Yours to take

By bldiehardfan

59.5K 2.5K 1K

"I liked her"........."But did you really like her or..... were you just used to making yourself like her?" ... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 4

2.3K 95 9
By bldiehardfan

Dekisugi's pov~
I was about to go to sleep but i got a call from Daiken. 'Is this even time to call someone' i thought and picked up his call. "Hey man whatcha doing?" Came the voice from other side. Is he trying to annoy me? "Going to sleep what else" i replied annoyingly. "Want to know something?" he asked. What is it now? Is he going to tease me again? This dude! He never leaves a chance to tease me ever since he got to know i like his brother. "Not now tell me tomorrow, I am going to sleep" i replied and was going to cut the call when he said that it's related to Nobita. At this my ears perked up and i asked him to speak. I heard him chuckling through the phone, that made me i blushed a little.

My heart tightened as i listened to him. I placed a hand on my chest 'it hurts'. "You too know that she is lesbian right? If Nobita got to know this he will be heartbroken" he spoke. "Yes i know. But you also know that he is scared of me that's why I have not taken any step" i replied. "i know. Then do something so that he isn't scared of you anymore and you know if you didn't take the first step now then who knows if someone else may get him" he said. 'It isn't that easy, when i know that he is scared of me' i thought listening to him. "I know it too" i said knowing that. "If you know then it's good. I only want him to be happy and if he is happy with someone else i will accept them, remember that" he said. I said yes, clearly knowing that he is serious about it. He said good night and cut the call. I sat on the bed remembering how we got to know about Shizuka's sexuality.

"Daiken hurry up, just buy it already. You know you're like my mom when she goes for shopping" I said, annoyed by his habit of changing his mind ten times before buying anything. "Why are you so ticked off huh? I have to be clear before buying" he said as if he don't know of his annoying habit. I rolled my eyes. "Hey! Don't roll your eyes so much they might stuck there" he said laughing. "Are you done?" I asked staring at him (•_•). "Why are you so serious all the time? You know that's why Nobita is scared of you. He's a jolly guy and he likes anyone if they're kind to him and his family & friends. You rarely ever smiles and you wish for him to love you" he said putting his hand around my shoulder and lecturing me. "i know but that's how I am" i said and went to another shop with him following behind, looking here and there. I heard him say "Hey isn't that Shizuka but who is that beside her?" and I looked towards where he was pointing to. "Ohh looks like she noticed us" he said waving at her. "You are older than me but why are you stupid? Can't you see she is trying to avoid us?" I asked. "I'm not stupid. I Just don't waste my brain where it's not needed" he said. I looked at him knowing what he said is true.

The next day, We were walking in the school grounds while chit-chatting during lunch break when she came to us and told us why was she there and who was the girl beside her. "Please keep it a secret. They might think I'm weird if they got to know" she said. "Why? Is being in love with the same gender weird?" I asked. "It isn't but it might be different in other people's view" she replied. "Well that's true but don't worry it's not a weird thing and we'll keep it a secret" Daiken said to her. We bid her bye and went back to our class.
*End of flashback*

'I guess it's finally time to take the first step but what should I do?' i thought and an idea pop up in my head 'hmm~ yeah that shall do' and went to sleep.

Nobita's pov~
*The next morning*
I woke up sweating and gasping. I looked at the time in the phone and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and the dream i had today flashed before my eyes. I quickly opened the tape and washed my face with the water. Why am I having these dreams? And who is that person with whom I am in these dreams? Even in today's dream, his face was hazy. Are those whom I saw yesterday and today's dream the same or different persons? Ahh~ i pulled my hairs in frustration. There's so many questions but no one to answer them. 'Maybe someday I'll find the answers to these questions, but right now I gotta get ready for school' i thought and brushed my teeths.

*Time skip*
Kaito's pov~
I arrived at the school gates. I got down the car and thanked the driver uncle. I saw that Andriette was already there. I went near her and asked why she didn't go inside so she replied that she was waiting for me and the others to come. "Then let's wait together" i said and started waiting for others with her. We talked a little and then after about five to ten minutes of waiting two cars came and stopped in front of us. Everyone except Daiken and Gian got down the car and those two went to park the car. We exchanged greetings while waiting for those two. After few minutes they came back. I looked at Daiken secretly and he noticed me looking at him. He smiled and waved at me. I felt my ears getting red and i waved back.

Andriette's pov~
I looked at Kaito, he was looking at Daiken and had red ears 'is he blushing? Ohh~ i sense a ship here' i thought and soon after, the bell rang. We hurriedly went to our respective classes. Thankfully the teacher wasn't there when we reached our class. I sat with Shizuka and Kaito sat together with Nobita and Suneo. The teacher came in and started teaching.

*Time skip*
During Lunch break~
I had my lunch and come out into the hallway to get some fresh air. I looked across the field in front of the school and saw Nobita talking with Shizuka under the tree. I narrowed my eyes 'Wait a minute, is that Dekisugi on the other side of the tree? Is he listening to their conversation?' I thought. Then I saw Nobita leaving from there. 'He is going in opposite direction of the school building so where is he going?' I thought and ran towards the ground. I saw Dekisugi going after him so I went to Shizuka and asked her what happened and where Nobita went.

"He....confessed his love to me" she replied. "But you are lesbian" I said unconsciously. "Ye- ....huh how do you know?" She asked surprised. "By chance i saw you kissing your .... girlfriend? yesterday, sorry" I said. "Oh wait, that's why you were avoiding my eyes?" she asked and I replied yes. "let's keep it on the side and do you know where Nobita went?" I asked worriedly. "I asked him where was he going but he didn't reply" she answered. 'Should we go find him? But Dekisugi has followed him so there shouldn't be any problem. But will he be able to find Nobita alone? Will he need help?' I was thinking that when the bell rang. "Ah the break is over. Let's go back for now" I said. "But Nobita? Shouldn't we go and find him?" She asked. "I saw Dekisugi went after him so let's hope he finds him," I said. "Dekisugi? Why?" he asked. "Perhaps because he was as concerned for him as we were. I saw him standing behind the tree from the hallway so he maybe heard your conversation," I said. After a few minutes, we reached the classroom and found the teacher had arrived. We said sorry and went to our seats. Suneo and Kaito looked at us and gestured asking why Nobita didn't come to class yet so I gestured to them that I would tell them later.

Nobita's pov~
I looked around the classroom but i didn't see Shizuka in the class so i gave an excuse to Suneo and Kaito and came out of the class into the hallway. I saw Shizuka sitting under the tree reading a book. 'This is the perfect chance to confess as there aren't many students in the field' i thought and went downstairs towards her. 'I'm nervous' i thought and called to her. "Sh... Shizuka!..I...I wanna tell you something" i said nervously. " What is it Nobita? Is there anything wrong?" She asked. I folded my fist and said all the things in one go "We have known each other since a long time and have been good friends but I thought of you more than just a friend. I-i have liked you all along" and asked "w-will you be my girlfriend?". "Nobita we are indeed good friends but i never thought of you more than that. And i can't be your girlfriend because I'm already with someone" she replied. Tears welled up in eyes, " Who is he?" I asked lowering my head. "It's she not he" she said. "She?" I asked shocked. "Yes, I like girls. Do you know the girl i sit with usually? She is the one I'm dating. She didn't come to school today because she was sick" she said. "You mean Sakura?" I asked and got yes in a reply.

(Sakura- She has a weak body so she often gets sick. )

"But you know we can still be good friends" she said and I replied yes and turned to leave. "Where are you going Nobita?" She asked but i didn't reply. 'I want to be alone for a while, but where should I go? Oh, that place will do' I thought and ran towards the mountain which is behind our school. I heard a voice from behind telling me to stop but I kept running deep into the mountain. Suddenly I tripped and fell over and hurt my knees. Now I could not hold back my tears and I let them flow. I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer so I sat behind the tree hiding my face in my knees so that they could not see me in this vulnerable state. But They still found me, I saw a pair of shoes in front of me so i looked up to see who it is. I was shocked to see that the person I least expected was in front of me.

A/n:this chapter is a bit longer, isn't it?Well the photo of the house above is what I imagine Dekisugi's house to look like in my story.
i will now upload chapters only on Sundays because from tomorrow my school is re-opening and i have to focus on my studies too.
And please Be healthy and safe(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡.

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