chapter thirty

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The rain woke Beatrice up once again, anxiety building in her stomach quickly. She rushed out of Neteyams arms as fast as she could, running out of their marui and throwing up, unable to stop herself. Neteyam shuffled out of the marui quietly, rubbing his eyes as he found Beatrice leaning over her knees.

"Ma'Bea? What is the matter?" Neteyam asked softly, his husky voice still deep from sleep causing shivers to fall down Beatrices spine.

"Something bad is going to happen, Tey.." Beatrice whispered, wiping her mouth before looking at Neteyam sadly. He tsked quietly, pulling her into his arms and kissing the top of her head.

"Nothing bad could happen today, my love. It is the greatest day in the world. It is your birthday, my sweet." He murmured quietly, giving her a toothy grin. She groaned as Neteyam ignored her anxiety, sighing as she allowed him to pull her back into the marui. He made her sit and relax while he started the fire, both of their ears twitching as they heard footsteps heading their way.

Tuk ran through the entrance, Kiri not far behind, tackling Beatrice in a tight hug. "Happy birthday Bea!!" Tuk screamed in her ear, causing Beatrice to laugh and shake her head, thanking Tuk with a grin. Kiri was much more kind with her hug, still squeezing Beatrice tightly. Beatrice smiled as Jake and Neytiri walked in, carrying supplies for breakfast, Beatrices mouth watering slightly at the sight of the ingredients for her favorite meal from the forest. The two older Na'vi wished her a happy birthday, getting to work on teaching Neteyam how to make this specific dish. Kiri and Tuk kept Beatrice busy showing her what they had made her, but even the distraction from the girls couldnt stop Beatrice from looking at the entrance to the pod every other moment. She could feel her heart break more each time, realizing Lo'ak was not going to come. She sighed softly to herself, Neteyam noticing, but being thankful for his little sisters who immediately captured her attention once again. He was going to beat Lo'aks ass the next time he saw him.

After Beatrices birthday breakfast, the family chatting happily, Beatrice still could not shake the bad feeling from her gut. Her breath hitched in her throat as a horn sounded out, the family looking to each other confused. Neteyam looked at Beatrice with wide eyes, seeing Beatrices eyes filling with tears as she ran out of the pod. She could hear wails coming from the Metkayina, seeing people jumping into the water and swimming out past the barrier on ilus. She quickly dived in, clicking for an ilu and taking off to find the cause. Neteyam right on her heels, the rest of the family following behind them.

Beatrice shortly joined the large group surrounding a tulkun, Beatrice taking a moment to realize the tulkun was murdered. A hand came to her mouth as she recognized the tulkun, tears falling like a river as Ronal came forward. Ronal let out a scream of heartbreak, swimming to her spirit sister and sobbing. Something floating nearby caught Beatrices eye, looking over and seeing her calf dead, next to his mother. Beatrice felt the nausea building up once more, Neteyam coming to her side and comforting her as best as he could, looking at his parents shocked.

"Tonowari, what is this?!" Ronal shouted, her body still racking with sobs. She turned towards her People, looking over and begging anyone for an explanation. "What is this?!" She screamed, a sob slipping from Beatrices lips. Ronal looked at her with such heartbreak, Beatrice giving her a mournful look as she cried with her. Ronal screamed once more as she hugged her spirit sisters body, the clan crying with their Tsahik.

"This is not the end." Beatrice whispered to Neteyam softly, quiet sobs still shaking her body as Neteyam held on to her the best he could. Neteyam could do nothing except kiss her head, swallowing roughly at her words.

After the clan mourned the Composer of Songs for a few hours, slowly the People followed after Ronal as she made her way back to the village. Beatrice barely noticed Neteyam go to his parents, the woman following after Ronal closely as Tonowari called a clan meeting. Everyone was shouting and yelling with anger, overwhelming Beatrice immensely. Her eyes found a crying Tsireya, immediately making her way over to the young girl and holding her gently, the girls crying together. Beatrice didnt even notice Jake run into the meeting, Neteyam following after him holding a red object. Jake immediately tried to get everyone to calm down, shouting that fighting isnt the answer.

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