PPGSZ (Harem x Son of Sonic R...

By Sonic3399

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(Y/N) The Hedgehog is the son of Sonic and Amy Rose has shown up in New Townsville after Dr.Eggman sent him t... More

(Y/N)'s Looks
Seelkadoom's Bio
Battle Stances
Shard's Bio
(Y/N)'s Forms
Sneak Peek
Luther's Bio
Before we start
Geno's Bio
Nycto's Bio
Geno's Mega Armor
Geno's Weapons
Ink (Y/N)'s Bio
MK's Bio
Facts #1
Lyla's Bio

Chapter 1

342 7 4
By Sonic3399

(A/N): Once again this was made by KyogreKing120 shoutout to him for making this.

-A Couple of Hours Later-


Where did we last see the main hero of this tale? Ah yes. Y/n being tormented by one of his alternate forms and eating a chili dog.

Y/n: You know guys, *munch* the chili dogs here aren't half bad. Nothing compared to back home. But they're good.

Exeller: *Mentally* Yeah, I think it might be that homesickness kicking.

Fleetway: *Mentally* Don't look now, cute girl trio twelve o'clock! 

Blossom: Hey Y/n!

Y/n turns to face her, a little bit of chili on his nose. The sight sends Blossom and Bubbles into a giggling fit while Buttercup smirks.

Y/n: Oh hey guys. What? Something on my face?

Blossom: I'm sorry, it's just *Wheeze* I can't!

Y/n: *Confused Head Tilt* Huh?

Bubbles: H-here.

Bubbles hands Y/n a tissue for his nose.

Buttercup: Uh, you got a little something on your nose, buddy.

Y/n's POV

Y/n: Thanks, hehe.

Fleetway: *Mentally* If she laughs longer than 20 minutes, it means she's into you.


Exeller: *Mentally* Hey, hang on a sec... (Y/n), have you noticed how you transformed into me when you're overwhelmed with fear or in Fleetway's case, stress?

Y/n: Yeah?

Exeller: *Mentally* Do you ever wonder if there are other transformations that have their own consciousness? Wait, hang on. Red Girl's talking.

Red: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Huh? Oh, sorry. I must've zoned out.

Red: Oh, don't worry. Happens to me all the time!

Blue: No it doesn't. Minus when you talk about your favorite Manga or sweets. That's the only time I see you zone out.

Red: You know what, fair point. So since you saved our bacon earlier... How about we get to know each other?

Y/n: Sure, I'll start. Hi, I'm Y/n. My favorite food's chili dogs. I have hydrophobia and I was taught how to build crazy machines by my Uncle Tails. Oh, I also have this funny danger sense I got from my dad where I sneeze before something bad happens.

Red: So wait, say a dodgeball is headed for the back of your head, you'll sneeze? Oh, by the way. Call me Blossom. That's Bubbles and she's Buttercup.

Y/n: Yup.

Buttercup: I wanna try that now.

Blossom: BUTTERCUP! We all know how hard you throw dodgeballs! You'll cave his head in! *Hugs (Y/n) close to her*

Fleetway: *Mentally* Y/N AND BLOSSOM SITTING IN A TREE-.

Exeller: *Mentally* I flex-taped his mouth shut. You're welcome.

Thanks Nick, You get to choose what we watch for movie night when we get home.

Exeller: *Mentally* I'll keep that in mind.

Buttercup: Oh PLEASE. I don't throw them THAT hard.

Bubbles: Tell that to all the holes in the sports hall's walls.

Buttercup: Those were blanks. I missed!

Y/n: Uh random question. How can dodgeballs be blanks?

Buttercup: Because I missed.

Bubbles: That makes no sense and you know it.

Buttercup just shrugs her shoulders.

Blossom: Right, since I already told you our names, it's only fair we share a bit about ourselves. I'll start. I love sweets, manga, and Super Sentai. I'm also scared of ghosts. Don't laugh!

Y/n: My Uncle Knuckles fought a ghost once. He said it was "Big, ugly, and had a rainbow tongue."... If the kind of ghosts you're scared of fit THAT description, I completely get why you'd be scared.

Blossom: *Sigh Of Relief* Thanks... Most people would laugh at me if I told them that.

Bubbles: Me next. I love spending time in nature. I'm also quite skilled in cooking.

Buttercup: *Whispers* If I were you, don't accompany her to the mall for the safety of your nonexistent pockets.

Bubbles: Now that's just rude.

Buttercup: Just sayin'.

Hehehe, these three are gonna be so much fun to hang around with.

Exeller: *Mentally* Hey, call me crazy. But don't you see a similar dynamic between them that your dad and uncles have?

I'd say they're more like Mom's team. I mean, Blossom. Mom's last name, Rose. Funny, isn't it? Then there's a similar level of gentleness to Cream Bubbles has. And rounding it off is Buttercup seemingly forgetting just how strong she is sometimes, like-

Exeller: *Mentally* Uncle Big? I remember when one of his hugs nearly broke your back. A shame so few really appreciate how far he's willing to go for the people he cares for. He's just a bit slow.


Bubbles: Hm... What about a nice jacket?

Y/n: Sorry, I zoned out again. What were we talking about again?

Bubbles: Oh, I was just thinking of something...

Exeller: *Mentally* Oh great. She's already planning a shopping spree. Think you'll need that extreme gear?

Nah, don't worry.

Y/n: So... Any favorite foods?

Bubbles: Meatballs, personally. They go great with almost any Italian dish. Maybe you could try some?

Y/n: I might just take ya up on that offer! I don't think I'll be getting back home for a while...

Buttercup: Why? We could ask around and point you in the right direction,

Y/n: You believe the multiverse theory? If not, then let me give you the quick version. Imagine the multiverse as one giant pot of soup with each of the veggies being a different universe.

Blossom: Gross! Keep those things away from me!

Huh, she loves sweets and hates veggies. Why does that remind me of someone...

Exeller: 'That one Chao who refused to eat anything but coffee beans? What was the little guy's name again... I can't remember.'

Y/n: Fair enough. Anyway, now imagine the ripples made by popping bubbles in the soup as rifts, portals, and the like between them. A ripple goes from one universe to the other.

Bubbles: And you were brought here because of that? That would explain the robot we fought earlier.

Y/n: Yeah, that's Mecha Sonic MK 1. My dad destroyed that old hunk of junk ages ago. Though it has certainly got an upgrade from when he described it. But why would Eggman upgrade a robot from so long ago and send it here?

Blossom looks at me confused. Guess ol' Baldy Mc Nosehair still hasn't nailed consistent multiversal travel yet.

Y/n: Alright. My dad's arch enemy, Doctor Ivo Robotnik or Eggman is this scary combination of a genius with a vision and an unstoppable destructive force with his army of Badnik robots. Thankfully, there are two things that keep stopping him from succeeding. His own ego and my dad, Sonic the Hedgehog. I get my looks from him.

Exeller: 'You gonna tell her about the moon incident?'

No, why? Do you really want me to tell them his whole Twitter announcement?

Buttercup: Alright, my turn. First thing you need to know about me is sports are my JAM! Soccer, martial arts, tennis, you name it I do it. I also hate wearing stuff like skirts. In the nicest way possible, they're uncomfortable to fight in.

Y/n: So I'm guessing you're pretty much stuck with that attire? I mean, personally, I think it looks cool.

Buttercup: Thanks, I guess. And you're right. I am stuck having to wear it. *grumbles* Why couldn't I have had cargo shorts or something? I'm also the only one of us three that can't fly! Seriously, WHY!?

Y/n: That just means you've got the most guts, going into a fight with zero special powers.

Blossom: Like the green-haired boy in one of my mangas!

Buttercup: Oh boy, off she goes again.

For the next few minutes, Blossom goes on a tangent about the Manga she remembered. Every question I have about it, she answers with a passion similar to Vector's passion for money.

Y/n: So let me get this straight. Midoriya gets the Quirks of all the previous users of One for All, boosted up to the extreme by One for All itself?

Blossom: That's precisely right! I'm gonna make a manga junkie out of you yet!

Bubbles: I have a question Y/n.

Y/n: K, shoot.

Bubbles: What was your world like?

Oh boy, where do we begin? Green Hill? Emerald Coast? Casino Night? Angel Island? There are so many places, I can't choose!

Exeller: What about that one place you always used to train in? The one under Mystic Cave?

Oh yeah! The Hidden Palace on West Side Island! Good thinking, Exeller!

Fleetway: '*rips the flex tape off his mouth* OW! Don't forget the big-time locales like Station Square!

Y/n: Where I come from, we have all kinds of cool places like giant flying islands, planets made of hexagons, and my favorite place to hone my skills- an old temple-like place under a mining system called the Hidden Palace. That place is loaded with all kinds of pretty gemstones. If I find a way home, maybe you could visit sometime? I'd be more than happy to show you 'round!

Blossom: Sounds like a great trip to me! Do they have good sweets?

Well, the chocolate is good enough for a literal god to choose it as his favorite snack.

Exeller: 'You sure it wasn't that ice cream he and Sonic had in Apotos?'

Good point.

Y/n: Well the snacks are so good, even a god can sit down to enjoy them! Wow, I should've taken that advertising gig in Studiopolis. Oh, that's another cool place we could visit! I know first hand, the popcorn there is both stupidly big and stupidly delicious.

Bubbles: Do you mean big, as-in number?

Y/n: Nope, the popcorn kernels themselves are the size of my head. And that's before they pop! So far I've seen sweet, salted, caramel, toffee, and chocolate.

Blossom: *starry eyes* So cool!

Fleetway: 'She likes sweets! TELL HER ABOUT SWEET MOUNTAIN!'

Exeller: 'Fleetway, I mean this in the nicest way possible... But are you INSANE!? Besides, it's in the middle of who-knows-where by now.'

Must... Resist... The CUTE!!!

Exeller: 'Uh oh. Y/n's got the "Priority one: headpats" eyes again.

Fleetway: 'CALLED IT!!!'

Shut up, Fleetway!

???: Huh, so this is where you went. Every time we played hide and seek, you never were the easiest to spot Y/n.

Wait... That voice... I don't believe it!

Y/n: GENO!?

Geno: 'Sup Y/n. I saw your whole throwdown with ol' tin grin earlier.

Y/n: I see you've still got your signature scarf. What's with the new look though? Were you a shapeshifter this whole time or something?

Geno: Nah, it's all thanks to this little device here. I push the button and it generates a hardlight shell around my body, making me appear to be Human. Tails really outdid himself with this one.

Y/n: Heh, I'd expect nothing else from uncle Tails. I mean, if you can completely reprogram a supercomputer with only a toothpick what can't you do? Right?

Geno: Exactly, dude. Though now I'm wondering how he reversed the procedure that made him part robot during the whole Lost Hex thing.

Uncle Tails really doesn't like bringing up THAT experience. Actually, how DID he reverse that? I guess I'll never know...

Fleetway: 'Uh guys?'


Fleetway: 'Not to alarm you, but what's with the black pile of sludge in your mindscape?'

Exeller: 'Wait, I read about these things in a book once. Can't remember their names but apparently they are born from and feast off of a person's innermost doubts and fears.'

So... Dark Matter?

Exeller: 'No. Dark Matter is a different entity as a whole. This? I honestly can't get a read on it. All I know is that it will evolve with time and eventually take on its own form in the physical world.'

Blossom: Hey, you alright Y/n? You look a bit pale all of a sudden.

Wait, do I?

Exeller: 'Right, that's the other part of it. While it's feeding off of your negative thoughts, it's sapping away at your energy, leaving you more lethargic. I would get rid of the thing here and now, but nothing me or Fleetway do is working.'

Fleetway: 'IF THE EYE BEAMS WON'T WORK, MAYBE THIS WILL! *pulls out a stick of dynamite* HERE, HAVE THIS TO CHEW ON!!!'

OW!!! Fleetway, that's my mindscape you're blowing up!!!

Exeller: 'As I said, nothing we do is working.'

Buttercup: Huh, I just realized something. You're almost like my cousin. I bet you guys would get along great!

Y/n: Huh, cool. I mean, if you say so. So, what do you like to do for fun around here?

Blossom: Well... There's always-

Bubbles: No. We're not doing a sweets-eating spree. Blossom, you remember what the dentist said last time, right?

Blossom just pouts at her, clearly not wanting to remember that whole ordeal. You don't actually get that many dentists back on Mobius, now that I think about it. Actually, how DO most of us have such good dental health all the time? Too many questions, not enough answers...

Blossom: I'd rather not talk about that place, thank you! Besides, we can go get hot dogs instead.

Y/n: And chili dogs?

Blossom: You bet! This time, Buttercup's treating.

Buttercup: Oh COME ON!

Blossom: Hey, you do it to me every time you want to go into town for fun. Besides, we're all going together so you're not missing out.

Hey Exeller. You think if Geno made it here, Uncle Seelkadoom did too? He vanished after a Chaos Control attempt went wrong.

Exeller: 'How am I supposed to know? There's a small possibility... Small, but not zero... I say keep an eye and an ear out, but don't get your hopes up. He can vanish and reappear like Batman when he wants to.'

Yeah, you're right. Still, would be cool if we saw him again.

Geno: Hey Y/n? Do you remember the time you pranked Blaze by putting pepper on her sandwich when she wasn't looking?

Oh no.

Bubbles: Hm?

Geno: Yeah one of Y/n's aunts, Blaze has pyrokinesis. Couple that with pepper causing people to sneeze and-

Y/n: *embarrassed* I may or may not have accidentally blown up her house... Hehe.

Buttercup: *snort* Hahaha!!! Wait, was her face covered in soot too!? PLEASE tell me her face was covered in soot!

Fleetway: 'Hey, I remember that!'

Geno: There was also the time I dared you to switch out Omega's flamethrowers for water guns. Now THAT was an angry robot!

Y/n: Yeah... I'm still recovering from that one...

Blossom: Uh, who's Omega? I'm guessing they're pretty strong to have a name like that.

Y/n: Yup. Last E-100 series robot to ever be built. If you ever meet him, don't say anything he could take as an insult to his guns. Trust me, it won't end well. That being said, he's actually pretty chill if you get on his relatively small good side.

Bubbles: Sounds scary... Are you still hurt from it?

Y/n: Nah, just minor discomfort from being folded like a pretzel. So, are we gonna go enjoy the rest of the day or not? Last one out the door's a rotten Eggman!

Geno: Hey that's my line!

Buttercup: MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!

Blossom: Nope! I'm going first!

Bubbles! Hey, wait up! Someone has to lock the door!

Hehe, I love being the fastest here.

3RD pov:

Outside, standing by a tree. A hedgehog closely resembling Shadow stands, observing his nephew's antics with a smile.

???: Heh, ya never change Kid... If you're here, maybe we could finally go home... I wonder how Sonic's doing.

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