HIS ROGUE MATE | 𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗸𝗼𝗼...

Autorstwa devilJoonie24

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"Mate" the Raven head's wolf Howled when His vision lands on the Meek and Fragile Omega covered in blood. His... Więcej



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Autorstwa devilJoonie24

"Cause I was there with you in your room that night," Jungkook said those words without thinking twice. He clicked his tongue after he realized that he had said something which he shouldn't have said. He left Tae's elbow and turned away from the shocked omega.

Tae's eyes widened in surprise at Jungkook's revelation. His mind raced to process the implications of Jungkook's statement. He struggled to find words, his heart pounding in his chest.

"You were... there?" Tae managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper

Jungkook struggled not to say more about the matter while Lycus teased him.

"Cat got your tongue." Lycus teased. Jungkook controlled himself not to burst at his wolf.

Tae's gaze remained fixed on Jungkook, a mix of surprise, confusion, and curiosity still evident in his eyes. He awaited an explanation, hoping that Jungkook would offer some clarity to the mysterious revelation.

Jungkook stared off pondering what to answer the other. He couldn't say that he lied when it is the truth. The omega walked in front of him to face the alpha.

"Alpha..." His meek voice called out taking Jungkook off guard. Jungkook felt a rush of adrenaline as Tae's voice called out to him, breaking through his conflicted thoughts. He turned to face the omega.

Without any more waiting, he took a step back, distancing himself from Tae. Tae watched his actions in confusion but his eyes widened more when he saw Jungkook take a swift turn and march inside the pack house.

"Alpha..." Tae called out, "Alpha wait!!!" He ran behind the alpha but Jungkook was quick enough to leave there.

Tae's voice called out desperately, pleading for Jungkook to wait. But the alpha couldn't bring himself to stop. He needed time to gather his thoughts, to sort through the chaos within him. He quickened his pace, leaving Tae behind as he disappeared into the pack house.

Inside the safety of his room, Jungkook collapsed onto his bed, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. He ran his hands through his hair, frustration, and regret etched on his face. He knew he couldn't leave Tae hanging, but he also couldn't find the right words to explain himself.

Jungkook POV

Inside the safety of my room, I couldn't escape the chaos that engulfed my mind. Frustration and regret gnawed at my conscience as I collapsed onto my bed, feeling the weight of my thoughtless actions. I ran my hands through my hair as if hoping to find some clarity amidst the storm of emotions swirling within me.

I replayed the scene in my mind, dissecting every word and every reaction. The image of Tae's widened eyes haunted me, their voice barely above a whisper as they struggled to comprehend my unexpected revelation. How had I let it slip? Why couldn't I control my impulsive nature?

The frustration within me intensified as Lycus, always quick with his teasing remarks, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. I clenched my jaw, restraining the urge to snap back at my inner wolf. I couldn't afford to lose control now, not when the situation was already teetering on the edge.

But it was Tae's expression that struck me the hardest. The mix of surprise, confusion, and curiosity in their eyes was etched into my memory. Their vulnerable voice, barely audible, asked if I had been there that night.

My thoughts went back to the night when Tae was attacked.

Flashback Jungkook POV

After leaving Tae's room I went to my room with lots of thoughts circling in my mind. I flopped down to the bed as soon as entered the room.

I closed my eyes trying to relax. However, relaxation eluded me as the vivid memories of Tae walking into the living room with bloodstains on their white shirt flooded my consciousness.

I got up from the bed and sit on it with my head resting on the headboard. I tried everything to relax but nothing helped me.

"You are distressed cause our mate was attacked by a rogue in our territory." Lycus voiced silently.

" Not our ma-" My word got interrupted by Lycus.

"Don't deny Jungkook, I know your heart was aching when you saw him bathed with blood," Lycus said. I remained silent since what Lycus said was right.

"The guilt is eating you up. Only if you believed him that day, nothing like this would have happened."  Lycus' words echoed in my mind, cutting through the chaos of my thoughts. He was right. If I had listened to Tae's warning that day, perhaps I could have prevented the attack.

The weight of that realization crushed me. I clenched my fists, feeling a mix of anger, regret, and self-blame coursing through my veins.

"I didn't say those to make you blame yourself. These are clues given by Moon Goddess saying that Tae is a pure soul. I lost my blue. I don't know if I will get him back but you can get back to Tae before Red Moon night." Lycus said to bring some solace to my tormented mind. His words held a glimmer of hope, a reminder that there might still be a chance for redemption.

"Yeah! Lycus was right I should not blame myself and let the guilt eat me up." I thought.

"You should go to Tae's room and stay beside him. You will be able to calm yourself when you are beside him." Lycus said with no hope knowing that I won't budge from my place.

I do want to check if he got hurt badly. I want to know if everything is alright but I hesitated.

"Jungkook doesn't hesitate," Lycus said. Before I could even process what to do, my legs started moving toward Tae's room.

Finally, I reached Tae's door and gently pushed it open. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light upon the figure lying on the bed.

Tae lay there, his form was still and peaceful, but bandages on their arm and legs served as a reminder of the recent attack.

I approached the bed cautiously, my eyes fixated on Tae's unconscious form. Even in this situation, he looks gorgeous which I never admitted till now.

A sudden surge of protectiveness washed over me, urging me to stay by his side, to ensure his safety and well-being. As I sat down beside him, my hand instinctively reached out to gently brush his hair away from his face.

As I sat there beside Tae, my gaze fixed on his peaceful expression, I couldn't help but question myself. Why was I feeling this surge of protectiveness and concern now?

It was true that ever since I found out Tae was my mate, I had been distant, detached, and even somewhat cold toward him. But seeing him lying there, vulnerable and injured, stirred something within me that I couldn't ignore.

Tae's whimper snapped me out of my thoughts, reminding me of his current condition. Guilt washed over me once again, knowing that I was partly responsible for his pain. I reached out hesitantly, my fingers gently tracing over the bandages that covered his wounds.

"I'm sorry, Tae," I whispered, my voice filled with remorse."I should have trusted you." I mumbled. I wouldn't have dared to say these if he were awake.

I stayed awake the whole night beside him and went to my room in the morning without making others suspicious of my actions.

At Present

"I should be more careful from now on. I should have control over myself." I thought to myself and shifted near the window to check if Tae was still there in the garden.

As I moved near the window and peered out into the garden, I could see Tae standing there with Jimin beside him.
His smile is back on his lips.

I sighed in relief and moved toward my office to complete my leftover work.

NamJin's Room

Namjoon entered the room after his work. He found Jin sitting on the bed engrossed in his thoughts.

He moved towards Jin, concern etched on his face. "Jin, are you okay?" Namjoon asked, his voice laced with worry.

Jin looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I'm just... thinking," he replied softly, a faint smile appearing on his lips. "About Jungkook and Tae. They've been through so much, and I can't help but feel for them."

Namjoon sat down next to Jin, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I understand, Jin. It's a complicated situation, and we want the best for both of them. But we have to give them the space they need to figure things out."

Jin nodded, leaning into Namjoon's touch. "I know. It's just hard to see them struggle. I wish there was something more we could do."

Namjoon squeezed Jin's shoulder gently. "We can support them, be there for them when they need us. Sometimes, all we can do is offer a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on."

Jin agreed with Namjoon with a smile on his face but soon that faded remembering something.

"Joonie, Did you mention the matter to Jungkook?" Jin asked his face filled with concern.

"No, Jin, I haven't mentioned it to Jungkook yet. I thought to inform him two days before but you know what happened." Namjoon said. Jin nodded understanding him.

"Joonie, We have to find him if he is alive in this world. Please Joonie, help me with this." Jin pleaded, His eyes filled with tears as they slowly started to stream down one by one.

Namjoon cupped Jin's face and removed the tears slowly with his thumb."I wanted to give Jungkook some time to process everything and gather his thoughts. I didn't want to confront him immediately after what happened with Tae. But now, I think it's necessary to have a conversation with him. If he is alive we will surely find him." Namjoon assured him.

Jin offered a small smile, feeling reassured by Namjoon's words. "I believe in you, Joonie."

Namjoon gazed into Jin's eyes, his own filled with love and determination. His thumb traced soft circles on Jin's cheek. Jin leaned into the touch, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Jin's eyes fluttered closed, savoring the warmth of Namjoon's touch. Namjoon leaned in, his lips hovering just inches away from Jin's, his warm breath caressing Jin's skin. Time seemed to stand still as anticipation hung in the air, their hearts beating in synchrony.

As their lips met in a gentle and loving kiss, the worries and uncertainties momentarily faded away. It was a kiss filled with reassurance, a silent promise to be there for each other and their pack. Their lips moved in perfect harmony, a dance of love and understanding.

They pulled away slowly, their eyes locked together, their love and devotion shining brightly. Namjoon pressed a soft kiss against Jin's forehead, his touch lingering.

Namjoon and Jin sat together finding solace in each other's presence.

Time skips

Tae sat in his room, nursing his wounds, while Jhope carefully tended to his injuries. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of concern and silence as Jhope grappled with his thoughts, unsure if he should ask Tae something that weighed heavily on his mind.

Dressed in bandages, Tae leaned against the pillows, grateful for Jhope's assistance. Tae winced slightly as Jhope gently applied ointment to a particularly deep cut.

After helping Tae with the dressing, he decided to ask him. Jhope took a deep breath, gathering the courage to express his concerns.

"Tae," Jhope began tentatively, his voice filled with both trepidation and genuine care, "I can't help but wonder if there's something more going on. These wounds...they seem to be getting worse. Are you hiding something from us?"

Tae's eyes met Jhope's gaze, filled with a mix of anxiety and pain. He gulped the lump in his throat.

"What...what do you mean?" Tae forced a chuckle. "There is no..."

"No taehyung..don't deny it 'cause I heard your and Ava's Conversation before she accuse you of the Rogue's death.

Tae gulped knowing that there was no way to hide it from Jhope anymore. His eyes filled with tears and soon started to stream down his cheeks like a cascade.

"I am...s..sorry hyung. I..I.." Tae was not able to complete his sentence as he started to hiccup. "It's okay Tae. Let your sorrow out." Jhope said patting Tae's back.

"Did Ava and others harm you?" Jhope inquired. Tae has no other way but to admit it to him.

Tae took a deep breath, trying to compose himself despite the tears that continued to fall. He nodded, his voice trembling as he spoke. "Yes, Ava and the others... they hurt me. They hurt m..me cause I am r..rogue. Few t..times Blue tried to defend me but he is no more with me."

Jhope's eyes widened in shock and anger, his hands tightening into fists. He struggled to contain his emotions, his heart aching for Tae. "How could they do that? Tae, you're not to blame for any of this."

Tae shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "I tried to explain, to defend myself, but they wouldn't listen. They turned against me, and... and I had no choice but to endure it myself."

"No Tae, you should have informed us earlier. We would have taken immediate action against them," Jhope said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and concern.

Tae looked down, feeling a heavy weight of guilt settle within him. "I didn't want to cause more trouble. I thought I could handle it on my own, but it only got worse."

"Tae, I think I should inform Jungkook about this. This is a serious issue and I am not going to let this go." Jhope let out.

Tae's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of fear and uncertainty flashing across his face. "No, Hyung, please don't tell this to him." Tae pleaded.

"Even if you say those to him Ava would twist the words and accuse me. Everyone would say that I am jealous of her being chosen as the Luna of this pack." Tae let out.

Jhope listened to Tae's plea, his expression softening as he understood the fear in Tae's eyes. He sighed and sat down beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Tae, I understand your concerns, and I know it's difficult to trust others right now," Jhope said gently. "But keeping this hidden won't make the situation better. Ava's actions cannot go unaddressed, and we need to stand up for you and protect you."

Tae's voice trembled as he responded, "I'm just afraid... afraid of the consequences, afraid of making things worse. I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to cause trouble or that I'm jealous. I just want to find a way to heal and move forward."

Jhope nodded, his gaze filled with empathy. "I understand your worries, Tae. But remember, we're a pack, and we support each other. We won't let Ava twist the truth or tarnish your reputation. Jungkook will listen to us and see through the lies.

After a moment of contemplation, he met Jhope's gaze with a newfound determination."I am ready Hyung." Tae said, his voice steady despite the lingering unease.


Namjoon and Jin stood in Jungkook's cabin, their expressions serious and filled with a mix of concern and apprehension. They had made a difficult decision—to finally reveal something they had hidden from Jungkook and others for years.

Jungkook looked up from his desk, sensing the seriousness in their demeanor. "What's going on, Namjoon Hyung, Jin Hyung? You both seem worried."

Namjoon took a deep breath, his gaze steady as he spoke. "Jungkook, There's something we need to tell you. It's about Jin"

"What about Jin Hyung?" Jungkook questioned.

Namjoon hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words to convey the information he was about to reveal. Jin glanced at Namjoon, offering him a nod of encouragement.

"Jin has a brother."

To be continued.

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