Transformers Prime: The Decep...

By SV9010

20.7K 627 72

After the death of Enigma, the Deceptions have stopped at nothing to get revenge on the Autobot that killed h... More

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1 Aftermath
Chapter 3 The 'Talk' with the Murders
Chapter 4 United
Chapter 5 Discovery
Chapter 6 Retrieved
Chapter 7 The Fall of a Hero and the Rise of a Legend
Chapter 8 Returning home
Chapter 9 The End of the War
Chapter 10 Wake up Prank... Again!
Chapter 11 The Oath
Chapter 12 The Surprise
Chapter 13 New Bonds
Chapter 14 Reunion
Chapter 15 The Renewal of Sparkmates
Chapter 16 Wreckers
Chapter 17 Dinobots and Autobot reunion
Chapter 18 The End?

Chapter 2 What happened?

1.4K 37 3
By SV9010

Optimus POV
For a few moments, everyone just observed the Seekers, who were forced to be put in recharge, but when Starscream muttered those words, I felt his pain. Not only me, but others did as well.

The three Seekers were being carried back to the ship, while all of us just remembered what Starscream had said. 'Why did he think I killed her?' I thought and remembered back all those months ago and tried to remember where I was that day, but I couldn't recall. Something isn't adding up, but I was brought out of my thoughts when Megatron spoke.

"Anything to say for yourself, Prime. Perhaps mocking the dead, or possibly laugh at how defenseless Enigma was in her final moments. Tell me, how did it feel to kill her?!?!" He shouted and all the Decepticons just glared at me, with all their weapons aimed, but they didn't fire.

Megatron wanted revenge, as did all the other Decepticons that I knew. So why didn't they fire on us? Megatron looked at me dead in my optics and he said, "Decepticons: were leaving. Take all the energon and head back to the ship." They all started to protest, but Megatron growled and they all lowered their weapons, leaving through portals while hissing at us.

The only ones that were left once all the portal closed were Megatron, Soundwave, and his symbiotes. The symbiotes looked like they wanted to attack, but Soundwave had a tight grip on them all and was most likely communicating with them through their bond. Megatron just looked furious at me and the other Autobots, but when he looked at the children, all I saw was... sadness.

"Megatron, what did Starscream and his mates mean?" I asked and immediately, Ravage tried to jump and claw at me, but Soundwave held him back. He snarled and Soundwave just tightly held onto him and his other symbiotes so they wouldn't attack.

I didn't know why they were attacking me, but I then remembered what Starscream had said. 'You know why this happened and why we are still fighting! You killed her in the mines!' His words still echoed in my processor and then something clicked.

"Megatron, you think I... killed Enigma?" Megatron growled and raised his cannon at me, but I did not raise mine.

"Stop acting like the 'hero' Optimus, you know what you did." He glanced at Jack, Miko, and Raf, who were all behind, or helping, their guardians.

"Ohhhh now I get it, you don't want to seem like the villain you truly are, Optimus. What a disappointment you have become."

"Hey! So far you have only told us of his 'crimes' but where is the evidence?" Miko spoke out and the other children agreed.

Megatron looked at Soundwave and nodded at him, which he pulled up radio waves and he started to play it. It was full of statics, but a voice could be heard from it. I immediately recognized the voice, it was Enigma's and she seemed to be in much distress.

'G-guys, I-I'm badly injured a-and I can't make it out. I-I'm so-rry I couldn't keep my p-promise. B-before I go, t-the bot that at-tacked m-me was Op-Optimus P-Prime an-' It got cut off and I just stood there, unable to say anything, I could only stare at what they presented to me.

It was clear that Enigma didn't stutter, but something still wasn't right. However, I was pulled out of my thoughts by Megatron.

"You should remember that Prime, those were some of her last words to us and because of you." He said while pointing to me. "You are the biggest target of all the Decepticons and of Enigma's mates."

Megatron glared at me, but sighed and said, "However, one of her last requests was for us to not change back to our old ways. So I will let you go. This. Once."

Megatron spoke very sternly and hatefully, but continued. "When we meet again, you won't be shown mercy."

Megatron nodded at Soundwave and opened a portal, where Soundwave left and his symbiotes glared at us before they followed Soundwave. Megatron went through the portal as well and when it closed, we all left as well to treat Arcee's wound.

Thankfully, her arm was still intact and easy to wield back together, but I couldn't focus on that. I could only focus on Megatron's words and how all the Decepticons looked at me, with hatred and vengefulness.

"Ratchet, we need a groundbridge and set up med-bay. Arcee is injured and needs aid immediately." I spoke and immediately a groundbridge appeared and we all went through it.

When we finally got through, Ratchet helped set Arcee on the table and worked on repairing her arm. It was silent for a while and I could only remember the conversation I had with Megatron and the other Decepticons.

"Optimus, is it true? About Enigma?" Ratchet asked me, which I knew he would ask since he listened through the coms, and I only could nod at all the information the Decepticons revealed. Jack, Miko, and Raf started to fill in the rest of our encounter with them.

While none of us knew the girl that well, our human allies saw her as a good friend and we considered her a beacon in our darkest hour. She saved us when we were surrounded, stopped the war for a short period of time, and helped heal old wounds from the Decepticons.

Her last words told of her murderer... me, but I couldn't understand. That is until Ratchet said, "Optimus, you need to look at something."

I turned towards him and on his screen was a video recording, from eight months ago. He played it and fast-forwarded it through the entire day and it only confirmed my theory.

"Optimus, you know what this means, right?" Ratchet asked and I nodded at him, but I heard Arcee say, "What do you mean Ratchet?" I looked at them all and with an unreadable expression I had on my faceplate, I spoke to them all.

"This is footage from eight months ago, most likely on the day Enigma was killed by me." Jack had a face of shock, while the others looked shocked as well, but Raf said, "S-so this means that-"

"That Optimus has an alibi for where he was on that day and that he didn't kill Enigma!" Miko said and I nodded, but something still didn't feel right.

"While that is correct, we still don't know who truly killed Enigma." Everyone nodded, but I heard a scoff and saw Arcee, glaring.

"Please, I think the cons just lied so they could put the blame on someone else for destroying a human life. That's all they do." I knew Arcee didn't like the Decepticons, but her revenge for her dead partners has left her unable to look at the situation fully.

"Arcee, I do not think the Decepticons killed her, nor do I believe they faked that recording." Everyone looked confused and I continued.

"When Arcee started to talk, saying that they killed Enigma, did you notice how angry they all looked, how sad they all were when I mentioned Enigma, or when Megatron called her 'sister?' From what I have seen and been told, they wouldn't even dare to harm Enigma."

"Optimus, what are you saying?" Ratchet said with curiosity at me and I knew everyone was wondering what I was suspecting.

"What I am saying is that someone disguised as me and made it look like I killed Enigma." Everyone was thinking and Ratchet spoke again.

"Optimus, who do you suspect that killed Enigma? You sound like you know someone who would harm Enigma." I nodded at him and said, "You are correct with that old friend. However it is only a theory I have though."

"Well, who is it??" Miko asked and I didn't even want to think that 'they' could even resort to such tactics. It was cruel and unjust, but they were the only ones who could do this and stay well hidden.

"The very same beings that created a replica of me and impersonated me a while back." I spoke and that seemed to click and everyone was shocked, scared even since we all thought they were dead after their leader was severely wounded.

"Optimus, if it is the exact same beings as you say, we must show them your innocence!" Ratchet said and I nodded.

"Contact the Decepticons and tell them to meet at the coordinates attached to the call, if we are to achieve true peace, then we must bring light to Enigma's true killer." I said and walked back to my room, closing it.

As I sat on my 'bed,' if you could even call it that, I said a silent prayer to Primus that everything would be alright at the meeting. I didn't know why I was praying in the first place since I always relied on the wisdom and knowledge of the Matrix to get me through this, but something inside me told me that I would need Primus' blessing for the meeting.

I decided to get as much sleep before the meeting, if they would even agree to it, but my thoughts were only repeating one sentence: 'please, spar the Autobots from torture and pain if the Decepticons attack.'

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