or lincoln x luka YET <3

if you're not sure who's who in this just check the list down below for everyone's roles.

i hope you enjoyed it!!! see you in chap 2! (this was really fun to write)

SCP Foundation "Secure, Contain, Protect."

CD (Class D, human test subjects/sacrifices, usually criminals) - Parker, randoms

MTF (Mobile Task Force, in charge of guarding the site from the Chaos Insurgency and helping out here and there) - Lincoln, randoms

RRT (Rapid Response Team, in charge of re-containing SCP breaches, stopping the CI, etc) - Aiden, randoms

SiD (Site Director, in charge of making sure the site runs smoothly) - Angel, randoms

ScD (Scientific Department, runs experiments and tests) - Luka, Hazel, randoms

SD (Security Department, in charge of making sure Class Ds stay in line) - Alex, randoms

O5 (O5 Council, the overseers of all sites in the Foundation and make sure everything runs smoothly) - Dove, ???

CI (Chaos Insurgency, only goal is to cause chaos) - ???

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