Perfect Marriage ✔

By lemonmintdrink

21.7K 1.1K 500

Two idiots find love in arranged marriage. That's it. That's the story. Adaption of my story- Unexpected love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

777 60 54
By lemonmintdrink

Managed to do some writing while travelling. Also, who else prefers train journey over bus?
Is it just me?

Anyways, I felt that this is not my best chapter. Please do let me know your thoughts. Hoping you catch you in the comments.
Also, please ignore all typos.
If possible, leave a comment against typos, please.

Date published - 25 June 2023
4010 words

Since there are multiple couples in this story, here's a memory refresher.
Lead couple -> Khushi & her fiancee, Arnav
Arnav's ex-girlfriend - Mythili
Nk's ex-girlfriend - Jhanvi (dated through college and broke up a year ago)
Nk & his office crush, Lavanya
Akash & his fiancee, Payal
Shyam & his wife, Anjali
Mathew & his live-in girlfriend, Kiara

Please note the following words that will be used from here, onwards
Appa = Father
Amma = Mother
Anna = Elder brother
Anni = Sister-in-law
Thambi = Younger brother
Akka = Elder sister
Thaatha = Grandfather

Paati = Grandmother

(Back to the story!!)

(Back in my parent's house)

Arnav's POV

After the usual pleasantries, thaatha suggested that I take Khushi and Shyam to my room here since Akash and Payal were returning late from the movie. To be honest, it's a mess compared to Khushi's organized room. And I really didn't want Khushi to see it all since it was embarrassing. But, hey she's going to get married to me so she needs to see all of me, including the messy parts. Hehe.
I watched her scan through the room.

And Shyam left no stones unturned to tease us. Not that I didn't mind.

Shyam - "Shall I leave the room and give this young couple some privacy? I don't want to intrude." As if he didn't intrude enough already with his phone call this afternoon.

Shyam - "Khushi and Arnav sitting on tree. K I S S I N G."

Arnav - "Can you please shut up already? You are making her nervous."

Khushi just refused to meet me in the eye, ever since we got home. I don't understand why she is so nervous.

Putting his left arm around me and his right arm around Khushi, he stated - "Aww, look at the husband caring for his wife." which made me roll my eye.

Khushi was a whole bunch of nervousness during dinner. I watched my crazy sassy fiancee turn into a meek nervous mouse, in the presence of my parents and grandpa. Her legs were constantly tapping the floor. I placed my hand over her leg, under the table, trying to keep her calm.

Her tapping seem to have calmed down in the process, instead, she kept fumbling with her nails as my parents chatted with her. Thankfully, her chicken didn't need to be cut up, so that slightly helped her to calm down. But, I could tell that she was slightly nervous, for reasons I simply couldn't fathom.

I slowly grabbed her injured left hand which she hesitantly allowed me to do so. I felt that her pulse was rather high, for a healthy individual.

Shyam looked at our hands entwined and just when he was about to say something at the table, I glared at him, to shut up which he graciously did, not before muttering - "Some house cleaning."

Payal and Akash arrived late for dinner, after their movie show. They arrived right in time when amma was about to serve us with carrot kheer, one of Akash's favourites.
Payal, noticeably disheveled as she entered the dining table- "Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff."
Akash, also disheveled and grinning smugly - "Hi, I'm stuff."
Shyam and I smirked looking at them, and continued our dinner. Khushi didn't even care since she was already ready to run back home. I guess the only thing holding her back was my mom's food.

Did I mention that my mother's food is the best? Akash dropped Payal, Shyam, and Khushi at home since I got a call from the hospital for emergency surgery.

Khushi's POV

With only one month to go, I am back in my hometown, working from home since there are some rituals at our village temple for my wedding. How much wish my thaatha and paati had been alive right now since they would have been overjoyed to see my wedding. I really miss my thaatha.

Nk's POV

There is only one week before Khushi's wedding and safe to say that she had already gone crazy and panic-stricken. At this rate, I am pretty sure that she is going to have either a panic attack or fall sick on the day of her wedding. She has been overworking herself with the preparations and her cousins are useless in helping her out.

Just this morning, I got a call from Khushi at the crack of dawn asking me to meet her at our regular cafe. Thankfully, that cafe operates 24x7.

I ordered myself some coffee ice cream since coffee would take some time to prepare as per the cafe employees. So, any kind of caffeine is much appreciated since I need some caffeine in my system to deal with Khushi's craziness early this morning.

Khushi has been on a strict diet for the past two months as she felt blotted in her reception gown trial and has been avoiding all junk food for it. She has been eyeing my ice cream like a baby eying for their toy.

"Do you want ice cream?" - I asked her, fully knowing that she is going to refuse despite having very low self-control when it comes to food.

Just as I predicted, she replied "No!" annoyed at me.

I scooped a spoonful of ice cream and held it out for her.

"Just one bite. I will tell no soul."

I watched her stare at the spoon longingly and she finally sighed and gave in. And took a bite.

"You're a terrible influence" - she muttered, relishing the ice cream.

"You need me." - I snarked.

To be honest, that much sums up our friendship. Khushi has always been a cautious person and me not-so-cautious. Under my wild freedom, she flourished and honestly, that's how my friendship grew strong over the years.

"Fuck you."

"That's why you are getting married, noodles." - I muttered only to receive the nastiest of glares from Khushi.

"Bad jokes, I realize now." - I coaxed her and she grabbed the ice cream bowl from my side and just when she was about to dig into MY ice cream, she pushed it over to my side and looked down as though she was hiding from someone.

Khushi's POV

It was that nosy aunty of mine. Why is she here early in the morning? She is going to start unnecessary gossip. Already everyone thinks that Nk and I are in a secret relationship and I don't want yet another rumor.

Khushi -"Shit!"

Nk - "What happened?"

Khushi - "Look behind you. But don't be obvious."

The bastard sitting opposite to me turned his body around and went - "WHERE??"

To my luck, that lady didn't notice me and left the cafe. Thank God. Why was she even here in the first place?

(Two days to go for the reception and three days to go for Arnav-Khushi & Payal-Akash wedding)

I was walking around the terrace with Bluetooth headphones. I legit have no idea what song was playing right now. It was just some white noise to me.

My father raised me to not need a man. He taught me everything he could possibly could to avoid relying on a man for anything. Almost anything. He raises me not to complain and just try to figure things out. He raised me to be independent because independent women are the ones that you can stand beside you when things come to shove. After all, the only person who will ever be there for me, through thick and thin and through heaven and hell, is myself. After all, how long are my parents going to be around? That's what Dad feared. He wanted me to rely on myself to be able to hold myself and take care of things if something happens.

And now that same man is getting me married off. To live in a stranger's house. Where's the logic over there? Someone explain it to me, please. It is so odd to think my entire life will change so fast. A person I don't even know that well, and we will be bound for life!


Khushi's dad's POV

I came to the terrace to grab a smoke since all these wedding preparations were getting on my nerves and that's when I found Khushi walking around mindlessly on the terrace. I quickly hid the cigarette and lighter behind the plants, because if Khushi found me smoking, she would have killed me with lectures, especially when I promised her that I would quit smoking.

"Can't sleep?" - I asked her but I guess the songs that were playing on her headphones were louder than my voice.

I remember the day my wife called me from her maternal home stating that she's gone into labor and that they are in the hospital. I clearly remember that day when I held my princess for the first time. And the first time she came home after spending the first three months with her maternal grandparents.

And now she's leaving home. Where did the time fly? It just flew off in a blink of an eye literally. I realize now too late that I should have let your mother go to her maternal home. I should have insisted more.

Khushi noticed my presence and stopped her track lowering her headphones.

"Can't sleep?" - I asked her and she nodded in negative.

"I'm going to miss you."- I told her and she hugged me tight, burying her face on my chest.

"I'm not going anymore. We are practically going to be in the same city." - My brave girl tried to console me. Well, that's not any less than the truth. Given that I will be retiring next year and settling here, we would be in the same city.

But, I knew better too.

"You will get busy with your new family." - I told her, bringing her back to reality as I watched her shoulders drop in defeat.

"You need a drink?!" - I asked her. I need a drink honestly. I know that Khushi does occasionally drink although she does her best to hide that fact from me and my wife.

"I know you drink, pumpkin." - I shrugged my shoulder and watched her rub the back of her neck sheepishly, caught in slight embarrassment.

"You need a drink. I will get you one." - I took the bottles that I have hidden behind the plants at which Khushi slightly glared at me for the fact but still there was a tiny smile on her lips.

"Why do you say that?" - She inquired, grabbing two glasses from her secret corner. I rolled my eyes. Like father, like daughter. Just let's not tell your mother.

"Because of that look on your face. You are worried about something"- I told her casually which made Khushi stop in her tracks.

"How you do that, Appa?" - She asks amused. I narrow my eyes.

"Do what?" - I cock my head to the side.
"How do you constantly know, what I am feeling and thinking? It seems like I can't keep anything from you."
"Because I am your dad. Sure, I may not have been with you growing up since you were with your grandparents. But, I know my daughter." -I kissed her forehead.

Her mom and I have been so busy with our careers, leaving Khushi with her grandparents. She pretty much grew up under the care of my dad. I regret not spending more time with Khushi.

"I'm scared of getting married. I don't want to leave you alone" - She confessed sadly. I wonder if my wife too felt the same way as Khushi does.

"You know what's the difference between being in a relationship and marriage? A relationship is just between the two, along with everything around them. But marriage.. is not that simple.
A marriage is a marriage -- love or arranged. Both require the same level of commitment. And I will be with you, as long as I live. I have your back, pumpkin. Always." - I promised her and enjoyed our drink as the moonlight shined on us.


Khushi's POV

My reception dress was staring at me, waiting to be worn. Shimmer, shine, and full-on sparkly dress. Rich with embellishments and intricate details. It will definitely simmer with the light, making me the center of attention. Sure, it's my day but it's a day for Akash & Payal. I wonder what the love birds are up to. And I couldn't help but wonder about my husband. God, it feels weird calling that ass as my husband. My husband. Urgh. It just sounds weird and strange.

Post the makeup and hair torture, they left alone for a few seconds before some photographer guy magically appeared in my room to take some pics.

I look at myself in the mirror. Standing in front was not Khushi Gupta. Manager. Daughter. She was different. She looked very scared and nervous. She's going to be Mrs. Arnav. A wife. A daughter-in-law. Among other things.

I am honestly an anxious mess. Thank god, for the people around me, or else I am pretty sure that I would have a full-blown panic attack.

I calmed myself down and prepped myself to get ready for the chaos that is set in front of me. I practiced my smiles for the camera. I'm ready. Or that's what I told myself.

Am I ready? Now, that's the million-dollar question.

Although I got to admit I felt like royalty wearing this dress, now only if I had found my Prince Charming on my own and didn't have to marry an ugly frog. Who am I kidding? Never in a million choices, would someone handsome like Arnav have been mine. But still...I felt like a princess. But one of those badass ones, that doesn't need a white knight to save them.

Arnav's POV

I watched her ascend the steps in a cream gown which made me catch my breath. Of course, her friends were behind her helping her with the heaviness of the gown, and given the fact that she was wearing heels. Please don't trip and fall wearing those deadly heels.

Thankfully, her friends were helping my angry little penguin onto the stage. I couldn't help but stare until Shyam pinched my hand.

"Oww, what was that for?" - I asked him, rubbing my arm.

"You are staring, moron. It's creepy." - He whispered and smiled the next second nervously since the video camera was on us.

"Are you just going to stand here and gawk?" - Khushi asked me in a low tone, now standing next to me, with a nervous smile for the camera.

"Yes." - I told her, trying my best to smile casually for the camera and greet the guests who came onto the stage to hand us gifts.

"Well, stop it. You look stupid." - She retorted

"Do I?" - I smirked. I thought I looked handsome.

Nk's POV

I couldn't help but laugh at Khushi as they did the pre-wedding photo shoot. I swear to God that Khushi would have killed that photographer guy, had he stayed for one more second.

Arnav & Khushi were literally like two students who hated each other guts but the teacher had forced them to do a project type. Thankfully, less violent and continued to pull each other's legs. And there seem to have a lot of inside jokes which I had no idea what it was. They would literally laugh at every damn pose and have these weird expressions. Of nervousness, anxiousness, and stress. Their parents at one point almost gave up on these two lost causes and just let them be.

Arnav & Khushi too at one point, just blindly obeyed the photographer to get this over with. They were fed with everything and everyone. I guess they both ran out of their social battery.

The photos did come out great, despite all the chaos happening around the marriage.

At least one couple had a blast during the photo shoot. Yes, I'm talking about Akash and Payal. They even managed to make all those crazy cringe couples' poses into cute ones. I wish I could have what they have. Khushi told me that they have been friends forever and have been in a relationship since college. Lucky them! They are literally so adorable. I watched as they playfully argued with each other leading up to playful, harmless elbows shoving into each other's sides while they laughed at each other and themselves.

Khushi's POV

The next day was my marriage. Who on earth decided that my marriage should be at 4 in the morning? Some astrological nonsense. This also meant that Mom woke me up at 1 am to get ready for my big day. My big day. God, where did the time go? Can you please pause the time and allow me to run away today?

"You ready?" - Nk asked me as the makeup artist did the final touch. Thankfully, this silk saree is not as heavy as my gown last night. Wearing that for almost five hours and smiling for each and every photo, both my legs and my cheeks hurt from it.

And this saree. God alone knows how much I had to fight for it. Both my aunt and my mom were not happy with this choice stating that it was too simple. Excuse me, it's my wedding and not theirs. I get to choose what I want to wear right. Thankfully, Dad stood by my side and they reluctantly agreed to it.

"Can I say no to my marriage, now?" - I asked him timidly. I really can't sit through another hour of torture with this makeup and saree.

"Let's get you married" - He shrieked. Such an ass!

Do we really have to do a full wedding? Can't we just elope? Why did I agree to sit through these hours of torture?

As I climbed up to the stage for my marriage, I spotted Arnav smiling at me, waiting for me in front of the fire haven.

People be writing songs and poetry about a girl's smile, but what about when a guy smiles? Damn!! And this heart was slowly beginning to melt away as he blushed upon seeing me.

"Looks like you're stuck with me forever"- He whispered to me, pouring some ghee as the priest guided him.

"And that's supposed to be a bad thing?" - I asked him in a confident tone, while I am crumbling away at the fire burning in front of us.

Nk's POV

I could see her contemplation, joy, and a lot of anxiety. I could see the deep breath she takes. I wonder what's running through her mind. The first thing that would be running across her mind is - when on earth can she rip off the saree and get into pants?

Or, was she thinking "Please don't trip and fall in a saree" - I am pretty sure that's now of the least priority of things she is worried about right now

"Do I have lipstick on my teeth" - Hehe, luckily nothing right now. But her cousin did adjust her jewelry a while ago.

"How is this my life now" - perhaps, that's a valid question to ponder about.

I honestly couldn't tell what was running through her mind. Now, no matter what it may be, I hope that she has a great day and continues to be happy.

I couldn't help but wonder how I would be feeling on my big day. And my bride.. where is that woman. Someone from the future, please point me in her direction.

Akash's POV

I'm sitting before the fire, waiting for my bride. My hands are getting clammy from nervousness, a million butterflies must have settled in my stomach since this morning. I wonder how Anna is handling this day. Looking at him as he sits on my adjacent side waiting for Anni, from the looks of it, he seems to be handling it way better than me.

Wedding jitters, that's what everyone would call it. Ridiculous I dismiss it easily in my mind. Who am I to have wedding jitters? I almost laugh at myself.

Payal is my best friend, my confidante, and my one and true love. We have been friends ever since we were kids. I ease my nerves by looking back at the memories we shared together. She cried to my mother when I pulled her ponytail in first grade, me complaining to my mother since she knocked down my building blocks. The time she fell off trying to climb the monkey bar on our school playground and fractured her hand crying all the way to the hospital while I was laughing at her misery. her smile when she won the chemistry experiment contest in 8th grade, the first time I saw her in a flowy gown for Christmas carol celebrations in school, and the time she fell over while running the marathon and bruised her arms. Seeing her draped in saree for school farewell. The times she danced during college fests. God, she's still beautiful in all those messes. After that, we got together and became an official couple. Our friends have been cheering us on their heads, way before we realized our love for each other.

"She's coming!" - My best friend bent over to whisper into my ears and I straighten up wiping off any sweat with the hand towel that my friend gave me.

She's here! I watched her ascend the stairs to reach the fire haven. I put on my best smile as she got onto my vision of sight.

God, I love this woman. I love her, every part of her. Even the parts that she may not like.

"Don't smile at me like that." - She commented, as she sat next to me before the fire.

"Can't help myself. You're literally so adorable I just want to squish your cheeks." - I whispered as I followed the priest's instructions.

"You'll ruin my makeup." - She chastised me.

"No promises." - I muttered leaning closer to Payal, which made Thaatha pinch my left ear asking me to concentrate on the rituals.

"I love you." - I whispered to her ears, not once caring about the warning daggers that my parents are sending my way. I watched her cheeks turn slightly pink.

I can't believe you are still flustered when I tell you I love you, even though I've been doing it for years now.

"Shut up, and concentrate." She warned seeing the dirty looks from the priest for not concentrating on the rituals. Why is it taking too long?

"I have learned that you telling me to 'shut up' is basically you telling me to 'stop making me blush' "- I smirked, adding petrol to my already-hot blushing bride.

Arnav & Akash's grandfather's POV

Everything went amazing today. May their life together be as beautiful as the wedding was. I can't wait for them to live happily together. Maybe I will finally get some great-grandkids.

I can only dream now. My money is on Akash giving me my first great-grandchild.

Khushi's dad's POV

In the end, I genuinely hope that Khushi will see that being married is not that bad. I hope that Khushi will live and enjoy her life to the fullest. Although I know for sure that she will never be an undepending woman, because she's my girl!


Chapter inspirations-

Please note that the photographs used in this chapter are not mine. All credits go to the respective owners.

Thanks to everyone for reading and voting.

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