Flames of Betrayal (RWBY X Vi...

Galing kay ToxicRhino

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Born through mysterious circumstances and adopted by the Belldonna's after tragedy strikes, Y/N Belladonna fi... Higit pa

Prologue: A Covenant
Prologue: Warming Agreements
Prologue: The Foundations of a Family
Prologue: A United Front
Prologue: The Essence of Childhood
Prologue: Preparation for Success
Prologue: Mistralian Woes
Prologue: Pyrrha vs Y/N
Prologue: The First Kill
Prologue: The Spark to Betrayal
Prologue: Innocence Lost
Prologue: Adam Taurus
Prologue: Sienna Khan
Prologue: Blake Belladonna
Act 1: Welcome to Hell
Act 1: The Stygian Machine
Act 1: The Art of the Bull
Act 1: A Menagerie Encore
Act 1: Embers of Euphoria
Act 1: Man Made Monster
Act 1: Prison Break
Act 1: Embracing Home
Act 1: A Fractured Mind
Act 1: Forgiveness is Therapeutic

Act 1: Two Fateful Meetings

3.2K 100 31
Galing kay ToxicRhino


"Sienna...?" Y/N gawked as he stared at the ebony tigress in disbelief. She grinned at him as she tossed her pack down and unhooked her whip from her belt. "What're you doing here, aren't you in a meeting? You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be around me!"

"I snuck out with Ellen's help, she said she'll take over most of my work alongside Ghira and I can help out when I can over in Mistral." Sienna said as she sat down on the cot, looking at Y/N with a bright smile. "I figured you shouldn't have to do this alone, so...here I am."

"Sienna I-" Y/N began, but Sienna put a finger to his mouth. "Mmph?"

"You don't have to explain anything Y/N, but I'm not going anywhere and you can't convince me otherwise. Besides, we've already left and there's no other room on the ship besides the crews. Do you really want me to sleep with a bunch of older sweaty men?"

"Okay, you didn't have to say it like that you pervert." Y/N sighed as he leaned on his knees and held his head. "Just...just be careful, alright? I don't know how I'm going to react or what I'll do at this point."

"Heh, you got it buddy." Sienna said bumping his shoulder with her own. "Looks like we're gonna be stuck together for a while...alone...with nobody to bother us. What do you wanna do?"

"Uh-well I-guh-what?" Y/N stammered before he took a breath and focused back on the situation. "What about all your political stuff...I mean, you can't really just walk away from all of that right?"

"Well, you're not wrong...but most of it is just boring paperwork and making calls. Ghira and Ellen said that they would take over for me and I have Adam overseeing a lot of the in person stuff, he's become the leader of the Valean branch, so that's taken care of. It's fine, really. You're more important than all of that to me. If I ever had to choose between spending all my time with you and a bunch of geezers on the mainland I'd choose you every time." Sienna leaned her head on his shoulder as Y/N froze up, still wary of hurting her again. "You shouldn't have to do this alone Y/N. Not this time."

"But what if I hurt you again? I mean, I can't control when he shows up or what he makes me see. What if I freak out again? What if I can't control myself when I sleep? What if I-" Y/N began to lose it before Sienna put a hand over his own. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck as she spoke lovingly.

"You won't. And if anything happens, we'll cross that road when we get to it. No matter what you do, I'll be here." Sienna said as she closed her eyes. Y/N clutched her hand in his like it would disappear if he stopped holding onto it and Sienna smiled fondly at the gesture.

"Thank you...thanks for not looking at me like I'm some kind of...weapon." Y/N said as he smiled at her sadly. Sienna sat back up and patted his hands.

"Come on, let's unpack and I can introduce you to the crew. I'm sure you've met the captain and all, but you should get to know them more since we'll be their protection detail on this small trip. The odds of us being attacked are low, but they aren't going to be zero. We didn't get passage for free, that's for sure. Unpack, gear up, and then we're off!"

"Alright..." Y/N begrudgingly groaned as he and Sienna spent the next few minutes unpacking their things and getting geared up just in case. The two of them made their way over topside and took in the breathtaking view of the ocean with the bright blue sky above them. They could see fish far out in the clear blue water rippling around them while birds chirped alongside the ship.

"Ah, the two lovebirds are up and at 'em' I see." Stuart said as he approached them."I see your roomie finally made herself known ha! I'm glad to see you up here though, was worried you'd be down there all trip long."

"Yeah..." Y/N said with weary eyes as he looked up at the sky, still not exactly used to the bright environment. "Out of the fire and into the frying pan as they say."

"Oh ignore him, this is just his normal brooding, he'll snap out of it when he sees what the cooks make for dinner." Sienna chided as she lightly elbowed the boy and Stuart chortled.

"Aye lass, that's for sure. Our boys in the kitchen know how to whip up something out of nothing. You'll shed tears when you step off this ship. I can promise you that kiddo." Stuart said as he turned around, adjusting his captain's hat. "Should be smooth sailing for the rest of the trip, but if things turn south I'm glad we have you two on deck. There's been word of an infant kraken messing around with ships out here, so we needed some extra precautions."

Stuart motioned them to walk forward as he began to give them a tour of the medium sized ship, including introducing them to the crew. From the janitors to the cooking crew to the tech handlers, every single person was incredibly kind and patient with Y/N, even with his sour attitude. They knew he wasn't taking any of his anger or sadness out on them of course, but they also knew he needed a lot of help and starting fights with someone in a situation like his own wouldn't be smart. After the tour of the ship and meeting everyone, Stuart took them up to where they would stand watch at the top of the main cabin, with it being able to overlook the entire area surrounding them. There was a sonar computer in front of them in the giant console, with two chairs and a small fridge to the side filled with all sorts of snacks and energy drinks/coffee.

"Here's where your station is. I don't really care how you guys do this, but as long as one of you is up here at all times during the night and checking it out periodically during the day, feel free to use your time how you wish. The night is when the Grimm in the ocean tend to really get riled up since we aren't able to see them. It's often when the sailors and crew get the most down in the dumps as well, so keep an eye out during it. It's only for a few days before we reach port so don't worry about losing any sleep. Snacks and drinks are in the fridge, there's a phone on the wall to call down to any other area and an emergency button on the console. The sonar computer is completely automated and kept up by our engineers, so don't worry about messing with it all. See a medium sized circle or above compared to the size of our ship, call down to me, anything that is half the size or smaller won't be a threat. And if you don't know, call down regardless. We'll call you guys for meals or any special treats we make, dinner for tonight will be a few hours away so feel free to do whatever you can figure out! Any questions?"

Sienna and Y/N nodded as Stuart patted their heads and made his way out of the room, leaving the two on their own. They looked at each other before plopping down into their chairs and looking around the room, Sienna opening up the fridge, grabbed two energy drinks and handed one to Y/N.

"Well...this should be fun, right?"


"I'm so incredibly bored." Sienna whined as she leaned over Y/N's lap as they sat in their lookout nest. Her legs were kicked up onto her chair and her torso leaned on his thighs, while her head hung off of him. Y/N rubbed her stomach and scratched her head as she groaned in annoyance. "Who would've thought being stuck at sea with nothing to do but look at a green screened computer would make me so angry?"

"Pretty sure I could've told you that. Beats doing nothing though, that's what I originally thought we would be doing here so I won't take it for granted." Y/N shrugged as he sipped on a juice box. Sienna whined as she rolled over, signaling Y/N to scratch her back as she let her arms hang off alongside her head. He smiled fondly and did so as she kicked her feet in the air. Gears turned in Y/N's head as he grinned devilishly while maintaining his calm.

"How long has it been? Two days already?" Sienna whined as Y/N shifted a bit in his seat.

"About four hours more like." Y/N snorted as he rolled his eyes. "Since when did you get so whiny?"

"I've always been whiny and you've always treated me like a princess, that's how it's been ordained." Sienna said as she shut her eyes haughtily. "It's how it ought to be, don't you agree?"

Y/N eyed her feet as he shifted more and leaned over her. Before Sienna could even notice, her legs were grabbed in a vice grip and Y/N began to frantically tickle her as he locked her down. Sienna squealed and rolled off of him with the boy coming alongside her. The two rolled on the ground as Y/N dodged all of her punches and kicks and began to tickle her stomach now, laughing as she tried to push him off of her with tears in her eyes from how much she was laughing. The two continued this, with Y/N finding new places to tickle her before ultimately sitting on her back with her legs in his arms as he tickled her before the door suddenly opened up and they both craned their necks slowly to see Stuart standing in the doorway.

"Uh...am I interrupting you two? I wasn't aware that you had such...interests." Stuart said as he slowly closed the door before saying something else. "Erm, dinner will be ready in ten so come on down."

"Wait, Stuart, it's not what it-!" Y/N tried but was grabbed by Sienna and fell flat on his face with a deadpan. Sienna grinned with a flushed face and tears still in her eyes as she claimed victory. "Oh come on!"

"HA! Divine intervention from Oum himself! Never try to assault the princess again!" Sienna said as she stood up and brushed herself off. "Deal with the consequences of being labeled a foot freak and suffer peasant!"

"Bleh." Y/N stuck his tongue out at her as he stood up next, the two of them laughing as they made their way down to the dining area of the ship with the rest of the crew.

When the two got down there, the feast had already begun for the crew and everyone greeted them with a voracious cheer. The night was surprisingly fun for the two of them and they were told bunches of stories from the crew's days at sea. Stuart looked at the two of them fondly as he saw Y/N beginning to lighten up from the interactions he was having.

"That's the kid?" An engineer said to Stuart as the captain nodded with a gruff hum.

"Belladonna boy that was locked in that prison. Saved a lot of presumed dead Faunus the day of the breakout, but it seems that whatever happened to him between then and now has decimated any sense of self he had. Ellen briefed me on it. Good to see the men aren't afraid of him." Stuart said as he took a swig of his mug. "He looks to be a good kid, even if he's a walking bomb waiting to go off."

"He saved family members of some of the crew and people on the island, while also being a Belladonna, of course he's going to be a hit! Not to mention, he's the golden child. Unlike that useless traitor of his sister..." The engineer grumbled as he walked away while chiding Blake with hatred laced in his voice. Stuart hummed in agreement, but knew that kids were just dumb and that there could be more to the story.

The night proceeded the same until Sienna and Y/N made their way back to the nest, with Y/N volunteering for the first night to keep watch. Sienna, a little buzzed, kissed him on the head and cheek tons while whining that she couldn't kiss him on the lips for another two years. Y/N had to carry her to their bunk and trudge back up with his katana, pistols, and rusted broadsword Ellen had given him.

He sat in silence for what felt like the first time in eternity, constantly being swarmed by his family, doctors, and nurses trying to make sure he didn't fly off the handle and slaughter them all.

'So...your first taste of freedom in a while, no? Enjoying life on the other side?'

Y/N didn't bother looking towards the source of the voice as it sounded like nails on a chalkboard to him and was a voice he would never forget as long as he lived.

'She's a sweet girl, strong, independent. I see why you like her. Sienna, that was her name, right?'

"Keep her name out of your mouth you fuck." Y/N grumbled in anger as he clenched his hands, he tried to keep things under control as embers flickered off of him. "You're not real."

'Come now Y/N...you and I both know that you're just deluding yourself. I am a part of you now, this was how it was always meant to end. You accumulating all of the power I held within my soul was how the experiment was meant to progress! You stagnated, couldn't go any further, but together as a unified being, we can finally progress to the final stages of evolution.'

"Shut up. Get out of my head. You're not real, you're not real, you're not real." Y/N clutched his head as he closed his eyes, willing the apparition of Padraig to go away.

'I see you are not in the right state of mind for the conversations we need to have, but I do ask that you do not let your control over the flames dull. A weapon of excellence and insurmountable magnitude such as yourself would lose value should you choose to give up so easily...oh well, I suppose you're incapable of death regardless, so it's no matter..'

"What!?" Y/N whipped around to see the apparition, but it wasn't there and Padraig wasn't making himself known if he was. His voice stuck in his head as Y/N let go of a breath he didn't realize he had been holding all of this time. He collapsed backwards into his chair and held his body tight for any kind of comfort. "Incapable of death...? No that's not...yeah, that's not possible...right?"


The next day and a half flew by as much of the same. Relax with Sienna, eat with the crew, hear their tales, and spend the night up in the nest. Y/N took most of the night shift for Sienna as his decreased need for sleep played in his favor while Sienna was beginning to get run down from the lack of proper sleep in a comfortable bed.

Everything was proceeding as normal, until in the middle of the day there was a giant ping while Sienna was sitting up in the nest during a regular check. She rubbed her eyes in confusion as she looked at it, seeing it get closer and closer to them before it was directly on top of them. Sienna looked out to the ocean seeing nothing as the giant ping completely disappeared off the radar. Then, the ship violently shook in a matter of seconds as Sienna was thrown against the wall. She scrambled to get back up as she slammed down the emergency button and grabbed the phone.

"Captain, we've got a ping larger than the size of the ship! I can't see anything from up here though, so what-"

"That's because the fucking thing is under the god damn ship, get down here and get ready for a fight, it's that blasted kraken!"

Immediately, Sienna tossed the phone and dashed out before the ship violently stopped moving and everything on it was thrown forward. Sienna slammed into the wall and rolled off the top of the overlook in a daze before a flash of black flames appeared beneath her. She was caught in Y/N's arms as he soared back down to the main deck with a controlled drop. His flames washed over her like a warm bath as her set her down and willed away the flames coming off of his legs.

"Sienna! You okay?" Y/N asked, checking her over as he drew his broadsword. "I was running up to get you, I started sensing something and came running. I was afraid I wouldn't get to you in time."

"Y/N! Oh thank Oum, I was-"

The ship rattled violently again as the sailors screamed out in rage as two giant Grimm tentacles appeared over the side of the ship and slammed down onto the main deck, doing a sweeping motion as they slammed the sailors into the side of the boat. The other tentacle grabbed a hold of three sailors as it picked them up, beginning to drag them overboard before Y/N shot forward and spun in an arc, slashing through the two appendages with a flaming broadsword as he landed. Sienna and Stuart immediately took action as they both got the sailors out of there and began barking out orders.

"Y/N, Sienna, hold that damn thing off! Engineers, get this ship up and running, everyone else, all hands on deck and throw everything we got at this thing!" Stuart roared over as he cocked a shotgun and began blasting the tentacles that began to regrow from where Y/N had cut them.

"Captain, I thought you said this thing was an infant Grimm, not an adult one!" Sienna yelled out over the chaos as she used her whip infused with ice dust to freeze parts of the tentacles that Y/N broke off using his pistols. The two went back to back and shattered as many tentacles as they could while Stuart and the rest of the crew began to get into their defensive formations.

"That IS an infant!"

"What the hell does an adult look like then?!"

"Ask the infant what it's been fed to find out!" Stuart laughed heartily as he grabbed onto a rope, holding himself to the ship as the engines began firing from whatever the engineers were doing. "Fire!"

Stuart held the shotgun with one arm as the entire crew began to fire at the tentacles, exploding them as they regenerated. As each one fell, another seemed to appear as the crew along with Y/N and Sienna did whatever they could to keep it from capsizing the ship. This went on for what felt like hours before the ship practically went on its side and was pushed back from beneath the water. The giant Grimm appeared from beneath the ocean and raised itself to be looking down at the crew.

Y/N and Sienna both paled at finally seeing the monstrous being up close. The kraken is a colossal sea creature of legendary proportions, a behemoth that strikes fear into the hearts of sailors. Its massive body, resembling a cross between a cephalopod and a monstrous squid, is said to be as large as an island, with tentacles that can stretch hundreds of feet long.

Its skin looked to be thick and rubbery, water pouring off of each crease and crevice. The mosaic dark scales shimmered underneath the light from the sun. Two giant bulbous eyes stared down at the, two glowing voids that looked around with malevolent intelligence, almost assessing its next plan of action. More snakelike tentacles poured onto the ship as it seemingly grew more and more, while the red and white mask covered in sludge and ocean debris began to shake and glow with a demonic power. The suckers of each tentacle looked like wagon wheels ready to demolish anything that dared approach...or worse, drag them down to its domain. Had they not seen it firsthand, the two of them would have chalked it up to a myth like they did originally, but Stuart had drastically underestimated what this creature looked like...and it was only an infant!

"What the fuck do we do against that!?" Y/N yelled out as water splashed over him, beginning to pour onto the ship as the creature used the ship as leverage to stay above water. Tentacles swung around as the crew dipped and dodged out of the way, destroying what they could to keep them from destroying the ship.

"The tentacles are weak, but they grow back! Its shell is way too hard, we won't get through it and it can just regenerate its eyes. We need to throw a bomb or something into it, try to blow it from the inside out!" Stuart yelled out over the carnage. "This goes on any longer and we die here!"

"I'll get you an opening then." Y/N said determinedly as he rushed forward, jumping and sliding underneath any of the tentacles that got in its way.

"Y/N wait!" Sienna cried out, but it was no use as both her and Stuart were shoved back against the ship by a tentacle.

Y/N unloaded mag after mag of ammo into the creature to draw its attention, but when that didn't work Y/N knew what he had to do. He focused his gaze onto the creature and began to slowly let out his flames and aura, the negative power overwhelmingly taking the attention off the rest of the people on the ship. The kraken let out a deafening screech as its demonic black eyes focused in on Y/N. The two stared each other down before Y/N surged forward, using the tentacles as footing to get closer to its head. He looked away for a second to see Stuart loading up what looked to be a flare gun with some kind of stick of dynamite or something.

Y/N focused back in on the task at hand and dodged the tentacles being swung at him before the kraken began to spurt acidic bile out of its mouth. Y/N used the tentacles to dodge, causing the bile to burn the tentacles on the deck as it landed. It let out another cry as Y/N landed on the top of its head, running down the topside of its face, he drew his katana and held it like a dagger. With his super strength, he flipped sideways spinning like a top and shoving his katana directly into the right eye of the kraken as he used it to maintain leverage. The kraken recoiled in pain, floundering around as it slammed sailors around, with Sienna and Stuart barely managing to maintain their footing.

Y/N quickly raised his fists, covering them in black flames as he began to pummel the creature to get it to screech again. He dented its forehead, singing the hard shell as the water around him and on the creature began to boil it alive from the outside. It was then that Sienna found her moment, taking the gun from a stumbling Stuart and using her whip to tie herself to the ship for stability. Y/N took notice and charged up a larger burst of flames before shoving his fist through its head and into it, letting the flames explode inside of its fleshy skull. The krakens body lit up and its disgusting veins were shown with intricate detail. It was at that moment that its beak-like mouth opened up and Sienna locked in, taking the shot as the bomb flew through the air. However, the wind and carnage around them was too much and forced the stick to blow off course, bouncing off its white and red plating. Y/N took action, ripping his katana out of its eye socket and launching himself off of the skull, the creature leering back in agony as it screamed.

Y/N grabbed it, flipping over as he launched it backwards into the mouth of the creature and landed back on the deck, flopping onto the hard metal before getting back up on his knee. He looked forward in hope and saw the creature coughing up before the stick exploded in its esophagus, causing Grimm matter, dead fish, bile, and mystery meat to come splurging out of it. The creature gave a deafening death cry before it began to slowly slink back into the ocean.

"Fuck! Don't let it get away, it's not like a normal animal. If it goes back it'll regenerate and adapt for the next time!" Stuart called out as everyone began to shoot harpoons at it to try and pull it back on deck. Others began to slice and dice it up, but it was no use as it was almost fully out. Y/N growled out as he grabbed one of the remaining tentacles on the ship before it could get out. Hoisting it over his shoulder, he began to slip backwards towards the edge before he started to gain some leverage and pulled it back up. "H-Holy shit!"

With a rageful yell Y/N dug his flame laced fingers into its Grimm flesh and pulled it back over the ship, roaring out one last time as he flung it completely up and over his head, slamming it onto the metal ship and causing it all to rock back and forth in the ocean as it caused massive waves. The entire crew was dead silent as Y/N drew his katana through its eyes, destroying its brain as the body of the kraken turned stark white and the plating on its body turned to ash. The creature then began to disintegrate quickly as Y/N withdrew his katana and sheathed it, taking a breath and looking around to the others to see a completely stunned ship that was dead silent and staring at him.

Sienna rushed forward, ignoring everything that just happened and began to frantically look over Y/N's body.

"Are you okay!? That was insane Y/N, you idiot! Never do something like that again!" Sienna bear hugged him tightly as Y/N grumbled in her embrace. They were both picked up by Stuart as he threw them around while laughing like a madman.

"In all my years as a sailor, not once did I ever think I'd take down a kraken, let alone watch someone man handle the fucking beast!" Stuart laughed heartily as the other sailors began to sit down or sink to their knees as their adrenaline wore off. "Hahaha! That was incredible boy, Ellen was right about you being amazing! And you little lady, that shot was phenomenal! If it hadn't been for the environment that would've been dead on!"

"O-Oh it was nothing." Sienna waved him off as she blushed before Y/N nudged her with a sly grin. "Shut up!"

"You two get first dibs on cleaning up in the showers, we'll get this cleaned up topside." Stuart said as the ship vibrated one last time before it revved up and steam poured out the top of it. The ship began to slowly move again as all the sailors cried out in victory while Y/N was tossed around on their shoulders like a champion. Sienna looked on fondly as she saw the faintest of smiles on the disgruntled boy's face, looking a bit happy to have done something positive with this awful situation.

"I don't know what that kids have been through lass, but you've picked a keeper." Stuart gave Sienna a wink as he patted her head. Instead of getting embarrassed, Sienna took a breath and put a hand over her heart as she kept the happy tears from flowing.

"Yeah...I'm very lucky to have him."


"It's been a wonderful trip you two, I appreciate your thrashing of the kraken. I can't wait to see Ellen's face when I tell her this! A Belladonna and a Khan taking down a kraken with insurmountable odds...the boys aren't going to believe me every time I tell them this story!" Stuart laughed as he handed the two their packs. "Had the boys take care of any damage to your weapons and restocked any ammo reserves you used back there. Hope it's enough."

"Thank you so much captain, you were all so wonderful to us." Sienna said as she shook his hand.

The remaining day of the trip was peaceful and uneventful, but Y/N had been hailed as a hero the rest of the time. The crew loved him, even got him to crack a few jokes with them. Sienna had naturally been there all along and got him out of there when it seemed like he was getting gloomy again. Other than that, Sienna and Y/N had ended up staying together like glue had them stuck for the rest of the time, even sleeping together up in the nest during the night in case anything bad happened. 

Sienna had began keeping a log of everything that Y/N could do now with his powers. Enhanced senses, a healing factor, super strength, increased agility, and the ability to control flames were what they had come up with, but it was definitely raising red flags for Y/N as the nature of their trip began to turn from one of relaxation and finding himself to another type of experiment. Y/N knew Sienna meant nothing by it and was most likely just trying to prepare herself should anything go wrong, but it was...odd to say the least. Why did she wait until the very end to ask him all of this?

Back in the present, Sienna began to walk away as Y/N shook Stuart's hand before the captain refused to let go. Once Y/N turned around and faced him again, the captain rubbed the back of his head, taking his cap off as he looked at the boy.

"Y/N, I wanted to apologize. I know I didn't treat you any different, but truth be told I was scared for my men...and for Sienna when I heard you'd be coming on my ship. Ellen filled me in on the risk, and I agreed to it regardless, but I just wanted you to know that I was wrong about you. And that I hope things take a turn for the better for you..." Stuart smiled as he rubbed the top of Y/N's head. "That girl really cares for you, so make sure you don't hurt her, capiche?"

"I appreciate that Stuart. And I wouldn't dream of it." Y/N said with a small smile. "Thanks for everything, captain."

"Aye." Stuart nodded as he waved Y/N and Sienna off. 

The two of them walked from the port into the shopping area as Sienna looked around for a car that would be taking them to their next destination. Her eyes trailed over the streets of Mistral before focusing in on a limo standing outside the port with a well dressed older man in a suit standing in front of it. He held a sign that said "Sienna Khan" on it as the two walked over to him quickly.

"Greetings Miss Khan, it's a pleasure to meet you in person." The older man said as he gave a bow before opening the door up for Sienna and Y/N to get into. "And you as well Mr. Belladonna, a pleasure."

"Thank you." Sienna said with a nod as she got into the car with Y/N hesitating before getting in after her. The two of them settled in as the older man began to drive the limo around the streets, giving them the scenery of Mistral. Y/N's heart ached as he remembered traversing some of these streets by himself, quickly remembering Pyrrha and her father. He wondered if she was even still around here considering how famous she was supposed to be.

The two eventually arrived to what looked to be a giant mansion, behind a lush courtyard of greenery and a giant fountain with a statue of a staunch woman in the middle of it. They rolled up to the giant doors as the older man got out and opened them up after scanning his eye in a terminal to the side. The two walked into a luxurious open floor plan with a red carpet leading up to the two giant swirling staircases leading to a second and third floor and presumably a basement or two. 

"Right this way Miss Khan, I will show you to your own and Mr. Belladonna's rooms. Mr. Belladonna, please wait here there will be someone else to take care of you soon." The older man said as Sienna nodded to Y/N, kissing his cheek before walking away while keeping eye contact. Y/N tensed up without her comforting presence as he looked around the room for any danger, staring forward and keeping an eye on the stairs. He began to hear clicking of heels as a woman began to descend the stairs.

"As I live and breathe, another Belladonna has stepped into my abode." The woman said loudly as she descended the stairs. She finally reached the bottom and Y/N drew a blank as he looked at her in disbelief. She stood in front of him with a smile and he slouched a bit feeling the tension go away. The woman looked to be a heavy-set middle-aged woman with fair skin and short blonde hair kept in a bob haircut. There was a spider in its web tattooed on her left shoulder, a beauty mark under her right eye, lipstick on her upper lip and purple nail polish on her fingernails. The top of her dress was white and backless, with long sleeves and beads and straps, in purple. Below that was a purple corset, and a long pleated skirt that is yellow on its top layer, purple in the middle one, and white in the lower layer. Her shoes are brown and decorated with a green ribbon. "I'm Little Miss Malachite, but you may call me Lil Miss. Come in, come in!"

Y/N blinked weirdly as he looked at the woman, who looked nothing even remotely close to someone who would own this home. He peeked around her to see two young women with opposite color schemes who had arrived seemingly out of nowhere. They looked to be twins most likely. They were drop dead gorgeous with the one of the left using a white and light green color scheme. Her long black hair went down to her mid back with a fringe covering her eyebrows. Her skin tone was pale and the usage of light blue makeup adorned her facial features. Her pale green eyes locked with his eyes as the woman eyed Y/N up like a piece of meat.

He took notice of her odd attire, wearing a frilly strapless white and pale green dress. A small bow in the top center and a feathery tulle draped longer than the dress as it transitioned into a cyan like color. What drew Y/N's attention the most, however, was the pristine white thigh high boots with mechanisms attached to the heels. His best guess was gun shoes or blades, but he'd get a chance to ask later.

Next to the pale teenager was someone who looked identical, but with a black and red color scheme. Her makeup was a light shade of maroon with pale green eyes being lit up from the darker effect. Her black hair came up into a bit of a frilly bob rather than her sisters long hair. What drew Y/N's attention was the addition of sharp retractable claws attached to her hands and wrists. His mouth fell open a bit as he took both of them in.

He was dumbfounded as Lil Miss waved her hand back and forth in front of his face.

"Y/N?" Lil Miss put her hands on her hips as she frowned.

"Sorry, I just-they're...very beautiful?" Y/N stammered as he stood up a little too rigidly. All three women blinked before Lil Miss smirked at him and patted his shoulder.

"Oh how I miss being your age, I would've eaten you up." Lil Miss chortled as she waved her hand in front of Y/N. "Y/N, the two you just tried to compliment are my daughters. Twins, actually. Y/N, meet Melanie and Miltiades Malachite."

Melanie and Miltia sauntered their way over to Y/N and began circling around him as Lil Miss stepped backwards with a smirk. The two teenager girls ran their hands lightly over his shoulders, chest, back, stomach, and waist as they circled around him like vultures. Y/N gulped as he held out an awkward hand.

"Y/N Belladonna."

"He's got decent muscle structure, but nothing amazing. Maybe a bit above average? Density must be above average." Melanie spoke aloud ignoring him as Miltia hummed in agreement. Her retracted claws gave him the shivers as she ran them across his neck. "Wide shoulders. Firm chest. A bit flabby in the abdominal region."

Y/N felt himself lose weight as he reached down for his katana and frantically tried to find it with his hand before seeing Miltia examining it.

"A well made katana. Forged with your aura to bind it to you. Engravings signifying an oath." She ran a hand over the engraving on its sheathe. "Obsidian Spark. A mythological meaning I see. Sleek, pristine, and sturdy, but with a dulled edge. A few recent chips too. He doesn't know how to wield it properly let alone maintain it."

"And his sense of style is mediocre at best." Melanie scoffed as she stood next to Miltia with a grimace. She crossed her arms and cocked a hip out. Impatience radiated off of her as Y/N was handed back his katana. "He's got a broadsword on his back, rusted, chipped, and in the process of shattering."

"Why is he carrying scrap metal?" Miltia wondered aloud.

"It was a-" Y/N tried but was shut down.

"Sentimental purposes? No, he doesn't seem like the emotionally intelligent type." Melanie kicked in as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Not at all." Miltia agreed. "Twin pistols on his hips. Useless at worst, ineffective at best. Seems to be lightly used and engraved. These must hold some kind of sentimental value then? Unloaded though, either used recently or he has never been the one to use them."

"Oh my Mil, you don't think he came here, strapped to the heavens, and forgot to load his gun do you?" Melanie said as she kicked a leg up onto his shoulder. Miltia quickly ran a hand along his chest before putting her arm around his neck. She slid to his back and pressed herself up against him. Y/N froze up, his hair standing on the back of his neck.


Blood trickled from his neck and the heart area of his chest. His body tensed up and a cold sweat made itself known for the first time. Y/N's body trembled as Melanie's heels poked into his neck while Miltia's claws threatened his heart.

"How interesting." Miltia got close to his ear and blew into it. Y/N shuddered once again, but out of fear rather than any kind of attraction.

"You fail." Melanie said plainly as she retracted her blade and kicked her foot down. She kept her eyes locked with Y/N's as Lil Miss stepped forward again. Miltia bit the tip of his ear before detaching from him and walking to stand beside Melanie.

"Wow." Lil Miss said with a genuine look of surprise. "They really taught you nothing."

"I-Uh-what?" Y/N finally said as he held his neck. His aura flared to life and healed him as he looked at Lil Miss.

"Ooh, a skill. Raise his grade to D-." Melanie said as Miltia smirked.

"Woah, did you just heal a small part of your body on command and then turn it off?" Lil Miss said frantically checking over him. She looked bewildered, but not as much as Y/N. "That's a high level survival technique most huntsman can't even learn. I knew you were born with your aura active, but are you an aura savant?"

"No, my aura is just...not active." Y/N said monotonely. "I have it, it's just only used when I think about it being used."

"Oh." Lil Miss said disappointed as Melanie frowned.

"Back down to F." Miltia added in with her lost smirk. "Doesn't help it's such a dirty color for his soul."

"Wanna explain?" Y/N said holding his hands out. "I didn't come here with these weapons looking for a fight, but Ellen told me to come with my weapons and the clothes I had on my back. That was it. Now I'm in Mistral completely lost and have been insulted for the past few minutes."

"Wait what?" Lil Miss said confused as she put her arms on her hips. "What do you mean? Ellen didn't explain anything to you?"

"Uh, no, was she supposed to?" Y/N said confused as Lil Miss face palmed in exhaustion. Y/N blinked confusedly as Lil Miss spoke up.

"I have a lot I want to say to you about this, but for now, well..." Lil Miss smirked as she held out her hand. "Welcome to the mob Y/N Belladonna. I look forward to working with you. As for what just happened, well, these are your teachers for the next year. And you just failed their first examination."

"Wait what, the mob!? And these two? They're about as old as I am!" Y/N blanked as Lil Miss laughed it off, clapping his shoulder.

"They've already taught you your first lesson. Sizing up your mark, finding their strengths and weaknesses without having to actually fight them or get intel. In the mob, we do things quick and improvise fast. You need to be able to react to a situation in a heartbeat. I hear you have good reflexes after what happened to you, but you're overtuned and too attentive. Things trip you up easy don't they? Emotions running wild, hormones imbalanced, I get it, I do."

Y/N narrowed his eyes at her. Sure he was struggling with his enhanced senses, but he could blow everyone here to smithereens if he really wanted too. These people weren't safe to be around, he'd need to be on his guard at all times.

It was then he felt a poke at the neck as Lil Miss smirked once again.

"D. E. A. Uh...I think another E and then a D. Yeah. E. D." A slurred voice called out from behind him as Y/N turned around to see a man barely standing up behind him along with a giant behemoth of a man and another with spikey green hair and glasses. "Dead. That spells out dead if you didn't know...right? Yeah! I think..."

The man had graying black, spiky hair, faded red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. Along with a red, tattered cloak, he wore a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants and black dress shoes. He wore a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant. His bangs were down and his hair style made it look like it had been made of feathers. Y/N made note that the weapon currently poking his neck was a sword that clearly mecha shifted into something else, a weapon type he was becoming increasingly familiar with as time went on.

The second man was near half naked and looked like a Kaiju sized human, similar to Ellen. His hair was shaggy but pushed back and graying. His eyes were a stark dark yellow, seemingly dull to the light around him. His face was chiseled, showing off the muscular shape of his neck and shoulders. He wore what looked to be like a black vest that was ripped through in the middle showing off his scarred yet muscular chest, with the sleeves barely going over his upper arms. He had a dark black belt on with the buckle being an insignia of the academy he presumably attended or worked at. To finish he had green, dark green, and brown camo combat pants with dark black boots covered in scratches and mud holding them down at the ankle. Y/N made note of the two dark red gloves he had attached to his belt, hanging loosely but clearly radiating with power. A large flag also sat on his back, barely peeking over his giant sized torso.

Next to him stood a man who looked to be jittery with something illegal in his veins. He wore a disheveled set of clothes with dark circles under his cool brown eyes. He had on a white shirt, only partially tucked into his dark green pants with a pale yellow tie that hung loose on his neck beneath a raised collar. He had on mismatched brown and black shoes with round glasses adorning his eyes. In his hands he held a thermos that clearly did something more than just fuel his caffeine addiction.

"Bartholomew Oobleck, history and ethics PhD professor at Beacon Academy and an S-class huntsman for the last few decades." Lil Miss said following Y/N's eyes. She then turned to the behemoth. "Headmaster Theodore of Shade Academy and an X-class Huntsman, the only known man in existence to stop and disable a Goliath by himself and the hero of Mount Glenn."

The beast grimaced and puffed out what looked to be some kind of smoke from a cigar he had lit up. Lil Miss then turned to the man in front of Y/N.

"Last but not least...professional drunkard Qrow Branwen and former member of team STRQ, strongest team in all four of the academies histories. And believe it or not, S-class Huntsman. Also Headmaster Ozpin's personal hand puppet, but I digress."

"Hey! I'm at least a puppet without strings!" Qrow said as he retracted his sword before hearing what he said. "Wait, does that mean Ozpin has his hand up my-"

"That's enough of that!" Lil Miss said as she pushed Qrow away into a heap of drunken sadness as she walked Y/N to the other two. "Alongside my daughters and I, you'll be taught by Theo and Bart here, alongside Qrow when he's not wallowing in his own self hatred or on a mission. I can teach you about the inner workings of cities, politics, give you connections, intel, missions, and so on, but these guys will be able to teach you everything else you need to know. They'll teach you history, language, mathematics, fighting styles, everything you need to know about how they got to where they are, but most importantly, they're going to train you to control that power of yours and turn you into the fighter you need to be."

All was silent for a moment as they waited for Y/N's response, which he promptly gave them by throwing Lil Miss' hand off of himself.

"Ellen was mistaken sending me here." Y/N turned around and began to leave before Lil Miss got in front of him to stop him.

"Wait wait!" Lil Miss said with a hesitant smile as she lightly pushed him back. "You didn't even think about it!"

"I did and I deny." Y/N said pushing past her before he was stopped in his place as a purple outline encapsulated his body. "Really?"

"You think you have a choice?"

Y/N was spun around and levitated up into the air as Theodore now had one his dark red gloves on, dust circulating in tubes around it as he used gravity powers on the boy.

"You're a walking time bomb, waiting to explode on whatever poor soul shits in your cereal on a random Monday." Theodore explained as he pulled the boy towards him. "I'm not going to pretend like I give a shit about you, at the end of the day you're just another job. Yet we're not here because of some random payday we could've gotten anywhere else, we're here to put you down if you can't play nice and figure your shit out kid."

"You really think I'd rather live and become another persons fucked up science experiment turned weapon than die?" Y/N spat in his face as he expanded his pressure, shattering the gravity dust effects around him. "I am DONE being some lab rat waiting for the next person to poke and prod me until I do what they want."

"That so? Well, you heard it Lil Miss Malachite, I'll do the-"

"Theodore!" Bartholomew scolded as he walked up to speak with the boy. He slapped Theodore's hand away and got in front of him. "Now I won't pretend that Theodore is wrong, that is apart of our duties, but you're more than just some threat to me. You're a boy who has gone through more than enough suffering for a lifetime. I don't seek to use you or turn you into some weapon like you think, I want to give you a chance. A chance to be normal and live a life that you want to live. But to do that, you have to control your power, it's the only way for you to move forward."

"He's right you know." Sienna's voice echoed across the room as her shoes clicked across the floor of the meeting room. She had finally come back from wherever she was and now she was taking their side?! "I'm sorry Y/N, I knew what was gonna happen when we came here, but it's true. You've gone through so much and all we want to do is help you learn to live. You've spent a year locked up and experimented on, we just want you to...learn to be you again."

"You knew?" Y/N narrowed his eyes as Sienna grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes lovingly. "Then the list you were making was..."

"It hurts me to see you so pained and in so much agony." Sienna said earnestly as she pulled him a little closer. "The Y/N from before is gone. I understand that better than anyone, but I want to spend time with and learn to love the Y/N you are today. I want you to rely on me, to trust me like you used too." The Y/N I saw on that ship was who I know you can be...you just have to trust me."

"Sienna I...this is one fucked up intervention." Y/N clenched his hands around her and looked away in conflict. She gripped back and got him to look at her again.

"Everyone here can help, Doctor Oobleck is even a registered therapist, he can help you work out everything. Just...try it and if it doesn't work out that's okay." Sienna said as she smiled at him softly. "Please...for me?"

"I..." Y/N looked at her before glancing at everyone else with worry before coming to a conclusion, taking a deep breath before looking at Lil Miss. "I'll give it a month, that's it. Then you can kill me."

"Ha! That's all I ask for...not as much as my daughters will though..."



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