A Victim Of My Own Creation

By RebylXander21

2.2K 36 37

Jayde doesn't usually have dreams, at least not since her parents died two years ago. So what happens when sh... More

CHAP 1- The Beginning
CHAP 2- I Own This Look Dude!
CHAP 3- Are You A Hobo?
CHAP 4- You Know Who I Am
CHAP 6- 'Cuz I'm A Ninja
CHAP 7- Handsome Please
CHAP 8-You Killed My Fish!
CHAP 9- I'm His Girlfriend! :)
CHAP 10- The Date

CHAP 5- Whatever You Say Bob...

173 3 9
By RebylXander21

Hey...sry this upload took so long...i was trying to upload 2 chapters at the same time but that didnt work out.....i think i'll stick to one chap at a time....anywayz i dedicad this chapter to ptchick1124.....you should check out her book called Just an Act.......i read it and it was awsome!!..so read it..:).....hope u enjoy this chapter....i tried to make it funny...hopefully i succeeded :D......ENJOY!!!



"Hey there," I said bouncing on my heels. I was so excited that I could almost burst. I love hobos! I've always wanted to be a hobo since I was a little kid but my parents refused to let me be one. I think they have awesome lives. They're so care-free and they don't have to go to school!

He looked up at me from a piece of paper he was reading," Ummmmm hi?" he said a little unsure as to why I was talking to him.

"Can I sit with you?" I asked.

"Sure. It's a free country. You can sit wherever you wish." He responded causing me to laugh.

"Thanks. My name's Jayde!" I basically shouted.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jayde. My name's Aiden." He returned his attention back to the paper he was reading.

I took a second to look at him before sitting down next to him. Aiden's hair was pulled together at the back of his head in a ponytail that stopped right below his shoulder blades. He was dressed in a fairly clean red and blue plaid shirt with a grey t-shirt inside; there were a few food stains here and there. He wore some pretty worn out sneakers on his feet with a pair of long khaki pants with lots of pockets, most of them seemed to be filled, and a plain black cap on his head. He didn't look too bad for a hobo. At least he looked much better than the hobo I met this morning and I'm sure his attitude towards is a lot better as well.

"Do you want some of this." I held out a box filled with chicken nuggets and some fries, while continuing to eat my wrap.

"Huh?" He looked a little confused.

"I asked if you wanted some of these chicken nuggets and fries."

"Ummmm.Yea. Sure." I handed the box over to him, "Thanks."

"No problem." I said with a smile. "So what's going on in your life?"

He almost chocked on his food,"What?! Why would you ask that? You don't even know me."

"Is it a crime to ask you how your life's going? Even if I don't happen to know you? I'm just trying to be friendly." I snapped.

"I guess not. Sorry. So far my life's not the best, but I'll survive. How about you?" he asked through a mouthful of fries.

"It sucks. My morning was absolutely horrible. I woke up thinking i was going to have a great day, and you would never guess what happened? I said hi to hobo outside of my house and he threw a duck at my face!! Can u believe that!? After I went downstairs to give him back his stupid duck, only to find my friend downstairs cooking breakfast. I have no idea how he got into my house. I specifically remembered locking all the doors and windows before I went to bed since he was 'mysteriously' in my room last night as well. He said he came in through my brother's bedroom window, and I guess that made sense because my brother never closes anything so maybe he left his bedroom window open. I wouldn't know because I never go into his room. It's filthy. To make matters worse! I went outside to give him the duck but I ended up throwing it in his face to get back at him. Then he grabbed my hair and began to drag me into my yard. I think he was trying to kidnap me! Luckily Blade, the guy who was in my house, came to the rescue me. Although, I think I saw him slip something into the hobo's pocket but I think it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I was still in shock afterall. Moving on, while Blade and I were going to school, he stopped for gas so I used the time to get back at him. Last night he shoved his ice cream in my face, because he thought that it would be 'funny' and then he made me go into the MEN's bathroom so he could clean my shirt. So I spread loads of peanut butter on his seat. When he came back and realised what he was sitting on he was sooooo pissed. I tried apologizing after I realized that maybe I had gone too far since he didn't have time to go home to change without being late for school, but he just snapped at me and said that I never think. Then asked what was the point of having a big brain if i wasn't gonna use it and then made me walk the rest of the way to school," Some friend he is I thought to myself.

Aiden just looked completely at a loss for words then, finally he spoke up, "Wow! You're right. I would've never guess that that happened to you this morning. I don't mean to sound like a horrible person, but Blade sounds like an ass."

"Sometimes he really is, but he's a nice person despite his little anger problems." I tried to make him understand that Blade was truly a good person.

I turned to Aiden to see him absorbed in laughter. "What's so funny?" I was starting to get a little angry. How could he be laughing at something like this?!

"D-D-D-id- - tha-a-t dude r-r-rea-l-lly throw a d-u-uck at y-your face?" he managed to choke out in between his laughs.

"Yes he did. Now stop laughing!" I pouted.

"Okay Okay. I'm Sorry." He wiped away a few stray tears that managed to slip out as a result of laughing so hard.

There was silence between for a long while before I asked, "If you don't mind me asking, how'd you end up on the streets?"

"My both parents died about three years ago when I was sixteen. I don't really have any family and I didn't want to end up in foster care at the time. I guess you could say I sort of ran away, but I had nowhere to go so I just turned to the streets. At least no one would be able to control me. At the time my parents died I was in a gang and I turned to them for support. For a while they helped me out but then I became a burden to them so I had to leave and I've been on the streets ever since." He sounded so sad that I had to make an effort to stop myself from reaching out and hugging him.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, but if it makes you feel any better my both parents died too. They died in a car crash two years ago. Though my mother's body was never found, the investigators said that there was no possible way she could've survived the crash so we all assume she's dead."

"Oh. I'm sorry about your parents as well. I'm sure they were good people." He replied solemnly.

"Thanks. So, do you wanna be my new friend?" I was anxious to hear his reply.

"W-What?W-W-Why?" He looked utterly dumbfounded.

"Well I've always wanted a friend who's a hobo since my parents wouldn't let me be one. I could be one now if I wanted but that would mean leaving my brother all alone to take care of himself and the house. He would probably set the entire house on fire as soon as I left by just boiling an egg." I stated, laughing at my own joke, "Soooooooo do you want to be my friend or not?" I repeated.

"I-I'm not sure. I just met you. I don't even know you. How do I know that you're not in some sort of human trafficking business where you befriend people, gain their trust and then ship them off to some deserted island so other rich people can buy them?"

I gave my best puppy-dog face, looking up at him with big pleading eyes, "Pwetty pwetty pwease, with a chewwy on top?"

Eventually he caved in. "Alright, fine! I'll be your friend even though you scare me a bit. Actually you scare me a lot."

"Is that something that you should say to your new friend?" I scolded, faking a look of hurt.

"Hey I'm not trying to be offensive or anything. I'm just stating the truth. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?" I asked. I was excited that I just made a new friend who's a hobo.

"Why would you want to become a hobo?"

"Because they live care-free lives with nothing to worry about. You don't have to fuss about going to school and getting good grades and constantly being yelled at by teachers who seem to have a never-ending supply of homework in their back-pockets."

"I prefer the term homeless but you know it's not so easy being a 'hobo'. Do you know what I would do just to have the chance to be able to go back to school again. To see my friends again without them judging me because I live on the streets! It's pretty dangerous out here. Sometimes I even have to fight to get a place to sleep for the night," he rushed out.

I looked blackly at him for a few moments taking in everything he just said; letting it sink in. "I- I-I'm so sorry. I didn't think of it like that. I thought it was fun. I didn't mean to offend you by calling you a hobo."

"S'ok." Long minutes passes as we sat in peace finishing our meals. I took a swig of water from my bottle of water and then passed one to Aiden. "Here, drink this. I'm sure you're thirsty."

"Yea. Thanks." He took it gratefully, downing it in a matter of seconds.

I held up my hand, "No need to thank me. Friends do these kinds of things for each other right?"

"Yea I guess you're right."

"Okay then, let's get a move on it! I've got places to go and things to do." I say, interlocking my arm with his and practically half- dragging, half-pulling through the streets after he refused to get off the sidewalk with me. Lots of people gave me some 'what the hell are you doing?' looks as they walked past me.

"Jayde, whose surname I do not know. Let. Me. Go." Aiden said through clenched teeth, trying to move my hand off of his. I abruptly stopped, dropping his hand.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I flinched slightly but made sure he didn't see. He got up, dusted his clothes off and glared at me. I swear if looks could kill I would be dead from being set on fire, chopped up and fed to sharks.

"Weeeeeeeeel, I wouldn't exactly say that I'm crazy, although my brother thinks that I am, and most people too, but does that really mean that I'm crazy?" I tapped my finger against my chin. I didn't wait for him to respond, knowing that he would probably answer 'yes' to the question, before I continued to speak again, "I mean what if you were just having fun and did something stupid by accident but it turned out to be fun? Does that make you crazy? Hey have you ever thought that if olive oil is made from olives, peanut oil is made from peanuts, corn oil is made of corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made of?" I doubled over laughing.

Aiden just stood there, looking at me with an amused smile playing on his lips. Did I mention that he had an amazing smile? I'm not sure why that surprised me. I guess I was expecting his smile to just like the hobo's own I encountered this morning, unfortunately. "You baffle me. You're a weird girl, you know that? Oh and baby oil is most definitely NOT made of babies!" he snickered.

"Hey I'm not weird!" I punched him lightly on his arm. "You're mean!" I frowned.

"Whatever. C'mon I wanna go somewhere that I think you might like. It's about five minutes from here." He said grabbing my arm and leading me down the street to a large grey building with a few broken windows. Paint was peeling off of almost every part of the building. A sign that read 'Karate! Come Join' hung above the entrance.

"You know you look like an exact replica of a lady I used to work for." Aiden stated as we walked inside where it was extremely musty and smelt like old people's feet.

"Really? That's kinda cool. You said that you used to work for her. Why'd you stop?" I asked curious to find out the answer.

"I prefer not talk about it." He whispered and hung his head low, almost as if he was ashamed that he worked for the lady.

"Ok." The lights began to flicker and then I was surrounded by darkness, but not completely, there was still some light shining in from outside. This was just like all those horror movies I watch where the lights suddenly go off and then someone comes out of the darkness and attacks her. "What's this place?" I asked then the reality of what was going on hit me, "OH MY GOSH! You're gonna kill me aren't you!? Let go!" I screamed, panic starting to fill me and I backed away from him.

"Hahaha. I would never try to kill you unless of course the world is ending and there's no food left for me to eat, except you." I stared at him in disbelief. Was he serious? "Besides I'm your friend. Would I try to kill you if I'm your friend? Huh Jayde?" I let out a breath of relief. At least I didn't have to worry about anyone trying to kill me right now. The only thing I had to worry about was how I was going to make it up the stairs with tripping and fall flat on my face in the dark. It seemed as though Aiden read my mind because he took my hand and guided me up the stairs without any effort at all. It's like he knew this place inside out and he didn't even have to look! We made it to what appeared to be the third floor. It was much cleaner than the previous floor and smelt a whole lot better.

A tall guy wearing black sweatpants and a plain, fitted green v-neck t-shirt that clearly accentuated his perfectly sculpted body, came over to greet us, or more to greet Aiden I should say. He seemed to be the same age as Aiden, maybe a year or two older.)

"Hey bro. What's up? I haven't seen you in about a week but it's good that you're back. I've already set up your things so you can get started whenever you want." They did a 'man-hug' before shaking hands. I don't think he even noticed that I was standing right there in front of him, until Aiden introduced us. 

"Hey Stephen. Uh, this is Jayde. Jayde this is Stephen." Aiden looked slightly nervous, as though he was bringing home a stray dog eventhough his parents told him not to.

Stephen held out his hand to me. "Hi Jayde. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, -um Stephen." I still hadn't let go of his hand. He glared down at my hand in his then said, "Uh-Okay. Can I have my hand back please?"

I jumped in surprise. "Oh sorry! But I'm not stealing your hand you know. You can have it back whenever you like. I don't wanna let go of your hand as yet though. I like your hand! It's so-so-so- uh- inimitable!" I beamed at him, "Don't you like your hands?"

He gave me a stare that cried 'What the fuck are you on? Crack? Let go of my hand woman!' and I immediately let go, not wanting him to think that I was crazy. I'm not crazy....I was just admiring his hands and they were beautiful!

Stephen whispered violently to Aiden, "Aiden, dude, what's up with this girl? Where'd you find her? She's seriously coo-coo!" That obviously wasn't meant for me to hear, but I did and I'm really offended! Where'd he find me? I'm COO-COO?! What is Stephen thinking! I'm not the slightest bit crazy. I was just having some fun.

I answered his question which I could tell took him by surprise since he wasn't expecting for me to hear what he just said. "If you really want to know, Aiden didn't find me. I found him and now's he's my friend but I presume that you won't be my friend 'cuz you're a MEANIE!!" I stuck out my tongue at Stephen.

"Whatever. Who said I wanted to be your friend in the first place?" he turned to face Aiden, "C'mon Aiden let's get started." He began walking towards two mats that were laid out on the heavily scratched wooden floor, next to some sparing gear. Before Aiden followed him he said to me, "Don't worry about him. He's just kidding. Usually he's a nice guy, except on Tuesdays and Thursdays." A quizzical look appeared on my face. Aiden laughed, "I'm just kidding Jayde. You should've seen the look on your face. It was priceless!"

I scoffed, "Ok. Whatever you say Bob."

"BOB? Jayde my name's Aiden, remember?"

"I know that smarticle! It's just an expression I've always wanted to use. I've always wanted to call someone Bob but I've never met anyone named Bob in my life. I think I'm gonna call you Bob from now on. It suits you. Don't you think?"

"I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't hear anything you just said because that was way too creepy for me. But hey, do whatever floats your boat Jayde. Now if you'd excuse me I have to get back to Stephen. He's waiting on me and he's not very patient."

"Okay. I'll just be over there," I pointed to some chairs by a circular plastic table, "When will you be done? 'Cuz I was kinda hoping to have an adventurous sort of day."

"I should be done in about two hours maximum. You can leave whenever you want you know. I won't be offended. And if you do desire to stay, while you wait you can use anything you want in here." I gazed around at everything in the room. There were lots of exercise equipment---weights, bench presses, punch bags, two treadmills and a recumbent exercise bike. Did I forget to mention that all the walls were lined with mirrors except for the wall that lined the back of the room. it was so cool!

"Yea thanks. I think I'll stick around." I walked over to the table and plopped into one of the chairs closest to the wall so I could rest my head back on it. Aiden and Stephen began fighting with each other on the mats. Anyone could tell that they were both exceptional fighters, but Stephen was a tiny bit more skilled than Aiden.

Aiden threw a punch to Stephen's face which he easily avoided by stepping back. Stephen was now circling Aiden and somehow managed to move behind Aiden, taking Aiden's right hand twisting it behind his back. Damn! That looked painful. I wouldn't want to be in a situation where someone could do that move on me. Aiden hissed a little in response but quickly regained his composure, elbowing Stephen in the stomach with his free hand (his left hand) which made him slightly loosen his grip on Aiden's arm when he stumbled backwards. This gave Aiden enough time to spin around, swipe his feet under Stephen's causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud, flat on his back. Stephen looked like he was in an utter state of shock. Aiden extended and arm to Stephen. Which he accepted gratefully and helped him up off the floor.

"Wow. Great fight Aiden. You're definitely improving a whole lot. I wasn't expecting that last move. Good Job man," Stephen said before he slapped Aiden on that back and going back to their fighting again. They were both REALLLY good, So good that it didn't even look as though they were fighting. It looked more like a ritual or dance where they were moving in sync. Surprising they didn't even break a sweat. I watched intently for about an hour before starting to loose interest in their fight. Don't get me wrong, I love karate and fighting on the whole but thet were both so good that neither one of them was winning. 

Sitting there I couldn't stop the sudden flow of images that flooded through my mind of the dream I had on the bus. It made me extremely angry but sad at the same time. Angry because I was so confused with whoever the person on my dream was and the reason for him to be doing this to me. I was sad because it made me realise how much I missed my dad and wished he was still here with me. Tears steadily rolled down my face. I tried to stop them but couldn't. They just kept flowing out of my eyes. I sat for a while thinking and just letting the teas come out, then I got up, went over to the area with the punching bags and began to beat the life out of one of them. Someone, well in my case something is gonna pay! I unleashed all my anger onto the punching bag, hitting every part of it until my knuckled started to bleed, but that didn't matter to me. Getting out all of my anger was making me feel so much better. How dare he tell me that I was stubborn and hardheaded! Who the hell does he think he is! Coming into MY dreams and telling me things that he's not able to explain to me, which keeps leaving me even more confused than before. Why bother to tell me anything in the first place?! How the hell can he think that he knows me? You know what! Screw him! The next time he comes into MY dream I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! And lastly was Blade. He was such a drama queen sometimes. You know what! SCREW HIM TOO! I can't deal with this right now!

I continued hitting and kicking the punching bag for about forty-five minutes 'til my arms started to feel like Jello and I slid to the floor, leaning back against the cold, hard wall which felt good against my hot and sweaty skin. I pressed my face to the wall, instantly cooling me down, while I looked on at the two boys who were still quite engrossed in their fight. Stephen seemed to be winning and for strange reason this made me smile.

The last thing I remembered before falling into complete darkness was 'Is it a wise idea to fall asleep in a room with two boys I barely know? Probably not, but there's nothing better to do and besides, I'm sleepy! ........Oooooooh I want a Milkshake!' My latter comment caused me to laugh. How I forget about my milkshake?! 


Thanx for reading.....Vote & Comment!!!.........alright here's the thing, i'll only upload the next chapter if i get at least five votes / comments . so get voting!!!....plz........i wud really like to know what you guys think of this book...and if you have any ideas or constructive criticism it would be greatly apreciated :)..........hope u liked this chapter tho....sry i took so long to upload this chapter.....i was supposed to upload since last week but my parents were being bumcies and didnt let me go on the comp..:(...bye :) 

please and thank you 

:) :) :) :) :)

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