Akrcos x reader

By veryBerryred

893 14 0

first ever story so bear with me πŸ™ you're 25 living by yourself you work at a local coffee shop and you like... More

Part 1 ~Day in the life~
Part 2 ~blonde girl~
Part 3 ~meeting~
Part 4 ~The Call~
Part 5 ~Night Out~
no story today
Part 7 ~ Hang out ~
Part 8 ~missing you~
part 9 ~cosplay stream?~

part 10 ~forever~

91 2 0
By veryBerryred

Last chapter it was fun to write this tbh I want to do some more stories fr.

I need people to be honest with me should I write another one and if I do what should I write about it could be about cosplayers or even animes just let me know

I then held her face and brought my lips to hers she seems surprised at first but then pulled me close by my waist.
They can slowly turn into a make-out session until Nikki and Rachel stopped it considering that everyone was there and we were still on stream.

After a while of a l few dares and some shots a few laughs and some tik toks

I was still sat on Amanda's lap I got a little tired so I turned around now facing her put my arms around her neck and lay down her shoulder she could tell I was tired so she started to hurt my back she then told Liz that we should start to end the stream because everyone was getting a little tired.
"Hey if you guys want you can spend the night I have a spare bedroom and a couch I wouldn't want you guys to drive home drunk" Amanda said
Everyone agreed to just stay the night Nikki and Rachel took the spare bedroom Liz and Lily took the couch. Me and Amanda took her room. Everyone got out of their cosplays and headed off to bed Amanda lifted me up and took me to her bathroom
She helped me take my makeup off and my wig off she then put my hair in a low bun
She took her and make up and wig off too
She's then lifted me up and took me to her room I was beyond a drunk and tired.

🛑 Mature content🛑

She then set me on her bed and walked over to her closet.
I didn't want her to leave so I walked behind her I don't think she noticed because she started to take her shirt off
She looked so pretty so I walked in front of her she was a bit surprised I then hugged her she was only in a sports bra and baggy pants she didn't know what to do but then she slowly hugged me back she looked down at me and asked what I was doing and I should go lay down I just looked up at her and smiled.
I then got on tip toes and kissed her she didn't pull back but then bent down a little and picked me up then walked us over to her bed laying me on it she then pulled away and kissed down to my neck where she started to get a little rougher she had one of her hands holding one of mine up of my head while the other one was holding by my inner thigh My one hand in her hair as I felt her making hickeys on my neck.
It felt so good I never wanted her to stop
She then start and slowly pulled my shirt up leaving kisses all over my chest down to my stomach at that point my shirt was off
She then move back to my lips we made out for a while.

🛑 Mature content over 🛑

she then stopped I looked at her questionably she looked at me and she smiled "your gorgeous" she said she kissed my forehead.
We'll finish this tomorrow when you're not drunk. She said and she helped me into bed and put a cover over me.
She then go to bed and we just cuddle the rest of the night.

~ morning ~

Morning came around and I woke up in her arms as I put together what happened last night I "holy shit" I said.

"Good morning" I heard Amanda say as she kissed my cheek

"Good morning" I said

"So do you remember last night" she asked she set up to look at me

I looked away kind of embarrassed "y-yeah I do"

"Well" she said as she grabbed my chin and got closer
"Shall we finish" she said she placed a kiss on my lips
"Yes we shall" I said well giggling.

(If y'all want a detailed chapter of what happens next just let me know)

"Well looks like you guys have fun" lily said with a smile as me and Amanda walk out of her room.

"Yes we did" Amanda said well hugging me from behind at the kitchen counter

Let's just say we were both covered in Hickey.
Everyone eventually left I was last to leave but before I could walk out the door Amanda stopped me.
"hey I got a question" she said
"Do you think this could work out like I mean me and you?" She said
"Like a couple?"
"Yes I like you a lot hell I could even say I love you so what do you think" she said as started a fidget with her rings
"YES!" I said jumping up and hugging her

It's been 4 years since me and Amanda started to date.
Lily and Matt got together after about 2 years me and Amanda did Nikki and Rachel got married and Liz found her special little someone.

Tonight me and Amanda and all of our friends are going to a con
It's supposed to be really big and I'm excited.
We decided the first day that we're not going to cosplay we're just going to look around we're also doing a panel out of cosplay that day it's kind of like a get to know the content creator we play games and stuff and it's really fun.

We're on our way to the con right now Amanda is driving and I'm chilling in the passenger seat with a bunch of snacks and a monsters this is passenger princess lifestyle fr
I look over at Amanda God she's just the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
I continue to stare at her and she must have noticed because she smiled "what" she said as she looks over at me.
"I was just thinking how you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" I say with a small smile.
She looks away and I can tell she's a blushing mess.
"Awwwww are you blushing"I say as I bend over and give her a kiss on the cheek
She turned to face me.
"You missed" she says with the goofy smile pointing to her lips.
I smile at her and give her a quick kiss so she continue driving.

We finally make it to the cone and meet up with our friends we take some shots for a video that we're going to post we've been having so much fun but we have to split up with some of them to do our panel.

We make  it to our panel and there must be over a hundred people there "wow that's a lot of people" I say to Lily who is doing the panel with us "yeah ikr like I'm kind of nervous" she said "oh girl you'll be fine I'll sit right next to you" I say as I swing my arm around her shoulders she pushes me off and we start walking up and sitting at our seats waiting for it to start.

It's me Nikki, Amanda, Lily, Rachel, and some other people I don't quite know but they look nice.
Nikki takes the mic and explains to everyone what we're going to be doing today and what games we are going to play.
We get asked a lot of questions and we give out some candy. Someone gave me a little plushie its so cute.

We play our games and it's about the end of the panel.
So we all walk up to the front of our tables and wave it everyone as it's time to go but Amanda grabs the Mic I assume she's going to say bye to everyone so I don't think anything of it.
"Hey everyone I just have one more thing to say before this panel ends" The people that originally got up to leave sat back down.
"So I would just like to make a quick announcement" she says as she has her hand in her pocket and she walks over to me. I'm a little confused so I look at her trying to see what she's about to do.
"As you all know this is my wonderful girlfriend of 4 years" she started
"And I will just like to say you're the most beautiful wonderful funniest person I've probably ever met and" she says as she starts to get on her knee and pull out a little box "holy shit" I say there is no way this can be happening this is crazy is she proposing to me!?!??
"And I would like it to stay like that forever"she says on her knee as she opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring
"Y/N M/N L/N Will you make me the happiest woman on earth and marry me" she says looking straight into my eyes
Everyone including our friends are screaming and clapping "YES" I say as I start to cry and she puts the ring on my finger it's a perfect fit.
I practically jump into her arms.
And kiss her.
the crowd goes wild.


That's the end of the story..I kind of wanted to end it as soon as possible because I don't really have much time to
do stories but
I still want to do them so if you have any in mind let me know
if you want to see a whole wedding bit in a family bit just let me know and I'll make another chapter. It was a bit rushed

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