oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sully

By grapefruitkat

79.1K 1.8K 228

a broken girl trying to live meets a boy trying to prove himself all characters aged up neteyam x oc More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentythree
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter twentynine
chapter thirty
chapter thirtyone
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfive
chapter thirtysix
chapter thirtyseven
chapter thirtyeight
authors note
book two
alternate ending

chapter thirtyfour

1.1K 33 17
By grapefruitkat

Beatrice walked into her and Neteyams marui, her eyes looking over every single thing Neteyam decorated. She had no idea how she was going to live here by herself, but she knew she would have to deal with it.

She could feel her heart race as she looked at everything around her, angry tears building in her eyes. Suddenly she was at wall, her hands ripping down things that Neteyam hung up. Her hands found the cooking supplies next, makeshift pots and pans flying around the marui as heartbroken wails left her lips. She kicked over baskets of jewelry and supplies, her chest raising and falling heavily as she realized the mess she had made. The woman sniffled, her hands raising and burying into her eyes so hard that it hurt. Once she had taken enough calming breaths, her eyes fell to their baskets of clothes, another sniffle escaping before she gave in.

Her feet took her over to her woven basket, searching through to find a chest piece to replace her blood covered one, the blood being so dry that as she swam, it didnt come off.

As her hands grabbed onto the feather top she had worn for Neteyam, the nausea built up in her throat. She quickly shoved the top aside, grabbing onto a beaded top before standing. She quickly got changed, letting her hair down from Neteyams armband. She wrapped it around her wrist twice so it would fit, tying it tightly so it wouldnt slip off. Footsteps pulled her attention from fidgeting with the band, her eyes moving to the entrance of her pod and finding Lo'ak and Kiri standing at the entrance.

"Mom wanted you to get ready with us. Well, we all want you to get ready with us, but mom is scarier." Kiri said softly, giving Beatrice a broken smile. The woman nodded her head, taking in her millionth shaky breath before heading towards the brother and sister, taking their extended hands. She allowed them to pull her along to the Sully pod, her eyes never leaving the woven path. Once they arrived, they all walked in, Kiri sitting right next to Beatrice still holding her hand tightly as Lo'ak picked up Tuk.

Beatrice looked up as Neytiri sat in front of the girls, holding a bowl of white paint. The woman squeezed her eyes tightly as she motioned for Kiri to go first, noticing how Neytiri also had black paint on her face along with the white. Beatrices free hand fiddled with one of her braids, Neytiri beginning to sing Neteyams song cord as she painted her daughter. Her hand moved to the song cord on her in her waistband, realizing the was going to have to make or find a bead.

Kiri squeezed Beatrices hand softly, letting the woman know it was her turn. Beatrice looked up slowly, meeting Neytiris swollen eyes, knowing hers looked just as bad. She closed her eyes once again as Neytiris hand started to paint the white stripe down the middle of Beatrices face, trying to calm her breathing as the time grew closer. Neytiri slowly finished Neteyams song cord song, Beatrice opening her eyes as she felt Neytiris hand land on her knee gently.

"Ma'Jake, i need the red paint." Neytiri spoke softly, her voice cracking. Beatrice looked up at the mourning mother in confusion, Neytiri giving her a broken smile in return. "It is customary for the mate to also wear red."

Beatrice stifled out a sob, her hand coming to cover her mouth as Neytiri wiped Beatrices tears gently.

"You have always been mated in my eyes." Neytiri finished, cupping Beatrices face gently as she waited for the woman to calm. Beatrice sent her a thankful look, sniffling as she composed herself enough for Neytiri to continue with the paint. She could feel Neytiris fingers placing the red paint in intricate lines all over her face, not matching the mourning mothers paint. She sighed deeply as Neytiri finished, nodding her head slightly at her work.

Out of the corner of the womans eyes, she saw eclipse starting. A horn rang out through the village, Beatrice taking a shaky breath in as she stood, Kiri and Lo'ak taking her hands tightly once more. She kept her head down though, knowing she couldnt put on a brave face for the younger Na'vi even if she wanted to. She followed the kids slowly, the parents taking the lead towards the sea where the Metkayina started to crowd for the ceremony. As they walked towards the ilus waiting for them, Beatrice finally looked up, her knees shaking and collapsing as her eyes caught onto Neteyams body waiting patiently in the large leaf. Kiri and Lo'ak caught her, helping her stand back up as shaky breaths took over Beatrices lungs.

She was fighting like hell to not break in front of the Metkayina, her vision never breaking from where Neteyams body laid, waiting. Kiri gently slipped from Beatrices hand, heading to an ilu with Spider while Lo'ak gently lead her to the ilu he was going to ride. Beatrices eyes never left Neteyams face once she could see it clearly, the darkness of night surrounding them save for the lit torches the Metkayina held. Beatrice held onto Lo'ak as they swam alongside of the large leaf, the peaceful look on Neteyams face giving her a small sense of relief.

The tears finally started to break from Beatrices as they neared the Tree, her hand coming to cover her mouth to keep her silent. She followed along with the family as they all slipped off of the ilus, watching as Jake gently pulled Neteyam from the leaf and Neytiri joining holding him. She gently placed her hand on Neteyams cheek, leaning forward and placing her forehead against his for the final time. Her lip quivered as she pulled away slightly, placing a final kiss on his lips, begging Eywa one final time to take her sacrifice.

She felt something lurch in her chest as she pulled away from the kiss, a strangled sob leaving her lips as she stared at his dim face. Something felt off, and she realized it was because it was the first time he hadnt kissed her back.


Beatrice watched as Jake and Neytiri dived down with Neteyams body, Beatrice and the kids lowering their heads into the water to watch as Eywa took her child back. One of Lo'aks hands grabbed onto Beatrices tightly, her eyes never leaving Neteyams body as he sank lower and lower.

A wave of peace washed over Beatrice suddenly, her racing heart suddenly slowing down as she watched Jake and Neytiri let go of Neteyams body, him sinking into the arms of Eywa. She looked over at Lo'ak as the family watched Neteyam, waiting for his body to become hidden by the glowing anemone. A smile grew on Beatrices face as she felt her body lighten, not needing to watch as Neteyams body was suddenly pushed up. She felt Lo'aks hand let go of hers, her eyes moving back down to Neteyams as his freckles started to glow once more, his siblings diving down into the water to where their parents were reaching for their eldest son.

Beatrice felt her body starting to sink, no longer feeling the need to breathe as she watched the family rush to the surface after grabbing Neteyams body. She pushed to keep her eyes open, watching Neteyams chest carefully. As soon as his chest rose suddenly, Beatrice smiled, feeling the anemone against her back as she closed her eyes, waiting to see Eywa once again.

As soon as Beatrices eyes had closed, her queue floated and landed just perfect of the anemone, connecting and pulling Beatrices mind back to Eywa. The Tree and anemone started flashing wildly, causing the family and Metkayina to shout in shock, Neytiri wailing as her dead son was breathing again as the Tree started flashing crazily.

Beatrice opened her eyes to the bright white of Eywa, falling to her knees as she smiled.

"Thank you, Great Mother. Thank you." Beatrice kept repeating, her chest filling with love once again, the emptiness no longer there.

"It is not your time, child." Eywa responded softly, causing Beatrices eyebrows to scrunch together.

"But, i am here in Neteyams place, am i not?" The woman responded, shock evident in her voice. Fear filled her chest, her voice cracking as she began begging Eywa. "Great Mother, please do not take him!"

"I will not take anyone as of now, child. You both have work to do." Eywa responded simply, Beatrice gasping in relief.

"What must i d-" Beatrice began to ask, getting cut off as the light suddenly disappeared and her mind was pushed back into her body. She could feel her body being yanked, her lungs burning as they begged for air. Once they broke the surface, Beatrice realized she could not open her eyes or move a single muscle, not even her ears twitched as she listened to the confused voices around her.

"Ma'Bea?" A familiar voice whispered close to her, additional hands grabbing onto her along with the ones holding her body afloat. "Ma'Bea! Wake up! Ma'Bea!" Both sets of hands shook her, Beatrice fighting and failing at opening her eyes. She felt the original set of hands place her onto an ilu, holding her tightly as they took off towards the village, the reunited Sully family following close behind.

"What did you do, Bea? I just got him back, i can not lose you.." Beatrice heard Lo'ak speak softly, his voice cracking in fear. She could feel him gently pick her up, Neteyams voice shouting for her before the Tsahiks voice thundered over his.

"Bring her! Now! Both of them!" Ronal commanded, Lo'ak immediately taking off following after the Tsahik, clutching Beatrice to his chest tightly. All Beatrice could do was listen to the thunder of feet as multiple people ran, the Metkayina praising Eywa and begging for her help all at the same time.

Beatrice felt her body being placed on a woven table gently, hands immediately grabbing onto hers as another hand moved into her hair. She could hear Neteyam mumbling her name, Beatrice fighting to open her eyes and getting angrier by the second as she continued to fail to do so.

She began feeling small pricks in her chest, moving down to her stomach as she listened to the Tsahik praying, a small hand placing itself on Beatrices cheek. She could feel Tuks breath on her ear as she came close, whispering to Beatrice.

"Thank you for bringing my brother back, but i do not want to lose you either." Tuk whispered into Beatrices ear, causing a pang of guilt to flash in her chest. Some time passed as the Tsahik worked, silence filling the marui once she finished.

"She needs to rest. Her soul is reconnecting to her body. She will wake soon." Ronal spoke confidently, Beatrice trying to move anything to confirm her words. She could hear breaths of relief surrounding her, Tuk sniffling by her ear. "Now, Neteyam, come." Ronal commanded, Beatrice feeling a hand slip from hers before a smaller one took hold, replacing the warmth. The hand that was playing with her hair also left, Beatrice having a gut feeling it was Neytiri. Despite already having her eyes closed, Beatrice could feel the weight of sleep taking over, becoming fully unconscious within a matter of seconds.

Neteyam still felt like his limbs were jello, sitting obediently where the Tsahik told him to. His eyes never left Beatrices body as Ronal looked him over, anxiety in his chest as he tried to figure out everything that happened.

"Neteyam, what do you remember?" Ronal asked gently, pulling his attention. He looked at the Tsahiks face, his mind racing back to the last thing he remembered.

"I remember feeling warmth. It got dark, but i felt safe. I could hear her, but she was far away. I could hear Eywa, but i was not with her yet." Neteyam looked up at his crying parents, realization setting in. "I was dead, was i not? You were sending me to Eywa before i woke, right?" He asked, coming to terms with it surprisingly fast. It didnt scare him, the realization. It comforted him, to know what was next after he finishes this life. It excited him to know that he would continue to live, the comfort of knowing Eywa would be waiting for him warming his insides. He watched as his mother nodded, her hand on her mouth as she cried silently. His parents hugged him tightly, him of course hugging them back before looking back at the Tsahik. "How am i here?"

Ronal sighed, looking over at Beatrice. "I have a feeling that Beatrice did something. A soul for a soul." She started, the entire families eyes looking up at the Tsahik in shock. Lo'ak rubbing the tears out of his eyes, looking back down at Beatrices face as he held her hand tightly. "It has only ever been done a few times before in our entire history. Eywa must find them worthy enough."

"T-then why is she still alive?" Kiri asked, her mind racing at the power of Eywa.

"Is Neteyam still going to die?" Tuk spoke up, tears immediately running down her cheeks at the thought. Neteyam pulled the young girl into his arms, kissing her head softly and hugging her tightly.

"I must speak to Eywa to find out. I will be back shortly." Ronal spoke, her hand meeting Neytiris shoulder gently before exiting the tent.

The Sullys eyes landed on Beatrice, Neytiri moving back over to Beatrices head and leaving soft kisses along her forehead. Neteyam quickly took back his spot, kissing the side of Kiris head as the young girl wrapped her arms around his free arm. The family waited patiently for the next steps, Neteyams chest heavy as he feared that Eywa would take Beatrice.

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