Sofia my love

By laystoryss

10.6K 166 242

Sofia Ivanov is a 21-year-old police officer who unsuspectingly drives with her partner on a murder operation... More



1K 18 39
By laystoryss

When I woke up I was in a car, the car was all black and it was a sports car.

Next to me sat a guy dressed in black, the only thing you saw were his beautiful brown eyes that seemed familiar to me from somewhere and the only thing you smelled was his perfume. 

,,Who are you?" I asked again but he still didn't answer me, just looked at me.

,, Now tell me who you are," I commanded him .

,, The only person who orders me is my father and if either of us gives orders then it's me and not you", he sounded very serious but calm and composed.

,,and if one of us gives orders then it's me and not you" , I repeated quietly after him.

,,Believe me, Mi Amor, being cheeky won't do you any good. "

,, Oh no? And what if?" I asked him and he came closer and closer to me.

,, You'll find out later, sweetheart ." He breathed into my ear and kissed my neck.

This guy drove me crazy, he knew exactly what he was doing and what he wanted.

,, Ace why are you kidnapping me? You're a cop and not-"

,, I'm a cop because of you. My family and I know almost everything about you and I've wanted you since we first met and the only way to get you or rather to kidnap you was to become a police officer and kidnap you someday, but that's how it is I didn't expect it to be quick and easy." He explained to me in a soft voice.

,, So it was all planned, and the bodies weren't real either? " I asked him and he nodded slightly.

,,Wow", it came out of me sad and amazed at the same time.

,, And why do you keep looking at me like that?"

,, Ace answer the question"

,,I look at you like that all the time because you're hot," he explained to me.

,, I know", somehow I felt like my pride was too high, I never said thank you for anything.

He just laughed a little, but didn't say anything.

,, Why me?" I asked him confused.

,, Because we're going to get married later, Sofie," he grinned slightly, knowing he had mispronounced my name.

,, Still Sofia, Ace" but he probably didn't care.

,, Whether it's Sofie or Sofia, it doesn't change the fact that we're getting married." Does he seriously think I'm marrying him?

,, In your dreams maybe." I told him in a serious tone and once again he just grinned and said nothing.

It was during the dead silence that I realized how scary the whole thing actually was.

I was kidnapped by a "policeman" and then it came out that everything was planned and a whole family knew about me. The only thing I was wearing was a dress?

,, Why am I wearing a dress?" I asked him.

,, We had to change your clothes so that nobody would notice that we were kidnapping you," he explained.

He even had taste in clothes.

But there were things that excited me more.

Assuming I wasn't aware of any of this and that a whole family knew about me is bad enough.

Ace was hot, but that didn't interest me much, I was much more interested in knowing I was right.

He was not to be trusted and came across as mysterious as he must have been the son of a mafia.

I was also interested in how to get out of here, but that was only possible with a well-executed escape.

Here in the car it would be impossible to escape, we are driving at such a high speed that I will probably break my arm or die from the impact. t plan.

Wherever we go, I'd have a better chance of getting away from there.

,, Mi Amor what are you thinking about?" Ace asks me.

This Mi Amor makes me so angry even if it's cute and he's hot I don't want him to call me that.

,,Tell me where we're going," he looked out the window.

,,To my house, my family is already waiting for you". He is really so confident in himself, unbelievable.

,, Who in your family knows about me?"

,, Only my parents and trust me they will like you".

,, Oh no Ace, forget it won't meet your family".

"Yes," he contradicted me

,,No I'm not your girlfriend and I never will be Ace." I explained to him.

,,But you will, first my girlfriend, then my fiancé and then my wife, I didn't choose you for nothing." I raise my eyebrows. I'm not being serious.

I'm definitely not going to marry such an idiot, what does he think of me?

,, Are you serious?" I replied.

,, Do I look like a clown?" , he really means it.

,, Yes you look like that, you look even worse and no I won't marry you." Slowly and arrogantly I turned away from him and looked out the window.

,, We'll see about that, Miss Fernández," he whispered.

,, Stop calling me your last name you idiot." Suddenly the car door opened.

,,Mister Fernández, we're here." The driver opened the door for me and I literally jumped out of the car.

When I got out I saw a huge mansion. Damn he has money. He's one of the mafia, no wonder.

There are so many bodyguards here, I definitely wouldn't get out of here. But I'll try everything to escape, because I'm definitely not marrying him.

He led me behind him and several bodyguards greeted him. I looked at each one in confusion.

The door has opened and Ace quickly pulls me behind him. I was amazed when I entered the house.

,,Oh my god Ace, it's all so huge." I told him in amazement.

,,We are Mafia Sofia , that's normal." , we went up the stairs and down a long hallway until we came across a huge black door.

He opened the door but I saw nothing as a huge Ace was standing in front of me.

,,Ace, I don't see anything," I said to him.

"You're just too small," he stepped aside and pulled me further into the room.

His whole family sat at a huge dining table and everyone looked at me in astonishment.

"Es esa Sofia" comes the voice of his father.

,, Si Padre esa es ella." Ace answered him. Ace pulled me closer to the table and sat down on the free chair.

"Well Ace I'm amazed you really managed to kidnap her." said some girl, she looks good and young.

,, And who are you?" I asked her while Ace pulls me onto his lap.

"I'm Valeria, Ace's sister".

,, Ah and I don't need to introduce myself, do I? After all, you know everything about me according to Ace". A quick look around tells me that Ace was serious, everyone really knows me and not just his parents, as Ace had said.

,,You don't need to introduce yourself Sofia, but tell us what you think of Ace." comes the voice of a slightly older gentleman.

,,To be honest he's pretty good looking but I still don't like him, he's too selfish and conceited and what's more he kidnapped me." I answered him.

His mother started to laugh and because of her everyone was laughing Table Since I was getting nervous I slid on Ace's lap for him to say something to save the embarrassing situation.

,,Well Sofia I'm hot and so are you sooo I think you'll love me soon and we'll get married too."
His family stopped laughing and his parents widened their eyes.

"Get married?" , asked a brown-haired boy who was about 20 years old.

,, Yes get married." Ace answered his question.

"Are you sure about that?" , the boy asked again.

"Just tell Martineź, you're not jealous, are you?", Ace kissed my cheek proudly and got up so that I could sit alone on the chair.

,, Are there things you love?" , asked a girl with blond hair.

,, Yes, flowers, at home I kept thousands of flowers in a picture frame, I buy some almost every week but I don't think that's possible anymore because a certain one Ace had to kidnap me." I answered.

,, I'm sure Ace will buy you so many flowers until you drop dead." , his mother gave me a friendly grin.

There are so many people at the table, if I hadn't let him drive with me, none of this would have happened.

I wouldn't be here, not on this chair, not at this table and not in this house, but at home in my bed.

"Sofia", Ace interrupted my thoughts.


,, My father asked you a question, are you all right?" he asked me worried.

"Mm just a headache," I breathed.

"Mom, Dad, Sofia needs to rest we're going upstairs." His worrying about me is cute but weird.

,, Alright," his mother replied.

Ace took my hand and walked out of the room with me. "We're going to my room," he determined.

,, I have a room of my own at home," I replied.

"Just come with Sofia." We walked up another floor and went back to the end of the hallway.

He opened the right door.

"Our room," he introduced.

"What? Our? definitely not, I don't sleep in the same bed with you." Ace gave me a confused look.

,, But? We're getting married Sofia, of course you'll sleep in the same bed as me." I sighed loudly and jumped onto the bed.

The bed was so soft and cuddly, it was also black. The room was a dream. There were two bedside tables next to the bed .

There were two more doors, but I didn't want to ask him what those were for, because I'll find out for myself.

"Can't you let me go?" Ace gave me a confused look while pulling something out of his closet.

,, Sofia you're beautiful and confident, I know you want to leave but we'll get along well eventually."

"But you can't kidnap me like that Ace." I snapped at him.

,, Sofia, please." He pulled on a t-shirt. My eyes were wide open and my mouth was slightly open.

OMG, his six pack abs, he's so incredibly hot.

When he changed his pants I couldn't help but be there "Ah ah ah, Sofia" he laughed. I looked up and turned around.

Ace came up behind me and sat behind me. His arms closed around my waist.

"Sofia it's not bad, you can do that," he whispered.

"Go away, let go of me," I told him and he went a little further back.

,, I'm going to take a shower, do you want to come with me?" he called to me while he went to the bathroom, at least now I know what this door is good for.

"No thanks," I shouted back.

"Better tell me where I can get new things from, my jeans are uncomfortable." I called after him, but he didn't seem to have understood.

Exactly at that moment a girl came into the room, "Hey Sofia", she said.

,,hey, you say ace is taking a shower but i need fresh clothes, do you have some comfortable clothes? these are really tight", I asked her.

,, Yes of course come with me", she answered me and I went with her.

I think that was the longest chapter so far, haha.
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes! Hope you liked it.♡

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