UnOrdinary: Kayden Rowan

De someguywhoisalive

494 33 3

Amidst the temporary peace after John's suspension at Wellston High School, Kayden Rowan, a seemingly carefre... Mais

0.1 - Prologue
Chapter 1.1 - Meeting and Encounters.
Chapter 1.2 - School Morning
Chapter 1.3 - New People & John's Troubles
Chapter 1.4 - Acclimation
Chapter 1.5 - Intersection and Intergration Trouble.
Chapter 1.6 - Decisive Opinions
Chapter 2.1 - To Rowden with inner issues!

Chapter 2.2 - Fun and Surveillance.

29 3 0
De someguywhoisalive

The morning sun had risen, signaling the end of the night. It was half past nine, and a slender teenager named Terrance stood alone, his light brown hair falling gently over his green eyes. Stood beside an off-white wall, he found privacy in this discrete, secluded corner of the resort, shielded from prying eyes. He was wearing a light blue shirt with blue jeans and had his right hand clenched tightly into a fist and kept walking from and to the wall. He couldn't stop moving - something was clearly on his mind.

"Kayden, he's far more than what he lets out," Terrance thought as he sighed, frustratedly, "He defeated the first agent we sent against him, considering he went missing, and easily knew I was a spy. But I still don't know the maximum of his capabilities and intelligence, at this point he's playing with me. I need reinforcement." He continued to get out his phone and called a certain number on it before putting it beside his head.

Needing to resolve the issue, Terrance retrieved his phone, his fingers trembling slightly. With a quick dial, he initiated the call, his voice tense but firm. "I'm requesting assistance to investigate and assess Kayden Rowen," he stated to the person on the other end. "We still don't know the extent of his capabilities, and his actions remain elusive."

Terrance's request hung in the air, he knew the unkown, that is Kayden, in thier plan was something that simply couldn't be scoffed at.

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Meanwhile, in room 407 of the resort, John and Kayden's room; the two black-haired teens, sat on the edge of a hastily made bed as Seraphina and Arlo, were stood in front of them, facing them with direct eye contact. They had called for a meeting to address the pressing matters related to Spectre, all fully aware that the malicious organization had something detrimental planned against them as the rest of the attendees of the trip, in particular Blyke and Remi along with the four of them apart from Seraphina. Silence loomed over them as no one really knew, what to start with.

"I was called last night to a sudded assignment tommorrow, early in the morning," Seraphina seriously stated, initiating the conversation and breaking the silence. Everyone took a couple seconds to ponder on the information.

"Oh, so that's why you left." John said, remembering the talk he had with Seraphina last night.

"That's during the hike on Rowden hill, " Arlo quickly pointed out, grabbing the attention of the others. Kayden and Seraphina had a look of realisation, knowing what that would entail. However, John was a bit slow to realise. "That would mean that they want to drag Seraphina away to weaken our group."

"Hey, what exactly is your assignment?" Kayden asked, curiously to the magenta-haired girl.

"They want me to visit an NXGen facility in Arcwood to get research documentation and a physical sample."

"NXGen? Where have I heard that?" Kayden focusing  in thought as he put a finger on his head, trying to recall where he had heard of NXGen before. As the memories flooded his mind, a mixture of gritted teeth, clenched fists, and slightly widened eyes. These memories revealed a trauma and deep-rooted, forgotten emotions associated with a distant past.

Vividly, he remembered being a young, innocent, weak, crying child. Pathetic. He was being carried away by a much younger, trusted, red-haired guardian, Xavier - his eyes glowing gold. All he could see was a snow-white-haired woman in her thirties whose face he couldn't remember, now distorted. She was critically injured, guarding against endless sea of soldiers in front of a burning NXGen facility. That's right, he was weak and had to leave her. He was too weak.

He quietly gasped as the flash of vivid yet distant memory struck him like lightning. Composing himself, he masked his true feelings and posed a question to Seraphina. "Do you mind telling me what you might find there?"

Confused by his sudden interest, Seraphina raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. "Huh... sure? But  why?" She replied, followed by a question. "What's the connection between NXGen and him?" She wondered silently.

Kayden, quick to respond, offered a half-truth. "Just curiosity," he replied hastily and in a tone that would deter any more prying, not ready to reveal the the completed truth.

"Ahem, that's besides what's important." Arlo barged in, bringing the two back to the main topic, that is what to do with the day at Rowden Park.

"You're right, create a group chat between you three so you can keep in contact." Seraphina stated to the three.

"But I don't want his number." John blankly stated, pointing his finger at the tall, blonde, blue-eyed teen, Arlo.

"I don't want yours either." Arlo also stated, referring to John.

"Tch. Stop being so hate-driven, or you'll end up with shattered bones and fried organs," Kayden interjected, annoyed, after clicking his tongue.

"What about you, Sera?" John asked, concerned for his best friend.

"I have suspicions that they've tapped my phone." She replied, John's eyes widened in surprise and clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, "That's insane!" He thought.

"It should be fine as Rowden Park is a public area so an ambush is unlikely," Seraphina assured the group with crossed arms, "But let's try to stay close to each other regardless. We'll prioritize Remi and Blyke, and keep tabs on Terrence when we can." 

"To keep things simple, we should keep an eye on one of three," Arlo sensibly suggested, "But that would leave one person left."

"I'll be alone," Kayden, with an unchanging stance stated. Everyone raised an eyebrow and looked at him, surprised, "I'm the highest level here, they'll want to keep their attention on me and since I'm new, full capabilities have never been revealed. I'm an unknown variable to them."

"You can't be serious," Arlo, stared straight into Kayden's ocean-like aqua eyes with full seriousness, "You made a fair point but what if you get ambused since you're alone?" 

"Even if my level gets dampened by half, I'm still as strong as Blyke, and I'm highly experienced in fighting," Kayden explained. Everyone could tell he was speaking the truth about his experience, despite no one noticing that he was lying about his level to conceal his Transcendent identity considering dampeners only reduce stamina of Transcendents. "Just don't worry, I'll be advertising myself to Spectre for them to go focus on me." He continued with a devious smile.

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It had been an hour since they split into their respective groups. John had Blyke as his partner, despite occasional heated exchanges between them. Arlo, taking on a protective role, had Remi to guide her away from potential trouble due to her naïve attitude. Seraphina teamed up with Terrance, ensuring he wouldn't engage in any shady activities. All leaving me, as deceptive bait! 

Well to be fair, I suggested the idea and it was beneficial for me as I can manipulate how Spectre views me. Therefore, change thier plans they have for Rowden hill and Spectre is forced to use that information considering there is no other info about me unless they figure out that I'm the 'Breaker' then they'll have to send someone strong.

As for what was happining at this moment, it was a cozily warm sunny day with few spots of clouds. I was walking around on a busy, crowded, wide brick road in Rowden Park - full of happy chatter, excited laughter, screaming children (testing my patience) and friend groups everywhere on all sides. Despite my taller than average hieght, it was still difficult to see the expensive shops, rides and scamming carnival games that sat on either side of the road through the lively seas of people. I was wearing my a black and white t-shirt with grey, flexible, casual trousers and my black round sunglasses.

Now since I'm bait, I kinda just have to do normal people things until they come (assuming they even do come). So I decided to hunt for my favorite, holy, delicacy of a drink, Vanilla Boba. It's been far too long (only one day) since I had it and now I'm deprived waiting for that sweet, creamy taste to enter my mouth. I observantly walked, through the turbulent, lively seas of people, scanning for both a Boba stand and using my bioelectrical sensory range to find any potential rats of Spectre.

I went and took out my phone to report to the group chat that me, Arlo and John had set up for reporting their activities. I opened up the chat and was about to make a short report when I saw something horrendous - eyes twitching, as I froze in place. In the chat John had reported, "wa ard a thr warte ridr wit alo ad blik and remo." What the fuck is this spelling? Did he have a stroke and have his brain reverted back to a four year old child? Ugh, forget it! I can't be bothered at this point. I simply just reported for myself with, "i am at the main road alone." I then went to continue with myself.

I walked past many shops and people, no one was spying on me yet but my efforts in searching had proven fruitful. There it was - a white, carriage-styled stand with a blackboard sign proudly proclaiming "Boba Stand!" A smile spread across my face, and I quickened my pace, slipping into the line of eager customers waiting to be served. Lucky me, I only had to wait for two more people ahead of me. 

However it was odd, I felt the signal of someone nearby but was stood still facing to my direction. I'll ignore it for now but I reckon this person is a rat and see if they follow me when I leave with the boba.

A couple minutes had passed the guy infront of me had left and I was facing a teenage, cheerful girl with long, celestial-blue hair, sparkling orange eyes and fair skin. Dressed in a odd shade of green. Why do I have an odd feeling about her? An odd feeling crept over me as she stared at me, as if she recognized me from somewhere. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head. I don't remember ever seeing her but whatever, I could look like a friend of hers. I can't keep overthinking things anyways.

"Hey, I would like one vanilla boba, large size, less ice, tropica peals." I asked, taking a moment to snap her out of her mindless gaze on me before realising that she was slacking off all of a sudden.

While looking genuinely sorry, the girl exclaimed appoligetically and frantically, "Ah! Sorry, we just ran out of stock for Vanilla Boba, a minute ago!" 

T-there's no Vanilla Boba? And ran out of stock a minute ago? My eyes twitched, my fist clenched. I could feel a surge of stabbing and malicious frustration wanting me to burn down the entire area with everyone in it. But no, I reminded myself—I needed to live normally, avoid unnecessary trouble. It wasn't their fault. This girl had to earn a living somehow. I let out a sigh, annoyance evident in my voice. After all, there were always other flavors.

"Well then, what do you recommend?" I calmly inquired, taking a fresh oppotunity to try something amazing that I had never tried.

"Hmm," She hummed with a finger on her chin and a hand on her hip, "I'd say mango boba."

Mango boba? Isn't that what John orders? If he orders that every time it was me decent, right?

"Ok, I'll take a large size with less ice, tropica peals." I ordered and the girl made a nice smile.

"Certainly!" She exclaimed with a bubbling voice as she went of to use the various equiment to make the bubble tea with great pratical efficiency yet at the same time the proccess of her brewing the drink was rather entertaining and mesmerising. Before I knew it, she was already done. What a nice girl that's good at her job.

"Here it is," She had handed the finished drink towards me, "$5.99 please!"

Bruh, $5.99? I will now ignore everything nice that I had said because this girl is a scamming lackey of satan. I clicked my tongue to the high price and dropped the appropiate amount in small coins to spite this damn place. She smiled at me as I was about to walk away with the drink, before happily exclaiming, "Come again next time!"

I took a sip of the mango boba to feel a tangy yet sweet and soothing taste sat tingling on my tongue. Not bad but vanilla is still far superior.

I left the shop, noticing the signal of that  person watiching me at the boba stand had started to follow me as I walked away. I concentrated my bioelectrical sensory range to his  direction and I knew it! It's a rat of Spectre! He's got some sort of stealth type ability.

 I'll confirm it as I elusively walked down many twisting, busy roads and through the seas of people the spy still is tracking me. Hmmm, I've got an idea to test. I decide to stop and look in the rat's direction seeing a barely visible sileny figure and...

I simply winked at him. The rat left immediately as the spy knew that I know his prescence, I did manage to do a sneak peak at his level by aura concentration in my eyes and he was roughly level 7. Now this was simply a test, they should be coming back again since what they saw was probrably not enough. I then went to go report it to the group chat.

However there are more pressing matters now, I had realised that I had arrived within the dungeon of all theme parks, the scam of carnival games. I looked around myself to see many carnival games dotted around, attracting a plethora of customers for each one. But I have a mission in mind until Spectre tries round two, scamming the scammers. I smiled ear to ear maniacally as I was very good at these games and I was about to make them all go broke.

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It had been well over a couple of hours later and over the past hours, I had been getting profit and as in profit, I have a plethora of prizes that I had stapped onto my bag creating a short yet rather noticable tower of prizes. I had already reported for this hour of nothing basically happening I would end up getting the occaisonal raised eyebrow as a passerby looked at me, as well as that, I've been banned from half of them for being that good at thier games.

I kept walking around rather aimlessly through the crowed roads, in the now burning warmth beamed from the sun, as I needed to be ready if some rats decide to spy on me again or even ambush me in some secluded area, using the bustling sound of the park to make it unheard. But it will be fine, I'm pretty strong. 

As I continued to wind through bustling, brick roads, I decided to go find another carnival games area. However, by reflex, I narrowly dodged bumping into someone as the crowded roads forced people into eachother but thanks to my sensory passive I avoided an awkward situation but as I turned to glanced at the person I missed, so did the person but then I stopped, I recognise her.

"Huh? Boba girl?" I murmured to myself, loud enough for the girl with long, celestial-blue hair, sparkling orange eyes to hear. She was still in her clothing that she had dressed in. Well what a coincidence. I sure hope that she isn't working for Spectre. Wait... I probrably just jinxed myself.

"Hey aren't you the guy that wanted Vanilla Boba?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side with a raised eyebrow. Wait how does she remember? Then again, I too also remembered her, although her appearance is rather unique after all.

"Yeah... but don't you have to work?"

"True, but I have a break now,"

"I see... Well what should I call you?" I asked as she cocked her head wondering why I wanted to to know her name, "No need to answer if you want, I'll just call you Boba girl." I non-chalantly said, whilst shrugging. 

I heard her sigh before answering with a cheeky smile, "I'm Iris, nice to meet you. What's yours... or should I call you customer?" Doing the same to me? That isn't going to work.

"Indeed I am a customer... afterall I brought your attention," I replied with her tilting her now reddened face in confusion (was she having a fever?) once again before wide open eyes realising what I said. I handed out my hand before revealing my name with a smug smirk, "Kayden, nice to meet you."

She took my hand and shook it, "Also, what's with that?" She asked, as she pointed to the tower of prizes I had strapped to my bag.

"Hm? That's my winnings from carnival games." I shrugged off her question without care.

"You're winnings!" She exclaimed, "You must be amazing!"

"I know I am." I simply brushed off her compliment without a single care. Suddenly, through the tingling sensation of my passive ability, I felt the prescence of three using stealth type abilities, surrounding me from a short distance in a triangle beyond the seas of visitors in the park. Already? Do they plan to ambush me or simply keep constant sight of me. Well whatever I'll just have to deal with this. 

"Hey, can I join you on a walk? I've got nothing better to do for now." She stated.

I turned my head and looked at Iris, now seeming rather suspicious to me. Just when I have three spies surround me, you want to go on a walk with me?  I'll play it with some ignorance and walk with Iris to a more secluded part of the park because I Kayden, has a plan with 2 benificial outcomes. I decided to try and gauge her level by concentrating aura to my eye behind sunglasses before beadily looking at her. What? I can't gauge her level at all and I get a odd bioelectric signal from her. How interesting.

"Ok, sure," I shrugged while answering, carelessly, "But do you really want to go walking with a stranger you know for less than an hour?"

"I don't mind, I just want to live happily." She replied happily, she's not lying. 

"Fair enough."I responded as we walked through the sees of people, I carefully steering our walk to more secluded areas as the three spies around me are all staring. How annoying, I'll get rid of you lot dammit! I'll just have to talk to Iris to make myself seem ignorant for the time being.

"Well what school do you go to? Since you seem similar age to me." She asked as we kept walking.

"Wellston High, you?"

"Wellston?! That's quite away from here." She seemed startled with widen eyes as if she knew something, "... I'm from Rowden High." She continued as the area we had walked into was far quieter than where we had met, far less laughter, chatter and people in general on a narrower brick road.

"Well you see I'm on a school trip here."

"Ah I see, well you must be strong to be there right?" She asked inquisitively, as he hastened a bit and looked at me.

"Yeah, I guess I'm strong but I really don't care about it."

"Really? Why's that?"

"I just want to live quietly." I replied concisely as I was ready to start my plan. The location being far less crowded, smaller and the spies were able to hear me if I spoke loudly. "It seems like I've been followed." I stated with a devious tone and a sly smile.

"Hm?" Iris hummed curiously with a raised eyebrow.

My eyes glowed a mixture of blue and purple as I held out my hand and snapped my fingers making a loud click. Creating a river of electricity to suddenly appear, and strike all three rats with a surge of electrical shock within a split second, stopping thier use of thier stealth ability.

There they were, all wearing masks and hats to cover most of their facial features along with ordinary-looking, casual summer clothing. They were knocked to the ground in and slammed onto the brick road as the three realised that they've been spotted. I immediately try to sieze the oppotunity as I use my ability to rush in with lightning speed and a maniacal smile, riding the flow of striking electricity like some sort of skateboard. Just as I closed the distance and grabbed one of them with powerful strength, all three disappeared without a trace.

No bioelectric signal. They're gone, teleportation type ability I pressume. 

I clicked my tongue in annoyance knowing I missed out on my chance to confront them. I turned to look at Iris, who was still there, confused. Blank expression and frightened by my sudden action. Was she innocent this whole time?  I walked towards her, "Sorry about that. As you saw there were spies." I apologised to her despite my suspicions still lingering like a wise man warning me. 

She looked at me and smiled with genuine forgiveness, what? "It's fine, anyways I got to go to fill in my shift," She exclaimed as she quickly hurried away, "It was nice meeting you!" She continued with genuine fondess. Strange, she's kinda like Remi. By a few moments, gone from sight. I probrably scared her, oh well. I then got out my phone and checked the time. It read, "14:49". Ah... I got to go meet up with the others on the trip.

Chapter 2.2 - End

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A/N: Well that's another one. I'm tired now.

Next one is most likely next week from now. 


Continue lendo

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