oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sully

By grapefruitkat

79.1K 1.8K 228

a broken girl trying to live meets a boy trying to prove himself all characters aged up neteyam x oc More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentythree
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter thirty
chapter thirtyone
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfour
chapter thirtyfive
chapter thirtysix
chapter thirtyseven
chapter thirtyeight
authors note
book two
alternate ending

chapter twentynine

1.2K 27 0
By grapefruitkat

Beatrice woke the next morning to the sound of rain, causing a smile to rise on her face before the bad feeling set in her stomach. Memories flashed of the rain that poured when she was nearly killed in the forest, causing the girl to rise slowly and rub her eyes. She sighed to herself, carefully leaving the sleeping Neteyam to start breakfast.

Beatrice stared out of the entrance of the pod as she sat next to the fire, cooking some fish for the two of them. She startled slightly once she felt Neteyams hand on her shoulder, him sitting next to her and kissing her shoulder. She smiled at him softly, allowing him to pull her into his lap.

"Good morning, my love." Beatrice whispered, wrapping her arms around his waist. He hummed softly to her in response, leaving a trail of kisses along her shoulder and up her neck before finding her lips. She loved how they had the freedom to act however they wanted, no worries about being in front of his family now. She kissed him sweetly, a smile forming on their lips as they broke apart. She took the fish off the fire carefully, the two eating together quietly before Neteyam spoke up.

"Have you noticed Lo'ak disappearing during the days?" He asked, a curious tone in his voice. Beatrice nodded, looking at Neteyam.

"He is with Payakan.." She admitted quietly, Neteyams eyes growing wide slightly.

"You heard Tsireya and Aonung, Payakan is dangerous! Why have you been allowing this?!" He almost shouted, his loud tone making Beatrice raise her eyebrow at him. He ducked his head, sighing. "I am sorry, love. He is just my baby brother.." Beatrice nodded, gently cupping his cheek.

"I met Payakan." She admitted once again, Neteyams head shooting up to look at her. "He is not dangerous. I believe he is just misunderstood, as your brother thinks himself to be."

Neteyam nodded, mostly to himself. "Do you know where they would be?" It was Beatrices turn to nod, sighing softly.

"If it will calm you, we can go see Payakan and Lo'ak interact." Neteyam nodded feverishly at her words, Beatrice nodding back.

Once the two finished their breakfast, Neteyam put the fire out for Beatrice as she tidied up. Neteyam took her hand lovingly, allowing her to lead. The two chatted about nonsense as they made their way to a sand bank, their heads shooting up as Tsireya, Roxto, and Aonung came running over to them. Beatrice scrunched her eyebrows together, concern growing on her face as she let go of Neteyams hand and took Tsireyas.

"Bea, i am scared that Lo'ak has gone to see Payakan again.." Tsireya admitted, causing Beatrice to chew on her lip nervously. Tsireya looked over Beatrices face carefully, becoming more worried. "I am right, am i not?" She asked softly, Beatrice sighing and nodding.

"We are heading there now to make sure he is safe. It may calm you as well, come." Beatrice said gently, grabbing the back of the younger girls head lovingly. They all called for ilus, climbing onto them quickly and allowing Beatrice to take the lead.

Beatrice led the group to Three Brothers Rocks, breaking the surface to look around and catch her breath. The group followed after her, looking around confused.

"Where are they, Bea?" Neteyam asked softly, his ilu coming up next to hers. Beatrice shook her head, chewing on her lip.

"They are always here. Lo'ak always tells me where they are going to be in case something happens and i need to get to him quickly." Beatrice took a deep breath, having her ilu dive quietly as she looked under the water. Once she spotted Lo'ak with Payakan she relaxed significantly, the rest of the group following after her. They swam through the seaweed, wanting to get a closer look. Beatrice scrunched her eyebrows as Lo'ak swam in front of Payakan, looking over at Neteyam as he tapped her.

What are they doing? Neteyam signed, Beatrice shrugging softly before turning back to the scene in front of them. Beatrice felt goosebumps rise on her skin as Payakan opened his mouth, watching as Lo'ak slowly swam into the tulkuns mouth. Beatrice inched forward, shooting forward as Payakans mouth suddenly shut, a scream leaving her lips as she tried to swim forward, Neteyam on her heels. Tsireya was successful in stopping Neteyam, Aonung shooting forward to stop Beatrice, she fought against his hands, landing a kick to his stomach as she tried to get to Lo'ak. Aonung finally got her attention, his calm face confusing Beatrice immensely.

He is not in danger! They are bonding, skxawng. Aonung signed before rubbing his stomach, Beatrice glaring at him with fire in her eyes. Neteyam came up behind Beatrice, grabbing her attention and pulling her up to the surface. The Metkayinas followed after them, everyone staying silent as they waited for Payakan to surface and Lo'ak to come out. Neteyam held Beatrice in the water, kissing her forehead gently to comfort her.

"We will be in so much trouble.." Tsireya spoke softly, Beatrice looking over at the young girl confused.

"I thought it was good to bond with the tulkun?"

"Not the outcast.." Tsireya simply whispered, Beatrice sighing softly before looking back out at the sea.

After some time, everyone let out a sigh of relief as Payakan surfaced, Lo'ak right after him and hugging the tulkun tightly.

"All of you, go. I will bring Lo'ak back." Neteyam spoke firmly, giving Beatrice a gentle kiss before he started to swim over to his baby brother. Beatrice watched him go, Tsireya grabbing her hand gently and pulling her along. They all called for ilus, climbing on and making their way back to the village.

As they arrived back to the sand bank they left from, Beatrice watched as Aonung comforted his little sister. Beatrices eyes immediately moved towards the barrier, chewing on her lip as she watched the brothers coming back on an ilu. As they stood, Beatrice went to hug Lo'ak tightly, the young boy shoving her off causing her to stumble, a shocked expression growing on her face.

"Lo'ak!" Neteyam snapped, shock evident on his face as well. Lo'ak glared at Beatrice, pointing his finger in her face.

"You told everyone! I trusted you!" He shouted in her face, Beatrice feeling her eyes burn as tears started to develop.

"They were worried about you bubba, i thought-" She started, Lo'ak immediately cutting her off.

"Do not call me that!" A pang of hurt shot through Beatrices chest, the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Lo'ak.." Tsireya spoke gently, taking Lo'aks arm and pulling him away. Beatrice stayed put, her eyes staring where Lo'ak was just stood moments before, the tears continuing to roll down her face. Neteyam gently pulled her into his arms, kissing her temple.

"He does not mean it, my love. He is just upset." Neteyam whispered in her ear, watching as Tsireya tried to calm Lo'ak down. Beatrice quietly sniffled, not moving.

"What have you done?!"

Beatrices ears twitched as she heard the Tsahik shout, Tonowari and Ronal rushing over to them. The two elders demanded they all follow them, the kids following after them silently. Once they were in the Olo'eyktans marui, Ronal immediately started speaking, Beatrice barely hearing the conversation.

"You allowed this? You allowed him to bond with the outcast!" Ronal shouted, her attention on Tsireya. Beatrice looked over at Tsireya, frowning as tears started slipping down the young girls face.

"Tsireya." Tonowari spoke up, causing the young girl to inhale sharply at her father. "You disappoint me, daughter." Beatrice winced at the words, taking a step forward.

"It was not Tsireya, Tsahik and Olo'eyktan. It was my fault." Beatrice spoke quietly, her eyes shooting to the floor in respect. She felt Neteyams hand on her lower back, her head tilting to him slightly before giving her attention back to the elders. Beatrices ears twitched as she recognized Neytiri and Jakes footsteps rushing up to the pod, squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"You. Son of a great warrior, who has been taught better." Tonowari focused his attention onto Lo'ak, Beatrice feeling Neytiris eyes on her but refusing to look in her direction.

"Payakan saved my life, sir. You do not know him." Lo'ak stepped forward, outwardly fighting against the Olo'eyktan. Tsireya quietly tried to get Lo'ak to stop, Tonowari pointing his finger into Lo'aks face.

"Sit." Tonowari crouched down as Lo'ak did, Beatrice fidgeting with her armband. "Sit down!" Tonowari shouted, Beatrice and Tsireya flinching as everyone dropped to their knees. Beatrice kept feeling eyes on her, unsure of who it was.

"Hear my words, boy. In the days of the first songs, tulkun fought amongst themselves, for territory and for revenge." Tonowari began, everyone listening carefully. Beatrice felt Neteyams tail intertwine with hers, some comfort on Beatrices lowered shoulders. "But they came to believe that killing, no matter how justified, only brings more killing. So all killing was forbidden. This, is the tulkun way." Tonowari explained, speaking more towards Lo'ak than anyone else. "Payakan is a killer, so he is an outcast."

"I am sorry sir. But you are wrong." Lo'ak argued, causing Beatrice to hiss at the young boy trying to get him to shut up. Neytiri said his name sharply, causing Lo'ak to sigh. "I know what-"

"Thats enough!" Jake shouted, Beatrice squeezing her eyes shut once again.

"I know what i know." Lo'ak finished after a moment, Beatrice huffing loudly as Jake reached forward, grabbing Lo'aks arm roughly.

"I will deal with this one." Jake spoke to Tonowari, roughly yanking Lo'ak away. Beatrice finally got the courage to look up, watching Lo'ak being pulled away by Jake. Lo'ak met Beatrices eyes, his eyes hardening once again causing a crack to snap into Beatrices heart. Tonowari excused the rest of them, Neteyam immediately pulling Beatrice away gently and pulling her into his chest. He kissed her forehead gently, rubbing his hands up and down her back lovingly.

Neteyam gently led Beatrice back to their pod, the tears silently rolling down her face once again. Beatrices head snapped up as she heard Jake yelling at Lo'ak, freezing her steps and watching Jake carefully. Jake looked around once he felt eyes on him, meeting Beatrices and noticeably sighing. She ignored Lo'aks eyes move to her, keeping her focus on Jake even as Neteyam tried to pull her along. Jakes tone changed as he remembered what Beatrice had told him, Lo'ak looking up at him with slight shock as Beatrice finally let Neteyam pull her along.

Once the two made it back to their new home, Neteyam gently picked Beatrice up and took her over to their bed. He laid her down softly, kissing her forehead lovingly. He began to exit the pod, Beatrice stopping him.

"Where are you going, Ma'Teyam?" She asked quietly, sniffling.

"Just to talk to Lo'ak, my love. I will be back soon." Neteyam explained. Beatrice sighed, watching Neteyam leave before turning over, facing the woven wall. She kept wiping away the tears that wouldnt stop, her eyes becoming heavy after some time. She fell asleep to the calls of the tulkun leaving the barrier, setting off on their migration once again.

After a few hours, Beatrice woke up to feeling arms wrap around her waist, a chest pressing against her back gently. She sighed as Neteyam left soft kisses on her shoulder, humming to her softly.

"I did not mean to hurt him, Tey. Everyone was just so worried.." Beatrice spoke softly, her voice cracking slightly. Neteyam hushed her gently, his thumbs rubbing circles against her stomach.

"I know, Ma'Bea. He will be okay." Neteyam responded softly, kissing the back of her head. "I love you, Bea."

Those words always made Beatrice smile, unable to fight it. "I love you, Tey." She responded softly, closing her eyes once again. Neteyam started humming once more, Beatrice falling asleep with ease.

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