Trying → A Dance Moms Fanfict...

Від apotterwritingastory

53.5K 1.1K 148

McKinna Maryen Ziegler had lived in the shadows for most of her life, letting her sister have the spotlight... Більше

The Competition Begins
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
Dying to Dance
She's a Fighter
Love on the Dance Floor
From Ballerinas to Showgirls
Cathy Brings It On
It All Ends Here
Broadway Presents McKinna
Everyone's Replaceable
Return of the Candy Apples
Brooke's Turning Point
No One Likes A Bully
Brooke's Back
Jill on the Rampage
Bullets and Ballet
The Runaway Mom
Miami Heat Wave
Melissa Pleads The Fifth
Waiting for Joffery
The Battle Begins
Night of the Living Dancers
I Know What You Did Last Competition
Maddie Has A Secret
How Do You Like Them Apples?
Worst Birthday Party Ever!
Guess Who's Back?
Break A Leg
Revenge of the Candy Apples
The Recital to End All Recitals
New Girl in Town
Solo Fever
Nationals 90210
Dancing In Headlines
The Beginning of the End
Out With The Old, In With The New
But I'm a National Champion!
Liar Liar Dance Mom on Fire!
Revenge of the Replacements
Boys Are Cuties, Girls Have Cooties
Rotten to the Core
You've Been Unfriended
Bye Bye Baby
All's Fair in Love and War
Camouflaged Maneuvers
The Apple of Her Eye

Wildly Inappropriate (not actually)

2.9K 51 1
Від apotterwritingastory

-nothing in this chapter is inappropriate, it is just the name of the episode.

"Phoenix was rough you guys got your butts kicked. Here in Pottsburgh, you have won everything, but it's clearly a different story when you git in a plane and fly across the country. For years, I took the kids by muself. I made sure the hair was right. I made sure the makeup was right, I put the headpiece on. All the mothers want to go now because they are relieving their childhood through all of you and that's when the trouble happens." Miss Abby starts.

"I am the teacher. I am the leader. You do what I say. When your mother's telling you something else to do, that becomes a conflict, do you understand that?" and thens he starts giving us corrections as she reveals the Pyramid.


Maddie Paige

Chloe Brooke Nia Mackenzie

"Okay, the new number will be called 'Electricity'. Everybody say that."


"McKinna, Maddie," Miss Abby takes our headshots before looking at us, "because you were both great last week and your mother didn't give me any trouble, you're both going to be fromt and center for the beginning of the routine." Maddie and I smile at each other excitedly. Did this mean we'd both get solos?

"Everybody's goals should be right here." Miss Abby points at my headshot at the top. "Yes? Okay, three solos will be competing. Maddie, you will be doing one of your solos, Chloe, you will be doing one of yours and McKinna, you will be doing a Maddie style lyrical routine entitled Cry. All right, everybody up, I wanna start this number." Miss Abby told us and immediately we started stretching. I smiled at Mads and she gave me an excited grin, it was our secret that I loved getting the occasional lyrical routine and she loved getting contemporary ones. Miss Abby started yelling at us to focus again and we gave her a quick smile. This week's routine was really fun even though sometimes I wondered if it was really appropriate for junior group category. Or any category really.

Then it was time for the solo practise. Chloe went first and Abby kept yelling at her but I really liked her routine. It was entitled 'Baby Mine' and it was musical theatre, one of her best styles other than lyrical. Gia suddenly asked me to watch the music and she dashed out to the front door. Maybe she was feeling sick? But I had no time to think because then it was Maddie. Her's was entitled 'Rag Dolls' because Miss Abby said she wanted someone to do some actual honour to the group dance and make it win. Which made me wonder if Abby even thought I had a chance against my twin. I knew I did, I'd beaten her before but I also knew there was a chance she could beat me as she'd done it before.

Then it was my turn. I loved 'Cry', it was so beautiful and my acting classes really paid off from over the summer. I had to really act and pretend like I was Cinderella but after the ball and she had lost her prince. It would be so pretty as a duet. Focusing in on everything I had to do and all the corrections Abby and Gianna had told me. The music eventually stopped and I looked over at them. Miss Abby even wiped her eyes! She gestured me over for a hug and a big grin came onto my face. I proved that I could be just as good as Maddie, maybe one day I could even be better. I looked up to Dance Jail and saw mom cheering for me, blowing me a kiss. Holly gave me a thumbs up and Christi and Kelly gave me a smile. They were always more supportive of me and Mackenzie over Maddie, as she was always the favorite. Maybe one day I would be but for now, always Maddie.

None of us Ziegler girls had a private this afternoon, so Mads and Kenzie opted to go home, but Miss Abby said she could drop me home on her way to her house so I stayed and did a class with the seniors for lyrical. 

-Three Days To Competition-

We all sat around the studio trying on our costumes for the new number. They were a pretty turquoise but super revealing according to what the moms said to Nia. Apparently my mom and Kelly liked them but Christi and her mom thought they were too inappropriate. Chloe and Maddie spoke about how much they loved them and thought they were cool while Brooke and I looked at them distatefully. I had known her since I came to the studio and we were really close. 

"I hope my solo costume doesn't look like this." I whispered to her and she giggled. The other girls looked at us weirdly but we put on our innocent faces. Then Brooke tried to teach me an acro trick but she had a blessing from the heavens to be able to bend and flex like she could. I'm fine with acro, I did gymnastics for five years along with dance but she is like Mackenzie, they just can do all these weird tricks. At least, I know Mackenzie can. She's not like me or Maddie, she is into jazz and acro routines. I think it is really cool but mum and Abby want her to be more like us.

After I had been called in, we all went and changed into our normal dance clothes (today I wore the aqua ones) and did an acrobatic/jazz class while Kenzie and Vivi-Anne, the new girl who arrived late, practised their duet. Eventually we were all done, but before I left Abby pulled me aside.

"McKinna, out of curosity, what did you think of the lesson last night?" she said, her face unreadable and her makeup laid thick on.

"It was really intresting, Miss Abby, I think it helped me a lot today." I flashed a grin, wondering what the real reason was why she asked. Then she gave me a smile and ushered me off to the car.

When we got home, Maddie got in trouble because the teacher sent mom a email about her failing the spanish test. I made her a comfort sandwich and we sat in our room watching dance videos on YouTube.

-Two Days To Competition-

I was sitting up in Dance Jail as Maddie went over 'Rag Dolls'. She was going really well with it even though normally she only gets lyrical routines. At the end she waved up at me and I waved back. Abby gave mom a thumbs up before Chloe came in to go over 'Baby Mine'. I watched for a while before starting to stretch and then heading down to the changing room to do some more tricks for warm up. Just as I started to do some pirouettes, Cathy and Vivi arrive, late as always. I wave and tell Vivi that Mackenzie is in a rehearsal room with Gia practising the duet. Cathy huffs and says something about how it would of been nice to wait, but I just glare at her as she is evil. Letting her on our team will bite us on the butt one day.

"McKinna, Abby is ready." Chloe tells me, looking a bit upset. My instinct tells me it is something other than stress but Abby will get mad at both of us if I don't go in.

"We'll talk later, Chloe. Just don't cry." I whisper to her, giving her a slight hug before running inside to rehearse. It all went smoothly and then Maddie and I had to get ready for tap class. We were both really good at it and it was a style we had both won countless awards for. I spoke to Chloe afterwards and she told me about how Abby didn't believe she could win and neither did she. Sometimes I wished Miss Abby went easier on us all. Chloe is such a great dancer and she is totally going to be a star when she is older, just Miss Abby goes really hard on her as she is really big competition for Maddie and me.

Eventually at around 10pm we went home because Mads and I wanted to watch the senior masterclass of hip hop. We had some leftover food from last week before my twin watched TV and Kenzie and I had a sleepover in my bed, giggling as we secretly watched all these old fail videos on YouTube. 

-Competition Day-

On the bus way over, Mads and I examined our old dance videos pointing out errors and making corrections. I jotted them all down in my dance notebook, before realizing we were running late. Grabbing out my makeup kit from my bag, I hurridly did Maddie's makeup before she did mine. Christi sat there next to Chloe doing her makeup as well. Abby started yelling at the bus driver and mom hurried us over, fussing over my hair as Mads' one only had to be in a tight messy bun.

Then we entered the ALDC designated room and costumes started flying every where as well as Abby nearly having a panic attack. My costume was beautiful and I admired it for a moment. Maddie's one was like straight out of a storybook about a poor girl who loves her ragdoll, who would've thought. Chloe's was really cute and super musical theatre. It was really pretty. But then I had to start stretching and pratcising so I kind of went into competition focus. I'm super competitive, by the way. Backstage time came eventually and we all crowded around the back in order to see Chloe's solo.

"And next up in the junior solo category we have entry number 107.5, Chloe Lukasiak with 'Baby Mine'." the announcer says and Chloe goes on stage.

I've got a guy and he's so fine
When it comes to lovin', 
he takes his time
The girls all tell me he's no good for me
I don't care what my friends all say
I'm gonna have him anyway
'Cause he's my baby
My favorite toy
Talkin' bout my sweet baby, yeah
My personal joy

We all cheer because she did amazing. If she doesn't win then I don't know what else the judges were looking for.

"Next number 206.5, Madison Ziegler with 'Rag Dolls'." I cheered for my twin but before I could watch, the producers dragged me away to get my thoughts on my solo. But I caught the end and clapped excitedly giving her a hug.

"Now, we would like to present in the petite soloist category running for Regional Petite Miss StarQuest is 207.5, McKinna Ziegler with 'Cry'." it was time.

Well I
I guess it's been awhile
Since I've seen the sunshine
Since I have smiled
And me
Who's so well versed
Is feeling so damn empty
Is at a lost for words

Forgot what it's like
To just feel okay
Praying for the day
When there is no more rain

And I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry
Oh, and I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry

(I don't wanna do anything but cry)

Well, I
I hardly feel alive
I'm going through the motions
But I don't feel like trying
The hole in my heart is growing bigger by the day
Wish I could crawl inside, hide away

And I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry
Oh, and I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, I'm so low
I'm almost to the bottom
Oh, nowhere to go
Even my soul has left my body

Oh, and I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry
Oh, and I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry
And I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry
And I...
I don't wanna do anything but cry

And then I turned to the audience, my hand covering my face partially. I got a standing oviation! Mom was crying and Abby wouldn't stop clapping. Then when I got back into the wings, the whole team hugged me. I thought they would be upset with me cause I'm sure my feet nearly sickled at one point but they just cheered and Mads hugged me excitedly.

In the rush to then get ready for the group dance, I miss Kenzie and Vivi's duet but mom showed me the video and I gave my sister a hug. She's growing up so fast. Brooke and I sat next to each to her behind stage now, getting ready to go up for the group dance but the costume was really scratchy. The choreography felt unnatural and none of us seemed to be super comfortable. Still we had to try or Miss Abby would be really upset. Quickly before the show I snapped a selfie of me and Brooke tagging her and writing 'getting ready to find some electricity'. Then we were called.

"And next, the junior small jazz group dance, 'Electricity'." the speakers blare and we walk out onto stage. I can hear gasps all around and I don't think they were the good ones.

I know you like all the ways I can move
Came to dance but all I can see is you
(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah)
You have got that fire in your e-eye-e-eyes, oh

Looking at the audience, all I could see was people horrified. During the dance I think someone from the crowd yelled at us to get off. Only mom, Miss Abby and Kelly were smiling and giving us thumbs up. Adults are weird. Now we have to get through awards.

For the producers, they made it so Chloe didn't win to add to the drama but she actually won. I thought it was rude but I didn't say anything.

"In second place, we have number 206.5, Madison Ziegler with 'Rag Dolls', only one tenth of a point behind the leader because of technical score. Our first place winner of the petite solo division and the 2011 Regional Petite Miss StarQuest goes to... McKinna Ziegler with 'Cry'!" we all cheer and Maddie hugs me. I know that she isn't jealous- she wasn't happy with her performance anyway.

Abby is yelling and cheering from the crowd. I kept touching the crown on my head, smiling with joy. Neither the group or the duo placed so Abby was mad at everyone except for us Ziegler twins. 

To celebrate later, mom took us out for dinner to fancy Italian resturant. I had spaghetti and Kenzie and I were trying to get the two restuarant dogs to do the Lady and the Tramp scene. 

They were very unimpressed.

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