Surrera One-shots

Door surreralove_19

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Random one shots that have to do with Surrera <3 Enjoy! Meer

A Different Reality
Happy mistake?
Happy mistake? Part 2
Happy mistake? Part 3
Second Chance
He's My Husband
We need you

Luna Marie

534 22 3
Door surreralove_19

Hiii, it's been a while.
I managed to find some time between studying for exams to finish writing this. I am sorry for the long wait, especially on my other book, I lost all my motivation for a couple weeks, but I am coming BACK this summer, as long as things go to plan I will have quite a few out.
Although I am learning Spanish, I am not very good yet, so some of the Spanish may not make total since, sorry in advance.


Andy had been trying to figure out the best way to tell Robert. At first she was just gonna tell him, but then she began to think that it should be special. She had gone to her OB about a week before to make sure everything was okay and turns out she was further along than she thought. Already being 9 weeks pregnant she knew she needed to tell him soon, but telling him would have to wait a little longer since today she was a maid of honor. As she got up in the morning she quickly got ready before heading to Maya and Carina's apartment.

Robert showed up at Kaminski's about 20 minutes before it started, going to his spot near the back by Bailey. After the ceremony was over Andy immediately came over and hugged him, which wasn't very out of the ordinary when they were at home by themselves, but when they were in public they almost never showed affection.

"Are you okay, babe?" Robert whispered in her ear making sure no one else could hear him.

"I'm fine, I just missed you." Andy replied which wasn't a complete lie, but she was also tired. This pregnancy had been hard on her so far, and to be honest she was surprised Robert hadn't figured out yet. She was up usually at least one time during the night to throw up, and she was almost always tried.

After a couple hours of dancing, people started to say their goodbye's, so they all gave Maya and Carina their gift to a hotel for the night, before cleaning up and heading home.

As they stepped into the house, getting home from the wedding she took off her high heels, before she headed to their bedroom to get ready for bed.

"Babe can you help me undo this zipper." Andy asked as Robert walked into the bathroom.

"So why weren't you drinking any alcohol?" Robert asked, while unzipping her dress.

For a moment Andy panicked not knowing what to say, before she could think about it for long she blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

Robert was shocked, he didn't know what to say, but all the silence was making Andy very nervous. Oh god, he didn't want kids. He's going to leave and I'm going to have to raise this kid all on my own, was all Andy could think.

The silence was absolutely deafening, Andy was getting more anxious by the minute, she couldn't raise this kid by herself. She couldn't raise a kid by herself, she could barely convince herself she was actually going to be a mother, her brain had still yet to actually process that. 

After too much silence, Robert broke the silence. "I'm going to be a father!" Robert exclaimed like a child on Christmas Day, picking Andy up and twirling her around.

"Robert Sullivan, put me down before I throw up." Andy said, smiling while trying to calm the nausea. The anxiety disappeared within seconds, relieved that her worst nightmare didn't come true.

They spent the rest of the day laying in bed, talking about the future and watching movies. Sharing all their fears about parenthood with each other, not hiding anything from each other. Peacefully they both fell into a deep sleep, in the middle of their second movie.

Waking up to the sun in her eyes, Andy turned around to hide herself from the sunlight, only to find cold sheets where her husband had been only hours earlier. Her worst fear, he left during the night. Her heart shattered into pieces, you were an idiot for thinking anyone would want to have a kid with you, she thought. Obviously no one would want a kid with her, the girl with no mom she could remember as a child, spending all of her time at the fire station, not to mention her stubbornness and short temper.

With no sense of calm around, she began to hyperventilate, finding it harder and harder to breathe. Struggling to breathe the door to their room opened, as Robert walked in with a tray full of Andy's favourite breakfast foods.

"Woah, hey what's wrong? Hey, I'm here, you're okay, you can't hyperventilate that's not good for the baby or you." Robert said, trying to calm Andy down, not knowing what she was panicking about.

"I... I thought... I thought you left... and I was going to have to... raise this baby by myself." She explained, beginning to calm down, taking deep calming breathes.

"Trust me when I say I will never leave you or this baby, ever. Now I made breakfast with all your favourite breakfast foods, so let's eat." He said, while setting the tray on Andy's lap.

"Where's my cereal? I thought you said all my favourite foods." Andy said, looking at all the food.

"That cereal is way to unhealthy, you will never see me bring you that cereal." Robert said, taking some fruit out of the dish.

"So let me get this straight, you won't bring me my cereal, but you will steal my fruit." Andy laughed.

"Well ya, you don't want me to go hungry right?" Robert said, taking more as Andy slapped his hand away from the dish.

Later that night as they set their alarms for work and got their bags ready, tears began to fall down Andy's face slowly.

"Hey, hey what's wrong? Is it the baby?" Robert asked panicked and worried.

"No, the baby's fine." Andy reassured him, trying to stop the tears.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Robert said, leading Andy to their bed and sitting down beside her.

"It's stupid really, and I really do love this baby, I just wish I didn't have to be on desk duty for the next 6 months." Andy said, as Robert wiped away the tears streaming down her face.

"Well, I will never know exactly how it feels, I'm sure you'll be okay and I will come keep you company all the time, and I'm sure the rest of the team will to. Also long as your OB says it's okay, you can be on aid car, sometimes to." Robert said while getting into bed and cuddling with her.

For the next couple weeks, Andy's morning sickness didn't seem to want to settle which led her having to stay home for a couple shifts. They had both decided to hold off on telling the team about the pregnancy, instead telling them she injured her knee, so that no one would suspect anything.

Luckily today was their day off so they headed in for the appointment to see the baby. After getting called into the hospital room Andy changed into a hospital gown, before they both sat their waiting for the doctor to come in.

"Alright, are you ready to see your baby?" Dr. Wilson said, as she set up the ultrasound machine.

"Yes." Robert and Andy answered at the same time, she started the ultrasound looked for the baby and the heartbeat.

"Here is your baby and this is the heartbeat." Dr. Wilson said pointing out all the features of the baby.

Despite Robert rarely showing any type of emotion when in public, today he couldn't stop as tears began to fall down his face, along with Andy. That was their baby.

Driving to work the next morning, they decided that today would be the day they told the team about baby. Once everyone was sitting in the beanery for breakfast Robert came in and Andy stood up joining him.

"19, we have some news we would like to share with all of you. In about 6 months their will be a new addition to the Sullivan family." Robert said.

Congratulations were heard all around the beanery, before the team got called out leaving only Andy, who went down to the desk.

At the 20 week appointment, Robert got called out to a five alarm so instead of finding out the gender at the appointment Andy asked if the gender could be written down and put in an envelope for them both to find out together. Pulling up to the house she went inside and showered before pulling on one of Robert's shirts with the first pair of shorts she could find. Settling in on the couch she began watching a random episode of the Kardashians while snacking on popcorn.

The more time went by Andy began to get more curious as she still hadn't heard anything from Robert or the rest of the team so she decided to turn on the news while making herself some supper. *Authorities have been on scene for the past 6 hours and there is still no estimation of when the fire will be out. Seattle Fire Chief McAllister says that the fire is only 15% contained.*

The firefighter in her immediately wanted to rush to the scene after hearing the report. The only thing holding her back was for the safety of her baby, and knowing Robert would be furious if she risked both her and the babies life. So no matter how much she wanted to go help out she knew she had to think about the baby first. As she watched the news waiting for updates on the fire, she began to drift off to sleep.

After fighting the fire for over 9 hours, Robert pulled into the driveway absolutely exhausted. As he opened the front door, he dropped his duffle bag on the ground locking the door behind him he set his keys on the side table. Heading over to the living room he turned off the TV before picking Andy up and taking her upstairs. Laying in her bed, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower a wash off any smoke residue he hadn't gotten off at the station.

"Your home. How was the call?" Andy asked waking up as Robert settled into his side of the bed after his shower.

"Long, and tiring. I'm just glad I'm home with you now." Robert said cuddling up next to Andy as they both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Grateful they had both taken the next day, they laid in bed appreciating each other's company, the next morning instead of rushing to work.

"How was the appointment yesterday?" Robert asked into Andy's hair, while she drew imaginary circles on his chest with her finger.

"Omg! I totally forgot, wait I'll be back in a second," she said rushing out of the room, downstairs to her purse. Grabbing the envelope she ran back upstairs, handing it to Robert as she laid back down.

"I wanted to find out with you so I got them to write down the gender in this envelope." Andy said settling back into her original spot, both nervous and excited.

"Should I open it right now?" Robert asked inspecting the envelope.

"Yes, of course." Andy said, emotions rising by the second.

"It is a... girl!" Robert said, kissing Andy and rubbing the baby bump.

"A mini you." Robert said, looking towards Andy, love in his eyes.

"Hi, little girl this is your daddy speaking. I love you so much, much more than you can even imagine and I can't wait to meet you in a few months." Robert said, kissing Andy's belly bump.

Throughout the next couple weeks Andy and Robert began shopping for the nursery, buying most of the furniture online, so they could build it as it arrived.

As agreed by both Andy and Robert when she reached 32 weeks she went on leave and bed rest after being recommended to by her doctor. Despite knowing it was what was best for the baby Andy didn't like it, especially when Robert wasn't around to keep her company. She had watched almost every show and movie under the sun while on bed rest.

Thankfully around 34 weeks, her doctor told her she could move around again, just to be careful and not lift anything to heavy. Those words were the best thing Andy had ever heard, immediately she was cleaning the entire house getting ready for the baby. Trying to make sure everything was perfect for when they brought home the baby.

As it got closer to Andy's due date Robert became more and more protective. Rarely letting Andy out of his sight for a moment making sure both his girls were always safe was his number one priority for the time being.

It was Robert's final shift as he had taken off the last 2 weeks of Andy's pregnancy to be with her. Turning off his alarm he got up slowly trying to not wake up Andy, since she had been struggling to sleep for the last few days.

"Hey your awake. How did you sleep?" Robert asked, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Decent, how long until you have to leave?" Andy asked, rolling over to get more comfortable.

"I have to leave now, but I'll be back tomorrow morning. You just relax today and then tomorrow we can lay in bed watching movies all day." Robert said, kissing her forehead and baby bump before saying goodbye and leaving.

With nothing to do at 38 weeks pregnant Andy spent most of the day laying in bed watching movie after movie in hopes of making the day go by faster. The more time went by the more bored she got, so deciding she had enough energy she got dressed, grabbing her phone off her nightstand and headed out for a walk. She knew if Robert found out he'd be furious, as he didn't want anything to happen to either one of them, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right?

Walking around the block, she headed back inside to make herself something to eat. Cutting up some vegetables to add to her salad she froze in place when she began to feel a pain in her lower stomach.

Grabbing onto the counter she waited for the pain to pass, which luckily did after about a minute. Not thinking anything about labor, she quickly finished preparing her salad, making her way over to the couch to get comfortable.

As the hour passed the pain became more frequent and harder to ignore, despite not wanting to call Robert she knew she needed to. Dialling his number into her phone she anxiously waited for him to pick up.




"You have reached Robert Sullivan, please leave a message after the beep."

Hanging up the phone Andy tried again, still getting no answer. With no luck, she decided to wait for him to return the call.

As more and more time went by, she decided that she needed to go to the hospital even if her husband wasn't there. Calling once more without an answer, she called Michelle.

Grabbing all her bags in between contractions she waited for Michelle to arrive, while keeping track of her contractions.

"Finally." Andy sighed in relief, hearing a knock on the front door.

"Hola prima ¿cómo te sientes?" Michelle asked, walking toward her.

"Please just get me to the hospital and find my husband." Andy said in no mood to talk at the moment.

"I will, are these the bags that need to go?" Michelle asked pointing towards the bags on the floor.

"Yep." Andy said breathing through another contraction.

"Okay, I'll go take them out to the vehicle and then I'll be back for you. Just hang on." Michelle said, grabbing all the bags, taking them out.

"ok prima vamos a llevarte al hospital." Michelle said, holding Andy's arm as she stood up, helping her out the door.

Making it to the hospital, they made their way up to labor & delivery. Settling into the hospital room, the doctor on call checked all of Andy's vitals and how dilated she was, before getting called away to another labor.

With still no luck getting a hold of Robert, Andy was beginning to worry. "I can't do this. I really can't do this, especially without Robert, I need him." Andy cried out as another contraction took over her entire body.

"I will keep calling him and the rest of the team, in the mean time do you want me to call the doctor?" Michelle asked, trying desperately to help in any way.

"Just get my husband." Andy said, focusing on her breathing.

Time moved very slow for Andy, the worry and panic was beginning to completely take over. She couldn't do this without Robert, he was the only person she wanted beside her.

A knock on the door, took Andy out of her daze like state. The doctor coming in to check on her again, Michelle excused herself out into the hallway.

"How much longer, I don't think I can take much more of this." Andy breathed out, as the doctor checked her and the babies vitals.

"You are currently only at 4 cm dilated, and since this is your first child there is no way of telling how much longer. We will break your water in a few hours if labor still hasn't progressed very much, but we do have pain relief options if you would like one of them." The doctor said, sitting down on a stool beside her bed.

"Sure, anything to take away some of this pain." Andy agreed.

"We can do anything you would like to try, I would recommend a warm water immersion though." Dr. Johnson said.

"Sure." Andy said, breathing through another contraction.

As Dr. Johnson left the room, Michelle came running back inside. "I was able to get a hold of Vic, they are on their way back from a call right now. He's going to go back to the station and clean up and then he'll be here." Michelle explained.

"Okay, thank you for being here." Andy said, the hormones taking over as she began to cry.

"Of course prima, there is no where I'd rather be." Michelle said, holding Andy's hand.

Time went by fairly fast, within the next few hours, Robert had shown up explaining why he didn't see her calls and telling her how sorry he was. Michelle ended up leaving for a few hours to give the couple some space, something Andy was grateful for. Luckily Andy had been able to get a couple hours of sleep, before her water broke, making the contractions became even more frequent and painful.

Still only dilated to 6 cm Andy tried multiple different things to relieve the pain, but none of them seemed to work.

Robert felt absolutely useless at the moment, his wife was in so much pain and there is nothing he could do to make it all disappear. He also felt terrible because he wasn't around to answer Andy's call, which he knew there wasn't much that he could've done differently but that didn't help his guilt.

At 16 hours in labor, with limited sleep Andy felt as though she wouldn't be able to do this. Robert tried to raise her spirits, telling her how amazing she was, but nothing was really working.

Luckily soon after hour 16, Andy began to progress quicker, getting to 9 cm dilated by hour 18. She was also able to get in some more sleep, something not only she was grateful for but also Robert.

6 hours later, after a stressful and painful birth Andy laid in bed with Robert sitting next to her, admiring the baby in her arms.

The second their little girl was put on Andy's chest all the pain from the past 24 hours disappeared, something she had never actually believed. How does all the pain just disappear, she thought, but was so thankful to find it was actually true.

Sending a picture of Andy holding the baby, Robert sent it along with the caption, "Luna Marie Sullivan, born at 3:27am on June 7, 5lbs 10oz, 19" long. Mom and baby are doing good, but we would like to ask for this time alone, while we are in the hospital, we promise to take lots of pictures and will have you all over in the coming weeks." Quickly sending the message he put his phone back down on the table and admired his daughter more.

Lost in admiring their daughter they didn't even realize how much time was passing, to focused on the life they had created together. No matter how much life tested them both with so many ups and downs in their life's they knew everything would be okay because they had each other and their daughter.


Please comment if you have any ideas for new fanfics, I am always looking for new ideas.
Thanks for reading - Anna.

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