The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

Av Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... Mer

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future

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Av Kinky_BabyGirl14

Elijah bursts into the church and looks around desperately as Stefan catches up to him.

"PHOEBE!" Elijah yells out frantically as he hoped that not feeling her did not mean what he thinks.

He stops dead in his tracks, panting and out of breath as a result of the werewolf bites which are now healed over, thanks to whatever Phoebe had done.

Elijah could see the broken glass that was once the window.

He continues to look around the church when his eyes land on Klaus.

Klaus sits on the steps in front of the altar with Phoebe's body lays in his lap as he holds her close and cries.

Elijah takes in the look of utter pain on Klaus's face as he looks down at Phoebe's motionless body.

When Elijah looks at Phoebe for himself, he starts to sob as he takes her in.

"No. No, no. No..." Elijah mumbles out as he falls on his knees by Phoebe's body, in front of Klaus.

"She's gone." Klaus says, his tone lacking any sort of emotion.

Stefan stares at his sister's body as the men who she loves and who love her, breakdown from her death. Stefan holds the wall as he feels his own heart shatter again. In the span of less than a week he has lost his brother and now his sister and from the looks of it, his niece as well.

Elijah pulls Phoebe's body towards him as he sobs but as he does, he sees the baby which is wrapped in a sheet and laying in Klaus's arms between Phoebe and Klaus.

A cry rings out through the church as the baby loses contact with Phoebe's body, which shocks Stefan as he looks towards Klaus and Elijah again and sees it.

I gasp wake as I move my hand to my chest where Monique had just stabbed a stake through. Disoriented, I look around at my surroundings unsure where I am as everything around me is dark and seems to go on forever in every direction.

"What the hell?" I think as I slowly stand up.

As if hearing my voice, the shadow woman moves in front of me, which makes me jump back in fright.

"Where are the lights?" I ask confused as the normal two big light balls that she usually protects are no longer here.

"They are gone." She says, cryptically.

"What do you mean they're gone? Gone where?" I ask.

"They are no longer here." She says.

"What do you mean they're no longer here?" I ask again as it occurs to me that this is one of those conversations that I am not going to be able to understand.

I nod my head as my heart begins to race with fear that the lights are gone for a reason I don't understand.

"What were they? Where were they?" I question as million more questions run through my mind.

"They are the most precious things to me, to you." She says again in a cryptic way.

"What does that even mean?!" I exclaim as I throw my hands up into the air in frustrations.

She moves her head in a tilt as she looks me over before nodding to herself, "I shall show you."

In a bright flash of light, me and the shadow woman are standing in the church.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as I look around the church, which is unusually dark.

"Watch." The shadow woman says.

As if on cue, Elijah falls to his knees in front of me, sobbing as he pulls my lifeless body towards him. I watch as a baby is revealed between my body and Klaus's which makes my eyes widen.

"What is this!" I demand from the lady, "The witches took my baby! What is this trickery?!" I ask as I get angrier the more, I look at the baby who has now begin to cry as Elijah pulls my body from it.

"This is not a trick." The shadow woman says as tears start to stream down my face.

I fall on my knees next to Elijah but as I try put my hand on his, I can't touch him.

"What happened?" Elijah asks Klaus, his voice barely above a whisper, as he looks at from me to the child in Klaus's arms.

"What happened?" Elijah asks Klaus, his voice barely above a whisper as he is distraught and looks at from Phoebe's body to the child in Klaus's arms.

"I was bested." Klaus says numbly as he stares at his child in his arms.

Elijah's face goes from an expression of horror to one of fury.

"You were bested." Elijah says in a tone barely a whisper. "You were BESTED? My invincible brother!" Elijah shouts out which catches both Klaus and Stefan off guard by his outburst.

"She had the baby and then they...they took the baby. But there's still time, we can save her." Klaus says as he looks away from Elijah and back at his hands which are holding onto the child.

Elijah seems confused by Klaus's words and looks from Klaus to the baby in Klaus's arms.

"What do you mean, they have her? She is in your arms!" Elijah asks as he is in utter confusion.

"When I got out from their spell, I went over to Phoebe to try to save her but I was too late.  I grabbed her body and between Phoebe's legs laid her." Klaus says as he gestures to his daughter.

"How is this possible?" Elijah questions as he is still trying to process the situation.

"I don't know." Klaus responds, shaking his head.

"Gemini Twins." Stefan mumbles out.

"What?!" Elijah demands, looking at Stefan over his shoulder.

"The coven that Phoebe's real father is from is called the Gemini coven. They are meant to be cursed or something to be destined to have twins." Stefan rants off what he could remember from what Phoebe had told him and Damon.

Elijah and Klaus say nothing but look back at the little bundle in Klaus's arms and Phoebe's body.

"We need to act quickly if we are to save my other daughter." Klaus says as he stands with the baby sit safely tucked in his arms.

"What do we do with her though?" Klaus asks as he tries to get the little baby to stop crying.

"I'll take her." Stefan says as he walks between Elijah and Klaus.

Klaus looks over at Stefan and Elijah nods at Klaus who then sighs and gentle passes over the baby to Stefan.

Stefan takes the baby in his arms, holding her tightly as he nods at Klaus.

Klaus turns to Elijah with determination in his eyes. "We must find the witches. They must pay." Klaus says with a deadly calmness in his voice.

Elijah nods in agreement. "We will find them and make them pay for what they have done to our family." He says, his voice full of conviction.

Klaus and Elijah both march through the church to begin their hunt.

"How do I get out of here?" I ask with dread in my voice.

"You are can't." She says.

"You are dead." She finishes.

"What!?" I gasp as I step back from her in shock.

"That's not possible. I'm not dead!" I say loudly as I begin to shake from fear.

I look around, seeing nothing but blackness everywhere. I look down just to make sure and no, I am standing on solid ground.

"You are dead." She says.

I look around again, hoping to find something that will show me a way home where this isn't real.

"But you don't have to be?" She says which makes me look back at her, intrigued.

"What do you mean?" I ask, cautiously stepping closer to her.

"You can come with me," she says, smiling wickedly. "I have the power to bring you back to life, but it comes with a price," she adds, her voice low and seductive.

"What kind of price?" I ask, feeling a shiver run down my spine at her tone.

"A sacrifice must be made," she says.

"A sacrifice?" I repeat, my heart beating faster with each passing moment.

"You must be willing to accept the darkness within you that you have been hiding from all this time." She proposes.

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating her offer. 

The darkness within me...

"What are you talking about?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"You know what I'm talking about," she says, stepping closer to me. "The anger, the hatred, the desire for revenge. It's all there, buried deep within you. And if you want to come back to life, you must embrace it."

I feel a chill run through me at her words.

"You must become what you have always denied. The Enchantress."

My eyes widen at the mention of the Enchantress.

I take a step back, my mind reeling at the revelation. The Enchantress, a name that every time I hear is always something I deny.

A being of immense power and darkness, feared by all who had ever crossed her path. A dark and powerful sorceress, capable of unspeakable acts. 

It is not something I ever wanted associated with me.

"I am not her." I say as I start to back up.

"Of course not." She chuckles, "Not yet anyway."

She lifts her head all the way up, looking me directly in the eye and my eyes run over every detail of her face.

The eyes that bore back at me are my own.

The face looking at me is also mine.

"Who are you?" I question as I start to back up away from her again but she just gives a wicked smile and lifts an arm towards me.

I look at her hand and am shocked when I see the pattern on her hand. 

The same runes that are on my hand and on every inch of the cave.

"The spell they did worked, didn't it?" I lift my hand with the matching runes as hers, "They locked you in my mind and told me they failed so I wouldn't try undo it." 

"You're the Enchantress." I conclude in shock.

She nods with a smirk, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Finally, you see it," she says. "I am the Enchantress, and you are my vessel."

I feel a shiver run down my spine as I look down at my own hand, seeing the same intricate pattern of runes etched into my skin.

"You mean that I can come back to life but I would not be in control?" I question confused.

"No, not at all." She hums, "Grab my hand and you go back but the barrier between us dies, making us one."

I stare at her hand, still hesitant. Becoming one with the Enchantress? It sounds dangerous, risky, and above all, terrifying.

But then again, what other options do I have? I've been stuck in this limbo for far too long, and my babies need me alive and fighting for them.

I nod my head slowly and she grins at me, her hand outstretched. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come, and reach out to take her hand.

As soon as our hands touch, I feel a jolt of energy shoot through me.

A sudden rush of power courses through me, and I feel myself being pulled towards her.

The world around me disappears in a flash of blinding light, and I feel myself being suffocated by the sheer force of her energy.

Stefan holds the baby close to his chest, trying to soothe her cries. Stefan rocks the baby in his arms, trying to calm her down. The little girl stops crying but still seems restless as if something is missing from her.

Stefan looks down at her and smiles softly, marvelling at how innocent and pure she is. He can't help but think about how much she reminds him of her mother. The pain of losing her still lingers in his heart, making him smile sadly.

"You look just like your mother and she loved you more than anything in the world even if she didn't know you were in there." Stefan whispers to the baby. 

"My beautiful niece." he coos.

He can't help but feel another twinge of sadness, knowing that she'll grow up in a world so full of chaos and darkness without the one person who could shield her from it. But he's determined to keep her safe and raise her to be a strong and resilient woman, just like her mother would have wanted.

Suddenly, Stefan hears a strange noise coming from behind him and he spins round, ready to protect a little bundle of joy that is wrapped in his arms.

To his surprise, he sees Phoebe's body floating in the air above the stairs. 

A black smoke seems to emitting around Phoebe's body which starts to freak Stefan out. A flash of bright purple and white lights, flash through the room which makes Stefan bend over the little girl to protect her from whatever is happening.

The lights stop and everything go quiet which makes Stefan stand up again and the tiny bundle scream on the top of her lungs by it.

Stefan's heart races as he watches Phoebe's body descend from the air. He moves towards her cautiously, still cradling the baby in his arms. As he approaches, he notices that the black smoke that had been emanating from her body has dissipated.

"Phoebe?" he calls out and as the words leave his mouth, Phoebe's eyes snap open, revealing a bright purple hue. She looks at Stefan with a mix of confusion and fear, but then her eyes soften as she recognizes him.

"Stefan..." she whispers, her voice hoarse and weak. Stefan rushes to her side, baby still in hand and still screaming.

Phoebe sees hears the screams and she smiles gently at the baby before reaching out for the baby which Stefan happily gives to her but is still in shock by the resurrection of his sister. 

Phoebe holds her daughter in her arms and smiles, "It's okay, sweet girl." Phoebe coos and her baby stops screaming and settles against her body in peace.

"Where is Klaus and Elijah?" I asks as I enjoy a moment with my child.

"They went after..." Stefan pauses for a moment as he thinks, "your first baby. They are going after the witches."

I nod my head and stand up, holding my baby close to me.

"I thought you were dead." Stefan sighs with sadness etched all around his face.

More than just for me being staked.

"Who has died?" I ask, afraid of what the answer might be.

"Phoebe..." Stefan drags out with worry shining through his eyes.

"I know the face, Stefan." I say as I rock my baby girl, "Everyone thinks they are the first person in the world to look at another person like that but-" I pause and look up from my daughter to him, "It is always the same face." I say as I try keep my expression in check as Stefan looks at me with guilt and sadness.

"Who is dead?!" I demand.

"Damon." Stefan confesses, "Damon. He sacrificed himself to save us all in Mystic Falls."

My heart sinks at the news of Damon's sacrifice. 

Despite all his faults, he was still family. 

I feel a wave of grief wash over me, Damon, my best friend and closest confidant, is gone. 

Tears well up in my eyes as I hold my baby girl close to me.

I hold my tears back and take a few breaths before leaning down at my daughter and press a delicate kiss on her head as I feel a tear strays down my face.

"Take her." I say, handing her to Stefan who looks at me confused about why.

"I have another daughter out there that I have never held like this, with a scent I have never smell but she already has a mother who has failed her." I confess. 

"But I won't let that be the end of her story." I add determined and give the daughter in my arms, fully to Stefan.

"Take her home and find Kelsey. Don't let anyone else know of her, not yet." I say as I stare at her, running my fingers down her face gently.

I lift my eyes to look at Stefan in his eyes, "Take good care of her, Stefan. Protect her with everything you have." I say.

Stefan nods, understanding the weight of my words. He takes the baby in his arms and holding her close to his chest, his eyes softening as he gazes at her. 

I watch them for a moment, a bittersweet ache in my chest, he nods once more before turning to leave.

I watch him go, feeling a mixture of emotions inside me.

I make my way through the church and find myself in an illusion maze of tombs.

Another witch game.

All the emotions running through my body all turn to anger and I feel something in subconscious or rather someone.

'Screw it all. Get our baby back.' I hear a voice tell me in back of my mind.

I clench my fists, feeling the anger boiling inside me. I won't let anyone take my daughter away from me again. I begin to walk through the maze, using my vampire senses to guide me.

I walk into a tomb and come across the exact people, I have been looking for.

"Then we move faster." Klaus says as he marks the wall with a third tally using a large rock.

"Or smarter." I say as a devious idea comes across my mind.

Elijah and Klaus freeze when they hear my voice and turn around to me.

"Phoebe." Elijah says in a tone so light that it is as if he didn't believe I was real.

Elijah and Klaus are shocked to see me but soon, Elijah rushes over to touch her face to make sure I am not an illusion.

"How are you here?" He asks, gently and in disbelief.

"Long story for later." I say as I lean into his touch and he nods in agreement.

I look over at Klaus who is still staring at me in disbelief, "It's time to find our daughter." I tell him, before moving forward.

"How? We can't find a way through this maze?" Klaus questions as he gesture around him.

"We aren't going through it." I say as I move closer to the wall, placing my hand on the wall.

"It's too much magic for you to siphon." Klaus says as he moves forward, grabbing my arm away from the wall.

"Not anymore." I say taking my hand back and grabbing the wall, siphoning every drop of magic from the maze illusion.

I let out a breath as if feel alive with magic buzzing through me.

"Let's go." I say with a murderous smile before leaving the tomb.

Klaus and Elijah follow me out of the tomb, and I lead them to where our daughter is being held. 

As we walk, I can feel the anger inside me growing, fuelled by the magic I just siphoned. I know that I will stop at nothing to get my daughter back and I am ready to take on anyone and anything that gets in our way.

We turn a corner in unison and see Genevieve holding a knife above the baby's head.

"NOOO!" I yell out.

Elijah picks up an urn and lobs it at the witches, which slams against Genevieve's hand and knocks the blade onto the ground. The three run toward them, so Monique and Abigail hold each other's hands and channel the ancestors' power to throw us backwards while Genevieve goes to find the blade.

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour? You don't face three, you face us all!" Monique shouts out to us.

As they continue to use magic, hundreds and hundreds of the dead witches appear in front of us in order to protect the other witches from us.

"Bring it!" I say.

The words still ringing, the ancestors start to attack us. Klaus and I run in opposite directions while Elijah goes straight down the middle.

A few ancestor witch that I recognize appear in front of me, blocking my path.

Them being only in spiritual versions will make it impossible to fight against them.

But I won't be defeated so easily. I let out a primal scream, channeling all the anger and magic inside me and with a flick of my wrist, I send them flying backwards.

One with blade of sort in their hand, swings it at my head but I stop it and grabbing it from them, bring it into the real world.

I look up and see the colour leave Genevieve's face as she watches me do it from the other end.

"You....No!" She stutters out and I smile a manic smile as my eyes light up.

"We became one." I grin, "I am the Enchantress, now."

The blade in my hand starts glows with a dark energy as it start to bond with me, and I can feel the power coursing through my veins.  

Genevieve tries to run, but I am faster, and I grab her by the throat, lifting her up in the air effortlessly.

"You'll pay for what you have done." I growl, my voice low and menacing.

Genevieve struggles against my grip, but I am too strong for her. I tighten my hold on her throat, enjoying the way her eyes bulge as she gasps for air.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my side, and I turn to see Monique standing behind me with the athame in her hand.

I release Genevieve and turn to face Monique, my eyes blazing with fury as my blade glows again, magic rushing to it.

Monique doesn't flinch, instead she smirks, "You're not only one with power."

With a flick of her wrist, Monique sends me flying across the room, crashing into a wall.

I stand up, my body aching from the impact, but I don't let the pain stop me.

As Monique charges at me, I raise my blade, ready to strike. 

I block her attack and overpower Monique as she may know her magic but battle like this was not something she could win. The athame flies away from us and slice her across the chest with my blade.

Monique falls to the ground with a loud thud, clutching her chest in agony. The wound starts to bleed as the dark magic from the blade bleeds into her from the wound. I stand over her, my blade still glowing with dark energy, and look down at her with a triumphant sneer.

"You should have known better than to cross me," I hiss, relishing in the fear.

As she gets back up, I can see the rage in her eyes.

But I don't give her a chance to retaliate. With a quick movement of my hand, I send a bolt of dark magic straight at her, knocking her back down to the ground. She writhe in pain, struggling to get back up again, but I keep my distance, watching her suffer.

The magic from my blade fully infecting as her body starts convulsing as the dark energy courses through her veins.

"You should have known better than to mess with me," I say, my voice laced with satisfaction.

Monique looks up at me, her eyes filled with fear and defiance.

"I have the power of the ancestors on my side. I am their vessel. They will protect me." She sneers at me.

I chuckle darkly. "You really think they can protect you from me?" I ask, shaking my head. "You haven't the slightest idea what I'm capable of."

I raise my blade above my head, ready to strike the final blow but just as I am about to bring it down upon Monique, I feel a sharp pain in my back and something lodged in my spine.

I turn around and see that Genevieve has stabbed me with a broken part of the fence which gives Monique enough time to get away from me.

"You should have never taken my daughter," I say, grabbing Genevieve's head and bringing my knee to meet her head, knocking her out.

I turn back to Monique as she brings the athame up and over my daughter.

"NOOO!" I yell out but before my magic can leave my body, a throwing star hits her in the middle of her head which catches me by surprise. What further surprises me is her body becoming covered in cuts, as she coughs up blood before falling to the ground.

Shocked, I turn around to the direction it came from as Klaus and Elijah do the same, to see that Marcel standing there. He is the one who had killed Monique.

Marcel vamps to the baby and grabs her before before vamping away from us with her.

"Marcel!" I yell out as I try to stop him with my magic but miss him by an inch. Klaus quickly follows after him as I slam my fist against the stone, cracking it down the middle.

I pick up my blade again as I need some sort of revenge for today. I stalk with the blade in hand over to Genevieve who is regaining continuous and yank her up by it.

"The Ancestors left me no choice--" Genevieve cries out.

"You were willing to sacrifice an innocent baby for more power?" I question appalled by it all.

"No, not just power! It was the Ancestors' decree. It was her decree." Genevieve confesses.

Elijah steps forward behind me as I move my blade to her throat.

"It was whose decree?" Elijah asks.

Genevieve smiles weakly as she looks up at Elijah, "I'm surprised you have to ask." She laughs darkly, "After all, you were the one who convinced your siblings to consecrate her on New Orleans soil."

"Esther." I say with my own dark laugh as I shake my head, "I told you this would happen." I say to Elijah.

"This isn't the end. As long as that child lives, the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for it. Esther will never stop coming for it. It has been decreed, your baby will be consecrated among her ancestors. She will not live." Genevieve cries out, anxiously.

I press the blade harder against her throat, "That is my problem now and I am not afraid of Esther. You tell her that because if your ancestors want a sacrifice-" I move closer to her, whispering, "Let's give them one."

With that said I side my blade across her throat and watch as the bloods follows out like a waterfall. Genevieve gasps but it comes out in a gargle as her mouth fills with blood. 

I let go of her head and take a step back before raising my blade and bringing it down into her back, through her spine and into the ground beneath her.

As the light dies in her eyes, I pull my blade out and a white streak appears upon the blade as if I had trapped her soul within my blade.

I look over at Elijah who is just staring at me with horror and concern. "I'm not letting anyone take my babies. Never!" I say to him before turning and walking away.

I vamp into the compound and see Marcel sitting in the courtyard, holding his head in his hands as he surrounded by dead vampires but I pay him no mind and move up the stairs towards my babies' cries.

I move into the nursery and see that they are both safe. 

I sigh in relief when I see them safe and unharmed.

One in Stefan's arms and the other in Klaus's, they are both crying heavily.

I put my blade against the wall  and I move over to Klaus and he hands over my little girl in his arms, who I coo at as I hold her close to me before I move over to the rocking chair in the nursery.

I look at Stefan as he moves over to me and gently moving the little girl in his arms into my other arm.

I sit there rocking gently and they both fall asleep fairly quickly.

I look over at Klaus, who is watching me with a concerned look on his face.

"It's ok. They're safe and they're not hurt." I reassure him.

I look over at Stefan and give me a small smile, "Can you give us a moment?" I ask and Stefan nods in agreement before leaving the nursery.

I kiss the top of my little girls' heads and inhale their scents.

Elijah joins us in the nursery, looking at me and then down at my happy baby girls'.

The is a moment of silence between the three of us before Klaus and Elijah share a look and look back to me.

"How are you alive?" Klaus asks which makes me swallow hard.

I think it over for a moment as I stare down at my strong babies. I can't tell them about merging with the enchantress until I know exactly what that means but I could tell them about the other way I came back.

I sigh out.

"After my whole kidnapping in the Bayou by Tyler, I came up with a plan, a spell that would save me if I were to die. After the whole coughing up blood at Father Kieran's funeral, I threw my whole attention into it. A found a spell that would do just Esther's grimoire." I tell them, not looking away from my babies.

"Those papers..."Elijah mumble before looking up at me, "The original vampire spell." Elijah says as he seems deep in thought.

"Wait. So, you're telling me that you are now an original vampire?" Klaus questions as he takes a step forward.

I look up at Klaus and nod my head before continuing.

"I spent forever getting it right and when I had a feeling I am not make it out alive last night, I broke the vial and drank it." I say with a shrug.

"What does that mean?" Klaus questions again as Elijah just stare at me.

I stand up from the chair and stand in front of Elijah, placing one of my babies in his arms and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before turning around.

"I am everything you and your siblings are as a vampire. I am now an Original vampire well a heretic. I am the Original heretic." I put simply.

I place our other daughter in Klaus's arms and giving him a gentle smile with a quick peck.

"I need a quick change of clothes." I say before I look at Elijah over my shoulder, "Tell him what Genevieve told us."

"Right." Elijah says as I leave the nursery.

I walk into the bedroom and grab a change into some clean clothes but I pause when I look down and see the blood cover my hands and arms.

I move into the bathroom and turn on the shower, letting the water wash away all the blood and dirt from today. 

I don't know if it is the quiet or the lack of murder surrounding me but I am suddenly hit by a wave of emotions.

I sit on the floor of the shower, the water running down my back as I look at my shaking hands. I was holding my babies with these hands, hands that were covered in the blood of the people who tried to kill them.

I let a small sob escape my lips as I finally let myself cry. I was so sure I was going to die tonight, so sure I was going to have to choose between giving my babies to someone or taking them with me. 

I was scared, terrified actually.

I hear the door open and I know without a doubt who it was but I don't bother to move even if I tried, I don't think I can move.

Elijah crouch down and wrap his arms around me, holding me tightly and letting me cry into his shirt.

"You're okay now. Everything is okay." Elijah says as he rock me gently.

"They are safe." Elijah says with a sad smile.

I nod my head as another sob escapes my lips.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Elijah says he helps me up off the shower floor.

Elijah helps me get dressed and then we move back to the nursery as Klaus stands over the crib, watching our daughters.

"They will never be safe." Klaus says, pausing and look at Elijah over his shoulder, "I will not have them live their life as a prisoner."

"Then we leave here, together. All of us." Elijah recommends, and I am obviously missing parts from their previous conversation.

"Wherever we go, however far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us! They will hunt her. They have inherited all of our enemies with none of our defences." Klaus says, staring down at my sleeping babies.

"So, whether we stay, or we leave-- we condemn them." Elijah sighs out as he moves and sits down on the chair. I move over, next to Klaus and stare into the crib as I think about the promise, I had made to them when they were just little beans inside me.

"There's a third option." I speak up with.

Klaus and Elijah both look at me surprised.

"I won't make them live their life's on the run from the people who want to hurt them. I won't make her spend her life hiding. I spent my whole life with parents who could have cared less if I was alive or dead." I say as I look deep into the eyes of my daughters, feeling more maternal.

As if they could feel my emotional distress, they start to move and crying out.

I pick up one while Klaus picks up the other and putting her in my other arm.

I looks down at my daughters and smiles at them, while trying to hold back tears before looking up between Klaus and Elijah.

"I made a promise, to my babies, and to myself, that they would not grow up like I did. That they would grow up safe and loved. Yet on their first day in this world, they have been almost killed and now will always be under the under threat." I say as a tear falls from eye and runs down my face.

Klaus and Elijah just look at me, saddened and devastated by our current situation.

"There is only one thing we can do..." I pause and hold my girls closer, "We send them away. Send them somewhere safe while we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made."

"No." Klaus says without thinking about it.

"You said it yourself Klaus, wherever we go, they will hunt them. They might not even live to see their first birthday. It is the only thing we can do." I say.

"No! This is insane. You heard Genevieve-- so long as she lives, that baby will be hunted." Elijah exclaims as he stands from his seat and moves towards us.

Klaus moves behind and looks at our daughters over my shoulder before looking up at Elijah.

"Not if no one knows they live." Klaus states.

"What is it you intend to do, brother?" Elijah asks, confused.

"Whatever it takes to save our family." Klaus says and I look at him over my shoulder, giving him a nod in agreement.

On the other side of the courtyard, Elijah watches Cami leave from the balcony, where Klaus joins him.

"Did Marcel play his part?" Elijah asks Klaus.

"He managed to locate a stillborn baby in a hospital in upstate Louisiana. No one knows that there is two of them so only one would do the job." Klaus says while a small sigh.

"I trust he agreed to the terms." Elijah says as his masks holds strong against his own emotions about all this.

"He has agreed to allow me to compel him to forget what he knows of my children. In exchange, he wants vials of my blood." Klaus informs him.

"The witches will have to believe this. Soon, that fourth Harvest girl will resurrect. The coven will rebuild. If they sense that your child lives, they will hunt her." Elijah expresses his worries as he looks at Klaus.

"The witches will buy what we sell. We just have to sell it properly." Klaus tells him with a shrug and gripping the railing tight.

The two stand in silence for a long moment, looking into the empty courtyard.

"All that remains is to say goodbye." Elijah speaks up, peaking over his shoulder at the nursery door where Phoebe is sitting with the twins, feeding them.

"She refuses to let them go until they have names." Elijah sighs out.

"I will go talk to her." Klaus says before pushing off the railing and walking into nursery, looking at Phoebe who has one baby on her boob, breastfeeding, while she stares at the other, listing off names.

As Klaus steps into the nursery, he can't help but feel a sense of overwhelming love and protectiveness wash over him. Seeing his newborn daughters in the arms of his family, only reinforced his determination to keep them safe.

Phoebe sees Klaus from the corner of her eye, "Katherine?" She tests out.

"God, No." Klaus says which makes Phoebe smile at him.

"I'm just having a hard time coming up with names that feel right." Phoebe says.

Klaus walks over to her and gently takes the baby from her arms, cradling her close to his chest.

"When Elijah thought you were dead, he said we'd lost our families only hope." Klaus says as he looks over at Phoebe.

Phoebe stands as the baby in her arms finishes feeding and she moves over to stand next to Klaus, looking at the daughter in his arms.

"Hope Mikaelson." She says down to the little baby who moves at her voice.

"What about her?" Klaus asks as he looks over at the baby in Phoebe's arms.

"Hope and.." Phoebe looks from Hope to the baby in her arms, "Faith Mikaelson."

Klaus looks at Phoebe, a small smile forming on his lips. "Hope and Faith...I quite like that," he says softly, his eyes flickering back down to the baby in his arms. "Hope and Faith Mikaelson. It has a nice ring to it."

Phoebe thinks about it for a moment and smiles, "That's not their full names." Phoebe say and Klaus looks taken back by my words but lean over and whisper over my idea which makes give me a full smile and nods his head.

"Perfect." he says.

"Is Marcel still here?" she asks him and he nods his head which makes me smile.

"I think it's time we introduce the newest members of the Mikaelsons to him." Phoebe says as she walk out the nursery as Marcel walks up the stairs towards us.

"Just who I was looking for." Phoebe says to him.

Marcel looks at Klaus and Phoebe and then at the babies in their arms.

"I would like to introduce, Faith Mikaelson-" Phoebe says as she lift the baby in her arms for him to see before looking at her other daughter in Klaus arms, "And Hope Amelia Mikaelson."

Marcel looks stunned for a moment but a huge smile breaks out of his face as Klaus lets Marcel hold Hope.

As Marcel looks down at Hope, she looks up at him with her big eyes, and Marcel feels his heart melt. He rocks her gently in his arms, feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over him. He looks over at Phoebe and Klaus, feeling grateful that they had allowed him to meet them.

"How can you tell the difference between them? They are exactly the same." Marcel asks as he looks over at Faith.

Klaus and Phoebe share a look before she back at Marcel, "Here hold Faith." Phoebe says as she gentle places Faith in his arms and takes Hope into hers.

As Faith settles into Marcel's arms, her hand grabs Marcel's arm and a faint red glow surrounds her little hand which catches him by surprise.

"Faith is a siphon witch like me and Hope is..." She pause looks down at her little girl, "Well we will just have to wait and see what she becomes." I say with a sad smile.

Elijah joins us with Stefan and Kelsey trailing behind him, each with a look filled with sadness.

But the atmosphere quickly changes as they lay their eyes on the two new additions to the family. Elijah steps forward and takes Faith from Marcel while Stefan and Kelsey approach Phoebe to get a closer look at Hope.

"She's beautiful," Stefan whispers, his eyes never leaving the baby's face.

"Meet the newest members of the Mikaelson clan. Hope and Faith Mikaelson." Phoebe introduces.

Elijah looks at Klaus and Phoebe with a mix of pride and concern. "Are you sure it's wise to introduce the girls to the others?" he says in a low voice.

Klaus puts an arm around Phoebe as they both look at their daughters.

"This is their family." I say, "Some people should know that there is two of them and that they exist."

Marcel nods in agreement, still holding onto Faith as she continues to grasp onto his arm. He looks at the others, sensing their sadness and concern, but also feeling the warmth and love emanating from the two little girls. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards them.

"It's time, Phoebe." Elijah says to her and she nods before placing a kiss on Hope's head before giving her to Klaus.

Elijah gives Faith to Phoebe and she gives her a kiss on the head as well before handing her to Stefan, who has offered to help Klaus get the babies out of town.

Klaus and Stefan nod to Phoebe before turning and leaving the compound as Phoebe watches them with great sadness.

A crowd of people gather for a candlelight vigil for the deceased community members. Elijah and Phoebe arrive at the vigil with a bouquet of flowers in hand. The crowd parts as the duo walks through the crowd.

Francesca watches as Phoebe approaches the memorial. 

She breaks down in tears and kisses her fingertips before touching them to the plaque that announces the baby's 'death' before she places the flowers on the ground in front of the Baby Mikaelson's spot on the memorial wall.

Elijah, who has been standing behind her, holds out a hand to Phoebe, who finally stands up and takes it. Elijah pulls her into a comforting embrace as they both stare at the memorial wall, their hearts heavy with grief.

While Phoebe and Elijah show their grief over the loss of her babies, Klaus and Stefan drive up a dirty road.

Stefan and Klaus climb out the car and move to the back of the SUV. Each picking up a swaddled baby as they wait for the person who will take the girls.

A car pulls up onto the road, it's headlights shine onto the two men and the twins.

The car comes to a stop in front of them and Rebekah climbs out the car smiling at Stefan and Klaus.

"Hello, sister." Klaus greets his sister.

Rebekah walks up to Klaus and Stefan and takes a peek at the swaddled babies.

"Twins." Rebekah says in surprise and Klaus nods at her.

Rebekah gently touches Hope face, and stares at her in wonder.

"Oh, they look just like their mother." Rebekah smiles, "Maybe there is a God after all."

Klaus laughs as Rebekah takes Faith from Stefan, 

"Well, they has a hint of the devil in their eyes. That's all me." Klaus says as he stares down at his daughter.

"No one can ever find them." Klaus instructs and Rebekah nods.

"I know what to do, Nik." Rebekah looks from the baby in her arms over to the one in Klaus, "Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely." Rebekah thinks out loud.

Klaus swallows hard as he takes his daughter from Rebekah, holding both his daughters close to him. Klaus kisses his daughters on the forehead and the cheek. 

Klaus nods his head before handing both girls to Rebekah.

Once both girls are safe in her arms, Klaus tucks the tiny wooden knight that he carved for Rebekah a 1,000 years ago, which causes Rebekah to grab his hand and start to cry.

"In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daughters' life." Klaus says to her with a sad smile before hugging Rebekah and kissing her on the cheek.

They smile at each other before the girls start to wriggle in Rebekah's arms.

"What's their names?" Rebekah asks as she coos at them, and they wiggle in response, their little faces crinkling.

Klaus pauses and looks at his daughters.

"Hope and Faith." Klaus says, his voice full of emotion.

Rebekah nods, "Beautiful names for beautiful girls." She says as she bounces them gently in her arms.

Klaus looks at his sister and nods, "Actually, there is more." Klaus says and Rebekah looks up at him from the girls.

"Something Phoebe insisted on." Klaus adds before looking at his daughters again.

"This is Hope Amelia Mikaelson." Klaus introduces his first born daughter before looking at his second, "And this Faith Rebekah Mikaelson."

Rebekah's eyes widen in surprise at the mention of her name. "Me?" she asks incredulously, looking up at Klaus.

He nods back at her with a small smile.

"Phoebe always had a soft spot for you, Rebekah. She said that the girls should have a permanent reminder of those who have and will risk everything to protect them." Klaus says.

"Amelia, a name given by Marcel and Rebekah for you." Klaus explains.

And Rebekah nods her head, trying to hold back her tears, "Tell Phoebe thank you." she says before moving towards her car and buckling the girl into the car seats.

As Rebekah drives off with his daughters, Klaus begins to cry as he completely forgets that Stefan is still standing behind him but Stefan says nothing and gives the man a moment to grieve over the loss of his daughters.


Thoughts on the names of the girls?

A few things:

- Marcel didn't know that the magic had healed the vampires in the courtyard .
- Phoebe pulling the blade from the ancestor is to show she can meddle with the spirt world as well.

Writing this chapter was harder than I thought but  I definitely enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading this. Please leave a vote and comment.

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