De blackxxstar

61 0 0

• Just another girl who doesn't believe in love • Just another hurt girl • Just another girl with phenomenal... Mais

The echoing fire
The mysterious Myster
Lovely lady in red
Can you feel the heat? Dragon
Apology accepted?
patty cake, Patty Cake
The prom
Kindness ain't weakness
The fight
Mr Menicaro
Prince Charming
The Visions
What. The. Actual. Hell
In your dreams
Game over?
The arrow
The whom
The recipe
Little free fantasy
Black. Thats it. Black.
The girl
The mission
The liar
Mice infestation
"Just in and out"
The long night
"God, just remove it"
The heir has gone missing
The curse
Green oceans
Flame in Fire
The Chosen

I won't lie..

0 0 0
De blackxxstar

"Ms Germain, don't you think this is a little too much?" I complain watching her place another huge platter of food in front of me "no no, you've been gone a while and I don't even know if those people were feeding you well, eat, eat! " she pushes forcing a breadstick inside my mouth and I have no choice but to bite it "mm surprisingly nice" I keep on chewing "surprisingly?" She widens her eyes in shock and drops the breadstick in my plate, clearing her apron then walks away.

"My food is always the best, no surprise" she lifts her head proudly. "You!" Elvi points a baguette at me, her face red with furrowed eyebrows. "Me!" I mimic dramatically.

"Explain yourself! " she shouts again

Explain yourself!

"I already told you I went on vacay"

I came back home last night and Elvi made sure to pay me a visit first thing in the morning and pull an FBI interrogation on me. I was still pissed at Kace, the last thing I remember saying to him is shouting the words Expalin yourself. Which was way before we jumped into the ocean.

He might have saved me from drowning but within those few days I was with him I've had two near death experiences. Two!! I sat there contemplating if I should answer her the truth, she waved a hand in front of me as she shouted clear words that just I couldn't hear because my mind was somewhere else, I sat up and bit a piece of my Crispy bacon off. I opened my mouth to talk, the truth.

I stopped realising how all this could be bad, for me and for him...especially for him. Infact I was the victim here, he lied to me, got me in all sorts of danger, manipulated me for almost a week..he'd just be the one to blame and not me. I did hate him after all, all the things he'd done to me. If I spilled, his job would be taken away, everything he's worked for, he will be gone and I wouldn't have to deal with his annoying ass anymore, I could fully be leader again with no dumb competition. My life would be back to normal...



"Kace-" Elvi's eyes lit up as soon as I mentioned his name, finally she must've thought "ooh what did that little fucker do?" She asks with a smirk but slowly lowers it as I don't continue taking anymore "was it bad? What did he do?" She frowns.

... but I can't do that to him. I don't know why but I just can't. "I slept with him, again" I lied, though technically I hadn't told her about the time in the office so I didn't really lie.

"Oh so you were totally okay with it?" She asks "yeah... I guess, I'm actually so dumb" I realise now actually thinking back to the time in the office "damn I'm so dumb " I facepalmed myself "no you're not" she stood up to walk to my side of the round table and pat my shoulder placing her head on it. "Who would be able to resist those hot British messes?" She questions and we stood there in silence looking out the window at the sunny view "wanna go for a swim?"

"So was it nice?" Elvi asked simultaneously with me I looked at her in confusion "not this again"

"Like was he good? He looks good" she wiggles her eyebrows "Nope I'm not talking about this" I stood up walking outside "what am I saying he looks amazing! " she shouts following behind me "I bet he's like a god"

"Nope, not talking about this" I wiggle a finger in the air as I enter the pool area.


NOFE might have temporarily been off limits but we still had to go patrol and just as always my partner and I are very quiet but this time I was really just trying to avoid him, it was only five more minutes until today's patrol was over and I'd be free but then that's when it happened. I had almost gotten away without saying anything or arguing but he just had to pull out the box from his pockets, a lighter and draw out a cigarette.

I stared trying to see if he was really going to do what I thought he was going to do, I literally stopped walking and looked back at him with daring eyes, he didn't make eye contact with me, he looked like he hadn't seen me or noticed that I had stopped walking too but I know he could feel my stare. He looked so serious bringing up the cigarette to his lips. I stopped him, he paused and looked up at me finally.

"I thought we cleared up the fact that I can't be around cigarettes, I can't handle the smell "

He looks at me for a while then continues walking forward as he tries to get a flame from the lighter. I didn't have to walk too far towards him to chuck the lighter out of his hands and it fell onto the ground with a slight thud and cling of metal, I went for the cigarette next but he quickly moved it out of the way, Of course he did, his hands moved quickly before me handing each other the cigarette. "Give me the cigarette, no smoking on the job especially around me"

"And what makes you think I'll listen to you?" The first thing he's said all afternoon. Took me by surprise, I won't lie. I quickly regained my confidence and lift my chin up to look more intimidating "because I am leader" I said slowly and tried grabbing the cigarette but he snakes his arms once again and placed it in between his teeth and takes a heavy breath that brushed my skin and that's when I realized I was too close to him but I took the opportunity to get hold of the cigarette in his mouth but surprisingly he didn't fight this time.

As soon as I touched it a flame appeared at the end of the stick and died down into red-orange sparks, I rolled my eyes "Thank you very much" he says and grabs the cigarette back and I turn my back to him and start walking away "there's no point in arguing with you" I mumbled throwing my hands up into the air and he goes quiet for a while"So you're just gonna walk away!?" I don't respond and continue walking "like the way you walked out of the safe house!? You're not gonna talk to me? Come on fight me on this until you win like you always do, Dragon!!" He shouts.

He snorts "you're quite weak for a leader" he mumbles intentionally and loud enough for me to hear, making me stop in my tracks and turn to him "You have no right to speak to me like that, I am your leader" I said standing up, talking with my arms across my chest. The next thing he did was smash the cigarette into the tree next to him, he hasn't even smoked it.

He took a few steps forward "and don't forget I could get you fired within a snap of my fingers and ruin your whole life if I spilled your little drug business" I said again. "So have a little respect for me" I added again. "You don't know The whole truth" He shook his head and looked at the ground "So don't start talking about shit you don't know about" he said with a lower tone slightly looking up at me, he scoffed.

I bit my lip "Well don't you think if you explained this shit to me I'd understand better? " I turned my head slightly looking at him and he looked back "Don't you think I've tried? You shut me out everytime!" He shouts lowly. "Well you had this whole afternoon to talk but you didn't say shit!" My voice begins to rise slowly "even if I tried.." he looked down then up at me again "You wouldn't understand" he shook his head "You would never understand"  his lip rises and falls.

"Just try me"

"I can't " he responds "and why not?" I challenge "You'll think poorly of me and I don't want that" something tells me that just slipped out of his mouth, his eyes widened a bit. It took me a while to answer. "How does any of that matter? I already do"

He chuckles a bit in a sort of mocking way and I turn my head "something funny?"

"Yeah sure" he says wiping the grin off his face "come on, if you're not gonna say anything and just laugh standing there like an idiot we might as well go" I say turning my back to walk away "by the way you're not my leader, let's not forget that I'm also a co-leader and so are you, now let's go" he starts walking normally towards me. "What is it? Y ou just wanna start arguing for no reason?"

"I'm just making things clear" he sticks his hands in the air "you don't tell me what to do"

"Yes I do actually, I was here first means what I say first goes, and I lead all of this"

"Don't get way too ahead of yourself" he walks past after patting my head twice and I smack his hand before he got too far away "you realise Lucas just gave you the title co-leader out of pity right? Just to make you feel special otherwise you're nothing" he stops and faces me with his crimson face, fury.

"Oh no did I strike a nerve? Or did I tick you off?" I make hand gestures in the air "maybe you should just shut up for the rest of the walk home don't you think you've done enough blabbering for the day?"

"Oh I'm just getting started" I step over a few fallen branches making my way towards him, challenging. "Does it bother you that someone lied to you and made you believe something that's not true?" He doesn't respond and presses his lips together while his hands slide down his sides "Made you feel like you're actually bigger than all of us and you're controlling this whole operation? Well you're not alone it's happened to me too, somebody manipulated me and almost got me killed TWICE!! " I shout directly in his face and his eyebrows furrow in anger and so do mine. I smirk to myself "here we are, just like you wanted, fighting and arguing over dumb shit"

The tension grew heavy he took a deep breath and so did I and that's when I realised we were actually disturbing nature's peace, the world went quiet after I stopped talking. This was a very familiar tension one I'd let pass through but not again, some of you might have predicted what will happen next though. He drew closer and without moving back I spoke "no you can not kiss me" I said sternly my voice very cold just like he always is.

"Who said I was gonna kiss you?" He asks trying to make me look stupid. "We both know" I respond

"So let me kiss you" he says nonchalantly "I thought you didn't want to kiss me?" I quirk an eyebrow still keeping my cold tone and wearing a scowl on my face

"I lied"

Our lips collided passionately, I didn't stop him, he didn't stop me. It was wrong but my body said right.

I found my back hung up against a tree with a tall, strong man's arms holding my thighs. His hands ran all over my body and so did mine to his. It got heated, turned into something else by each minute. I couldn't help myself, I wanted to, like I had to. A wet kiss on the neck, the mouth, the chest, a gasp, a sigh, a moan. My back arched as he did all sorts of things to me. I kissed his neck, his hand snaking up my top.


It had been eight straight minutes of me staring at the small button beside the door, I couldn't bring myself to push it even though it was something that had to be done, something very important. What would happen once I pushed that button? What would happen once that door swung open and his green eyes met mine. Unspeakable things had occurred earlier today and I won't lie I wanted more but wouldn't that be weird in the dark woods?

I won't lie, I just might be addicted to him but I have to do this. This has gone too far and without a second thought my index finger punched the button real quick, quicker than I thought was possible. A man passed by in the hallway, then a woman... then a huge cart of cleaning supplies with a frail lady following behind. Was he asleep?

Maybe I'm overreacting I check my watch, it's only been three minutes. Before I could push the small button once again the door swung open and I jumped to stand straight as it took me by surprise. The corner of his lip rises just a tinsy bit but he didn't even realise it. "Rae" he said wearing black pyjama pants and a navy blue hoodie on top. His hair wet, a smell of soap and freshness radiated off him. A shower. "Come on in" he made way by the entrance and I hesitated "I'm sorry, I can't " I spoke "I'm only here for a short period of time there's just something I have to say"

"You can say it while you're inside can't you? I promise I won't bite" he scoffs "I really can't " his face went stern and he peeped out looking across the building "are you okay?" He asked his brows furrowing. "Yeah, it's just that if I decide to come in, there is a sixty, who am I kidding, hundred percent chance I'll only trot out tomorrow morning with a bra in my hands"

He bit his lip "I mean yeah who couldn't resist this?" He jokes but I don't laugh and instead frown "you're being serious" his hands slide into his pockets and he leans against the door frame wearing a much more serious look "I can't do it, I never could, all mistakes, never should have happened, it's not good at all, we're partners and this is not a whole we should keep it professional thing, I actually just can't do this. After the woods I went home and thought over all of it, I can't be with you or have casual hook ups with you, firstly you're just a liar, what you did was not cool at all and I don't see myself being able to live with that.."

He opens his mouth with a look of trying to defend himself "look I'm not hear to argue and I don't want useless explanations, secondly we just don't get along at all, it could never work out, we will destroy the world, literally, combination of you and I" I shake my head and shudder.

He just nods his head "so I'm done and imma leave now" I point towards the elevator and something I wasn't expecting him to say at all spilled from his mouth taking me by surprise not really knowing how to respond "cool" he appeared nonchalantly and just shut the door as I walked away. Why was I expecting a little more emotion? Cool.

I stepped into the elevator pressing ground floor. I won't lie, his words had hurt me.

I won't lie, I might just miss him.

Despite having been done with him I was going to keep his secret though, he was keeping mine after all. Plus.. I won't lie...I care about him.

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