The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy

757 31 14
By Kinky_BabyGirl14

I am sitting on the couch staring at my notes on the spell and then into the bowl in front of me, frustrated out of my mind.

I let out a long sigh as I run my fingers through my hair, trying to clear my thoughts. The spell had taken me months to prepare for, yet it seemed as if I was no closer to cracking it than I had been on day one.

I look at the bowl again, its contents still as murky as they were before. A sense of unease creeps up on me, and I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps I had changed the wrong thing in the original spell, or maybe I had miscalculated the ingredients.

"Why are staring at that bowl like it stole from you?" Kelsey asks from where she sits on the other side of the room.

Kelsey takes a sip of her coffee as she waits for my response.

"I have followed every step to a T but it won't change like the spell says it should." I sigh out.

Kelsey gets up and walks over to me, peering over my shoulder at the papers with the adapted spell is written on before snickering.

I roll my eyes as I know exactly why she is snickering, "It's in French and Latin, Kels. so unless you have been taking classes, you can't read a word of it."

"I know but I thought I would at least appear helpful by doing so." She says as she plops herself on the armchair opposite me with smile.

"What is this for anyway?" She asks, bored.

"It's a contingency plan." I say which makes Kelsey raise a brow with a look as she appears unconvinced with my answer.

"You know you don't have to stay in the compound. It's only me on lockdown, you can come and go as you please." I remind her as a change of subject.

"And leave you alone?" She gasps with fake hurt, "What kind of friend would that make me?"

I shoot her an unconvinced look at her words and she rolls her eyes, slouching in her chair.

"And it's weirdly quiet out there." She says, looking towards the window that leads out over the Quarter.

"What do you mean?" I ask her with furrowed brows.

"I mean ever since I moved in here, the supernatural element as been lacking in the Quarter." she say with a shrug as she takes another sip from her cup.

"Odd." I say with a small shrug as well.

Kelsey looks over my shoulder and grins before the couch dips as someone takes a seat next to me.

"Perfect timing, Del. Now I can stop pretending I know what the hell she is babbling on about when she talks about her new spell." Kelsey says with a grin while Delilah rolls her eyes with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Delilah asks before picking up one of the papers and scanning it over.

Shock, disbelief and several other emotions flash across her face as she read it.

Delilah slowly looks up from the paper and to me with raised brows and utter disbelief.

"Phoebe, is this spell to tu-" I cut her off


I knew as soon as she read it, she would know exactly what I was trying to do which is why I had hid it for so long but with it failing I have no choice but to get her input.

"So you think you can help?" I ask hopefully as Delilah twist her mouth, looking over the other papers.

"I actually I can." Delilah says as she seems surprised by her own words.

"You need to look over the original spell to figure it out what went wrong." She adds.

I huff at her words before falling back against the couch, "Great."

Delilah looks at me confused before looking over at Kelsey for help as she is lost by my change in mood.

"Genevieve is with Klaus." Kelsey says, wiggling her brows and I shoot her a dirty look.

"Klaus and Elijah got Genevieve to help them out with the moonlight rings for the wolves. They are in the study with Esther's grimoire preparing." I elbarate from Kelsey short sentence.

Delilah seems confused by my words, "Why did they get her help? Why don't you just do the spell?" SHe questions.

I avoid looking at her while Kelsey bites on lip, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"They think the spell would push her over the edge and put her and the baby in danger." Kelsey says with an amused smirk as she knows what is to follow.

"If they won't allow you to do that spell but they are okay with this one?" Delilah asks as she holds the sheet of paper in her hand.

"Of course not." I pause, "They don't know about this one."

Delilah shakes her head with a sigh, "Phoebe, you can't just go around doing these dangerous spells without telling anyone, especially not your family."

"I know," I mutter, feeling guilty for keeping secrets from my loved ones.

"But I had to try something. I couldn't just sit back and watch as everything falls apart." I explain to Delilah who seems to have softened up a bit.

"Well, we'll figure it out together. But promise me, no more secret spells, okay?" Delilah says sternly but with a hint of understanding in her voice.

"I promise." I say, feeling relieved.

"Speaking of family, when did Stefan get to town?" Delilah asks as she peaks into the bowl.

"What?" I ask her, giving her a confused which makes Delilah pause and look at me.

"Stefan. Your brother. He is in the courtyard talking to Klaus." Delilah says, pointing towards the door.

This information surprises me and get up off the couch quickly, vamping out the room and towards the courtyard.

I stand on the balcony, overlooking the courtyard and what Delilah had said is true. Standing into the side of the courtyard, in the middle and a quiet argument was Stefan.

"Stefan?!" I call out and it echoes through the courtyard, pulling the two of them from the conversation.

Klaus gives Stefan a look before walking off back towards the study, leaving Stefan standing there with an almost guilty look which confuses me.

Him being in New Orleans, in my home, confuses me.

As I approach Stefan, he avoids eye contact and shuffles his feet, a clear indication that something is amiss. 

"Stefan, what are you doing here?" I ask, trying to hide my confusion and concern. 

He finally looks up at me, his green eyes softening at the sight of me and he swallows before looking in the direction Klaus had disappeared in.

I stand in front of him, grabbing his hand which makes him look back over me.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I search his eyes for a clue.

Stefan rubs his neck before smiling at me, "Nothing is wrong, I just missed my little sister."

I narrow my eyes at him, not buying his excuse. "Stefan, you didn't just come all the way to New Orleans just because you missed me. What's going on?" I press, refusing to let him off the hook.

Stefan sighs, his eyes dart around for a moment before he finally speaks. "Okay, fine. You're right. I came here because I need a break from Mystic Falls and Damon and Elena." he admits but swallows visibly, and I can sense the desperation for me to believe him in his tone.

"So, I thought coming here would give me a chance to clear my head and figure things out." Stefan continues, his voice barely above a whisper.

I study him carefully, taking in everything he's saying and trying to figure out if he's really telling me the truth. I sigh out and give him a hug.

"I missed you." I say with a smile before linking my arm through his, walking him towards where I had set up.

"You are welcome to stay as long as you need." I tell him and he lets out a breath in relief but I ignore it.

Delilah is waiting for us by the doorway while Kelsey is lounging on the couch, playing on her phone.

"Hello, Delilah and Kelsey." Stefan greets and Delilah gives him a warm smile while Kelsey grunts in response.

Delilah gestures down the hall with head and I nod before turning back to Stefan, "You are welcome to wonder the compound but try not to get into any trouble." I say before Delilah grabs my hand, dragging me with her down the hall.

Delilah let's go of my hand as we near the study.

I open the door walking in, not bothering to announce myself.

"Your mother's spell is as complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch." Genevieve says as her eyes sparkle with excitement over the pages in front of her.

"Good God." I groan, "If I knew this was the Esther celebration club I would have stayed out."

Klaus looks at me concern as he looks me over, "Is something the matter?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"No. I just need to speak to you alone." I say to Klaus before shooting Genevieve an expectant look.

She takes the hint and packs up her things, giving Klaus a final nod before leaving the room and Delilah moves in front of the door, blocking it from anyone coming in.

Klaus stands up from his seat, walking over to me with a serious expression on his face. "What is it, love?" he asks, his voice low and calm.

I give him a wide grin, "Nothing. I just needed her out of here so that I can do this."

I wave my hand over a certain bookshelf and my spell drops, revealing Esther's grimoire sitting there. I smile at it before grabbing it and moving it onto the table.

Klaus shoots me an unimpressed look at my trickery but ignore him, open the grimoire to the exact spell I am trying to recreate and sliding it over to Delilah to read.

Klaus looks between me, Delilah and the book with suspicion about our actions.

"What are you two up too?" Klaus asks with narrow eyes.

"Nothing of importance." I say as I move in the view of Delilah and Esther's grimoire.

"Shouldn't Jackson and Oliver be here by now with the stones?" I ask him as a distraction.

Klaus thinks it over for a moment before grabbing his phone out and leaving the room which makes me sigh out before looking at Delilah.

She's already examining the spell in the grimoire, her eyes scanning the page with intensity.

"You know, this is a pretty advanced spell," she says, not looking up from the book. "Are you sure about this?"

"I have to do this." I say determined.

Delilah's eyes pause at a certain spot on the page and she sneaks looks to me nervously.

"What is it?" I ask as my hope slowly died.

"The original spell says that blood from all living Mikaelson's must be used." Delilah says and I furrow my eyes in confusion.

"I did. Klaus. Elijah. Rebekah." I list off.

"And your baby, Phoebe." Delilah adds and my breath stops for a moment.

I try to process what Delilah just said, feeling a lump form in my throat.

"So all this was for nothing." I say out loud as my eyes start to water.

Delilah gives me a sympathetic look as I close my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. I had gone through so much trouble for this spell, and now it seemed like it was all for naught.

But then, an idea struck me. "Wait," I say, my eyes snapping open. "What if we use my blood instead?"

Delilah's eyes widen in surprise at my suggestion. "But the spell specifically says-"

"I know what it says, but I'm willing to try anything at this point," I interrupt her, determination coursing through me. "I can't just give up without even trying."

Delilah nods slowly, her eyes studying me with a mixture of admiration and concern. 

"Alright, you'll need to modify the spell and make some adjustments, but it's worth a shot," she says, her voice filled with conviction.

I take a deep breath, feeling a surge of hope and excitement as I nod and Delilah closes the Grimoire, sliding it over the table back to me.

I tuck the book back in it's hiding place and putting my spell back in place before heading back to the living room with a new found determination. 

As I sit on the couch, I can feel the weight of my decision settling on my shoulders. This was a risky move, using my own blood for the spell, but I know it I have to try.

I hold the pill type vial filled with my potion and I stare at it as Delilah des te same from opposite me.

"It reminds me of the cure." I say as I look it over once more.

"You are right, it looks the same." Stefan agrees with a drink in his hand.

"Why only one vial?" Kelsey pipes up with, making both me and Delilah to look over at her.

"I only had enough ingredients to make one." I say with a shrug.

"What's wrong, Hayley?" Delilah asks as she looks behind me with concern.

I quickly pocket my vial and turn on the couch, to look at Hayley who looks as though she has seen a ghost as she holds her phone in her one hand.

"Jackson, Oliver and Ezra were taken by Marcel on their way back with the stones." Hayley starts with.

"What?!" Delilah exclaims, standing from her seat as me and Kelsey look at Hayley with wide eyes, stunned by this news.

"Elijah and Klaus found them though." Hayley says, pausing and all three of us let out a breath of relief.

"But..." Hayley says.

"But what, Hayley?" Delilah demands.

"And in one sentence." Kelsey adds.

"I was on the phone with them when they found Jackson and Ezra. They spoke of explosives and then there was a loud noise then nothing." Hayley says to us and for a moment I feel my heart stop and my ears start to ring as I stand.

"What?" I ask, my voice soft, it barely a whisper.

Stefan seeing my state of shock, walks over a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Bea. We'll get them back," he says, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I have to go find them." Delilah declares as she starts to march towards the door but Hayley stops her.

"You can't. None of us can, it's to dangerous." Hayley tries to explain but I hear none of it as it floats through on ear and out the other.

"I need some air." I announce as I walk towards the balcony, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. My mind is racing with thoughts and close my eyes, letting the slight breeze run over me as I try slowing down my thoughts.

"Ezra!" I hear Delilah shout, causing me to open my eyes and spin around.

Elijah, Klaus, Jackson and Ezra are all walking into the living room, all looking very dishevelled and covered in ash. I relieved smile spreads across my face as I look at my men. I vamp across the room and pull them both into a hug, holding them close.

I pull back from the hug and pull each into a kiss, tasting the ash on their lips. 

They are here. 

That's all that matters.

"What about the stones?" Hayley asks and Klaus steps around me to address her but ignore them as I rest my head on Elijah's chest and he places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"This is my fault. I'll find a way to fix it." Jackson says as I turn around facing the group.

"No, Jack, you're hurt. No one's blaming you." Hayley tells him, rubbing his shoulder in an affectionate way.

Klaus starts ranting when my eyes fall on Ezra as Delilah hugs him tight.

I walk from Elijah embrace and move closer to Ezra, biting into my wrist as I come to a stop in front of him.

"Drink." I tell him and he nods his head before taking my wrist into his mouth.

As the blood leaves me and enter his system all his very visible injuries heal immediately and Delilah mouths 'Thank you' to me.

"Fortunately, I always have a backup plan." Klaus says with an evil smile which makes me pause and slowly turn towards him.

"What have you done?" I ask him in an incredible calm tone.

Before any other words could be swapped, five men who are all wearing suits walked into the courtyard with Francesca which makes me grind my teeth.

"You can't seriously mean her! She's a gangster!" I scoff in disbelief.

"I see her more as a means of procuring rare items at short notice." Klaus corrects me before hopping from the balcony and into the courtyard with Elijah following after him while glare in their direction.

Jackson stands and speaks up to the group,"I need to get back to the Bayou, the moon with start to rise soon." Jackson say before looking over at Ezra, "You are welcome to join us."

Ezra, Delilah, Kelsey and me all share a look before Ezra politely refuses his offer.

Hayley walks Jackson out and Stefan stands from his seat, looking at the four of with suspicion.

"Why wouldn't Ezra go with him if it is a full moon tonight?" Stefan asks.

I look over at Ezra and he gives me a nod as the go ahead.

"You see, Ezra is special." I state and Kelsey chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Ezra can put off his transition until the last minute and when he is in wolf form, he still has control." Kelsey spills which seems to stun Stefan while I roll my eyes at her.

I wince in pain and every eyes is on me in a second which makes me shake my head at them.

"Calm down nervous Nancy's. It's just Braxton Hicks, I have been having them all bloody week." I inform them.

"What did your doctor say to do?" Delilah asks, concerned.

I huff in amusement, "She said to try limit my stress but how am I supposed to do that when I have two backstabbing bitches running about in my home."

I feel another pain and I obviously pull a face because Stefan moves closer as well as Kelsey.

"I will be fine. Let's just go to the damn study, I have to make sure that woman isn't doing something stupid." I say before waddling away from them and into the study.

As I enter Hayley, Elijah and Klaus are already in there watching Genevieve do the spell.

As we all watch her, Francesca come barging into the room, "My people say Marcel is on the move, and he's bringing friends."

Klaus turns to Elijah and intructs, "Get her to safety." he gestures towards me before rushing out the room.

Elijah grabs my arm but I rip it from his grip, "I am not going anywhere.Some needs to watch her." I say gesturing with my to Genevieve.

"You should help Klaus. My brothers and their security detail won't be much against a vampire army. I'll stay with Phoebe." Francesca tells him

"Go, Elijah." I tell him and he nods reluctantly, leaving the room after Klaus.

"You guys go help as well." I say to the rest of them.

"We are not leaving you alone." Delilah decides a loud.

"I said I would stay with her." Francesca say, clearly annoyed.

Delilah glares daggers at her, "That's just adding to my reason to not leave."

Stefan stands in the doorway unsure, "Go help them." I tell him and he nods before vamping off to the courtyard.

"I will stay with her." Ezra says and Delilah reluctantly agrees with this arrangement.

Delilah and Kelsey head for the door as Kelsey start to get excited over the fight coming.

"Wait." I say to them before removing my daggers from their hiding spot.

I hand the dagger spelled with the collection of anger to Kelsey and quickly explain the spell to her,  "It will gather the anger from you and the people it touches and form it into a weapon. Making this blade unbeatable at times."

I hold the unspelled dagger in my hand and try to think of something that could useful for a battle such as the one Delilah is going to face.

I quickly make a decision and use the dagger to cut my palm, letting the blood drip onto the blade. The blood sizzles as it touches the metal, and I know that this will add some extra power to the weapon.

"Take this," I say, handing the dagger to Delilah. "It's spelled with bleeding wounds. It will cause the target to bleed out as long as it's still in there."

"Thanks." She takes the dagger from me and then she and Kelsey make their way out of the room.

"Why do you carry blades in your own home?" Francesca questions.

"Since it became overrun by vermin." I spit out.

We continue to watch Genevieve do her spell when a bodyguard of Francesca's walks into the room.

"Ms. Correa, we need to go. Your brothers are already headed out the back." He says but she holds her hand up to him, as she is almost hypnotised by Genevieve's spell.

My phone rings and I see it's Cami so I step back away from the other with my back turned to them to answer the call.

"What's up, Cami?" I ask quietly so the others won't hear.

"Phoebe! Francesca, she isn't human!" CamI blurts.

"What?!" I whisper yell.

"She is a werewolf. I found my uncle's research." CamI continues to blurt out.

"What do you think you are doing?" I hear Ezra demand behind me.

I spin around as Francesca takes a knife out and slices Ezra's throat from ear to ear.

"No!" I scream and I send a pulse of magic across the room, smacking Francesca into the room but stop when I fold in pain and grab my belly. 

I feel a sudden relief in my pain before I feel a wetness flow down my legs.

My water has broken and I am in labour.

"I am sorry." I hear before I feel I prick into my neck and the world around me turns black.

Delilah races upstairs with Elijah hot on her tail as they use all their speed to get to the study. Delilah grabs her mouth, letting out a heartbreaking sob as she sees the love her life's lifeless body on the floor. 

Delilah vamps to him and pull him to her as she starts to cry.

Elijah looks around the room in a panic in search of Phoebe but see no signs of her, vamps out the room and leaves the devastated Delilah alone.

"MARCEL! WHERE IS SHE?" Elijah demands, full of anger as he throws every object between him and Marcel out the way.

Cami throws herself protectively between Marcel and Elijah. 

"Where's Phoebe?" Elijah demands as his rage falls off of him in waves.

"He doesn't have her! Please! I know you don't trust him, but you know I wouldn't lie. He doesn't have her. I was on the phone with her, they attacked her." Cami tells him, not standing down

"Elijah, this way." Stefan directs as he wobbles into the courtyard covered in werewolf bites.

Elijah nods and follows Stefan as he moves out the courtyard and into the street.

As Elijah and Stefan rush through the Quarter in search of Phoebe, Phoebe comes to as the drug/herb mixture that Genevieve had given her wears off.

Phoebe opens her eyes as a group of witches carry her into the church with Genevieve walking behind them, watching Phoebe very anxiously.

Phoebe tries to use her magic to kill or at least injury the witches around her but as she tries, she realizes that she can't connect with her magic and looks at Genevieve with a look of betrayal.

"What have you done?" She whispers to herself as the witches bring her to where Monique and Abigail stand.

Phoebe quickly understands the danger she is and starts to struggle against the witches, scream out as she hopes that someone will hear her and help.

Phoebe breaks the one witches arm and grabs the vial from earlier and sticks it in her mouth, crunching down on it which allows the contents to flow down her throat.

"What did she just take?!" Monique demands from me.

"It doesn't matter! Get her down on the altar!" Genevieve instructs as Phoebe kicks one of the witches hard as she focuses solely on trying to get away.

"We won't make it, the baby is coming now." Genevieve tells Monique as they lift Phoebe up onto the altar.

Hearing this, Phoebe begins to freak further and uses all her strength to sitting up, bashing the witches who hold her heads into the stone while biting the throat out of one.

"It's too soon!" Phoebe growls as she gets ready to attack the other witches but stops when she gets a painful contraction.

"Ahhhhhh!" Phoebe screams gripping her belly.

Genevieve quickly realizes that even without her magic Phoebe is still stronger than them and uses her own magic to hold Phoebe down and in place with a spell.

Monique grabs Genevieve's arm as Genevieve finishes the spell, "The plan was to induce her when the sacrifice was ready!" Monique says, upset by the change in their plans.

"She went into labour before I even subdued her. The baby is coming, and we'll just have to adapt." Genevieve says as she rips her arm back, turning back to Phoebe who is trying her hardest against the spell.

"LET ME GO!" Phoebe demands, her eyes full of rage.

"You need to be calm, Phoebe. It's too late to stop this." Genevieve tries to tell Phoebe but Phoebe just laughs in anger.

"You could stop this at any point." Phoebe says, "Why are you doing this?"

"To be reborn, you must sacrifice." Monique says in a cryptic way.

Phoebe full of pain, anger and fear doesn't take it well, "What does that mean, you psychotic little BITCH?"

"You really didn't know?" Genevieve asks, actually surprised by this.

"NO!" Phoebe shouts, still feeling another contraction.

"The ancestors demand an offering in exchange for power." Genevieve say to her.

It clicks for Phoebe and she struggles harder as she tries to reach into her mind to find a connection to some sort of magic within her.

"No! NO! You will not take my baby, I will kill ALL OF YOU!" Phoebe screeches as no such help comes.

"I'm sorry, Phoebe, but this is the way it had to be." Genevieve says before she props Phoebe's legs up and another witch covers the bottom half of me with a sheet.

As the sheet is laid over Phoebe, Klaus limps into the church and Phoebe finds an ounce of relief as she sees him.

Klaus lunges toward one of the witch guards and rips his head off. Klaus storms towards Phoebe and the altar when Abigail and Genevieve link hands and telekinetically pin Klaus to the wall.

Klaus fights against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he cannot get free as Monique and Abigail anchor the spell.

"AHHH!" Both Klaus and Phoebe yell but they are different types of yells.

Klaus in frustration while Phoebe's is from pain.

"Let's start." Genevieve says as she pulls out the blade from the harvest before moving between Phoebe's legs, ready to deliver the baby.

"Push!" Genevieve instructs and Phoebe listens as she recalls the tips that Eve had given her during their lessons.

"I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus roars which is followed by a pain full scream from Phoebe.

The witches ignore Klaus's threats and Genevieve looks at Phoebe over the sheet, telling her, "One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!"

"I will bathe in rivers of your blood!" Klaus shouts as Phoebe pushes and screams in pain, gripping the altar hard enough that a piece breaks off.

The voices all start to merge as Phoebe throws her head back, taking big breaths as she tries to remember her breathing practise.

Klaus voice breaks through the fog as he shouts, "You will die screaming!"

Phoebe growls in pain and anger as she finds herself, holding her breath before she lets out a violent scream of pain.

Phoebe throws her head forward again and closes her eyes as the baby is finally born.

Genevieve pulls back the sheet and Phoebe opens her eyes to see Genevieve holding a baby wrapped in a blanket.

Genevieve starts to speak but Phoebe sole focus is on her daughter.

Both Klaus and Phoebe stare at their daughter in awe as both of them get lost in the moment at the miracle of life.

"Please. Please, can I hold her?" Phoebe begs, exhausted.

Genevieve thinks about it for a moment as the baby moves in her arms, screaming her little lungs out

Genevieve moves forward and pass the baby over to Phoebe as the baby touches her arms, she stops screaming and calms like she knows she is with her mother.

Phoebe looks at her baby in pure wonder and happiness before she looks up at Klaus, showing their daughter to him and he looks at her speechless.

Phoebe leans down and rest her forehead against her daughter as she whisper to her, "I am sorry." before laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

As Phoebe has a moment with her daughter, Klaus notices the desiccation working up Phoebe's legs.

"Hey!" Klaus yells but no one pays him no mind.

Phoebe feels another pain like her contractions from earlier and winces but none of the witches seem to notice.

Phoebe groans in pain and follows what Eve had told her, following what her body is telling her and pushes again.

Genevieve come forward and takes the baby from Phoebe.

Phoebe reaches out for her daughter as she goes to protest but stops as she feels like her very being is being torn apart.

In that moment she seems to connect to her magic and starts to draw on it as Monique grabs Phoebe by her neck, raising a stake above her,

"NO!" She hears Klaus scream, "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

Phoebe hears the sound of the window shattering, as a white ball of pure magic come from her body when Monique brings the stake down into Phoebe's chest.

As the desiccation sets in through Phoebe's whole body, The ball of pure magic disperses through the city.

Stefan and Elijah are nearing the church when the magic burst from the church and Elijah falls to his knees.

Stefan looks down at his arms and notice all the werewolf bites that were once all over him,have magical disappeared. This same phenomenon happens to the few living vampires within the compound as well as Kelsey.

Delilah sobs over Ezra's body holding him close when he starts to move again, making Delilah gasp in surprise as Ezra looks at her with a tired look and his wound magical heals which changes Delilah tears to tears of joy.

"Phoebe!" Elijah says as he grabs his chest in pain.

"Phoebe? What about Phoebe?!" Stefan asks, confused and looks at the church with worry.

Elijah tries to stand and fall down to his knees again.

"I can't feel her anymore." Elijah says quietly as he closes his eyes and a single tear strays down his face.

Stefan grabs Elijah as Elijah falls forward and grabs his chest again.

"I can't feel..." Elijah stops speaking as he holds his chest where the link between him and Phoebe had once sat.

His words making the colour drain from Stefan's face at the thought that he had lost both of his siblings.


Not sure what to say but I everything will work out. 

I promise.

I did make custom gifs which makes me kinda happy.

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