Voice Hero: Present Mic meets...

By EllyAizawa

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Quote: "Ok, do you know sign language? If so you can use that." Present Mic one of the most famous heroes had... More

The Meeting. Chapter 1:
Matilda and How First Meetings Went. Chapter 2:
Explanations, & Incidents Part 2. Chapter 4:
Backstories & Comforting. Chapter 5:
'Home, A Place Where I Belong', & 1st Time @ UA Chapter 6:
Running Into Analogous. (+some aftermath) Chapter 7:
A Fun Time & Some Family Drama. Chapter 8:

Late Night Talk, Explanations, & Incidents. Chapter 3:

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By EllyAizawa

(A/N: Sorry for not updating either books in a while. I'll try to be on more. I'm working on chapter 10 of the other it's just taking a while. I'm  also working of 5 other things and  one of those is another fanfic of mha i'm not exactly sure how to start but I have a basic idea of what I want from it. Hopefully this longer chapter will make up. I'm also working on chap 4 of this so- Enjoy!)

Hizashi puts his hand on the knob and starts to turn it. The door opens softly.

He peeks inside to see Tenya asleep. He looks over to Elly and it's hard to tell.

It's hard to tell since he doesn't know her sleeping patterns yet. But he decides to just leave it alone as he closes the door and leaves.


It's now one in the morning and Shota just came back. He decided to quietly check on the kids before he tried to get some rest.

Elly does the same thing she did when Hizashi came in.

This time though when the door closes Shota is still inside the room.

She sits up and is startled by him but luckily didn't make any audible noises.

He walks over to her and kneels down and whispers;

"What are you doing awake?"

She was honestly debating on telling the hero the truth or not. She felt like she was a bother.

But she gave in.

"I-I do-on't s-slee-ep v-ver-ry o-oft-ten..." She stutters whispering.

"Here how about we go talk about this somewhere else? So we don't wake Tenya." He asks standing up.

She also gets up and he leads her out of the room and quietly closes the door.

He walks to the kitchen with her following behind and makes himself a cup of coffee as she stands there staring at her feet and unconsciously plays with the drawstrings of the hoodie.

"Would you like any hot cocoa?" He asks her gently.

She looks up and was about to shake her head when he said;

"You don't have to feel like you're a bother. You're really not. Now answer me honestly, would you like a hot cocoa?"

She nods.

"Good." He says.


After both the coffee and cocoa were done they went to the couch.

Riku was watching from a bit of a distance.

"When's the last time you've gotten a good sleep?"

She froze mid sip.

She tries to think of something a little believable.

"F-fiv-ve w-wee-ek-ks..."

Riku closes his eyes and shakes his head at the lie.

"Why can't this kid just accept the help? Guess I'll have to force her to accept it whether she likes it or not. I don't care if she'll be mad at me for the rest of her life as long as she gets help." He sighs.

He gets closer causing the temperature to drop.

"Friend of yours?" Shota asks.

"Y-yea..." She looks behind Shota to his left.

Riku makes himself visible and audible.

"Tell him the truth, kid."

Shota turns around surprised.

"Eh, sorry didn't mean to startle you sir."

"It's fine. You can just call me Aizawa. But what do you mean?"

"Well why don't you tell him kid?" He says giving her a look.

She sighs. "F-fin-ne... I-I h-hav-ven-n't h-had a g-goo-od slee-ep s-sin-nce I-I was-s m-mayb-be f-fiv-ve..."

"Five?!" Shota says shocked but doesn't yell.

"Yea but she's always had sleep problems. Aleast from what I know since the age of three since that's when she got her quirks." Riku states sadly.

"I had been dead for about one and a half years until I met her with my best friend."

"7 years ago." Shota mumbels. "You have been having sleeping problems for about 7 years?" Shota asks her.

She only nods.

He suddenly remembers how his lack of sleep only got worse about 9 to 10 years ago.

He also wonders,

"Should- Should I ask her? Should I ask her if she's ever met him. Ever met Oboro Shirakumo. Even if it was just once?" Then he internally sighs and he shakes his head.

"A-are y-you o-ok?" She asks.

"Yes I was just thinking." He answers back. "Maybe another time."

"Well it seems you're an insomniac. Welcome to the club, kid."

"A-a wh-what-t?"

"Insomniac. It just means you get little so no sleep almost every night if not every night." He says. "Basically." He adds after a beat of silence.

"O-Oh..." Is all she says then drinks some more of her cocoa.

Shota remembers that Nezu offered to take care of the kids.

"Oh, I should tell you the 4 of us will be busy most all day later so you and Tenya will go to Nezu's house around 11. Tensei will drop you both off since he'll be the last to leave for his errands."

She nods understandingly.

Her necklace flashes from just a pine green to pine green with sunflower yellow. And the temperature drops more but it doesn't affect Shota just her. And she turns around to see her best friend who just showed herself.

"L-Lil-ly-y!" (A/N: Yep she's in here too. & prob the others she's important to me.)

"Hey there. Been a bit huh?"

"I'm just going to see if I can find Hitoshi so I can keep him company. Nice meeting you Aizawa."

"And you as well-" He pauses realizing he hadn't caught the younger-ish man's name.

"Riku. Just call me Riku."

"Alright well, nice to meet you as well Riku."

Then Riku disappears in plain sight then goes to find Hitoshi.

"Another friend?" Shota asks.

Elly nods.

"I've been with her since even before she got her quirk. We were childhood friends but then-" She stops herself.

"It's fine, I don't need an explanation."

Lily nods.

"I just came to check on her since it's been a few weeks since I last saw her. We can't always be around 24/7. Especially with the way her quirk drawback is."

"What's the drawback?"

"Well I'm sure by now you notice the drastic drops in temperature."

"Yea sorta."

"Well it drops when we come but it's not too bad. But if we try to be solid for too long and or if there's too many of us she'll start to freeze. We usually try to keep it a maximum of 5 at a time and we can only stay solid for so long as well. It doesn't only cause her to freeze but it uses her energy."

"Oh, that's... interesting."

"Yea. And her other quirk, the water quirk, it also takes her energy so if she's used both too much or too long she can pass out. For her water quirk she needs to make sure to drink plenty of water or take some in from any other form since she can create it and also manipulate and store it."

"Anything else?"

"Hmm... Yea when her energy starts to lower she'll turn into an Okami or Neko depending on how much energy has been used. But if she turns into a Neko she'll be stuck until her energy is up. Unless she willingly becomes a Neko or is tired in general."

"Hmph. Alright thanks."

"Of course. Well I gotta go bye!"

"Bye." Shota says.

"B-bye..." Elly stutters.

And with that Lily disappears.

"What's the most amount of sleep you get in a day?"

"I-it dep-pends... But generally m-maybe 2-3 h-hour-rs. T-top-ps..."

"Two to three?!" He says surprised, but says it no louder than a whisper-shout. "At your age? That's as bad as me."

She just stares at the marshmallow's in her cocoa.

"Have you ever been tested for it before?" He asks, putting his empty coffee mug down.

When he says this her eyes widen and she vigorously shakes her head.

"Woah, woah, there kiddo." He holds her by the chin. "That's a good way to give yourself whiplash. And that would not feel good."

She looks down and he lifts her chin up to make her look at him and she does.

"What's wrong?" He asks gently. "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable but I just want to help ok?"

"C-could I t-tell yo-ou g-guy-ys t-tom-morr-ow..?" She asks shyly.

"Sure. If that's what you want." He says letting go.

She puts her mostly empty cocoa mug on the coffee table (A/N: Ironic ik.) and hugs him.

He's a bit shocked at first but then quickly pulls her closer and hugs her back.

"I will do everything I can to protect her and her brother. Even if she might be adopted by Hizashi. They've both been through so much. I can see it on her face; It was rough..." He thinks to himself. Silently promising. "I won't lose someone else!"

She starts to purr, making him look down and smile as his pets her head and ears.

They both stay like that, both slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


The next morning.

It was 7:30 when Hizashi woke up.

He went to the kitchen but on his way there he saw Shota and Elly. He quickly and quietly got his phone and went to wake up Nem since he knew she wouldn't wanna miss it.

"Mmmgghh Zashi what?"

^"C'mon get up and grab your phone it's SUPER CUTE!!^ He says Ina whisper shout.

Then she gets up and also decides to wake Tens as well and the 3 of them to the living room.

Nemuri's eyes lit up as she tried not to squeal and Tensei smiled and they took pics of the messy hair man and the Neko girl.

About five minutes later Tenya also joined them.

^"What're you 3 doing?"^ He whispered, rubbing his eye with one hand and holding his glasses with the other.

^"Look!"^ Nemuri whisper shouts.

Tenya puts his glasses on and sees them and smiles. He also stubbly took out his phone and took a few pics.

^"Isn't it cute?"^ Nemuri asks.

^"Mhm."^ Tenya mumbles, stubbly placing his phone back.

After he hummed back the ravenette and the neko girl woke up.

When they were both awake enough they noticed the other three.

She shrunk back into him and he just sighed and patted her head.

"Ok, who's hungry?!" Hizashi asks excitedly.

"OH OH, ME!" Nemuri shouts while raising her hand.

"I'll help." Tenya says.

"I'll watch over you both." Tens comments with a smile.

"That means I'll set the table." Shota says gruffly while getting up.

"I'll help ya Sho!" Nemuri says getting the cups and chopsticks.

"Everybody has a role. But, what am I supposed to do... Maybe they'll want me to wash the dishes later. That's fine as long as I'm not a burden." She thinks deep in thought.

"Hey kid." Shota says.

Still lost in thought she doesn't hear him.

"Maybe I'll have to also clean the kitchen and dining room before we have to leave and fix the bedding for everyone. And maybe-" Her thoughts were cut off with Shota standing in front of her with his hand on her shoulder.

"Kid you good?"

She nods.

"If you say so. Why don't you take these napkins and place them for every person, hm?"

She looks at the napkins in his hand. She nods and takes them.

"Here I'll show you where they go and then I'll put the chopsticks and cups and then Sho will put the plates and bowls; mk?" Nem explains.

Elly only nods


Hitoshi was grateful for the nice meal he had the night before but was worried when his sister wasn't there. He knew her leg had been hurt so it's not like she could've gone too far. Right?

"Who am I kidding!? I left her alone and she probably got taken away! It's all my fault! She trusted me!" He yells in his mind.

Well he was only half right. She did in a sense get taken away but voluntarily. And she would never blame him even if he brainwashed her. He did have to do that once when they were on the run and that's how she broke her ankle. But even then she wasn't mad.

"Where could she be? Maybe she wasn't kidnaped! Maybe she left to find me or- or-" He couldn't keep himself together as with every word he spoke his voice cracked and he started to cry.

He knew that crying would get him nowhere but he honestly couldn't help it. She was like a little sister. He cared deeply for her even if they hadn't known each other long; they formed a special bond that no one could break.

He sat down on the thankfully warm ground and huddled in on himself trying to hide the tears that littered his face even if no one was around to seem them. He thought he looked weak. And he hated it. Not that he'd ever call anyone else weak but of himself he thought it.

He vigorously wiped his face.

"Stop crying you big baby. You need to pull yourself together and find her. She must be so scared, and cold."

On the contrary.


"Alright, breakfast is done!" Hizashi says while putting a big pot and big pan on the table. "Now careful it's still hot!" He warns putting the tongs, and spoon in their respective places.

"Ok gremlins you can dig in just save food for the rest of us." Sho says.

As soon as he said that, Hizashi and Nemuri started getting what they wanted on their plates like there was no tomorrow.

They were soon followed by the Iida brothers and Shota himself while the quiet girl waited her turn to see what was left.

"Fair warning; you better get the good stuff now before uncle and auntie grab it all." Tenya advises her.

She just smiles happy to get any food she can.

When the others got what they wanted she grabbed a piece of buttered toast along with a sausage patty and 2 links. She also put some rice and eggs in her bowl.

"That's all you want kiddo?" Nem asks.

"Mhm!" She says making her smile look genuine.

"You know, if you're worried we'll be mad at you for taking what you want, we won't. That's why I always make extra, darling." Hizashi chimes in.

She nods to show her understanding. But in her mind it's otherwise.

"They must be testing my greediness. I know, just take what you can eat and ration it. I already made a mistake in greediness when he rescued me. I won't make it again."


When they all finish breakfast and clean up.

"We should all get ready since we'll have to leave soon. Especially you Nemi. You know how long it takes you to get ready."

"Yea, yea Zash chill" She answers, playfully rolling her eyes.

So they all get ready.

Nem even had a bit of extra time to do Elly's hair. She decided to put her hair into braided pigtails.


"Nem you should get going now." Tensei warns.

"Yea, ok, I know, Tens." She says starting to hug them.

"I'll miss you guys!" She says.

"Don't worry auntie Nemi, we'll be seeing each other later tonight." Tenya says.

"I know but still! I hate to leave~! You kids be on your best behavior for Nezu later ok?"

"Of course auntie." Tenya says.

Elly nods.

"Alright bye everyone see you tonight!"

"Bye!" Hizashi and Tensei calls out.

"Goodbye." Tenya says.

"Good riddance." Shota says annoyed.

Elly waves.

"Right now onto the real problem. Time to explain Nezu since you only met him once."

"Oh boy." Hizashi says.

"Here we go again." The Iida brothers say in unison.

So they explain everything about Nezu.

She decided to add that information to her notebook about him.

"It seems it's time to go already Sho. You ready?" Hizashi asks.

"Mmph. Suppose so."

They say their goodbyes but Shota stayed a bit longer to whisper to Elly;

^"Don't worry we'll find your brother. Ok?"^

She lets out a bit of a whine and nods.

"C'mon Sho!"

"Yea, yea. I'm coming." He says getting up and heading out the door.

A few minutes after they left, and had Tensei grabbed some stuff he said, "We should get going as well. It's a bit of a drive but not too far."

Elly picked up her bag and put it over her shoulder.

"You kids have everything you need or want right?"

"Yes big brother."

She nods.

"Alright let's go."


When they got to Nezu's he was already waiting outside when they pulled up.

When they got out of the car she stood close behind Tenya and Tensei even though she found Nezu fascinating she still didn't like new people all that much and wished so desperately that Hitoshi was there.

Nezu and Tensei were talking with Tenya listening and Elly only half listening as she stared at the ground.

Then Minato makes an appearance and her necklace turns a Mayflower red.

"Hey kid." Min says using his Telepathy quirk.

"Huh? Oh Min! I'm so glad to hear your voice even if it's through telepathy! I missed you!"

"Me too kid, me too."

"Well it's best I leave you two now." Tensei says ruffling their hair. "Have fun."

"Thank you brother. Have a good day as well."

With that Tensei gets back in his car and leaves.

"Please come in!" Nezu says cheerily.

Tenya follows behind but she lingers.

Min shakes his head. He becomes solid enough to push her along.

What are you doing Min!" She asks.

Well I wasn't about to let you stand there like a non on a log now was I?" He retorts back smoothly.

She doesn't say anything as she takes off her shoes and places them by Tenya's and put's on the extra slippers.

That's what I thought." He smirks.

"I'll be making lunch in an hour or so. Is there anything specific that you'd like?"

She shakes her head no and Tenya also says he doesn't mind whatever Nezu makes.

"Alright then. You can go ahead and put your things in the guest rooms."

"Where should her's be?"

"Use the empty one next to Hizashi's."

"Alright. Please follow me Elly." Tenya says.

She nods and follows him up the stairs. Her legs feel like jelly to her and she knows the only reason she's still moving is because Minato is dragging her and trying to distract her.

When they got upstairs Tenya said, This room on the left is yours. The one across from it is the bathroom as you see on the door.

She looks at the door and slightly tilts her head and also sees the other doors with creative labels on them.

"Wondering why they have labels?"

She looks at him and nods.

"That's because of one, when brother, uncles, and auntie would come spend the night when they were in high school they would fight over the rooms. So Nezu told them one night when they came to pick a room and stick to it since he didn't want any more complaining and he told them to decorate the rooms and put their names on the doors. And two, when I was younger I couldn't remember which room was mine so they put a label for mine and the bathroom." He explained.

She made a face of realization and signed, ~"Ok. Makes sense."~

"Well, do you need any help?"

She shakes her head.

"Alright then. I'm going to put my stuff away. Just come to my room if you need something."

She nods and gently opens the door and he goes to his room.

She looks at the room in awe for a moment thinking, "Hitoshi would like this."

"He would huh?" Min asks.

~"Yea. I think so. Do you think he's safe Min?"~

"I think he can handle himself pretty well and plus what about those people at the market? I'm sure they keep an eye on him."

~"I just hope they find him soon.'~

"I'm sure they will. But for now why don't we get your stuff situated?"

~"But, they didn't say I could touch anything."~

"C'mon I'm sure they won't make a big deal. At least put your clothes in this dresser here."

She sighs and walks over to the dresser and opens the bottom drawer. She grabs her clothes and folds them neatly and places them in the drawer, gently closing it afterwards.

She then places her bag against the nightstand and takes out a sketchbook, a sharpener, an eraser, and a few pencils. She makes herself comfortable on the floor rather than using the desk and chair that's in there and starts to sketch different people. The first being Hitoshi. Followed closely by a sketch of when she was sitting on the couch and Nem did her hair as Shota was on the floor and Hizashi was telling the story of how they all met.

Tenya and Nezu walk to the room seeing the door open and her on the floor drawing.

Nezu knocks on the frame but she doesn't hear since she's so focused.

He tries again, still no answer.

"Hey, Elly!" Min says.

She stops and looks up at him.

He points behind her.

She sits up and turns around.

~"Sorry I didn't notice. I was so focused on the sketch I was doing."~

"That's quite alright. I understand. But, why were you on the floor rather than using the desk and chair? Isn't it uncomfortable?" He questions.

~"Not really. But, I didn't know I was allowed to touch anything."~

"Oh, of course you are my pup." Nezu says with his tone dropping the cheer a bit that only someone who's been around him enough to tell would know before it went back and he said, "You can touch and use whatever you'd like. No need to ask permission. This is your room here after all."

She nods in understanding.

"Speaking of your drawing, may we see it?" Nezu asks.

She picks up her sketchbook and hands it to him.

~"It's still not finished but those are the basics."~

"It's wonderful!!" He says in delight as the girl blushes and turns her head.

"Wait, is that from last night when auntie was doing your hair?!" Tenya asks, surprised.

"M-mhm..." She hums.

"It truly is amazing. Especially since it's in a whole other perspective as if someone was watching from a camera above!"

She blushes more in embarrassment and lets her bangs cover her face.

"Th-thank-k y-you b-both-th..." She says softly.

"Of course my pup. It really is magnificent!" He says both intrigued and delighted at the same time handing it back.

She takes it and sets it, along with the pencils, eraser, and sharpener on the nightstand.

"I was going to go ahead and get started on lunch since it might take a bit. Why don't you both go downstairs and watch some T.V?"

"Alright." Tenya says.

She smiles.

"Great. By the way we're having Yakitori."

"Sounds great!" Tenya says.

Elly nods.

"Ok then!" Nezu says cheerily now heading back downstairs and towards the kitchen.

Tenya soon follows behind to go to the living room as Elly grabs a few hero notebooks and a few pencils.

She looks down the stairs with dread washing over.

When Tenya reaches the bottom he turns to her.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

She just nods and slowly goes down the stairs holding the railing.

He watches her closely but doesn't say a word.

When she got down she gave him a smile as confirmation to keep going and he did.

He led her to the living room and sat on the couch. She took a seat beside him as he flipped through the channels.

When he found the channel he was looking for he said, "Look, it's uncle Hizashi and uncle Shota.

She saw them fighting a villain that seemed familiar.

She flipped through her notebooks till she found the villain and tapped Tenya's shoulder.

He looked at her and she tapped the page then pointed to the T.V.

He understood what she meant and asked, "Is that the villain from two years ago they put in prison?"

She nodded her head as she drew what was happening on the T.V.

Tenya got up and went to Nezu.

"Uncles are fighting that one villain from 2 years ago!"

"The one that got put in prison for armed robbery and illegal quirk usage?"

"That seems to be him according to Elly."

"Oh, I do hope they can get him back!"

"Me too." Tenya agreed. Then they heard Hizashi's undeniable scream. But it sounded different.

It sounded like he was screaming in terror and anger. Nezu and Tenya gave each other a look and then quickly washed his paws as Tenya sped over to the living room unintentionally using his quirk as Nezu came as fast as he could.

Elly looked shocked and worried and mad all at once.

"What happened?" Nezu asked her.

All she could do was continue to stare at the T.V and pointed to it with a shaky hand.

They both turned to the T.V seeing an almost unconscious Shota who was bleeding out from gun shots and Hizashi in dispeare and anger trying to fight off the villain while trying to keep an eye on Shota.

On the T.V they heard Hizashi shout, \"I NEED ASSISTANCE NOW AND AN AMBULANCE THERE'S A HERO DOWN!!"\ As he was trying his hardest to not have a complete breakdown as he fought the villain. (A/N: Man ngl I felt cringe writing Zahi's part there.💀)

Hizashi used his quirk again right as other heroes came and made the villain fall unconscious. Once he knew that they had the villain in custody they saw him rush over to Shota and check his pulse.

\"Eraserhead?"\ Hizashi said. \"C'mon Eraserhead stay awake! They'll be here soon I can hear them!!"\

Then the camera panned to the ambulance. And it showed paramedics getting out with a stretcher and talking.

\"Sir could you please step away?"\ A paramedic asked.

Hizashi looks at them with tear filled eyes then back down to Shota. He gently set his head down and got up and backed away a bit.

He mumbles something that only Elly could hear. He mumbled \"Don't leave us Sho, we can't lose you too..."\


After a few minutes of getting the bleeding to stop and getting him stable they put him on the stretcher and wheel him inside.

\"Would you like to come with us Present Mic?"\ A different paramedic asked.

Hizashi nodded immediately.

\"Alright, we're going to the Hosu General Hospital."\

Hizashi nods again as Nezu texts that they'll be there shortly.


When Nezu and the kids got there Hizashi was anxiously pacing round in circles.

Elly hated hospitals but she could put aside her issues for now when there's something much more important.

"Zashi." Nezu says with sympathy in his voice.

Hizashi didn't respond nor notice they were there.

Tenya and Nezu looked at each other before Tenya said, "Uncle we're here."

Still no reply. Or even so much as a glace. Stuck in his head.

"He doesn't hear them. What he needs is a physical comfort. Maybe if I hug him..? Would it even be ok? I'm just going to try." She thinks to herself.

She slowly walks over to him as Nezu watches with interest and Tenya with confusion.

"Elly, I don't thin-" Tenya gets interrupted.

"Shh, I wanna see if this works." Nezu says. (Bro really said- 💀🤣)

Tenya looks at him slightly bewildered but just looks back.

Elly gets closer and then at the right moment she hugs Hizashi.

He stops in his tracks and looks down at the girl. Tears already running like a faucet now come down like a heavy rain shower as he bends down and picks her up and hugs her back.

"Th-thank-ks. B-but wh-what-t're you do-doing by yours-self-f?" He asks.

She shakes her head and points at Nezu and Tenya.


He sits on a chair while she sits on his lap and Tenya takes another chair a Nezu opts to stand in front of Hizashi.

"I-I'm s-sorr-ry I-I d-didn't-t n-not-tic-ce."

"It's quite alright my pup. Why don't you take a few deep breaths to help you feel better, hm?" Nezu suggests.

Hizashi nods and does as told.

"Better uncle?" Tenya asked.

"Y-yea, th-thank-ks. I-it's j-jus-st wh-what-t i-if-" And he was cut off.

"We can think of 1000 what if negative reasons in a moment of panic and despair but what about the positives? What if he'll be perfectly fine and when he wakes up he'll already be wanting to go home?" Nezu interjects.

"I-I-I guess-s y-your righ-ght-t." Hizashi chuckles a bit.

"There you go!" Nezu says.

Just then a doctor comes out.

"Are you four here for Shota Aizawa?"

When he walked up to them Elly immediately hid her face while clinging to Hizashi's jacket.

"Yes, how is he?"

"The good news is he's perfectly fine. We've managed to get the bullet out without any problems and patch him up. The bad news is even though it wasn't that deep we'd still like to keep him overnight or two just to make sure everything's fine since he lost quite a bit of blood."

"We understand thank you." Nezu says.

"No problem you're welcome to go see him, he's awake."

As soon as the doctor said that, Hizashi got up still holding Elly and went straight into Shota's room with no hesitation.

"Excuse him. They're inseparable." Nezu says.

"No, no, I quite understand. I'll be going. Also if he gets hungry or thirsty he can eat and drink. Just not anything large."

"Of course." Nezu says.

Then he and Tenya go in while the doctor goes to see a different patient.

Hizashi was hugging Shota and sobbing again as Shota just patted his back.

"Zash, calm down, I'm ok. It wasn't even that deep, they said." Shota says, trying to calm him.

"I-I know b-but sti-ill! Y-you had w-went u-unconscious-s and lo-ost a lot of b-bloo-od!"

"I'm fine Hizashi. I just want to go home and eat and take a nap."

"Unfortunately they said you have to stay overnight or two." Nezu says.

"Great~ just my luck." Shota sighs.

"But we can ask if they'll get you some food if you'd like, along with you Hizashi, guessing that neither of you had gone on lunch break." Nezu says.

"What about you and the kids?" Hizashi says.

"Well I was going to make Yakitori but that can wait for dinner. I can go down to the cafeteria with the kids if they'd like and get us some food."

Hizashi was about to refuse but Nezu held up his paw.

"Just tell me what you'd like."

Hizashi sighed in defeat and looked at Shota.

"I think you already know to just tell him what you want Zash.

So Hizashi tells Nezu what he wants.

"Excellent! Elly, would you like to come with us?" Nezu asks.

They're testing me again. If I don't go they'll probably get mad even though I hate elevators..." She quickly thinks. Then nods.

"Alright. We'll be back soon enough."

So they head to the elevator but on their way Nezu asked Someone if they could give Shota food and then they continued. When they got there Nezu pressed the down button.

"Step back in case others are on the elevator." Nezu says.

They all step back.

Sure enough some people were on the elevator.

When they all got off the three of them got in.

"Could you press the ground floor button for me Elly?" Nezu asks her.

She looks in front of her and presses the button with one hand while her other is stubly gripping a rail tightly.

So tight they turn a brighter white.

Her face seems to pale a bit as the elevator goes down.

When they stopped she let go and got out first but not in an impolite way it's just cause she was the closest.

She could feel herself trembling a bit mostly in her legs.

Nezu led the way to the cafeteria.

"Ok I'll get mine and Hizashi's food, you kids find what you want don't worry I'll pay for it." And with that he went to find the things Hizashi wanted.

"Come on, I'll show you what they have." Tenya says as she just follows.

As Tenya was showing her he got a few things.

"And here's the soups and pasta section."

She looked around and spotted a few things she liked and walked to them.

She picked up a soba container.

"Is that what you want?" He asked.

She looked at the price. It was relatively cheap.

She nodded.

"Alright, is that it, before we get you a side dish and drink?

She nods again.

"Ok." He says and leads her to the fruits and veggies section where they meet up with Nezu.

"Here already?" Nezu asked.

"Yes, we have everything else."

"Alright then get what you want and we can checkout."

Tenya quickly finds what he wants and gets it while she takes a bit longer.

"Where's the cheapest thing I like?" She thinks. "Oh, the strawberries. Ok, I love strawberries."


(A/N:  I hope you enjoyed! I'll try to get chap 4 of this and 10 of the other ASAP. ALso just wanna say they're are TW {or Trigger Warnings} I may or may not have forgot to put but I'll TRY not promise but TRY to remember to put. Angsty. Bye my wolves!)

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