chapter 1

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Nobita was sleeping.

Nobita's pov~

*His dream*

I was drinking wine while sitting on one of the chair at the corner in a grand wedding hall, the hall was so noisy. Idk whose wedding I'm at. I looked towards the wedding couple and the groom's face was blur so i couldn't see it but the bride is...... Shizuka? Wait! what? she is getting married?(⁠'⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠'⁠) Somebody already stole her from me? I was drinking out of my mind just then someone grabbed my hand and took my wine glass. I looked up to see who it was but his face was blur too. He spoke in a familiar? deep husky voice "Stop drinking. It's bad for your health." Huh who is he to give me orders? "Who are you? Give me back my drink." I stood up and tried grabbing the glass from his hand but he is so big.i stumbled because of dizziness but his big hands grabbed my waist.i looked up at him and was about to say something but he kissed me, i tried pushing him but it was futile. And maybe because I was resisting him he grabbed my nape and deepened his kiss. At last i gave up,i had no more energy to resist and i kissed him back and after a few seconds of a passionate kiss we broke apart to take in the lacked oxygen. I supported my head on his chest and closed my eyes for a second. Suddenly he carried me in a bridal style and took me to a big room. He layed me down on the bed and got on the top of me.He kissed me again and proceeded to kiss my neck...

*End of dream*

"NO, WAIT!!!!"my eyes shot open and i sit up on the bed. what kind of dream was this! Why did i dream something like this? Who was that person? And...... Shizuka? I grabbed my hair with both hands .I should stop being a scaredy-cat and look for the chance to confess before Somebody steal her from me. I took my phone from the night stand and looked at the time. It's 6 in the morning and i have to reach my school by 8 a.m. i have plenty of time to get ready. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom for my morning routine.After a while,I came out of the bathroom,wore my clothes and went downstairs to the dining table. I saw mum making breakfast for us in the kitchen. We have maids for the houseworks but mum insisted on to be the one to make food for us (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡. I went near her and like i expected, she was surprised to see me so early in the morning. "Are you alright dear? Are you feeling unwell?" She asked worriedly. "I'm ok mum. I woke up early from my sleep maybe because today is the first day of my high school" i replied not telling her about the dream. "Can I help you with something mum?" I asked. "Can you go wake your sister up? You know her, She won't wake up on her own" she asked. "Yes mum" i said and went upstairs to Daiya's room. I entered her room and saw her fast asleep. I sat on the side of the bed and a smile came to my face by looking at her. She is such a heavy sleeper.

Third person pov:

Nobisuke came to the kitchen. He back hugged Tamako and kissed her on the cheek, "Good morning love~" he said wishing her."Good morning hon" she looked at him and wished him back."you know Nobita was here a little while ago. I sent him to wake Daiya up and he may be back any minute so don't be clingy and go sit on your chair" she said. "What! Is he sick?" He asked worriedly. "No he isn't. He said he woke up early because it was his first day of high school." She replied reassuring him. "Ohh!" He went to his chair and sat, started reading the newspaper while waiting for his breakfast. After a while,Daiken came downstairs and went to sit on his chair at the dining table. "Good morning mum,dad" he wished them. "Good morning to you too Daiken" both wished him together. "I checked upon Nobita but he wasn't in his room, did you see him?" He asked. "Ohh he woke up early and came downstairs but I sent him to wake Daiya up" Tamako replied. Then after sometime both Nobita and Daiya came down together and Daiya wished everyone good morning. They started having their breakfast. Daiken finished his breakfast first and looked at his phone it got 7:30 a.m. "Nobi, Daiya finish your breakfast quickly we have to reach school in time. "Yes brother "both replied and finished their breakfast quickly. Both Nobita & Daiya ran upstairs to their respective rooms to take their bags and again came down. "Bye mum bye dad" both said bye to them and ran outside to their car which Daiken had already taken out from the garage.Nobita sat on the front seat beside Daiken and Daiya sat on the back seat.And they drove off to school.

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