Bloodline Divine-WWE Fanficti...

By SuzieMarie26

260K 7K 921

Briar Wild only ever had one dream and that was being a part of WWE. After two years on Monday Night Raw she'... More

Story Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Story Update
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.5
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5
Chapter 33
Chapter 33.5
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 37.5
Chapter 38
Chapter 38.5
Chapter 39
Story Update
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 46.5
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48.5
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 50.5
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 56.5
Chapter 57
Chapter 57.5
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Story Update
Chapter 61.5
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 65.5
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 68.5
Chapter 69
Chapter 69.5
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 73.5
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 76.5
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 31

2.7K 78 8
By SuzieMarie26

                                           End of Raw 1/2/23

                                 Before Smackdown 1/6/2023

I sat down next to Roman and turned to face him. He was leaning forward his elbows on his knees and his fingers laced together. He turned his head to look over at me.

"What is it? You just all upset about Sami? Is it the Elias thing? Or are you regretting not wanting to be a part of the show tonight?" he asked.

"If I want to be a part of what's left of the show would you let me? Would you let me out of this room?" I asked. Roman moved his face closer to mine.

"Not a chance, I can't risk someone else making a move on you nor can I let you cause mayhem."

"Me cause mayhem but it's okay for Sami to go out there and act like he's in charge of The Bloodline," I pushed back.

"Alright Briar, enough. I don't want to hear about this Sami thing again tonight. Just sit there and watch Solo's match he's next."

"Fine," I said crossing my arms and glaring at the TV as Elias made his entrance. It was only two hours ago he was asking me out on a date now he was in the ring trying to say Solo is going to learn that WWE stands for walking with Elias. I rolled my eyes, I really had nothing against him. Elias seemed like a nice enough guy but all I saw was Roman. I stole a glance in his direction. He was leaning back on the couch his elbow resting on the arm rest and his face resting on his hand as he watched. Elias was going to sing a song but then Solo's music hit. I should be walking with him; all the times he comes out with me I should be there walking beside him.

Roman and I remain silent as the match gets underway. Right away it's back and forth, back and forth. Musical instruments are spread out all over ringside and it isn't long before they are outside the ring and instruments are being used. Cow bells, guitars, drum sets which Elias sent Solo into then over the barricade into the time keepers' area. Elias yelled and the show went to commercial. I bit my lip, the desire to run out of the room and to the ring was growing stronger by the moment. By the time the show resumed I was on edge, and I know Roman has noticed. They were fighting up at the top of the stage then moved back to the ring more musical instruments were being used.

"Roman can I...."

"No," he says not even letting me finish.

"But I...."

"Briar no, just sit there and watch," he said firmly. I wanted to jump up and run out, go to the ring, tell Elias to shove it, and watch Solo win. I pulled the necklace out from underneath my shirt and clutched it tightly. Country music star Hardy who's been at ringside hands Elias a guitar but Solo stops him from using it when he got back in the ring. Solo had Elias down in the corner and Hardy jumped the barricade, got in the ring, grabbed the guitar, and walked up behind Solo. I held my breath as I watch Hardy smash the guitar over Solo's back. The guitar shattered into pieces but it didn't faze Solo.

"Oh shit!" I said jumping over on the couch to Roman, grabbing his arm. We watched Solo get as angry as ever. Hardy retreats and Elias hits Solo from behind before going to the top rope. As Elias comes down Solo Samoan spikes him in the air then does a spinning Solo into the piano getting the victory. Solo yells as he looks down at a lifeless Elias, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you have any doubt?" Roman asked.

"No, but it was still stressful," I said. "Elias seemed extra motivated to try to beat Solo earlier."

"If Elias knows what's good for him, he better keep his distance from The Bloodline, especially you," Roman warned turning in my direction a pissed off expression plastered on.

I didn't even get a chance to breath between matches as RAW came back from commercial and the Usos and Sami's match was up next. I sat as still as possible watching the whole thing, because if I moved or thought of anything else I'd want to run out of the room and to the ring. The Street Profits had Jimmy down into the steel steps and Montez Ford just flew over the top rope onto Sami and Jey. But Fords celebration was short lived as Solo came from behind him from the time keeper's area and delivered a spike to the throat of Dawkins. Owens rounds the corner heading straight for Solo, the two trade punches but Jey shows up and superkicks Owens. In the ring it's Sami and Ford going at it, Jimmy distracts Ford on the apron giving Sami the opportunity to give a Helluva kick to Ford and the victory. Sami and The Usos celebrated in the ring. I turned to Roman.

"That didn't prove anything to me," I stated. Our attention was turned back to the TV as Everyone including Solo started beating down Kevin Owens. Solo had gone for a chair but before any damage could be done Sheamus and Drew McIntyre came out for the save. The brothers and Sami regrouped at ringside. Roman reached over and turned the volume all the way down on TV. "I stand by that statement," I spoke, Roman narrowed his eyes at me. "Alright Chief I won't mention it again."

Fifteen minutes later everyone minus Sami returned to the locker room. I sat quietly on the couch, maybe a little too quiet as a million thoughts raced through my head as I watched Roman talking with the brothers, Paul looking on at Roman with admiration. As Roman talked on, Solo's gaze drifted over to me. Roman noticed and he glanced over his shoulder at me. He placed his hand on Solo's shoulder and nodded at him. Solo made his way over to me, still in his fight gear and a towel around his neck. He sat on the edge of the couch and we stared at each other.

"Nice match, big guy," I said putting my fist out toward him. Compared to Solo my fist was tiny. He lightly bumped my knuckles.

"It's a good thing we were planning on having a match otherwise I'd been arrested beating up Elias randomly on the streets," Solo spoke. I smiled at him leaning forward wrapping my arms the best I could around his shoulders.

"Thanks, Solo," I said. Roman came back over and kneeled beside me, turning my head leaning it against Solo's shoulder to stare at Roman.

"Why don't we head to the bus first and give the room to the boys to change," he said putting his hand out in front of me.

"Sure, Chief," I said letting go of Solo and taking his hand, I stood and went over picking up my backpack putting it on. I picked up my title ready to go. I turned to Roman and we headed out, Paul walking behind us. On the bus Roman took our bags back to our room, Paul went to the kitchen for something to drink.

"Can I ask for a favor?" I asked him. He pulled his head out of the fridge and turned to me.

"Yes, what is it?" Paul questioned giving me his full attention.

"Can you set up a meeting for me with all of creative on Friday before the show. I want to go over everything between the end of Royal Rumble to WrestleMania," I said.

"Shouldn't you talk to Roman first?"

"This isn't about Roman or The Bloodline, The Bloodline is his call. This meeting is strictly about Briar Wild, the Smackdown championship, and her road to WrestleMania. I got a lot of ideas and I just want to be on the same page so I'm not spending my energy on something I can't get approved," I said. Paul stared at me and I stared back.

"Set it up," Roman's voice spoke. I looked to the side and he was standing down the hallway leaning against the wall arms crossed.

"Yes, Tribal Chief," he said.

"Thank you," I said to Paul moving to the lounge area and sitting down putting my title down on the table.

The next few days involved traveling, promoting Royal Rumble, and working on my presentation to creative. I got a half hour time slot on Friday at nine am with them and I was meeting with everyone on creative that included Hunter and Paul. Wednesday, we had a house show which was my first match back in front of an audience. I was nervous before I went out but once I got into the ring it was like I never missed a beat. Some of the stress that'd been building for weeks I was able to release.

The whole week no one addressed the growing elephant in the room that was Sami Zayn. It was this unspoken issue between all of us that no one wanted to address, everyone had mixed emotions about it. Roman gave me this look anytime I said anything about Sami so I wasn't bringing it up or making a comment about it. I was just going to watch it play out, because I didn't have a choice.

Friday Morning came around far to quickly, it seemed like RAW was just yesterday but now it's Smackdown day. I sat at the table eating a light breakfast with Paul and Solo before heading over for my meeting. Solo and I went to the gym at 6am a head of everyone else since I was the only one with an early meeting. Roman, Jey, and Jimmy were at the gym now. Solo was quick to volunteer to go with me, even though I'd be walking there with Paul. Ever since the Elias thing on Monday Solo was dead set on being wherever I was if Roman wasn't there with me. He always seems to feel guilt when something happens to me and he isn't there, but as independent as I am I can't always have someone hovering. Even though it seems like something happens to me every time I am alone.

"It's about time, you ready?" Paul asked.

"Yes," I said getting up. I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my folder with my presentation. I'd never been more prepared for anything in my life. I just hope it goes well and all the work I've done so far wasn't for nothing.

"You really not going to give me any hint on anything you're going to talk about?" Paul asked on our way to the meeting room. He walked side by side with me as Solo hovered close behind us.

"It's only a few more minutes, I think you can wait," I told him grinning. He really didn't like not knowing what was going on. I couldn't blame him though he is the wiseman and he's supposed to know everything going on.

"Alright then," he said as we reached the door. "Wait out here, I'll see if everyone is ready, then come back out for you," he said then went inside closing the door. The hallway was quiet, official meetings don't usually start till ten. I took a deep breath.

"Nervous?" Solo asked he moved to leaning against the wall next to the door, I assume so he could watch both sides of the hallway.

"A little bit, I've got some great ideas, it's the direction I want my character to go in, I just hope they see the vision that I see."

"I'm sure they will, if you believe in it, they'll see it," he said.

"You know you can't go in with me, right? If my ideas get approved, I have a few of them I want to remain a surprise even to the family," I told him. I saw the smirk of Solo.

"I know," he said.

"What's with the smile?" I asked.

"Just I remember from the beginning you didn't know how to be apart of the family or what to do and now you casually say family and you're making your own mark on the business," he said.

"Trust me I never thought using the word family would be so easy for me to say but I've had some good brothers and Roman to show me what that is," I said. Solo looked like he wanted to say something else but the door opened a crack and Paul stuck his head out.

"We're ready," he said. I nodded then looked to Solo who had grabbed my arm.

"Don't hesitate, put it all on the line, like it's the biggest match of your career. When you're done, I'll be right here," he said. I firmly nodded at him with a smile before walking into the room. It was Paul, Hunter, and three others from the creative team. I knew if I needed to impress anyone it was Hunter. If I could get him on my side, I be golden.

We first quickly ran through the show for tonight, which I was all game for. I went through my ideas for my Royal Rumble match and the submissions I'd try to use throughout the match. They were surprised by some of them but thought it would be great. I then gave them all sheets with my ideas for Briar moving on past Royal Rumble.

"We've had a few people in mind but seeing your ideas I think this direction makes sense," Hunter said. Everyone else agreed. I felt myself relax hearing that because now I could really get into things and explain. I went through some major key segments that should happen on the road to WrestleMania. Once we got to WrestleMania talk, I pulled out a drawing.

"I don't know about the set design yet but this is the outfit I designed for my WrestleMania entrance," I said passing copies around the room.


"This is really unique," the comments went around the room but I stared at Hunter for his reaction.

"WrestleMania worthy," Hunter grinned.

"Really?" I asked trying not to get too excited.

"It's original, it's unique, it's very Briar Wild, and outrages enough for a memorable WrestleMania moment," he explained.

"Thanks. Bloodline worthy?" I asked Paul.

"Definitely Bloodline worthy, next level," he said.

"We'll come up with some set design ideas and get back to you on that," Hunter said. We went over a few possibilities for a WrestleMania match.

"Let's shelf this conversation for now. I wish every superstar was this prepared and this far planned ahead," Hunter said. "Good work Briar," he complimented.

"Thanks," I said gathering my stuff back up.

"We still have some time, there's one more thing we want to discuss with you," he said.

"Sure, go ahead," I was ready to hear anything.

"I know Roman isn't in this meeting but let's discuss The Sami Zayn situation," he said. My eyes darted to Paul and I felt that lump forming in my throat again. It was five minutes to ten when we called the meeting. Paul walked with me to the door, he'd be staying for more creative meetings.

"I'm going to tell Roman some of my plans but I want somethings to be a surprise like my WrestleMania outfit," I told him.

"You got it, Briar, good job in there Roman would be proud," he encouraged.

"Thanks Paul, catch you later," I said leaving the room. Back into the hallway there were at least five other superstars waiting to be called in. Solo was in the same spot against the wall. He stood straight up as I emerged. I gave him a smile that it went well, even though last few minutes of the meeting wasn't a pleasant conversation.

"Let's go," I told him. He nodded and as we moved down the hallway a few superstars whispered conversation reached my ears.

"Maybe what Elias was saying was true, they are together, maybe that whole thing with the trainer saying it was Roman and Briar was just a cover up, for this. They are always going everywhere together," they said. Part of me was telling myself to just ignore it, but I was annoyed with being the main topic of gossip no matter what show I was on. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to the two superstars, Lacey Evans and Ridge Holland.

"Is there something you'd like to say to my face, is your personal life that boring you got to sit around and gossip about mine?" I asked each word coming out louder and louder, the Wild One starting to surface.

"Oh ummmm.... sorry Briar we just.... other people were talking earlier. Solo is always with you."

"So what?"

"The Bloodline is a family, and family usually hang out together. You're sitting here with Ridge maybe I should tell others you two are together.

"We're not, we're not together," she insisted.

"Are you sure? I saw you hanging out together last week too," I snarled. Solo put his hand on my shoulder.

"We're just friends, don't go gossiping about us," she whispered pleading.

"Exactly not fun to be gossiped about, is it?" I questioned.

"Sorry we won't talk about it again."

"For yours and anyone else's safety I wouldn't," I warned.

"Briar," Solo's stern voice said my name. Without another word I walked away with Solo's hand firmly on my shoulder. When we hit an empty hallway, I stopped. Huffing and trying to calm myself. Solo stood in front of me and putting both hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down, it's not worth getting upset about, let them talk."

"I'm sorry your name is getting dragged into this, stupid Elias and his dumb theories," I snarled clenching my fists.

"It's alright, I don't care what they think, they can say what they want it won't affect me and it shouldn't affect you," he advised. I took a deep breath to calm down.

"Your right, I know your right, but I feel like everything I do is just constantly being judged and gossiped about."

"They are all just jealous, they don't have what you have," he said. "Let's get back to the bus," he suggested.

"Okay, but first one more stop, to wardrobe to see Cindy, then we'll go back."

"Fine but promise it's to discuss clothing and not to get into a fight with someone."

"Hey, last time it was to discuss wardrobe, and you were there I didn't start anything but I sure as hell finished it," I said feeling the anger building again. I clenched my fists together again before we continued on.

"Hey," I said standing in the doorway of wardrobe. Luckily Cindy was in her room alone. She turned around and beamed at me.

"Hi, Briar, how's it going?"

"Alright, you got a few minutes for me?"

"Yes, I was hoping you'd stop by, come on in," she said waving me in. I looked up to Solo.

"Sorry, but...," I started to say.

"I'll be out here when your done," he said. I put my hand on his arm.

"Thanks, big guy," I said then went in. I sat down at the table with Cindy. Before I could say anything, she pulled out a drawing and showed me an outfit design.

"This is The Wild One's Royal Rumble outfit?" she said passing the drawing to me. I stared at it in shock and I grinned.

"I love it, you can make it in time?" I asked.

"It's already about twenty-five percent done."

"Your awesome you know that," I said.

"It's nothing...actually yeah I am," she gloated and we both laughed.

"Well, I also have something to show you. I took a stab at my WrestleMania outfit and it got approved by creative," I said pulling out my sketch and setting it in front of her. She stared down at it and didn't move, or speak for a long time. I got nervous.

"What you think?" I questioned. She looked to me and her expression was indifferent, I got really nervous now. Then her expression changed and she grinned.

"This is epic, this is going to be the greatest thing I've ever made," she said.

"Yeah, you think you can do this? It's not too crazy to try to put this together?"

"Not to crazy, it'll be a challenge but no one is going to have an entrance like yours. You know if you ever retire from the ring, you got a future job in wardrobe design or even merch design.

"Thanks, something to think about," I told her then went through the inspiration and every piece of the wardrobe. I left her the copies of the design and other pictures before joining Solo in the hallway again.

"Sorry for making you come with me to my meetings then making you stay in the hallway the whole time," I said.

"It's okay, if I don't who's going to stop you from getting into fights."

"Hey, I haven't hit anyone today, yet, but it's only ten thirty in the morning there's time," I said. Solo smiled as my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Roman calling.

"Hey Chief," I said.

"Why did I just get told you were in another confrontation?" he asked annoyance in his tone.  

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