The corrupted hero (The risin...

By Zestraks

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At the time the heroes were summoned in Melromarc, another summon was taking place in a foreign country, in w... More

Chapter 1: Error: hero not found!
Chapter 2: Error: Level not found!
Chapter 3: Error! Monster not found!

Chapter 4: ERROR! Weapon not found!

322 14 9
By Zestraks

Ok, this took a lot more to rewrite because of too many ideas and changes I made, so it ended up with more than 9000 words. The next chapter may be close in words to this one too.
1 week later.

(Y/N)'s pov.
Melty: Just calm down and concentrate your magic power into the incantation, you almost got it.

(Y/N): Ok.

As I prepared for the spell, I imagined it was like pieces of a puzzle to make it easier. I moved the pieces of the puzzle and the incantation slowly came to my mind as I solved it.

(Y/N): "As the source of power of all power, I order you. Stun it" First Spark.

Once I finished the spell, electricity came from my extended hand and hit the tree I was pointing at. It was weak but fast as hell.

(Y/N): I did it!

Melty: Yes, congratulations.

(Y/N): Alright, now to charge my phone.

With my phone in hand, I used First Spark once again while looking at the battery percentage. It was really satisfactory to see it increase so fast.

Melty: Well, even if that was your purpose to learn magic, it's a good thing you did. Though you've been lucky to have affinity for lighting magic, it's pretty rare.

(Y/N): Really? That's a shame, it's quite useful.

Melty: It do is fast but it can be reflected by certain metals. Still, I think you could give it a good use.

(Y/N): Then I'll practice with the next monster we encounter with.

We didn't have anything else to do, so I killed some time with my phone. Melty joined me not too much later, both for curiousness as for boreness.

Melty: Now that I notice, where's your pet?

(Y/N): It has a name, and it's next to the driver. It likes the view.

Melty: I refuse to say it's name, and you know why.

(Y/N): Ok, let's call it Lex. To be honest, I already got tired of the joke.

Melty: You could have just given it a prop-

All of a sudden, the carriage stopped, cutting off Melty and almost making us fall.

Driver: We've arrived to the frontier, I must ask you to get off the carriage so that it can be inspected.

(Y/N): You could have warned us you were gonna stop so suddenly, we almost hit our faces against the ground.

Driver: ..I apologize for that.

Is it me, or did this guy just look at me with disgust? Not to say his apology sounded fake as fuck.

Melty: Just be sure to warn us next time, and be a bit more careful too, please.

Driver: Yes, Princess Melty.

Anyway, we got out of the carriage and soon 2 soldiers came to inspect the carriage. There wasn't anything strange, but I had a bad feeling.

Soldier: Everything is correct, you can proceed.

With that, as soon as they came they left. I guess they can't stay away from the frontier for too long.

Melty: Alright, let's continue with our journey.

Driver: Understood.

Ok, that guy's smiling really weird, there's something wrong in here for sure.

(Y/N): ..Hey, Melty..

Melty: ..Yes, I also have a bad feeling..

It was then that I saw an arrow pass right next to me by the corner of my eye. Instinctively, I took Melty and jumped away, more arrows were shot at where we were a second ago.

(Y/N): What the hell?!

Driver: Tch, don't stop there! Keep on shooting!

The fucking driver is trying kill us?! And who the hell is shooting arrows at us?! We... We have to get out of here right away!

Melty: W-What is...

Melty's face was pale, she looked to be in shock. I didn't let go of her and ran far from there, I felt some arrows hit me but there was no pain. Was this because of addrenaline? I don't know. I can't barely think clearly.

???: Tch. That little bastard sure is fast. Get them!

The two same soldiers that inspected the carriage were now in front of us, I stopped and looked around for a way to escape. There weren't any arrows now, I left the archers behind. But what do I do about the soldiers?!

Soldier 1: May God have mercy on you!

(Y/N): Shit...!

I barely blocked the attack from one of the soldiers with Amelio, but the impact was strong enough to make me lose my balance and let Melty go. She fell to the ground.

Melty: Ouch. Ah...

She looked scared, I couldn't rely on her in that state. We have to escape right away!

(Y/N): Melty, escape while you can!

Melty: Eh? B-But...!

(Y/N): Escape or support me with your magic! Either works for me!

If she escapes, they'll change their attention to her and I'll have enough time to chant First Spark. Then while one is stunned I'll ran, take Melty and escape. If she doesn't I'll have to try and take them down so we can escape.

Soldier 2: Trying to escape is useless! God is on our side!

Soldier 1: Prepare to feel God's glory!

The two soldiers came at us with their swords ready to finish us off. I heard Melty start inchanting, so I rushed at one of them and tackled him. I felt my shoulder go numb because of the impact with his armor, but I managed to make him fall and let go of his sword and took it so he couldn't recover it. The other soldier got distracted by this and wasn't prepared for when Melty's spell was ready, he probably won't be able to dodge it.

Melty: "As the source of all power, the Princess orders you. Hit him with a ball of water!" Zweite Aqua Shot!

A balls of water formed in front of her and got shot at the soldier that was still standing, he groaned in pain as he fell to the ground.

Soldier 2: Damn kid... God won't forgive you for protecting that blasphemous being!

The other soldier had already recovered and was about to slice her with his sword. I managed to push her out of the way in time and ended up receiving the attack from the soldier, it hit me pretty deep on the side of my chest, I don't even know how it didn't cut off my arm. The pain was way worse than that time I was hit by a Ripper wolf, I have to stay conscious.

Melty: (Y/N)!

I heard Melty call me out. She was desperately looking inside the small bag I always had with me while mumbling something, it looked like an incantation. She took the healing potion I always bring with me and tried to help me drink it, her spell was almost ready.

Soldier 1: You come here!

The soldier Melty took down before grabbed Melty from behind to avoid her from helping me heal, the bottle fell and broke. We lost our only healing potion.

Melty: No! Let me go, you hear me?!

(Y/N): "..A-as the source of all po-"

Soldier 2: Silence!

(Y/N): Gah!

While I tried to chant First Spark the other soldier came and stepped onto my back, I felt like if I threw up something, it was blood. I try to get up but I don't have any strength left, my HP is dropping too. Is this really it? Am... Am I going to die here?

Melty: Leave him alone! "As the source of power, the Princess-

Soldier 1: Shut your mouth!

Melty: Mhm!

The soldier holding Melty is covering her mouth with his hand, she is still fighting, but it's useless. No matter what we do now, we won't escape alive. We're going to die here. Why did it have to be this way? Even though I liked isekai stories, I never wanted to become a hero in another world. I just wanted to go back home, but it was pointless. I'll never go back. My parents and friends will never know what happened to me. I'll die and Melty will die along with me.

Soldier 1: Hurry and finish the false hero off, the Princess won't stop resisting!

I can feel some sort of pulsations coming from my knife, like when the hero of an anime is about to die and awakens an OP power. But this is real life, there's no OP power. And even if there was I don't have the strength to fight, I can only accept my death.

Soldier 2: Farewell, False Hero. You won't treat our world anymo- Gah!

I heard the soldier that was about to finish me off make strange sounds, not that I really care about that now. My vision is getting blurry, and my conscioussness is fading... I wish I was never taken to this world...
The Hero's vitality is running out

Reseting all Stat Points

Exchanging all Stat Points for HP points
Corruption level has decreased.

Base stats adapted to the weapon

Level restored

Weapon tree restored

Curse series Unlocked
My body feels heavy... Am I...still alive? I try opening my eyes but got blinded by some light, I had to cover my eyes until they were accustomed enough.

(Y/N): What is this place...?

I looked around to try and find out where I was, it looked like a room from an inn. Usually, I would want to know how did I end up here, but knowing I survived is more than enough for me.

(Y/N): I hope Melty is ok too...

I was about to be killed and here I am, so she should be fine too. Still, I can't help but think this won't be my only experience close to death. Just that thought makes me want to stay on bed. I want to go home, maybe there's no way to take me back, or the waves have to be taken care of first. I don't know. If I'm going to die for trying to go back to my world, maybe I should just stay in this one and work as Melty's bodyguard.

(Y/N): I would live in a castle and get paid a good amount of money, it doesn't sound so bad...

Yep, a life of luxury in another world. Then I'll get OP like all isekai MCs and have a happy and easy life with nothing to worry about.

(Y/N): No more school too, I won't have to deal with exams anymore...

Just then I heard the door of the room open and a gasp of surprise.

Melty: (Y/N), you're awake!

(Y/N): Mn?

I turned my head to the side to see Melty was the one who came through the door, she hurried to my bed once she saw me looking at her.

Melty: You've been sleeping for so long, I was getting worried. How are you feeling?

She does look happy and relieved. Did I really worry her that much?

(Y/N): Mostly tired and sleepy. How much time was I asleep?

Melty: About a day and a half. Your injuries were easily treated with a healing potion and some magic, but it seems your mind needed time to recover from all that happened.

(Y/N): That so.

Melty: I'll go bring you something to eat. Wait just a moment.

(Y/N): Ah, ok.

Melty left the room and came back soon holding a plate of meat and another with salad, I felt my stomach asking for food right after I saw them.

Melty: Here.

She handed me the plates along with a fork, I had to move to leave them next to me on the bed.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Melty: You're welcome.

I took a look at the food and then looked back at Melty, she went to sit to a chair next to my bed.

(Y/N): What happened back then? How are we still alive?

Melty: ...Mother's shadows saved us and took us to the closest village. After taking care of our attackers they used a healing potion and an antidote too on you just in case, you weren't poisoned in the end but it was better to be sure.

(Y/N): Wait, you just said shadows? Of your mother?

Then, the Queen can use some kind of shadow magic to create shadow clones with her appearance and use them to fight? In other words, having her as a lover is equal to getting a harem? Hot.

Melty: Shadows are to say it in some way like mercenaries. You can hire them for assasinations, to gather information, as bodyguards and things like that. Mother has a personal group of shadows and sent part of it to keep her informed about us and help us if our lifes were at risk, but they can't let themselves be seen since they're not good at combat so it took them some time to be able to help us.

Oh, that makes more sense. Though it's a bit dissapointing.

(Y/N): So some mercenaries hired by your mother captured and killed those guys before taking us here.

Melty: Yes, that's what happened to put it short.

Honestly, knowing people were killed next to me while I was unsconcious would usually give me shivers, but I prefer those guys being dead than alive and willing to come back for us. In fact, knowing they're dead feels like taking a weight off my shoulders. Though I still should learn how to fight and gain battle experience with humans, nothing tells me they don't have allies who will want revenge or something of the sort. I hope I can go back to my world soon.

Melty: Umm...

Melty seems to be doubting about telling me something, I hope it's not bad news.

Melty: Thanks for, protecting me back then...

Oh, she just wanted to thank me? Well, she couldn't express her feelings freely before because of her status as a Princess, so it must be hard for her to do it now that she can.

(Y/N): Don't mind it, I don't even know how I managed to react in that situation. I'm just glad we're both alive.

Melty: Yes, me too.

I should learn how to fight against humans just in case, what I know about fighting monsters wasn't of much help and it sure won't be next time.

Melty: Hey, the food is going to get cold.

Ah, right, the food. I already forgot about it. I'll start with the meat. It tastes weird, but it's good. And thinking about weird things, I remember some weird messages like the ones from the status magic. Maybe they pop up again if I open my status.

(Y/N): Eh?

Melty: Something wrong?

(Y/N): I...have level.

Melty: Level? Are you sure you're not mistaking it with something else?

(Y/N): No, I'm serious. Look at the party menu.

Melty: Wait, seriously?

Melty took a look at the party menu, the surprise on her face was clear.

Melty: You do have level... H-How?

(Y/N): I don't know, it just appeared. Wait, why is my HP so high? And why are my other stats so low?!

Just as I was freaking out for not understanding a thing, a message appeared.
Corruption: The loss of the original legendary weapon has corrupted the very existence of the #0£t1 hero, which led to the loss of almost all functions and abilities along with it's very individuality. Now that a new hero has been chosen and a weapon given the power of a Holy weapon, the 4€-¥¢ hero has started it's recovery and the corruption is slowly decreasing. As the corruption decreases more functions and abilities will be restaured. Acquiring the Holy weapons will increase the corruption decrease rate. Acquiring the Support weapons will increase the corruption decrease rate. Acquiring the Lost Holy weapon will greatly increase the corruption decrease rate.
Corruption... I don't like how that sounds but it says it heals by itself, so I guess it's not as bad as it could be.

(Y/N): Ok, I kind of get why I didn't have level nor weapon upon being summoned.

I told Melty everything it said in what I suppose it's a help screen, she looked confused.

Melty: I think I more or less understand it. The important part is that the corruption or whatever it is heals with time, and by collecting the Holy weapons it will be faster. Am I right?

(Y/N): Yeah. They were, sword, spear, bow and shield, right? And also those support weapons and the lost one. At least the first four are easy to get.

I started eating again, the meat was cold. Shit.

Melty: I told you it would get cold.

(Y/N): I like it cold.

Melty: Yes, yes, whatever you say.

We kept talking while I ate, it was relaxing and help me recover slowly. When I woke up I was confused and in shock, but mostly mentally tired. Now I'm feeling a bit better.

(Y/N): And I just remembered I don't know what the hell happened to all the progress of my stat points.

I opened the stat points function and saw I had a lot left. Not only that, the cost of upgrading every stat except HP was back to 1 stat point, as if they were all reset. Was that what happened? That the stat points of every stat except HP reseted and all of them were used on HP afterwards? It looks like it, but I can't think of how. Also, my stats look different than when I was summoned. My agility, attack power and magic power is higher and my defenses are lower, the rest is the same.

(Y/N): Ok, the progress I had with stat points all went to HP for some reason, I'll have to start over with everything else.

Melty: At least it wasn't lost, and it will increase a lot more when you level up. The higher your stats, the more they'll increase with each level.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess so.

Do I have any other new functions? Yep, I have one more. It looks like an ability tree, but with knifes.
Weapon tree: Legendary weapons can evolve with the materials it absorb, unlocking variations with different abilities and skills. Absorb everything you can to unlock as many weapons as you can, they may hide a skill or useful ability.
(Y/N): Oh, cool. Melty, look at this.

I showed Melty the weapon tree and explained to her what it was, she looked impressed and kinda excited.

Melty: So this is how the legendary weapons grow along with the hero, amazing!

(Y/N): The help says everything I absorb has the possibility of unlocking a weapon with an useful ability, so I'll absorb everything I can from now on. In fact, I think there was something like this in a game I played.

I'm gonna try something. First, select one of the first weapons of the tree that is obviously locked, Orange Knife. Then I stared at it for a while, and here's the message.
Orange Knife (Locked)

Materials needed: Balloon remains X4

Level needed: LV 1
Great, I can see what materials I need to unlock the weapons by just focusing my gaze on them. The other branches should appear as I unlock new weapons, so I better start soon.

(Y/N): I think I'm going to take a walk around the village while absorbing things. Wanna come?

Melty: Sure, a walk sounds nice.

(Y/N): Then let's get going.

I got up from the bed slowly, my body was still feeling heavy so it was a bit hard.

Melty: Do you need me to help you?

(Y/N): No, it's fine. My body feels kinda heavy, that's all.

Melty: It must be because of your stats getting reset since you didn't make any exercise besides hunting monsters, it happens to most of the criminals once they're levels are reset. Once your body adapts you'll be fine.

So there's a way to reset someone's level in this world, it would be useful to know how to do it but it surely needs a ceremony of some sort.

(Y/N): Guess I'll have to take it easy. By the way, were are those Shadows you told me about?

Melty: Two of them are making guard outside of the room, another two are protecting our carriage and another one is making sure no one else comes after us. They're all using illusion magic to hide themselves so you won't be able to see them.

(Y/N): Illusion magic? That sounds cool. Can I learn to use it?

Melty: You may be able, but you won't go past First level spells, besides it would take you months to learn a single spell. You could also use a magic item to learn higher level spells without effort but they're really expensive, expensive on the level of 10 gold coins each.

Expensive! Too expensive!

(Y/N): Shit. So I can only learn lighting magic?

Melty: No, you also have affinity for support, healing and poison magic. We have spell books for each of those in the carriage.

(Y/N): Poison and support, huh. Those were the ones I used the most in games.

Melty: So you have experience with those types of magic?

(Y/N): I know how to use them in the most dirty and hateful way possible.

Melty: I'm not sure I want to know how you use it.

(Y/N): You'll see when I do. Anyway, let's go.

We left the room and like Melty said I couldn't see anyone there, until they suddenly appeared and scared the hell out of me.

(Y/N): Fucking shit!

Shadow 1: Zorry for zcaring you, Mr. (L/N). I zupozze Princezz Melty told you about uz.

(Y/N): Umm, yeah, just a few moments ago.

They had clothes and masks on that made it impossible to tell their gender, and at least this one had a gender neutral voice. And talked really weird.

Shadow 2: The Queen would like to talk with you, pleaze tell uz when you're ready. You zhould go to your carriage now, your monster iz hatching in a few hours.

(Y/N): Oh, I didn't think about My right testicle until now. How do you know it will hatch soon?

Shadow 1: Princezz Melty azked uz to gather the necezzary items for you to become it'z mazter the night of the day you recruited it. One of them iz the incubator, it protectz the egg and indicatez the time left for it'z hatching.

(Y/N): Great, thanks. So, how do I tell you when I'm ready?

Shadow 2: Juzt call uz, we won't be ztaying far from neither you nor the Princess, Mr (L/N). Iz there any other question you would like to azk?

(Y/N): I do, but it's better if I don't ask that.

Not only it would be awkward to ask them if they stay close to us even when we go to the bathroom, but Melty will yell at me too.

Shadow 1: Underztood. If you excuze uz.

And they dissapeared. I think they mumbled something right before, but it was so fast if they did that I can't be sure. They told me to go to the carriage so I let Melty lead the way there, I don't even know where we are.

(Y/N): Now I want to learn illusion magic even more, it's fucking cool.

Melty: You'll have to make do with what you have, though having four affinities is really rare.

(Y/N): It is?

Melty: Yes. People usually only have 2 affinities and even talented mages mostly have 3. For example, I only have affinity for water, earth and healing magic.

(Y/N): Oh, you can use earth magic?

Melty: A little, my affinity with water magic is stronger so I focused on it.

(Y/N): So the stronger the affinity the stronger the spells?

A bit like in pokemon games, using an attack of the same type of the Pokemon gives a x1.5 boost to the power of the attack.

Melty: Something like that. If I'm not wrong Lighting and Poison are your strongest affinities, followed by support magic and then healing magic.

So I'm a lighting and poison pokemon, I'll have to careful with earth. I honestly wanted to be a Rayquaza, it's cool as fuck. But taking aside pokemon references, I have to think of a good formation for our party.

(Y/N): Ok, so I work as an attacker and a support. You've a wizard, so we would need a main attacker and a tank.

Melty: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): The formation of our party. I can attack, use support spells and heal, you can also heal and use attack spells, so we would need a main attacker with high attack power and someone with high defense to block the attacks and hold off the enemies. What do you think?

Melty: Pretty balanced, but it will be hard to recruit people while we hide our identities.

Yeah, we can't let people know Melty is Melromarc's princess so we make it look as if she's just the daughter of a noble traveling, it's actually the first the villagers think when seeing her. In my case, I was already told it would be dangerous if people knew without taking care of some things, and experienced it first hand. I mean, those guys were saying some weird shit about some god and calling me blasphemous, that can only mean they're from some kinda sect, know about me and my existence is against their religion or something of the sort.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's why I plan on using monsters. Well, I planned on using monsters even if we didn't have to hide who we are, monsters have higher stats than humans.

And I prefer to not socialize with people in this world knowing I'm going to go back to mine some day, I hope.

Melty: Well, you did say you wanted a monster army to fight the waves.

(Y/N): And My right testicle will be the founding member of the army.

Melty: *sigh* Just please give it a proper name once it hatches.

(Y/N): I will.

Once we arrived to the carriage we met with two guys who I suppose are the shadows guarding it, Melty would have said something if they weren't. They look like average looking guys with full body armor except for the helmet, guess the helmet makes the difference between bodyguard and soldier in this world.

Shadow 3: It'z good to zee you're awake, Mr (L/N). Have you come for the monzter enzlavement ceremony?

Fuck that sounds horrible.

(Y/N): I...guess so? What should I do?

Shadow 4: Give uz a zecond.

While one of the shadows went to take a small plate and poured some ink into it, the other one grabbed an small incubator with an egg inside. I suppose that's My right testicle, but it's not reacting much.

Shadow 4: It zeemz once it'z time to hatch came cloze it stopped moving, but the incubator iz ztill working zo I can azzure you it'z alright.

(Y/N): Ok, got it. By the way, I should have asked sooner. But, is your accent because of the country you come from or...

Shadow 4: It helpz keep our voice gender-neutral.

(Y/N): Oh, ok.

I can't see how using z instead of s helps you with that though. The shadow took My right testicle out of the incubator, it had a weird symbol drawn on it.

Shadow 3: We'll need a drop of your blood for the ink.

(Y/N): Umm, ok?

Guess it's to make some kind of connection? Anyway, I took my knife and pressed the tip of my finger against it until there was a small injurie. Then I just left a drop of blood fall onto the ink.

Shadow 3: Now pleaze take some ink with your finger and re-draw the zymbol on the egg.

(Y/N): The one it already has, right?

I took a bit of the ink like I was told and painted over the symbol My right testicle had, the shadow holding it then left it back inside tte incubator. Nothing seemed to happen once I was done but a message popped up.
Monster egg (My right testicle): Acquired
The symbol of My right testicle in the party menu changed, guess that means it became my monster.

Melty: Did it work?

(Y/N): Yeah, seems like it.

Shadow 3: Excellent. We'll be guarding the carriage in caze you need zomething.

(Y/N): Before we leave, could you give me some of that ink? I want to absorb it.

Shadow 3: Az you wizh.

They handed me the ink and I immediately absorbed it, it didn't give me stat points which is a shame.
Monster User Knife Unlocked
Monster User Knife

Equip bonus (locked): Monster maturation adjustment (small)
Equip bonus? What's that?
Equip bonus: The weapons unlocked hold abilities and stat bonus that will take effect once the weapon is equiped. Once equiped for enough time, the equip bonus will unlock and take effect even if the weapon isn't equiped.
I see, so I get boosts from using the weapons I unlock. Monster maturation adjustment must be some boost for the monster, I would say it will make it grow into an adult sooner. I tried to equip it but it said I needed to be at least level 5, and being level 1 with my stat points reset I can't fight the monsters around here.

(Y/N): Shit.

Melty: It didn't unlock anything?

(Y/N): It did, but my level is too low to use it. At least I can still unlock more weapons, and a new branch got unlocked too.

Melty: What kind of weapons are in there?

(Y/N): Let's see. Slave user knife, monster raiser knife and monster user knife II are the only ones I can see for now.

I don't even want to think about the slave user knife, but I do am curious about the monster raiser knife and monster user knife II.
Monster Raiser Knife

Materials needed: Incubator X1 or Monster eggshell X10
Monster User Knife II

Materials needed: Owned monster: low level material (eggshell, fur...)
Owned monster low level material? It says eggshell and fur so it must be those kind of things. I will have to wait until My right testicle hatches to unlock it.

(Y/N): Is the incubator necessary for an egg to hatch?

Shadow 4: No, it'z functionz are protecting the egg and predicting the aproximate hatching time, but the egg will hatch even without it.

(Y/N): Let me take a look.

I was handed the incubator with My right testicle still inside and inspected it, it had some words on the back but the letters were hard to read.

(Y/N): Umm... It will hatch at, sun...rise?

Melty: No, at sunset, but you were close.

So it will hatch at sunset. It seems to be noon so it will need a few hours. I guess I could leave My right testicle with this guys and absorb the incubator, they weren't going to move from the carriage so there should be no problem.

(Y/N): Could you guys take care of My right testicle so I can absorb the incubator?

Shadow 3: ...Do you really need to abzorb everything you zee?

(Y/N): Yes.

Shadow 3: Alright, we'll take care of it.

I handed My right testicle to them and absorbed the incubator with my knife, it was a bit hard to absorb but I know I can absorb even bigger things, I managed to absorb a whole Ripper Wolf once.
Monster Raiser Knife Unlocked
Monster Raiser Knife

Equip bonus (locked): Monster egg maturation adjustment (small)

Special Effect: "Incubation"
Special Effect: Abilities exclusive to the weapon that can only be used once it's equiped.
Ok, I'm kinda curious about what that special effect does, but I also need level 5 to equip it. There's also a Monster Raiser Knife II but I'll leave it for when I have a higher level.

Melty: You don't have enough level for that one either?

(Y/N): No, what a pain. Are there any weak monsters around?

Melty: Yes, we're close to the frontier so there's mostly only weak monsters like Balloons around this area, but the variations are pretty common and there may be stronger monsters around. Though if we don't go too far we shouldn't have problems. I could also go hunt myself with one of the shadows and get you some exp that way.

(Y/N): No, let's go together. The one who gives the finishing blow gets more experience, right?

Melty: Yes, but it's better if you don't take risks until you get some levels.

(Y/N): Ok, let's just hunt until I'm level 7 or so.

Melty: Ok.

With that, we left to the surroundings of the village looking for some Balloons. I also absorbed the random things I saw on the way. Oh, and cut wood from a tree with a cooking knife while some villagers looked at me, I must have looked like an idiot but the wood is mine. Also, I drew a dick in the tree with the knife while Melty wasn't looking. Some kids found it funny and copied me, they took rocks and started trying to draw dicks in other trees. I couldn't be more proud.
Grass Knife Unlocked

Leaf Knife Unlocked

Wood Knife Unlocked

Healing Herb Knife Unlocked

Berry Knife Unlocked

Poisonous Berry Knife Unlocked
Grass Knife

Equip bonus (locked): collection skill 1
Leaf Knife

Equip bonus (locked): absorption ability 1
Wood Knife

Equip bonus (locked): defense +1
Healing Herb Knife

Equip bonus (locked): Healing potion effectiveness up (small)
Berry Knife

Equip bonus (locked): collection skill 2
Poisonous Berry Knife

Equip bonus (locked): damage against plant type monsters +5%, poison appraisal 1
I suppose the berry knife and poisonous berry knife give the same equip bonus, because I doubt a boost of 5% in damage against plant type monsters is an ability a weapon unlocked with berries gives. Though it did unlock a new branch, it seems to be about poison related weapons.

(Y/N): Ok, I do can use most of this weapons. Though they're weaker than Base Amelio, guess it's because of the stat points I used to improve it.

Luckily those weren't reset. I tried thinking on changing the weapon to see if it worked and Amelio changed to the wood knife, I'm kind of getting the hang of it. Melty was staring at my knife, guess she was curious.

Melty: So the Holy weapons can transform, cool.

(Y/N): I'll show you the others once I unlock the boosts this one gives.

While talking we heard a sound coming from our right, we turned and noticed a group of 3 balloons coming at us. It wasn't common to see Balloons attacking together, they usually went solo.

Melty: "As the source of power, the Princess orders you. Shoot them a blade of water" Zweite Aqua Slice.

Once Melty finished chanting her spell a ball of water formed in front of her and turned into a blade before being shot at the ballons, they all popped at minimum contact and the tree behind them also got cut and fell.
+ 3 XP
Ok, I do get XP, so I should be able to level up, though 1 XP for each balloon killed is pure shit. Also, I kind of want to learn a spell like the one Melty just used.

(Y/N): That was cool.

Melty: It's not that big of a deal, you'll be able to inflict as much damage when you learn Zweite rank magic.

(Y/N): Now I do feel like learning to read so I can practice more magic.

I absorbed the remains of the Balloons and we left to keep looking around the surroundings of the village. Not much later we found more Balloons, it's remains were enough to unlock the Orange Knife and get quite some stat points. The equip bonus was attack +2, not bad.
You leveled up
(Y/N): Ah, I'm level 2.

Melty: Great. Let's keep looking around.

We spent like an hour or so walking around the village trying not to go too far from it. In that time we fought against the only variations the Balloon had, the Yellow Balloon and Red Balloon and some lizard monsters called giant lizard, the monsters in this world have really original names as one can see. I leveled up quite a bit too.

(Y/N): Ok, the yellow knife gives +3 on attack, the red knife +4 on attack and the lizard knife agility +7. Not bad for the first weapons of the tree.

Though I still haven't unlocked the equip bonus of the wood knife, it should be done by tomorrow at least.

Melty: Oh, a variation of the giant lizard. We must have went a bit too far.

The most common variations were change of colours, and this giant lizard is blue. So it's either a variation or it can't breath and is dying from lack of oxygen.

(Y/N): "As the source of power, I order you. Stun him" First Spark.

I used First Spark to stun the blue giant lizard, again a really original name, and cut it's neck with a quick slice. My agility stayed my best stat even after getting my stat points reset so I could still fight like I always did, though my defenses are pretty low compared to before.
+ 52 XP
You leveled up
(Y/N): Ah, level up.

Melty: Me too.

With this I'm already level 6, enough to use all the weapons I unlocked, including the blue lizard knife I just unlocked. My stats had a really good improvement with just 5 levels too, way better than the one from my first day hunting monsters with Melty. Which reminds me I haven't used my stat points yet. Guess I'll apply them to one of my new weapons.
Stat Points: Absorbing monsters will granr you with stat points you can use to enhance your own stats or those of your equipment. If you enhance a compatible weapon enough it will evolve into a true Holy weapon.
So... I have to enhance Original Amelio to make it evolve or... I don't know, I'll just do it.

Melty: Should we go back?

(Y/N): Ah. Yeah, sure. I'm level 6 so it will do for the rest of the day.

I'll use half of the points on attack power and the other half on magic power, I don't know if I have enough points but it will at least get better stats.

Melty: You should wait until we're back before using the stat points, you may trip.

(Y/N): It's fine, it will take me just a mo- *trips over a rock epically*

Ouch. That hurt.

Melty: See?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Melty: Need help getting up?

(Y/N): No, I'm fine.

After getting a few levels I feel way less heavy, I should be back to normal with just 2 levels more but waiting to tomorrow should do too.

(Y/N): What level are you now?

Melty: 24 with the one I just got.

(Y/N): You only got 4 levels since we left?!

Melty: We only encountered weak monsters that gave little XP, well except for the Ripper Wolf. I still wonder what was it doing so close to the capital.

(Y/N): Hunting maybe, the waves may have made the monsters that lived close to his habitat to go live elsewhere and forced him to go that far to get food.

Melty: It's possible but it wasn't an adult and they're habitat is really far from the capital, in a place with no villages close and lots of strong monsters. It should have turned into an adult by the time it arrived there.

(Y/N): We can always ask your mother later, she's still in the capital so she may know.

Melty: Yeah, you're right. I'll ask her later.

With that said, we went back to the village without me tripping on any rock, again. It didn't take us long, like 15 minutes.

(Y/N): Are debuff spells part of support magic?

Melty: Yes, you want to learn one next?

(Y/N): No, first I want to learn either an attack spell or a spell that poisons the target, though one that paralyses the target would be perfect.

Melty: You're really interested in learning magic all of a sudden, I thought you would want to rest for a few days.

(Y/N): I kind of took a liking to using magic from the leveling up we did, and after seeing how strong a Zweite class spell is I'm curious about the Drifa class.

Melty: We could try using combinated magic, it's really powerful.

(Y/N): Combinated magic? Like combining two spells on one?

Melty: Yes, though they have to be of the same class and it's a bit complicated to learn. But if we manage to perform a combinated spell you shouldn't have any problems with Zweite class magic.

So it's a type of magic with the same difficulty level as Zweite class magic or higher but lower than Drifa, I do hope it's useful if it's gonna need me to spend a lot of time to learn it.

(Y/N): Could we try it with only First Spark?

Melty: It would do but First lighting would be better. It's the most basic attack spell of lighting magic.

(Y/N): Then I'll have to start translating it when we're back to the carriage.

The carriage was at the outskirts of the village so it took us a while to get there, though since it was a bit into the forest we didn't have to worry about people hearing us.

(Y/N): Ok, I'm ready to talk with the Queen.

Just as I said that the two shadows that have been following us just in case appeared, I really want to use Illusion magic and not being able to is frustrating.

Shadow 1: Underztood.

Shadow 2: We'll stablish connection with her Majesty right away, please wait for a moment.

A shadow took a crystal ball and...imbued it with magic? I don't know what was it doing but it seems to be taking some time. Guess I'll start upgrading Base Amelio in the meantime, I didn't really put much stat points on it's stats now that I take a look at it. Ah, message.
The weapon's stats reached the necessary amount to turn into a true Holy weapon.

Would you like to?
Yes, pretty much.
Choose the Holy Weapon you want your weapon to evolve to:




Error! Error! Weapon doesn't exist!
Ok, I don't know if pickaxes were used as a weapon before, in Berserk they do use them so maybe there were battle pickaxes, but I should go with the dagger since I've been using a knife all this time and I won't have problems getting used to it. Should. I'm choosing the one that says "Error!", I want to see what happens.

Are you sure?
Evolution in pro#4+5
ER#0R! 3RRO#!


(Y/N): What the-

Amelio suddenly started deforming and changing colour constantly, I tossed it away the moment I saw it. It looked exactly like a glitch.

Melty: W-what is that?!

(Y/N): I don't know!

The four shadows surrounded us with their weapons prepared in case it was dangerous so I couldn't see what was happening, but even if they didn't I still had all this messages pooping up each time I tried closing them. I tried looking at my status but all I saw was static before the same message pooped up again, the same with the party menu and weapon tree. I must have really fucked up.

After that message I started feeling weird, and it went worse and worse as time passed. I don't know how to describe it, like if something was tickling the inside of my stomach, along with my ribs and my flesh. It doesn't hurt, but it's horrible. I think I'm gonna throw up...
Corrup1ion inc#ease stoppe& s5ccessfull&

C0rruption ¥ncreased

Stat poi#ts corrup7ed

Class cha#ged to: #0√i1 (corrupted) Her0

Corru9t ser¥es: Unlock3d
Melty: (Y/N)?! What's wrong?!

Melty came to my side worried when she saw me fall to my knees and covering my mouth, the shadows also turned to look at me and one of them moved next to me.

Shadow 3: Quickly, drink thiz. It'z an antidote.

The shadow handed me a bottle which I suppose was the antidote, I barely managed to drink it but it didn't do any effect on me. I tried holding it in all I could, but ended up throwing up.

(Y/N): *cough* *cough* Shit...

Melty: Do you feel better?

(Y/N): More or less...

After throwing up I do feel a bit better, but that disgusting feeling is still there. Not as strong as before but I still feel it.

Shadow 2: The weapon turned back to normal, it zeemz zafe but let'z not lower our guard.

The shadows separated a bit and I could see Amelio turned back to normal, that weird feeling started to dissapear slowly too. I'm not sure if I should grab Amelio again, it kind of scared me now. Just what the hell happened?

Mirellia: "I'm sorry for the wait, I was busy with my research. Has Mr. (L/N) woke up?"

That's the Queen's voice, isn't it? I can hear her through the crystal ball. It must be some kind of magic item or something.

Shadow 1: Yez, he iz right here along with Mz. Melty.

(Y/N): Eeeh... Hello?

Mirellia: "I'm glad you're healthy, Mr (L/N). I heard about what happened with the driver, I apologize for the trouble caused. I would also like to thank you for protecting Melty even in that kind of situation, not as the Queen, but as her Mother. Thank you"

(Y/N): Ah, no. It's fine...

Mirellia: "Melty, I was assured you weren't injured but I would prefer to hear from you. Are you alright?"

Melty: Yes, they just hurt my arm a little when they grabbed me.

Mirellia: "Great"

The Queen sounded relieved, it was the first time I heard her change her tone of voice even a bit.

Mirellia: "Now then, about your attackers. What do you know about them, Mr (L/N)?"

(Y/N): They said something about God and called me blasphemous, so I assume they're from some kind of weird cult.

Mirellia: "You're not entirely wrong. Those were members of the church of the three heroes, Melromarc's main religion"

Ok, the name doesn't sound really good given that there's four heroes. And with how "friendly" the members are I'm sure I won't like it.

Melty: I suspected it could be them, but I don't understand what could a member of the church be doing working at Faubrey.

Mirellia: "That driver was one of the mercenaries employed by Zeltoble's representative, Mr. Zeltoble. He was unaware of him being from Melromarc or member of the church of the three heroes, so he asked him to try to convince you to visit Zeltoble to then convince you to stay. I couldn't gather much more information but it seems the moment he knew about you, he sent a letter to the guards of the frontier telling them everything about you, Mr. (L/N). They then gathered all the people they could and attacked, but it doesn't seem like they told the main church"

In other words, that fucking fat king, representative or whatever he is almost had me killed again! And he will still try to convince me to stay in his country.

(Y/N): Excuse me, but could I ask you to deliver a message to Mr. Zeltoble, your Majesty?

Mirellia: "Of course. What may it be?"

(Y/N): If he ever wants to negotiate me helping his country in any way I want a compensation of 50 gold coins for the trouble he caused me, and I'm being respectful.

If not, I would want him to do 50 push ups in front of me, ran 10 Km and only eat salad for a month. It will help him lose weight, he needs it.

Mirellia: "I will deliver the message to him. Now, before I make sure Melromarc is safe I would like you to stay away from it but remaining in movement. Going to Zeltoble would be a nice choice even if you dislike it, it has high quality weapons with rare materials you would hardly find in another country"

Melty: There's a really rare material you can only obtain in Zeltoble too, I heard it's one of the strongest. It's called meteorite.

(Y/N): Sounds good, but expensive. Really expensive. Could you add a meteorite dagger and staff to my compensation, your Majesty?

Mirellia "Of course, but I must warn you he will want you to fight the waves at Zeltoble too in exchange"

Yep, the waves aren't only happening at Melromarc, it's happening in all countries. From what I know it's literally a wave of monsters that fall from the sky and you have to beat the boss for it to end, or keep killing monsters until it ends by itself.

(Y/N): Well, I have good news.

I explained all about the corruption, my level and weapon tree to the Queen. She seemed pretty interested on it.

Mirellia: "So it's only a matter of time until you recover the rest of your power up methods, that's unexpected but more than welcome"

I don't think there's anything else to talk about, so I'll take the chance to ask.

(Y/N): Have you made any progress in looking for a way to take me back to my world?

Mirellia: "I'm sorry, but I haven't found anything yet. I even asked some of my shadows to help me with the research, but it seems there's truly no recordings on any hero ever going back to his own world"

(Y/N): Oh... Is, that so...

So no other hero ever went back to his world, huh. Not even one of them.

Mirellia: "That doesn't mean there's no hope, since we also lack recordings of the last time the waves appeared. Maybe once they're over you will be given the choice to return to your world, but I will still keep looking for alternatives"

(Y/N): Right, thanks...

So I'll have to wait until the waves are over, what a pain. I don't even have it assured that I'll be able to go back, but the possibility is there at least. It's... It's better than nothing, right?

Mirellia: "Do not get desperate, Mr. (L/N). I plan on sending my shadows on expeditions to look for ancient ruins with possible information about the heroes, there may be lost recordings about how a hero can return to his world"

(Y/N): Yeah, right. There may be something on some ancient ruin, I'll be able to go back for sure.

I just have to keep fighting monsters, getting stronger and fight the waves until then. It's not so bad, I'm kind of accustomed already. I... I'll just have to do it for a little bit more, that's all.

Mirellia: "My shadows will be helping you until I can assure your safety, after that they will go back to their previous work of only observing and reporting to me unless a situation like this happens again. Be aware that they're not all powerful, they can't save you from everything that treats your life so be always prepared for the worst, Mr (L/N)"

(Y/N): Thanks for the advice.

Mirellia: "Until next time"

I guess the call has ended. So, I have very few, close to none, possibilities of going back to my world and corrupted my weapon even more for being stupid and choosing the option I clearly shouldn't have chosen. All after being victim of a murder attempt barely managing to survive and being asleep for almost two days. What a nice week this has been.

Melty: Umm, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Mn? What is it?

Melty: From what I know, a really rare mineral is needed to summon a hero. Maybe if you absorb it you unlock a weapon with a skill to travel between worlds, with that you should be able to travel between mine and your world.

(Y/N): Guess that's a possibility.

Though I doubt it would be so easy, or maybe it is, sometimes the simple solution is the right one. I should try it when I have the chance.

(Y/N): Could you help me translate the spell books?

Melty: Don't you prefer to rest for today?

(Y/N): I just want to focus my mind on something, learning the language and magic is just the most productive option.

Melty: ...If you say so.

While Melty picked the spell books, I went and picked up Amelio. It didn't look any different, it's stats reseted though. The weapon tree looks the same too, though I didn't look if Base Amelio had an equip bonus.
Kitchen Knife

Equip bonus (locked): Lost weapon recipe 1
Lost weapon recipe? And how do I read it? Ah, wait. I think there's a new option in my status. Let me open it, and yeah, the recipe is there. I need gems, ore and monster bones and fur. Kinda expensive to create, even the lowest quality onem

(Y/N): I just got a recipe for a weapon. Dio we have some book about blacksmithing?

Melty: No, but we can try looking for one at the village.

(Y/N): Ok, let's go. It's still a few hours until sunset, so there will be no problem.

It will keep my mind busy and isn't a waste of time either, I need to make sure the waves are over as soon as possible. Honestly, I don't feel like doing anything right now, but it will end up pretty bad if I laze around too much. At least until I get all that shit about having it hard to go back home out of my head, I'll try to stay busy. It's the best for my mental health.
End of chapter 4.

Next chapter: ERROR! Kingdom not found!

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