The Neutral Prince [Complete]

بواسطة BroQuitStalking

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This is a story about an OC son of triple H who joins WWE following his dropping out of college in 2017, thou... المزيد

Basic Bio
Chapter 1: Making A Deal
Chapter 2: First Appearance
Chapter 3: Getting Involved
Chapter 4: Not Enough, But Just Right
Chapter 5: Turning Tension
Chapter 6: Surprises In Store
Chapter 7: Christmas Day
Chapter 8: The Week Off
Chapter 9: Getting Into It
Chapter 10: Breaking Bad
Chapter 11: Raw's 25th Anniversary Part 1
Chapter 12: Raw's 25th Anniversary Part 2
Chapter 13: Royal Rumble 2018
Chapter 14: Backstage; Aftermath
Chapter 15: A Suitable Change
Chapter 16: Clarity
Chapter 17: Night Before Elimination Chamber
Chapter 18: Elimination Chamber 2018
Chapter 19: Celtic Takeover
Chapter 20: A Heartfelt Moment
Chapter 21: Making A Phone Call
Chapter 22: DX return...? Sort of....
Chapter 23: Tag Team Battle Royal
Chapter 24: We Are The Bar!
Chapter 25: Helping A Friend
Chapter 26: Itching Closer
Chapter 27: Last Night Before Wrestlemania
Chapter 28: Wrestlemania 34
Chapter 29: Raw After
Chapter 30: Greatest Royal Rumble
Chapter 31: No More Popcorn
Chapter 32: Bad Intervening
Chapter 33: Backlash 2018
Chapter 34: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 35: Tears And Explanations
Chapter 36: What If It's Not Just A Storyline?
Chapter 37: Big Brother Takes Over
Chapter 38: Returns/Heartbreaking Betrayals
Chapter 39: Let Me Help You
Chapter 40: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 41: Brothers For Life
Chapter 42: Making It Offical
Chapter 43: Trapped and Cuffed
Chapter 44: Moving Home
Chapter 45: Final Confrontations
Chapter 46: Video Package
Chapter 47: Money In The Bank 2018
Chapter 48: After; Attacks
Chapter 49: Revived With Intensity
Chapter 50: Caged In Steel
Chapter 51: Hesitation And Therapy
Chapter 53: The Road to Summer Begins
Chapter 54: It's About Legacy
Chapter 55: Birthday Celebration
Chapter 56: Message Sent
Chapter 57: Time To Play The Game
Chapter 58: A Tooth Aching Brawl
Chapter 59: Last Night Before Summerslam
Chapter 60: Summerslam
Chapter 61: Video Package/Entrances
Chapter 62: The Main Event
Chapter 63: Epilogue

Chapter 52: To The Extreme

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بواسطة BroQuitStalking

July 15 2018
Extreme Rules

Extreme Rules had come and the fans were excited for the matches that would happen like Seth Rollins Vs. Dolph Ziggler for the intercontinental champion, and also the steel cage tag team match between The Revival and Alex McMahon and his brother Michael.

Which brings us to the first match of the evening.

Mike: This opening contests is scheduled for one fall and it is a steel cage tag team match.

The crowd pops giving off a huge reaction as the steel cage starts lowering to the ring, soon it was all the way around and the crowd couldn't wait to see this match.

The revival come out to loud boos as they don't even acknowledge the crowd as they start walking down the ramp.

Mike: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 446Ibs, from Asheville North Carolina, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, The Revival!

The crowd boos as Scott and Dash both look at the cage and grab it, they were determined to end Michael and Alex tonight. The two of them get into the ring and pose as the crowd continues to boo them.

Soon, their music fades as they wait for their opponents. The lights go off as the crowd cheers but go silent.

A drum effect is heard throughout the arena as the tron starts to static.

The static stops and soon, a guitar solo is heard throughout the arena.

The titantron starts to static again and then two previous moments are shown.

(A/N: Imagine its Alex hitting the prince effect on Scott and Michael hitting the stunner on Dash.)

Fire consumes the titantron as.....

The lights come back on as Alex and Michael come out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd.

Cole: This is about to be an amazing match!

Corey: Certainly will, Cole. Michael and Alex have been on an outrage ever since their match at Money in the bank where they came back together but now here tonight, they stand on the same side.

Alex and Michael pose for the crowd.

Mike: And there opponents, from Greenwich Connecticut at a combined weight of 420Ibs. The Prince of Revolution Alex McMahon and The Bad Prince Michael McMahon. Badly Neutral!!!

The crowd cheers for them as Alex and Michael smile at their new team name being said as the two of them glare at the revival. The both of look at the steel cage as they breathe out.

They walk down and both of them start circling around the ring as they keep their eyes on the revival. The both of them smirk at each other as they get under the ring and both of them pull out weapons.

Alex grabs a kendo stick and a sledgehammer along with a steel chair, while Michael grabs a tool box, a baseball bat and steel chain.

The two of them go over to the door of the cage and set the weapons inside while the revival argue with the ref about it but obviously there was nothing he could.

Alex and Michael both get under the ring as Michael pulls out a ladder and Alex pulls out a table.

The crowd cheers as they put both items into the ring. Finally Michael gets into the ring while Alex goes to get inside but he stops as Michael turns to him. Alex shakes his head and goes back down the stairs and gets under the ring.

He grabs about eight steel chairs and hands them to Michael. He grabs a few more kendo sticks before he gets into the ring.

Cole: So if you're just tuning in, we are about to see a tag team steel cage match. The ways to win are simple, pin fall, submission or escaping the cage.'s a tornado steel cage match which means that all four competitors will be legal.

Their music fades as Michael and Alex look at their opponents. The bell rings as this match officially begins.

They walk towards each other and each other them start talking crap each other. Soon, Michael and Dash start exchanging blows while Alex and Scott start exchanging blows.

Alex knees Scoff in the groin then sends him into the cage and he falls to the ground, Michael applies a headlock on Dash as Alex comes over, the two of them send Dash into the ropes as he comes back and they take him down with a double close line.

Alex and Michael run at the ropes on opposite sides as Alex delivers a leg drop and Michael delivers an elbow drop. Michael goes for the cover but it's broken up by Dash.

Alex goes at Dash and starts punching him, he picks him up and sends him into the corner, he runs but Dash is able to counter with a boot to the face. Dash climbs up to the top turnbuckle and then takes down Alex with a diving close line.

He goes for the cover but this time Michael breaks it up with a kendo stick to his back. He starts bashing Dash with the kendo stick as he screams out in pain.

Scott gets up and turns Michael around who bashed him in the gut with the kendo stick. Scott screams out in pain as he falls to the ground.

Alex stands up as Michael goes over and grabs a kendo stick for him and hands it to him. The two of them look at each other and start assaulting the revival with the kendo sticks. After multiple hits, they throw them down and scream out for the crowd.

Michael picks up and Scott and begins to work on him while Alex picks Dash and delivers a suplex. He goes for the cover bud Dash kicks out.

Alex gets on top of Dash and starts hitting him with punches, he picks him up and punches him in the face, he holds him by the head and then points to the cage as he gets a cheer from the crowd. He then sends Dash face first into the steel.

Dash falls to the ground as Michael delivers to a ddt to Scott.

Alex goes over and shuffles through the weapons as he grabs the steel chain. The crowd cheers once more as Alex holds it up, he wraps it around his hand and goes over to Dash who suddenly surprises Alex with a chair to the gut.

This distracts Michael allowing Scott to slam him head first into the steel. Dash stands up and goes over to his partner and checks on him.

The two of them exchange a few words then the both of them run for the cage and begin scaling the wall. Alex stands up as he sees what's happening. He grabs one of the chairs then walks over and smashes it off the back of Dash Wilder who groans and falls off the cage.

Alex goes to do the same thing to Scott but Scott kicks him and he stumbles with the chair but suddenly, Michael runs up and jumps up to the top rope as he immediately hits Scott with a cutter from the top rope.

Everyone, including Alex bursts out with shock as Michael gets up and yells out for the fans who cheer.
Michael then goes for the cover but it's broken up by Dash.

Alex grabs Dash and the two start exchanging blows, Alex looks to send Dash towards the ropes but Dash counters as Alex bounces off the ropes and Dash takes him down with a close line.

Michael turns Dash around but Wilder strikes him with a kick into the gut then he delivers a ddt. He goes for the cover but Michael kicks out.

While Dash keeps his attacks on Michael, Scott and Alex gets up as Scott motions to the door and the ref opens it up. Scott steps over the weapons as he goes to get out of the ring but Alex stops him, he hits him on the back then he picks up a steel chair and bashes him on the back with it.

Scott groans in pain as Alex sets the steel chair up then turns him around and he hits a ddt face first into the chair. Alex crawls and picks up the ladder then he sets it up but Dash hits him on the back to stop whatever he had in mind.

Alex turns as Dash headbutts him, he turns the revolution prince around then bashes his face into the ladder and he falls down.

Dash turns around, picks up Michael then sends him into the corner, he runs at him and delivers an elbow. He then does a tiger suplex into a cover but Michael kicks out at two.

Dash slaps the mat and yells at the ref then he covers Michael again but the bad prince kicks out. Dash yells at the ref once more then covers him for a third time but once again, Michael kicks out.

Dash then applies a headlock. Scott stands up and goes over to Alex, but Alex stands up and pushes him into Dash breaking the headlock.

*Five Minutes Later*

Dash is seen trying to climb out of the cage but Alex meets him up at the top as he starts punching him. Dash tries to hit Alex off but isn't able to as Alex headbutts him.

Alex then puts his arm around his shoulder then he drops down with a superplex as the crowd bursts out with shock.

Michael then crawls over and covers Dash.

Ref: 1. 2. Thr-

It's broken up by Scott who smashes the steel chain off of the back of Michael who screams out in excruciating pain.

Michael rolls around as he held his back as Scott laughs. He picks Michael up to his knees then steps behind him. He holds the chain tightly and then as he runs to bash it off his back, Alex steps in the way and is hit with the chain on his chest as he screams out.

This allows Michael to grab a kendo stick and then hit Scott with it. Michael drops the stick and he checks on Alex who took the chain for him.

Alex and Michael stand up as the two of them look at each other. Dash runs at them and they hit him with a double superkick.

The two of them then motion to the cage as both of them go on one side each and start to climb the cage. Alex makes it up to the top of the cage but Scott was able to pull Michael down.

Alex stands up on the cage as he dives off with a moonsault taking Scott down.

The crowd starts chanting "HOLY SHIT!" at the amount of extreme this opening match has had in the short amount of time since it started.

Michael starts to stand up but Dash catches him off guard with a boot to the face taking him down. Dash walks over to the tool box as he opens it up and finds a pair of pliers.

Dash gets a look on his face as he holds them up and the crowd boos knowing what he's about to do. He turns around to Michael as he picks him up by the head.

He yells at him and then goes to tear his eyeball out of his socket but Michael manages to hold him off and then takes a play out of Alex's book by hitting Dash with a low blow.

Dash falls to the ground as Michael slides back. He gets up as Scott runs at him but Michael ducks under his close line, bounces off the ropes then hits Scott with a spear.

Michael goes for the cover but Scott manages to kick out.

Michael stands up and grabs another kendo stick bud Dash gets his revenge by hitting Michael with a low blow.

Soon, the revival start double teaming Michael and this lasts a few minutes. The revival then deliver a shatter machine to the bad prince.

Scott goes for the cover as the crowd groans in disappointment as they know it'll be over.

Ref: 1. 2. Thr-

The pin fall is broken up by Alex as the crowd pops as Alex was able to save the matchup as Dash and Scott look at Alex angrily. The two of them start kicking Alex.

Dash picks Alex up and holds him in front of Scott who picks up the steel chair. He goes to hit Alex in the face with it but Alex is able to duck out of it as Dash is the one hit in the face as Scott looks shocked at what he'd just done.

He turns around and Michael hits Scott with a superkick as Michael falls and Scott does the same.

*Seven Minutes Later*

Scott Is seen sitting on top of the cage as Michael tries to get him off but Scott is able to kick him down. Meanwhile on the other side, Alex was seen standing up on the cage.

He walks while maintaining his balance and then he grabs Scott and delivers a hurricanrana from the top of the cage.

The crowd gasps out as Michael and Dash both look shocked, breaking character  at what Alex had done as they knew that wasn't even in the script.

But it worked out nonetheless as the crowd cheers rapidly at the move they'd just seen happen.

Michael gets up and goes over to Dash, he starts kicking him In the corner and then he picks him up
and slaps him on the chest. Then he goes over and grabs the table and sets it up.

He goes back over to his opponent and starts punching him, he then drags him over to the table and knees him in the groin and then places him on top of the table.

He walks over and moves the ladder out of the way, then he climbs up to the top turnbuckle and proceeds to climb the cage.

He sits on top of the cell as he stands up, he takes in a deep breath then he dives off and was looking for a Swanton bomb but Dash is able to move out of the way as Michael crashes through the table.

The crowd bursts into shock again at what just happened and wondered if Michael was okay. Dash gets on his knees and goes over to Michael and moves the part of the table that was on him.

But before he could cover him Alex suddenly hits him with a prince effect.

Dash falls to the ground as Alex does as well as the crowd cheers.

Cole: And Alex with a prince effect! Cover him, Alex!

Alex crawls over and puts his arm over Dash.

Ref: 1. 2. Thr-

But the pin was broken up by Scott as the crowd groans in disappointment. Soon, all four men started to stand up as Alex and Michael stood up on one side and the revival on the other.

The match clearly had an impact on all four of them but neither team would stop until they won as the four of them run at each other and start exchanging blows.

Scott knees Alex in the groin then sends him into the ropes, Alex comes back and Scott leapfrogs over as he turns around but Alex catches him with a superkick as he stumbles around the ring and then he rolls the ref up for a cover.

Alex raises a brow then goes over and counts to three as the crowd laughs.

Scott gets up and starts celebrating his "win" as Alex raises his hand as Scott then stumbles over and grabs Michael's hand thinking he was Dash as he raises it up as Michael raises a brow.

Scott then claps his hands in excitement and turns around only to be super kicked by Alex again.

Alex and Michael start laughing until Dash bashes a steel chair off his back. Alex falls to the ground as Dash hits Michael in the gut with the chair.

Michael stumbles to the corner as Dash puts the chair down then goes over and lifts him up to the corner as Dash starts hitting with punches but Michael starts fighting back and then headbutts Dash down.

Michael stands up on the top turnbuckle and then dives off and catches Dash with a spear.

Alex starts to stand up as he looks around and sees Dash, Scott and Michael down. He puts his hand through his hair then drags Michael over to the door as it opens up and he pushes his brother out.

He turns around as Scott runs at him but he ducks underneath his close line then hits him with an RKO. The crowd cheers in astonishment as Alex crawls over and starts to climb the cage.

He makes it up the top of the cell as he sits on top then all of the sudden.....the crowd starts booing as Alex looks down and sees his father standing there shaking his head.

Alex glares at him as he goes to climb down but Triple H climbs the cage, Alex then stands up and looks down as he immediately delivers a five start frog splash from the top of the cage to Scott Dawson.

Alex hooks his leg.

Ref: 1. 2. 3!!!

The ref calls for the bell as Alex's music starts playing as he rolls off of Scott Dawson as the Mike starts to announce them as the winners but he couldn't even finish as Triple H pushes Michael right into the steel cage door getting a loud boo from the crowd.

Michael groans in pain as Triple H looks down at his son with no emotion in his eyes. He then gets on top of him and starts hitting him with multiple punches.

He yells at him then he stands up and rips his suit jacket off. The cage starts to rise but Triple H yells for it to be lowered. It once again lowered down to the ring as Triple H picks up Michael and then drags him and puts him back inside the ring.

The crowd boos at him as Triple H gets under the ring and pulls out his favorite friend the sledgehammer. He walks over and gets into the ring as he yells at Scott and Dash to get up.

The revival stand up as their boss orders them to grab the chairs. Triple H locks the cell door as the revival do as they are told then they start assaulting Michael with the steel chairs.

Alex finally sees what's happening as he crawls over and gets on top of Michael. This doesn't stop them however as they start to assault Alex with the chairs as well.

Triple H orders them to stop as they put the chairs down. The revival pick Alex up as the boss walks over and opens up the tool box. He then pulls out a pair of handcuffs.

Alex starts screaming at him as the revival drag him over to the ropes as Triple H starts to put the cuffs on him as Alex struggles but Triple H punches him then cuffs him to the ropes.

Alex screams at him to let him go as Triple H backs up and picks the sledgehammer up.

Triple H: What happens now! Is your fault!

Alex: Stop! Don't!

Triple H turns to the revival.

Triple H: Finish it.

The revival start beating down on Michael who was helpless as Alex begs them to stop. Triple H just laughs at his son as Alex tries to free himself but he wasn't able to.

The revival pick Michael up then deliver a shatter machine. Triple H then tells them to pick Michael up as they lift him and then Triple H steps back and runs at him and bashes the sledgehammer off of his skull.

Alex screams and cries for his father to stop as Triple H looks at him and smirks, then he picks Michael up once more before delivering a pedigree onto a steel chair.

Alex cries out as the crowd does the same as they couldn't believe the horrifying acts which Triple H just committed.

The cage started to rise up as Triple H backed the revival away as the three of them got out of the ring and smirked as Triple H placed the sledgehammer on his shoulder.

The segment ends with Alex glaring at his father before a clip of Summerslam next month is shown.

A.N: What'd you think of the chapter?

How was the match?

What will happen next following Triple H forcing Alex to watch his brother be taken out?

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